Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1827: Witch and Demon Association (3)

On the Astronomy Tower that day, Albus Dumbledore stood there so weak, with a pleading face, looking very pitiful.

In fact, when he talked about this matter in his office, he gave Severus a seemingly "reasonable" reason. He asked Severus to kill him to help an old man solve his pain. A play to gain Voldemort's trust.

Yes, acting, the "old guys" seem to be good at this, including this wizard from the east, they will give the young people a false impression that they can be trusted, and they can tell them anything from the bottom of their hearts.

Harry Potter was fooled by this, he really regarded Dumbledore as a "mentor", but later the mentor pointed him to a dead end.

People like them tend to reach out when others are vulnerable and in need of help, to make them let go of their guards. When others trust him, superstition will arise.

The key to superstition is not to tell right from wrong. A man from the East must be different from a Ravenclaw girl like Cho Chang.

Men and women are different, and it is precisely because of this that the little maid who predicted "the heroine King Wu" in the mouths of Yuan Tiangang and Li Chunfeng escaped the butcher's knife of Tian Khan and survived by luck.

This little court lady later became Empress Wu Zetian. She moved the capital of the Tang Dynasty from Chang'an to Luoyang, where she built the Seven-Tian Building and the Tianshu Jigong Pillar funded by the monarchs and ministers of various countries. Empress.

Since the first emperor of Qin, a total of six emperors have held Zen meditation, but Mount Tai is the most famous.

It would cost a lot for the emperor to travel once, and the distance is too far to go often. Later, the Yellow Emperor built the Ming Hall to worship the god Haotian and pray for good weather.

In the Han Dynasty, the Mingtang was modified to incorporate the idea of ​​a round sky and a place. Wu Zetian's Mingtang was ingenious, and it was named Vientiane Shrine, which was more than 90 meters high and allowed civilians to enter.

The dome usually refers to the sky. In ancient times, no matter the east or the west, the sky was regarded as a celestial sphere. The top floor of the Vientiane Shrine is a circular pavilion with a gold-painted iron phoenix standing on it, which seems to echo the Zhuque Avenue in Chang'an.

Chang'an is the name given to it by Li Shimin's father and son, which means long-term peace and order, but the original name of the city is Daxing, which was built by Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty.

Its scale is much larger than that of Han Chang'an next door. During the Qin and Han Dynasties, the city had military functions, and it required a lot of money to maintain and build it. When Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, built the city, it happened that the world was initially determined. China had experienced eight hundred years of wars in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods, and also experienced the struggle for hegemony between Chu and Han.

By the time of Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty, it would cost a lot of money to build this super city. Emperor Sui Yang’s method of building the Grand Canal and Luoyang was even more laborious and costly. It is impossible for the country to withstand such a toss from him.

At the end of the Sui Dynasty, a severe drought caused a poor harvest, which later triggered a peasant uprising. Therefore, the ceremony of offering sacrifices to the heavens and begging for good weather is a national ceremony and must be attended by the "son of heaven". By the time of the Tang Dynasty, the tradition of offering sacrifices to heaven in the southern suburbs and land in the northern suburbs had been formed. There was a Sheji Altar outside the Mingde Gate in Chang'an. It was located on the central axis of Chang'an. As long as the emperor walked along Zhuque Street, he could reach it. .

However, assassinations are prone to occur in such a beautiful occasion. According to the records of Tang Tongdian, the range of the military crossbow is about 300 steps, which is the current 60 meters. The emperor's guard of honor is about 30 meters. The two together The width of Suzaku Street has reached 150 meters. In this way, "Sky Street" not only has the effect of domineering and majestic, but also has the effect of security. Unable to assassinate the Emperor.

Wu Zetian is a woman, in addition to this method of assassination, she is also afraid of witchcraft.

Buddhism and Taoism met each other after 108,000 generations of bloody misfortune. In the Northern Wei Dynasty, the influence of Buddhism had surpassed that of Taoism. If the Taishang Sanqing knew that the sons and grandchildren of the unfilial disciples could not even defend their own territory, how could they have the face to turn their bodies into immortals?

