Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1790 twist zone (9)

Montesquieu once wrote in the Persian Rizal: In the past, the French, especially the nobles, hardly followed any rules except their reputation, which dominated their lives and behaviors. The problem of reputation is so serious so much so that when it comes to honor one cannot escape even the tiniest regulation, but I would not say that one cannot violate one's honor, although there is no crueler punishment than death.

The phrase "Honor is my life" comes from the knight's creed in "Dragonlance", although in fact few noble families really carry out this sentence, especially for entrepreneurs. Rather surrender than perish.

But when the heirs of a famous family decide to marry a woman from a wealthy family who they call a "money bag" or find a "gold ingot", the nobleman gets money, and the daughter of a wealthy businessman obtains noble status. This is a kind of "contract". Irrevocable like an English trust.

Josephine had many friends in the aristocratic circle. Napoleon abandoned her, and marrying Mary Louise was considered a breach of contract. In addition, the tricks he had always done when signing peace treaties with other countries had a bad influence on Napoleon who was born as a commoner. It is difficult to see through for the first time, and his descendants will understand after they have integrated into the aristocratic class.

If this generation can't figure it out, the next generation can continue to think about it. As long as the baton can be passed on, there will always be a generation who will figure it out.

In fact, in ancient China, there was also the rule of "three don't go", that is, the wife's family died, the wife was divorced and homeless, and the wife kept the filial piety for her husband for three years.

Josephine can be regarded as sharing troubles and sorrows with Napoleon. If he had divorced Josephine earlier, that is, when he had just returned from Egypt, why did he choose the nobleman to swear allegiance to him and proclaim himself emperor?

It is not so easy to be magnanimous enough to forgive a person. