Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1829: Witch and Demon Association (5)

Hogwarts has a clock tower, and every time the huge pendulum shakes, it makes a mechanical sound, but the Brocade pendulum under the vault of the Pantheon does not make any sound.

This huge single pendulum experimental device is placed on a round marble, and a transparent table is placed on top of the marble. It is said that in order to reduce the interference from external forces, the suspension device of the steel cable has also undergone special treatment to avoid such things as friction. force and so on affect the experimental data.

The same is true when people play Ouija boards. Perhaps the devil and Satan did not come to make trouble, but the partners who played this game secretly did something.

In the past ignorant times, there were often "magic" performances of one kind or another. The famous one was to let a boy get into a basket, and someone outside would stick a sword into it, blood would ooze out, and then "magic" "Master" recited a spell, and the boy got out of the basket alive.

In the eyes of contemporary people, this is just a magic show, but people at that time believed it was true, thinking that magicians really knew magic.

The principle of Foucault's pendulum comes from inertia, which is Newton's first law. All objects always keep moving in a straight line without external force. In 1851, when Foucault burned the thin wire binding the copper ball, the copper ball Instead of leaving a straight line trace on the sand table below it, it drew a complex pattern as if drawing a flower.

This experiment has ensured that there will be no interference from other forces, so people have come to the conclusion that the earth is indeed rotating. Human beings can’t feel the earth’s rotation because their perception of uniform motion depends on changes in the relative positions between themselves and other objects. When the trees outside the car window recede, people feel the motion. If the scenery outside the car window remains unchanged, People can't judge whether they are moving according to their own acceleration. And because the angular velocity of the earth's motion is too small, human beings can't feel it either.

The Indonesian tsunami changed the speed of the earth's rotation, which is meaningless to most people, but it is a major event for the calendar. The error caused by the astronomical clock is getting bigger and bigger, and the atomic clock needs to be adjusted.

Just like Zou Yan adjusted the calendar of Yan Kingdom, but the method he used was not to observe the shadow of the sun, nor to use quantum mechanics, but an ancient oriental secret art of yin and yang, which is why traditional Chinese medicine has long been regarded as witchcraft s reason.

The "acupoints" of acupuncture and moxibustion are not gathering places of blood vessels or nerves at all. If people refuse to believe it, someone uses acupuncture to perform craniotomy, and the patient is awake and painless during the whole process.

According to what Zhang Tao said before, the five tones were mentioned in the "Huangdi Neijing". These five tones are Gong, Shang, Jiao, Zheng, and Yu, which correspond to the spleen, lung, liver, heart, and kidney of the human body. Each organ has its own attributes. , the spleen belongs to earth, the lungs belong to metal, the liver belongs to wood, the heart belongs to fire, and the kidney belongs to water.

Voltaire's heart is in the library, which is impossible in the Pantheon. After Prometheus, the son of the Titan God, stole fire from the sky and gave it to humans, and humans learned to use fire, Zeus, the supreme ruler god, was very annoyed. In addition to punishing Prometheus for being tied to a mountain and having his liver eaten by an eagle, Zeus Decided to punish human beings and let disasters befall the world.

The first woman made of clay by Hephaestus, the gods gave her a gift that made her more attractive: Hephaestus, the god of fire, made her a gorgeous golden robe; Lodite gave her the power to charm and seduce men; Hermes, the messenger of the gods, taught her the skills of speech.

Her name is Pandora, and she opened the magic box because she couldn't control her curiosity.

Hephaestus is the god of fire, stone masonry, carving art and blacksmith with exceptional craftsmanship in ancient Greek mythology, and one of the twelve main gods of Olympus. He is the son of Zeus and Hera. He is good at building temples and making various weapons and metal products.

The Pantheon is very much in the style of the Pantheon in Rome. It looks very magnificent. People always spend a lot of effort to take care of and maintain things that they regard as solemn and sacred.

Hogwarts hadn't been cleaned carefully for many years. If it weren't for the Triwizard Tournament, it wouldn't have been cleaned. In order to clean it, a lot of cleaning agents were placed in the broom.

When the sunlight penetrated through the glass and shone on her body, she seemed to become an angel in the painting.

It's just different from the serious snow-white female sculpture standing on the marble pedestal at the moment holding a sharp sword and worshiped by many people. Her clothes were half undressed, revealing her white lace underwear, and her skin was a healthy pink.

Those eyes were full of tears, and his eyes were a little dazed, as if his mind had become even more dull.

Occasionally he would hear students running past the door, but he didn't really care that much.

He bowed his head and kissed her. If she was pregnant, would their child still study at Hogwarts? Would it be weird for parents to be their own teachers?

When he found the part left to Pomona from the will left by Dumbledore, he did not hesitate to open the letters between Dumbledore and Grindelwald that could be used as evidence, or A testimony of their love. They clearly record how a human fell in love with a fallen angel.

He never felt that there was anything immoral about doing this, since everything about her was his anyway, and it took a process for her to accept that Albus was gay, because she had to accept that she had been cheated by Dumbledore.

The "White Wizard" was not the kind of person she thought, and what she knew was not the real Dumbledore, which was harder for her to accept than his orientation.

The Ouija board and the crystal ball were actually in Pomona's pocket, and Severus sorted them out and put them in his pocket, as if sorting out relics.

Maybe when he got home that day, to his hermitage in the wilderness, it would all be over.

They were all dead, both Pomona and the child in her womb.

Instead of dreaming of angels and demons and her being seduced by a French ghost who defected to Italy, he should have accepted that reality.