The state religion worshiped in the Li and Tang Dynasties was Taoism, not Sui Dynasty Buddhism. Wu Zetian lived in that atmosphere and heard and witnessed many secret stories in the palace.

If ordinary people were murdered, surely no one would be so enthusiastic, so that the whole city would search for the culprit with great fanfare, causing a big commotion.

But "Tianjia" is different. Emperor Gaozong of Tang Dynasty Li Zhi suffered from headaches. His illness was mild and severe. When the concubine's mother's surname was witchcraft and intended to murder Wu Meiniang, she believed it without hesitation, and called the two of them to the front for questioning.

Later, it was said that they were let go, but the two living people disappeared in the Luoyang Shrine under the protection of heavy guards.

According to the "Chang'an Chronicles", Li Zhi once turned Yang Suixiu's Mingtang into a mule and horse market, and it was changed into a school crossbow field during the Tang Minghuang period.

Among the Zhou rituals, there is the archery ceremony, which means "a gentleman must shoot if he has nothing to fight for", that is to say, archery does not seek to hit it. Tang Xuanzong changed this in "Kaiyuan Rituals", what about archery? Did you miss it? This modest, solemn, courteous Mingtang has also become a school crossbow field, competing with who can shoot accurately, and whoever loses will drink.

Although Tang Xuanzong was forced to flee Bashu because of the Anshi Rebellion, many people followed him when he first came to the throne.

Although Wu Zetian did not prosecute the prison like Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty because of the witchcraft, he encouraged the common people to inform.

In the Tang law, there is "ten evils are unforgivable". The emperor of the Tang Dynasty did not hate corrupt criminals as much as Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty, but he was severely punished for treason.

When Li Zhi wanted to make Wu Zetian the empress instead of Wang, Shangguan Wuji had a lot of stumbling blocks. He believed in the prophecy of the "female King Wu".

The patriarchal family arose in the Eastern Han Dynasty, which is relative to the common people. At that time, the selection of officials was controlled by the powerful. The common people were either attached to the powerful or lost their jobs. During the Three Kingdoms period, many common people joined the general's shogunate and became aides. Like Xu Shu, if you enter Cao Ying, you can still make a living without offering a plan, right?

Xu Shu has always been a counselor in the Three Kingdoms, but he absconded because of the crime of murder. A friend was killed because of a grudge with a local wealthy bully. After accepting his friend's request, Xu Shu smeared his face with white chalk, broke into the bully's house alone, and stabbed the bully to death with a sword. Xu Shu was about to leave, but was unfortunately surrounded by a large number of officials who came after hearing the news. Outnumbered and captured by mistake, the government interrogated Xu Shu harshly. Xu Shu refused to tell the truth out of morality. He was also afraid that his mother would be implicated, so despite all the torture, he refused to reveal his name and identity.

Xu Shu is a pseudonym, the government sent people to tie Xu Shu to the pillar of the execution vehicle, beat drums, and paraded through the streets, asking the common people to identify him. The common people felt that Xu Shu acted chivalrously and removed a tyrant for the local area, so no one came forward to identify him. The government had no choice but to manage Xu Shu's friends up and down, and after all the hard work, he was finally rescued from prison.

If it is changed to a high school, even if it kills someone, it can be regarded as eliminating harm for the people. How can the government embarrass the high school's children? Writing a letter of praise is more or less the same. Sure enough, it is worthy of being a famous family, and the family style is really good.

It was not until the Tang Dynasty that the clan system gradually died out. One was because Wu Zetian killed many people, and the other was because of the imperial examination system. Even the Li family where the emperor lives does not marry.

The patriarchal system eliminated in China exists in Western Europe and even in the United States. The American patriarchs are mainly divided into descendants of Anglo-Saxon princes and nobles on the east coast, descendants of the Mayflower, and descendants of the American Revolution and the founding fathers of the United States.

In the social system of the United States, a very secret thing is that a merchant family must marry a Christian religious church, or a century-old religious and political family, in order to truly improve its social status. Those "money bags" marry French nobles in this way. The British never think that there are nobles in the United States. Even if the French nobles decline, they are still nobles.

