Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1799 up your alley (eight)

There are many white swans in the rivers of Britain. These beautiful animals belong to the queen legally.

In ballet, the white swan symbolizes loyalty, purity, and nobility, while the black swan symbolizes rebellion, evil, and mystery. It is the "bad guy" sent by the devil to tempt the prince.

But pure white swans are beautiful and fragile. Before the discovery of Australia, Europeans always thought that swans were white. It was not until the black swans were brought back by the fleet that they subverted the inherent concept of the times.

White swans can live in cooler regions, black swans in warmer regions, and the habits of these two birds, which are so similar in appearance, are so different, and black swans have never traveled as far as their close relatives. Migration, that is to say, the white swan is a migratory bird, while the black swan is a resident bird in Australia. If kangaroos are blocked by the sea and cannot migrate, why don't winged black swans return to the north after climate change?

Severus looked at the white swan necklace on his neck. Before leaving that world, Pomona still had her black swan necklace on her neck.

The ring can be put on and taken off, and the married can pretend to be unmarried. When a person chooses to betray, isn't the person who chooses to stick to it stupid?

If marriage makes two free men and women prisoners, if betrayal is taken for granted, then two people will be deeply trapped in the prisoner's dilemma, allowing suspicion and mistrust to breed.

The returned Voldemort became very suspicious, and in order to gain his trust, Severus killed Albus Dumbledore. While the members of the Order of the Phoenix are idealistic and have their own opinions, they trust each other. The new member of the organization, Iris, once told Pomona a story about the aurora, the hunter, and the arctic fox. It was written by an explorer in his diary, and Iris promised to borrow the diary. Show her, the diary is now in the possession of Lucius Malfoy, who has given it to Severus.

Pomona suspected that the arctic fox, or the arctic fox-turned girl, was an Animagus who relied on hunters because she couldn't catch her own prey.

The feeling of embracing each other for warmth and being dependent on each other in the cold polar night is actually very happy. But when the sun rose and the two walked out of the igloo, they learned that the girl was a hunter turned into an arctic fox and lost his wife. She turned into an arctic fox and escaped.

Does the hunter regret knowing too much?

The hero of the movie "The Day After Tomorrow" embarrasses the vice president at the climate summit, and the vice president controls the entire weather department's budget. You can't do many things without money, and geniuses always have the problem of relying on their talents.

But facing the vice president who asked him to go to tell the situation again, he refused the request. He must get his son back, otherwise he will lose his family if he stays in a safe place.

Even Narcissa Malfoy hates the way Lucius stays at home drinking and doing nothing, she hopes he can do something, so even if it is dangerous, the only thing the meteorologist can do is put on polar equipment, Go to New York to save your own son.

Sometimes women will force men to go to dangerous situations. At the beginning of the movie, there is a picture of him and his team sampling in the glaciers of the Arctic. It was summer, the sun would not set, and the distant skyline was blurred. The sunlight dyed it a magnificent color, which looked extremely beautiful, and the crisis hidden under the glacier could not be seen at all.

Severus also knew another person who collected glacier samples, a scholar who studied volcanoes, and analyzed past volcanic activity on Earth through the sediments in the ice.

Just now, Severus accidentally discovered the book about volcanoes when he was putting away the diary. In 1816, the year when Napoleon was imprisoned on St. Hena Island, Britain experienced another year without summer. It's just that it wasn't the Icelandic volcano that erupted that time, but the Tambora volcano in Indonesia.

That eruption index was a magnitude 7, second only to magnitude 8 eruptions that occurred during the Pleistocene, the period when glaciation was most active.

Level 7 is already very high, and the last eruption of the Yellowstone volcano 8.99 million years ago was only level 8.6, which may have caused the extinction of dinosaurs.

When the whole world fell into extremely cold weather due to volcanic eruptions, the tropical island of St. Hena did not feel the slightest cold at all. If the Stuart dynasty lost its throne because they fled while dealing with the Black Death in London If the bourgeoisie can win the "Glorious Revolution" without bloodshed, then Napoleon will be sent away.

When the Battle of Waterloo started on June 18, 1815, Mount Tambora in the southern hemisphere had been erupting with volcanic ash for two months. At that time, the volcanic ash had not yet affected Belgium in the northern hemisphere. It would have to wait until July, when Napoleon abdicated. After that, the weather in Europe and America began to become abnormal.

The summer of that year was the coldest in Europe in the past 500 years. Not only did it snow in July and August, but there were also floods. The British agriculture and animal husbandry were hit hard.

Famine broke out in many parts of the world, and typhoid fever broke out in Ireland, the hometown of General Wellington. 200,000 people died in this natural disaster throughout Europe.

In addition, the Raft of the Medusa incident broke out. The nobles who regained power first removed the officers loyal to Napoleon and replaced them with noble officers. However, when the warship ran aground, the noble officers decided to abandon the ship. But he ran away first and threw the soldiers on a raft. In the end, only 10 of the 150 people survived. Louis XVIII was afraid that this matter would be publicized and condemned by public opinion, so he only published a short message in the official newspaper, and the people who had nowhere to complain had to print the shipwreck history into a pamphlet for sale, which immediately caused a sensation both at home and abroad .

