Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1825: The Witch Association (1)

Hagrid once said to Harry: At Hogwarts, if you need help, there is always someone to help.

But asking for help in the world outside of Hogwarts doesn't always get it.

When Albus needed help, he sent Hagrid to contact the giant - with a gift.

So when someone offers help for free, it should be considered a form of generosity.

"His soul is not here," Zhang Tao said after opening the eyelids of Alejandro who lay unconscious on the bed.

"I know, the goblin has told me." Severus said aside. "Can you put his soul back?"

Zhang Tao stared at Severus for a while, then walked to the sink beside him to wash his hands.

"Do you know the difference between possession and obsession, Mr. Smith?" Zhang Tao asked while washing his hands.

"Demonology is not my specialty," Severus replied.

"Professor Dumbledore once talked to me about how, during the Battle of the Ministry of Magic, he believed that the Dark Lord briefly possessed young Mr Potter, making him say 'you lost, old fellow', in Dumbledore's From Professor Lido's point of view, haunting refers to a demon attacking a person's body from the outside, while obsession is when a demon controls a person's body from the inside, but the soul of the controlled person is still in his body, similar to Mr. Porter's situation , this young man's soul is not in his own body, nor is it occupied by other souls, I believe that what he encounters now is not the two situations we mentioned before."

"What's that?" Severus asked.

"In my country, this kind of situation is called 'lost soul', which means that the soul leaves the body due to fright, but this kind of situation is more common in children. This young gentleman is obviously an adult." Zhang Tao turned the tap, and then asked "So I want to ask, did he do something special?"

"What do you mean?" Severus asked.

Zhang Tao wiped his hands with a snow-white handkerchief, and seemed to be thinking about how to speak.

"During the Salem incident in 1692, there were witnesses who mentioned that a black mass was held, with red bread and wine."

"He didn't attend the Black Mass," Severus confirmed.

"I think those who gave the confession want to express that they participated in the black mass, but eating red bread is not part of the black mass, they just want to express their blasphemy." Zhang Tao put down the handkerchief in his hand "These people are opponents, and in their view, everything that is contrary to sacred rituals is evil."

Severus watched Zhang Tao go to the tea table and pour two cups of tea.

"This kind of ceremony was very common in Paris in the past, and priests participated in it later, but it was largely an immoral carnival. They didn't summon or create anything during the ceremony..."

"Wait, what did you say?" Severus asked in surprise.

"Those people who appeared in the Louvre a few days ago, they almost summoned the things from hell." Zhang Tao said, "No matter shouting 'in the name of the devil' or 'Glory to Lucifer' can not cause such a result , the essence of the mass is a kind of sacrifice, and the content of the sacrifice is mentioned in the "Pentateuch", usually cattle and sheep and other livestock, on the night when Louis XVI was executed, a large group of people held a secret ceremony."

"You mean human sacrifice?" Severus asked.

"What do you think is the chance of taking a king as a sacrifice?" Zhang Tao asked. "Witches are often associated with the gates of hell. In French, they are le sabbat et la herse infernale. Sometimes they will 'invite' demons into their gates." Body, since you know Dumbledore, who is related to Hogwarts, then I think you know Professor Quirrell, if two souls are in one body, and the other is not strong enough to fight outsiders, he The body will be taken away, but it will not emit a stench, otherwise it will become very smelly due to too much consumption..."

"Dumbledore doesn't agree with you," Severus said. "It's because the Dark Lord used dark magic, and there's something wrong with his soul."

"This is another characteristic of you Westerners, you pay attention to judgment." Zhang Tao handed a cup of green tea to Severus, "Black is black, white is white, you always stand in the position of judge."

Severus took the tea with a smile, "Where are you Orientals?"

"There once was a man named Wei Zheng." Zhang Tao said, "He was an important minister under Tian Khan Li Shimin. One day, someone accused him of protecting his relatives. Tian Khan sent someone to investigate the matter thoroughly and found that it was The whistleblower distorted the facts, and Tian Khan said to Wei Zheng, "You have spoken out about hundreds of things. How could I deny you so many benefits because of this trivial matter, but from now on, you have to check your own behavior." Behavior, words and deeds." A few days later, Khan asked Wei Zheng if he found anything wrong. Wei Zheng said, "Your Majesty asked someone to convey it a few days ago. Why didn't you behave yourself?" Congeniality between the two is logically equivalent to a whole. I have never heard of being unjust, but only checking my own behavior. If the monarch and ministers abide by such behavior requirements, it will be difficult to know the rise and fall of the country. Ministers It is divided into loyal ministers and good ministers. Loyal ministers allow themselves to be slaughtered, but they make the emperor bear a bad name, causing both themselves and the country to suffer great notoriety, while they leave the name of loyal ministers empty, and good ministers make themselves and the emperor and merchants gain a good reputation. I heard that there was a man named Snape next to Dumbledore, who had always been obsessed with the dark arts."

