Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 185 Gramophone

Shouldn't there be some fun in wartime?

During World War II, when the front-line soldiers were fighting desperately, the politicians in the rear were intoxicated by jazz music. They didn’t care about anyone except themselves. They enjoyed the happiness provided by the material to their bodies and were proud of it. There are so few People, they are reluctant to die and want to enjoy this kind of life for a long time, so they start to pursue eternal life.

Those who cannot face death are cowards, and her husband is a brave man who plays himself as a coward. He was afraid of werewolves, but he stood bravely in front of the children. He was ashamed to mention his panicked appearance, thinking it was a shame, but Pomona thought he was cute, and what he did was comparable to Those who boast of their own merits are much more down-to-earth and humble.

Although they had only been separated for less than a morning, she began to miss him, a Slytherin who was always alone in her memory and not very good-looking.

He was quite pitiful at that time, but she would not want to kiss that snot-nosed man who was always protected by Lily. What she admired was the old bat who was not to be messed with, but it was a pity that he finally made some achievements. Everything he got over the years was taken away.

After he lost his prestige, from Draco's sixth year, Death Eaters and pure bloodism revived again in Slytherin. Not only Draco, but even Crabbe felt that it was an honor to play for the Dark Lord. At that time, Mona was exhausted from keeping the pure-blooded children in her academy from joining, and Hufflepuff was good at playing dumb, so she didn't realize that Barty Crouch Jr. would be a Death Eater , he even deceived his father, and at this time, the children playing carefree under the protection of their parents made her worry.

"During the last war, many Muggle-born wizards were killed, and they all hid in their homes, a place they thought was safe." Narcissa walked to her side, and looked at the star full of decorations together. Christmas tree "A house can't stop intruders without defensive magic. Wizards without an old house are as easy to kill as Muggles. That Marlene McKinnon family was killed."

Although Arthur Weasley is not very smart, he is very loyal. During the Christmas holidays, Harry will not return to his home on Privet Drive. Few people stay at school. Harry spends it together, when Sirius is restless and wants to join the battle, and the Weasleys spend the holidays at Black's old house, they are really good at bringing joy and warmth to others.

"Sissy, do you think I'm too cruel to Draco?"

It's easy to be distracted just by mentioning Draco Narcissa Malfoy, she smiled and shook her head, "You are better than Severus in educating people, I have heard that you are Hufflepuff for so many years The best dean, and he has also taught students who can participate in the Triwizard Tournament, I have also seen Cedric Diggory, he is a very good boy, his father can't teach such a child."

Pomona thought of the father who boasted about his son, who had aged so fast the last time she had seen Amers Diggory.

"I heard that Hogwarts paid his old father a large sum of compensation for Cedric's death. That sum should be enough for him to move out of the crappy house he lived in." Narcissa was a little cruel Like she's a real Malfoy, so to speak.

"The last time I saw him, Amers was aging very quickly. I think he wanted Cedric to live more than the compensation."

"That's right, Dumbledore knew how much we valued children to let the Ministry run amok at Hogwarts, Doris Umbridge was the worst Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher I've ever seen, Draco was in He basically didn't learn anything in school, and he still doesn't even have a Patronus."

"Don't worry, the dementors are no longer guarding Azkaban."

"I just feel very angry. If you can't learn something in school, and even have to face so many dangers, why send them to school." Narcissa couldn't control her temper and said, "We can definitely invite families by ourselves." teacher."

"Is this what I do to you? Sissy, a tutor?" Pomona couldn't help but get annoyed.

"Honey, you are my child's godmother. If Lucius and I die, you will still take care of Draco, just like Sirius took care of Harry Potter." Narcissa said with a sweet smile.

"Oh, hell!" Pomona couldn't help cursing, "Are you going to punish me?"

"Aren't you feeling bad conscience at all? I can't believe you're dating two men at the same time."


"Dare you say you're not at all attracted to Sirius?" Narcissa asked aggressively, "He's so handsome, two girls even fought a duel for him, at Billy's Christmas party."

Pomona was speechless, for Sirius Black was very, very handsome indeed, especially when stared into by those smoky eyes.

"Oh! God, you're really tempted!" Narcissa Malfoy opened her eyes wide in disbelief.

"You don't understand, Severus is great, I'm nothing, he can dump me anytime he gets tired of it, and he always has Lily in his heart."

"You are torturing him, Pomona, let that undead rest in peace." Narcissa yelled.

"It's easy to say, Sissy, can you forget about Lucius' past?" Pomona felt a punch in the stomach. Lily is her friend, and it feels great to spend the summer vacation with her up.

Pomona loves Sherlock Holmes, visited Buckingham Palace, and together fed the Queen's swans by the river, which is how her patron saint came to be.

"You know how I felt when I heard about Severus' death? Lupine the werewolf was luckier than him, he had at least one woman with him to the end, but Severus had nothing in the Order of the Phoenix Got it, only the posthumous Order of Merlin, which is meaningless to him at all." Narcissa covered her nose with a handkerchief, her eyes filled with tears, "We can't even attend his funeral, but those Those who hated him during his lifetime can, but the misunderstanding has been clarified, and he is with them."

"I don't think you want to go to that funeral full of victors." Pomona disgusted. She was very unhappy when Umbridge attended Dumbledore's funeral. For a political show, her tears were fake.

"You know I don't like Ginny very much, but I still like her a little bit. She is a smart girl who knows how to fight for what she wants. She doesn't just wait like you." Narcissa took a box and came over. "Although A little early, but this is my Christmas present to you guys."

Only then did Pomona remember that she hadn't prepared holiday gifts for Hannah Albert and Narcissa yet.

"I'm sorry, Sissy..."

"It's okay, you changed our lives." Narcissa wiped away her tears and said with a forced smile, "Do you know how we spent Christmas last year?"

"Why did you send me off early?"

"Open it and have a look."

Pomona opened the silver and green box, which contained a gold phonograph.

"You can go to the record store and buy your favorite records, instead of waiting for the radio to play your favorite music, Pomona, I believe Muggles are also Christmas, buy your favorite while they are still open record."

"It's a mess now, and I'm scared alone." She stroked the emerald bracelet on her wrist, and she was also afraid of death now.

"You can take a house-elf with you, and it will at least take you away."

Pomona thought of Dobby, the free elf, who hated Kreacher very much, but for Harry Potter he had to abandon his resentment and cooperate with Kreacher, but in order to save Harry, Ron, and Hermione, in order to save Harry, Ron, and Hermione, Stabbed in the chest by Bellatrix with a silver dagger during apparition, and finally died in battle.

"I'm sorry Sissy, Severus broke the double-sided mirror in your house." It was a mirror made by goblins, protected by a magic contract, and it couldn't be broken by ordinary external force.

"The two-way mirror in Black's house?" Narcissa asked confusedly, "Why did he break it?"

"Sirius is old with him." Pomona sighed. Sirius and Harry could contact Harry in the safe house, but he wanted to use it in the old house of the Black family.

When Harry was going to use the double-sided mirror to contact the person on the other side of the mirror, he found that his side was broken. Fortunately, the fragment was still usable.

"This seems like another story, right? Let's talk about it next time, honey!" Narcissa shouted.

"Yes, Mrs. Malfoy." Honey appeared with a "poof".

"Protect your mistress from shopping, there are enough people here."

Pomona glanced at Hannah Albert, who was having fun with the children under the Christmas tree, and planned to come to her after changing her clothes.

Only the closest friends were allowed in that villa, and she would not take anyone back without the permission of the secret keeper.

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