For Ingres, who pursued aesthetics and neglected the proportions of the human body, and painted the upper body of "Grand Ladies" as long as a swan's neck, this painting with a jaundice patient as a model should not appear in the Louvre at all.

He painted the Virgin Mary painted by Raphael as a maid in the Sultan's palace. Perhaps the artist's views on art are indeed different.

It was also during that time that fantasy novels such as "Frankenstein" and "Dracula" appeared. Frankenstein was considered a biologist. He put together various parts of the prisoner's body into an "artificial human". The original intention is to try to conquer death and find the origin of life.

If the priest saw this monster, he would just set it on fire and "purify" it. Although Quasimodo was ugly, he still had a normal soul.

Alchemists will not approve of this thing, transmuting gold requires the death of stars. The sun itself is similar to the new stars in the stellar nursery of the Rosette Nebula. They are all formed from the dust left by the death of the previous big star. How did this formation process come about?

There is a musical beauty to Kepler's and Newton's gravity, which was originally written to prove the existence of God. The elliptical orbits of the planets emit different musical scales due to different angular velocities. Although they are different from the circular aesthetics discovered by Pythagoras, they express a harmony between theology and nature.

Anything can be used in war, even if it has good intentions in the first place.

This time the Indonesian tsunami slowed down the earth's rotation by 0.1 second. When Britain was still competing with France for world hegemony, there was a dispute over whether the prime meridian was the Greenwich Observatory or the Paris Observatory. Later, Napoleon lost to Britain in the military, but the scientific community still refused to give up. It was not until 1884 that The Greenwich Observatory was identified at the International Longitude Summit in Washington as the Prime Meridian, and the line passing through the Paris Observatory is known as the Rose Line.

In 1958, Columbia University in the United States proposed the atomic time. The atomic time is given by the reading of the cesium atomic clock. The second is the time required for the atomic state of the cesium element to transition and radiate 9192631 770 cycles under zero magnetic field. This clock does not Affected by gravity and tides, it is more accurate than astronomical time, but the first year of the "New World" is January 1, 1958, which means that the AD calendar will be abolished, and not only that, the prime meridian may also be moved place.

States in the United States like to draw straight lines. Originally, there was a Kabbalah tree of life in Washington. If a straight line was added, it would be as if the tree of life had been struck by lightning and split in half from the middle.

Are you worried that you will be struck to death by lightning?

That's right, Franklin flew a kite to attract lightning, and he invented the lightning rod because of it. Americans are so courageous, what else are they afraid to do?

People who have no taboos can of course stab themselves and then frame others. This is the case with the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. All in all, they lose money.

In 1994, the United States passed a program called haarp, which is the abbreviation of high frequency active auroral research program, that is, the high frequency active auroral research program.

This is also a kind of weather weapon project, and this base is located in Alaska.

Its principle is to transmit high-frequency radio wave energy through the radio transmitting antenna group to heat the ionosphere.

The ionosphere is like the foam of soap bubbles. When the solar wind blows over, colorful auroras will be formed in the ionosphere, which protect the earth.

If the Haarp plan burns through the earth's ionosphere, this layer of bubbles will disappear with a "pop". This is not a problem of not being able to see the aurora, a natural large-scale light show.

If you hide underground, the mobile phone signal cannot penetrate the thick rocks. You have to go outside the cave to make a phone call like Severus. At that time, the ionosphere will penetrate the hole, and the signal may be affected. It becomes difficult to contact people.

When Victor Hugo saw the aurora in Paris in 1870, the city was on the verge of destruction.

The Haarp project is similar to the English word Harp, which is a harp, so this project is also called the devil's harp.

Napoleon's wife Josephine played the harp very well.

There is also Voldemort's change, the harp that puts the three-headed dog Lu Wei, who guards the Sorcerer's Stone, to sleep.

Hagrid didn't tell Severus the secret, causing him to be bitten by Fluffy.

In order to obtain this secret, Voldemort manipulated Quirrell, disguised as a passerby, and exchanged this secret with a dragon egg and whiskey.

When Napoleon was emperor, he always felt that time was not enough. When he arrived at St. Hena Island, even if the whole world was in dire straits, it had nothing to do with him. He had so much time that he had nothing to do. A 15-year-old British girl played the game of guessing the capital.

He felt that St. Hena Island, which was a cage, was actually the Garden of Eden dreamed of by many hungry and cold people, but he didn't know the situation outside. At that time, the news was not circulated, not to mention the news around him must have been blocked.

Had he known this, would he have planned a third escape?

If there was a perfect Eve in the Garden of Eden, would he still want to go back to the mole pit?

While kings and emperors fulfilled their ambitions, the prophecies circulated in the era of Napoleon's life were about "princes".

A prince in ravaged Europe will stand up against the obscurantists and oppressors who wantonly threaten the people, thus becoming the protector of humanity, justice and culture.

It's a pity that this prince didn't appear in America. Why do we need a lighthouse when dawn and dawn come?

The new era of humanity should start with him. Unfortunately, it is difficult to know who is the "prince" who undertakes this apocalyptic mission, because now there is no "Star of Bethlehem" to guide the three magi from the east. .

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