Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1837: Witch and Demon Association (13)

If Severus had just extended the border of Britain to France instead of moving the border of eastern France to the Rhine River, then Zhang Tao might not have thought of Napoleon, but the Hundred Years War between Britain and France.

During this period, Paris was not the capital of France, but in the Loire Valley. Because of Joan of Arc's bravery and combat, the city of Orleans was taken back from the British, and the French regained their confidence and followed Joan all the way north to recover the city of Orleans. French occupied lands.

As a result, the border between Britain and France has to be redrawn again. Many people equate the strength of a country with the size of its territory. The larger the territory, the stronger the national power. In order to achieve this goal, sometimes the monarch will launch wars abroad.

Alexander, Caesar, Attila, Genghis Khan, Timur, etc., becoming a conqueror is the dream of many men, but it is not so easy to keep such a vast territory and maintain its integrity. The once powerful Roman Empire has now been disintegrated into large and small countries. "Dominion" is different from "domination". Dominion's rule is "King's Landing", while domination is more brutal control or domination.

Spartacus was a Thracian. He was captured when Rome invaded northern Greece, but instead of working in quarries or farms like ordinary people, he became a gladiator, relying on bloody performances" Entertaining" the citizens of Rome.

Later, he mobilized his companions to seize weapons and fled to Mount Vesuvius to launch an uprising. The uprising team quickly grew from 70 gladiators to more than 100,000 people, and defeated the Roman army that came to suppress it many times. Faced with such an overwhelming offensive by the rebel army, the Roman Senate had to declare a state of emergency and ordered the famous Roman general Gelasus to lead an army to suppress it. In order to prevent rebellion in the army, Crassus restored the ancient "law of eleven killings". During the Battle of Brution, he dug a large trench with both ends leading to the sea on the retreat road behind the rebel army, cutting off the Spartacus retreated back to Italy and bribed the pirates so that they would not provide ships to transport Spartacus's army to Sicily. This war caused Spartacus to lose two-thirds of his army , and the uprising in full swing also began to turn from prosperity to decline at this time.

Generally speaking, as long as people with normal thinking will not deify themselves, but emperors such as Augustus will deify themselves to consolidate the legitimacy of their rule. The pharaoh will claim to be the son of the god Ra. The emperor will also call himself the son of heaven, and the grand enthronement ceremony and the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven are to achieve this purpose. People who have accepted the Enlightenment will certainly not believe it, but those who have not accepted the Enlightenment or are in ignorance will find it reasonable. People who fall into frenzy cannot wake up with a basin of cold water. On June 13, 1936, when Hitler participated in the sailing ceremony of a warship in Hamburg, the people and Gong people on the side were saluting the "Führer". However, there was one person in the group with his arms folded and a smile on his face, looking dismissive.

He was not caught at the scene, but the photos gave him evidence, and the SS immediately investigated the man. Later, people learned that the reason for his rudeness was because he was in love with a Jewish girl at the time. According to the "Nuremberg Laws" passed by the German Parliament in 1935, Germans are prohibited from marrying Jews.

In this way, two young men were arrested, and their daughter was lucky enough to live until after the war. One of them inherited his father's surname, and the other inherited his mother's surname.

The Germans at that time were not superstitious about God. They had received scientific education, and even trained many top scientists and doctors.

The "dispute over etiquette" in the Qing Dynasty can be understood as the struggle between "Chinese centralism" and "Christian centrism". Christianity made the Gauls and Germans, who were called barbarians by the Romans, what they are today. In the Book of Enoch Of the fallen angels recorded, Simzas not only taught humans how to plant, but also taught them spells and the way to cut roots. When building cities, trees will be uprooted. Humans used to train elephants in this way. They would put a chain on it from a young age, making it feel that it could not break free, and would be punished if it tried to break free. Even though the elephant could easily break the chain that held him, he still dared not break free.

Etiquette requires women to wear a kind of jewelry called banbu. If they walk too fast or take too big steps, banbu will jingle. With a pleasant voice, girls have to learn to "walk" from an early age. They could not run, they could not jump, and of course they could not ride horses and fight like boys.

The Li family in the Tang Dynasty recognized Lao Tzu as their ancestor in order to wash away their Xianbei lineage so that they could integrate into the civilization of the Central Plains. The Manchus were domesticated by the Confucianism, but they were still unwilling to integrate into the Chinese civilization. The author of Dream of Red Mansions may miss the life in the Grand View Garden in the past, but those days have become a thing of the past.

The women in the Grand View Garden seem to be full of flowers, but they are also rootless plants. They are not monkey grandchildren, and they can disperse separately when the tree falls. Once the Cao family they are attached to is over, they will also end up miserable. The wonderful jade that can descend the gods was taken away by the robbers. What's the use of being able to communicate with ghosts and gods?