The upper class society in the United States is actually a very strict feudal hierarchical society, so it is impossible for ordinary immigrants to enter the upper class society in the United States for hundreds of years, unless there is a marriage union of blood relationship.

As for those immigrants, although they worked hard to study in prestigious schools and became high-paying executives, they still provided services for the "nobility", just like the lawyers, accountants, etc. who used to serve slave owners in the South. As soon as slavery is no longer legal, so are their jobs.

There are no eggs under the overturned nest, that's all.

Kong Rong, who gave away a pear, fulfilled his reputation as a loyal minister, made Cao Mengde a treacherous minister, and made Han Xiandi, whom he served, an inaction emperor. So what did Kong Rong do?

At that time, there was a great hunger in the world. Cao Cao asked for a ban on alcohol, but Kong Rong opposed the ban. How could he know that wine is made from grain, and people have no grain to eat, so how can there be surplus grain to make wine.

He opposed Cao Cao for the sake of opposing Cao Cao, and after coercing the emperor and ordering the princes, Cao Cao then instructed the prime minister's army to conspire to sacrifice wine and play Kong Rong in vain to "gather the disciples", "want to do something wrong", "slander the court", "slander the court", " Kong Rong was executed on August 29th of the thirteenth year of Jian'an for the crime of not following the rules, and his whole family was implicated.

The Yellow Turban Rebellion was also caused by Zhang Jiao's creation of Taiping Tao. Although he did not deceive Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty like Yida did, and used the name of practicing medicine to win people's hearts, it eventually became a massive movement that swept the country.

The prevailing plague at that time was typhoid fever. Zhang Zhongjing wrote "Treatise on Febrile Diseases and Miscellaneous Diseases", saying that using talisman water could not cure the disease. If you were sick, you still had to see a doctor to take medicine.

Mongolian doctors can also see a doctor, but basically they will not seek medical treatment unless they are in a hurry.

Whether it is a Mongolian doctor or a wandering doctor, they are all amateurs. There may be folk remedies that can cure diseases, but professional ones are much more reliable.

I used the divination methods I heard from legends and stories, just like a Mongolian doctor, who didn't know what kind of tricks he had come up with.

The church forbids astrology, they do astrology themselves, and whatever their purpose, it's always less trouble to ban such witchcraft.

Being possessed is very miserable, and it is also very troublesome to cure. At that time, it was too late to cry and regret it.

In addition to countless devils, there are also fallen angels and heavenly beings. Who knows who has been offended?

Therefore, it is correct to destroy and ban witchcraft and Ouija boards. Although it may be unfair to wizards, it is like not knowing that there is skim milk. Are you all right?

Eastern wizards will not abide by the International Law of Secrecy, aren't the rules of each sect not enough? Besides, the Ministry of Magic must be established to enforce this law? It used to be to chop off the head, but now it is to be shot. It is strange to agree.

The East will not abide by the International Statute of Secrecy, has not and will not. Rather than believing in witchcraft, young people should believe in science more. The false rumors about thunder and lightning during the catastrophe can be solved by lightning rods. If one is not enough, prepare ten. The ancients did not know that the roof of the palace was struck by lightning. It was a big fuss if there was a fire.

Knowing is knowing, not knowing is knowing.

What Lao Tzu said is that the transformation of one spirit into three cleansings is a process of formation, the first and second are intangible, and the third is tangible.

Chaos never counts years, and I take the lead in the division of Hongmeng. Participate in the mysterious and yellow principles of heaven and earth, and let your eyes see through them.

If it weren't for getting too involved in the secular world, it would bring bad luck. Why did Henry Potter call on British wizards to participate in World War I?

What Lao Tzu said is that the transformation of one spirit into three cleansings is a process of formation, the first and second are intangible, and the third is tangible.

Chaos never counts years, and I take the lead in the division of Hongmeng. Participate in the mysterious and yellow principles of heaven and earth, and let your eyes see through them.

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