Only people in a madhouse would think that way, a logically consistent madman would not feel crazy himself.

The right thing to do was to find Peter Pepiru, smash him to pieces, and smash him into pieces.

He couldn't stand living on the same planet as Wormtail.

It was a mistake that had to be corrected, and when it was done he was like Cain, who had to wander alone because of the unforgivable sin.

Everyone is talking about freedom, why can't he be free? He doesn't want to bear as much as Dumbledore. Look how tired the "White Wizard" is.

He is also tired of being the teacher who catches children who violate school rules at night. In the future, they can go out at night or skip classes as much as they want. Order needs people who follow the rules, and if they don't want to follow the rules, they will return to chaos. After Dumbledore left, Umbridge became the headmaster, the school was full of dung, people used curses everywhere in the corridors, and sooner or later those "pranks" would escalate, and who cares when it comes to revenge.

Just get used to it, maybe it was because of that experience that he was able to adapt so quickly to the dirty Paris at the end of the 18th century.

An accusation without evidence was a false accusation, and it was clear that Potter, coming from the Muggle world, had no idea what the witchcraft allegations were really about.

Americans promote "CREATED EQUAL" everywhere. Unlike the "Declaration of Independence", the US Constitution does not mention the Creator or "God of Nature".

The framers of the constitution tacitly accepted that the moral order of religious belief supports the political order, and the moral order, that is, the order of the soul, can restrain one's own behavior.

But this "sage rule law" will not be resisted by people soon, not only the rulers, but also the ruled. Who can bear the feeling of restraining their desires all the time and not being able to do whatever they want?

At present, the more recognized families in the United States include the Kennedy family, the Roosevelt family, the Adams family and the current President's family.

The Adams family is one of the founding fathers of the United States. John Adams once participated in the formulation of the Declaration of Independence, and it is said that Samuel Adams instigated the Boston Tea Party. John’s son, John Quincy Adams, was the sixth president of the United States, but His greater achievement was taking Florida from Spain when he was Secretary of State James Monroe, so some people joked that the Adams family was the first dynasty in American history.

The Roosevelt family has a longer history than the United States. This family is the descendant of Dutch immigrants. When New York was established, it was not called New York at that time, but it was called New Amsterdam for a long time. It has taken root for a long time. Most of the real estate was owned by the Roosevelt family, and both Theodore Roosevelt and Franklin Roosevelt served as presidents of the United States.

The other two families belong to rising stars, but it is not necessarily true to say that the position of the President of the United States has been monopolized by powerful people. Reagan is an example. He was an actor and was already 70 when he entered the White House. It is difficult for him to do the same thing as Franklin Roosevelt. contribute.

But he is an excellent speaker, created a lot of political jokes, the media called him a "great communicator". People believe that he insists on the value and power of freedom. When he gave a speech at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, he also said that he would sweep the Soviet Union into the dustbin of history.

The current Mr. President said that rulers should be caged, and Reagan also said in Congress that power should be caged. He read the Constitutions of many countries, including the Soviet Union. People may be surprised I have to find out that they also have a "Constitution" and yes, they also grant some freedoms to the people.

Many countries have clearly written in black and white in the constitution, to give people freedom of speech and freedom of assembly. If this is true, then why is the US Constitution so special?

In fact, the difference is very small, so small that you may ignore it, but it is very remarkable. The answer is three words: we the people.

Other governments tell the people what they can and cannot do, our Constitution is our people telling the government what it can do, and the government can only do what this document authorizes it to do, and nothing else.

In fact, the revolutions in other parts of the world are just changing from one emperor to another. Only the revolution in the United States has achieved for the first time that the people can be the masters, and the government is just a servant.

Who ever saw a servant stronger than a master? If this is the case, then the master has been emptied, just a puppet.

Not all servants are loyal servants, and there are also those who steal wealth from the foolish master's house.

There are even Lord Devourers like Severus, how many Kingslayers live in this Pantheon?

At this moment, footsteps echoed in the empty hall.

"Just you?" Xenophilius asked.

"I want to ask you a question." Severus asked without looking back. "You study the Deathly Hallows because you want to resurrect your wife?"

Xenophilius did not answer.

"Those three things are actually man-made alchemy items," Severus continued. "How are you doing over there?"

"What do you want that stone for?" Xenophilius asked.

"Have you ever heard of the legend about the former origin of Notre-Dame de Paris?" He asked Xenophilius, but he didn't want his answer that much, and said self-sufficiently, "There used to be a fountain in that place, There is a sculpture in the fountain with a line that says, come close, makeover, if my water is not enough, go to the temple, the goddess you summon will prepare you for the water of eternal life, I believe in the stone in your hand It's in that fountain."

"You mean this?" Lovegood took the unremarkable-looking rock out of his messenger bag.

Severus didn't answer.

"Take it." Xenophilius threw the stone to him, "I'm leaving."

"What don't you want?" Severus asked.

"I know what it's like to be blackmailed." Xenophilius said, "Pandora, you know, I'm only left with Luna. After the Death Eaters take her away, I will do anything as long as she can come back." .”

"She was later engaged to Scamander's grandson."

"I know." Xenophilius said nervously, "I'm going to start my new life."

"You didn't join them because of the Deathly Hallows?" Severus asked.

"Only a lunatic would believe that. I think you are as crazy as I am now."

Severus had nothing to say.

"Good luck, Snape, next time you don't have to do the Slytherin thing," Xenophilius said, and left the Pantheon.

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