If it used to be the struggle between Christianism and Chinese doctrine, with the weakening of these two forces, the rise of consumerism and post-colonialism began to replace it. Post-colonialism mainly studies the differences between the suzerain country and the former colonies and the third world. Complex links with colonialism. Even if those colonies became independent, they still left traces of the former suzerain, and even the United States continued the representative system and common law of the United Kingdom.

Chinese people do not recognize the God of Christianity. If they treated the missionaries with courtesy in the "state of etiquette" at the beginning, the original translation of rome is "Roma" after the rebellion. Gone, the horse became a mule and a horse, Catholicism also became "God's name", Kangxi changed "Jiaohuawang" to "Beggarwang", and changed all the characters that could be replaced with "犭" up.

Voltaire mentioned in "On Customs": China does not believe in God. We slander the Chinese only because their metaphysics is not our metaphysics. In fact, we should appreciate the two strengths of the Chinese people, that is, to condemn the pagans. superstition, and also condemned Christian customary law. The religion of Chinese Confucian scholars has never been spoiled by nonsensical myths, nor has it been polluted by political-religious disputes and civil wars.

When we believe falsehoods, we commit atrocities.

Rich people in ancient times would also buy children, soak them in mercury, and bury them with their owners. Their purpose of doing this was to believe that child ghosts could protect themselves and their buried belongings.

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, there were also many monarchs who believed that Feng Shui could bring good luck. As a result, they spent a lot of money on repairing tombs, which led to the drying up of the national treasury. It was also annexed by other countries.

In feudalism, there was enfeoffment followed by construction. It was Zhou Tianzi who bestowed the country on them. At the beginning, Qin State let the horses go. Later, Bi Mawen also unified the world. The construction of the Qin State is multi-faceted, not only the Great Wall but also water conservancy. Qin respects the virtue of water, and water can benefit the people. Millennium is still in use.

People in the Tang Dynasty paid attention to Fengshui. People in the Qin and Han Dynasties built palaces corresponding to the stars in the sky, and took another idea of ​​"harmony between man and nature". However, the Afang Palace was burned down, so it was impossible to see it In the past, Qin Shihuang built the palace that was used as a cage for the nobles of the six countries.

After Xiang Yu defeated the Qin army in Julu, the remaining six-nation coalition forces planned to go back to their respective homes and restore the previous territory. After all, living in a beautiful palace as a prisoner is not as comfortable as going back to be a king.

Napoleon entrusted his brothers and relatives to become the king of Spain and the Netherlands. If time passes, perhaps his son will also face the "Seven Kingdoms Rebellion" with Emperor Han Jing, but that is already within the scope of "unification". The "Rome" is not a good thing for other civilizations.

There is a game called Chasing the Deer. Women don't like it, but men are addicted to it.

The four styles of military strategists are divided into military strategy, military situation, military yin and yang, and military skill.

The situation of the soldiers is thunderous, and the late ones come first.

Xiang Yu only had three days' rations with him when he launched the shipwreck. Napoleon was hungry when he led the French army over the Alps. At that time, France did not have horses or enough rations. He was a robber without a doubt, but a man was not so human when he was starving to death.

Perhaps morality will continue to change according to the needs of the times, but the evil of human nature has never changed.

When the believers who participated in the devil worship knelt down, fell into madness, and prayed loudly, the deacons slit the throat of the "lamb", and the blood flowed out from the wound and sprayed everywhere. Instead of feeling dirty, these people feel very excited, and it seems that all exhaustion has disappeared.

The sin of the flesh is impossible for angels, so Christian theology believes that they will not make intellectual and purely spiritual mistakes. After Lucifer fell, he did not give birth to "giants" with human women as written in the Book of Enoch .

The so-called banned books and apocryphal scriptures are banned for a reason, not because they contain ulterior secrets.

Even though the fallen angel Simzas grants people the authority to rule, Alazir represents Dominion, it seems very powerful, but they are not very high-level monsters after all, Simzas may be more powerful, Alazir It's just a clerk. Could it be that a fist as big as a casserole can't beat a scholar?


After Severus got the rest of the photos in the camera, Zhang Tao agreed after thinking about it for a long time, and the two went back to find Alejandro together.

After decades of being teachers, they have all practiced a unique skill. They can distinguish the scribbled handwriting of the students who fooled ghosts. When they did their homework, they did not hold a seance ceremony to write automatically.

If they believed in ghosts and theology, they might do their homework thinking that if only a ghost could do it for them.

So who is punishing whom in this homework?

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