"Do you think he is a loyal minister or a good minister?" Severus asked again.

Zhang Tao took a sip of tea, but smiled silently.

"So, this is how you Orientals see things?" Severus asked.

"In ancient my country, there was a famous tyrant King Zhou. He killed many innocent people, so he was opposed by many people. Those who participated in the black mass sacrificed innocent people as sacrifices. These imaginations abandoned by reason Created unimaginable monsters, every time dealing with them is like a nightmare, sometimes I really want to sleep forever like Albus." Zhang Tao stared at his cup, "Can there be someone like Snape?" Assistants are a lucky thing."

Severus looked at Zhang Tao calmly.

"When I was traveling around India, I once talked with a yoga master. He felt that our morality and concept of good and evil are always distorted and changed from generation to generation. We will adjust according to whichever is convenient for the moment. People always Arguing about what is good and what is evil, between society and society, between one generation and one generation, between individuals, 4 people in a family, 4 people may have 4 different moral standards, but these are actually Cover up, 'hypocrites' are always putting on a disguise under the guise of morality, but acting out what should be natural, if you are a blooming flower, the fragrance will come out, no need to light the spices. Those who have managed to maintain One thing that always happens to people with moral standards is that no one wants to be near them, people don't mind being around immoral people, these people are full of 'angry', while moral people are dead, the more People who think they are a good person are no one to approach them, because views on morality, good and evil are essentially generated by comparison with other people, how can I come to the conclusion of 'I am a good person'?" Zhang Tao pointed at Sif Ruth "You're a bad guy."

Then he pointed at Alejandro "He is also a bad guy, and the owner of this massage shop, he is also a bad guy, compared to all these people, I am a good guy, which means that if I am wrong to these people Judging, I have no basis for calling myself a good person or a bad person, the more you think you are a good person, the more you notice that no one is good, and if no one is good, it's not a question of virtue, it's crazy The problem is that the first manifestation of insanity is that everyone is abnormal except myself, but on the other hand, in the eyes of everyone, I am actually the abnormal one.”

"Dumbledore is indeed crazy." Severus also took a sip of tea "Have you seen those robes of his?"

"In view of this, I will not judge a person based on pure good and evil. You know, if a newborn child does not have knowledge related to the world, he will not be able to survive as an ordinary person when he grows up, whether it is a person in the jungle or not. Wolf children, or princes in the palace, when they first come into contact with fire, they don't know anything, they will imitate the surroundings, wolves will run away when they see fire, wolf children will run away when they see fire, and princes see palace maids lighting fire , they will also know that fire can keep warm, but they don't know how hot it is. If you touch it with your hands, you will be burned. There is a famous saying that curiosity is the driving force for progress. Many children have the same curiosity. We in the East Parents tell kids what not to do, West doesn't, you let your kids touch the fire and know the pain, but you don't make the kids afraid of the flame, you call it more mature, disciplined reason."

"I don't understand." Severus frowned.

"What I'm expressing to you now is my understanding of your model. You may have heard of 'doing nothing', but have you heard of 'doing nothing'?"

"No." Severus said flatly.

"The way of heaven is to benefit but not to harm, the way of the sage is to do what is right and not to fight. We tell the children what not to do and don't compete with them. You cultivate a competitive spirit, which makes people dare not relax even for a moment. , you must always make yourself stronger and avoid being weaker than others, and you will have no time to have children." Zhang Tao said, "In the world of great contention, an indomitable heart will only kill itself in the end, but now competition Too intense, people have no time to take care of other things, including starting a family and having children. We have an idiom, "When things are extreme, they must be reversed." ideas, set limits on them."

"I tried." Severus said with a smile. "You have no idea how much young people like to go out at school these days."

Zhang Tao looked at Severus calmly.

"Machiavelli thinks that a good minister is a minister who ruins his reputation for the king instead of patronizing his own good reputation, but I have to say that the feeling of being that kind of good minister is disgusting! Even if he later became The king of the castle." Severus gritted his teeth and said, "Many people think he is a great person, and I used to think so, but he is too cruel to me, he doesn't love anyone, and anyone can take advantage of him, Even himself, except for his sister Arianna and Grindelwald."

"Grindelwald?" Zhang Tao asked strangely.

"Don't you know? Albus Dumbledore is a homosexual." Severus said with a smile showing his yellow teeth, "and the Dark Lord Grindelwald, who was defeated by him, is his lover. You don't Criticize him, Zhang?"

After speaking, Severus swallowed the tea in his cup in one gulp.

I suddenly found out that when the Olympic Games opened, I was writing about things from the underworld.

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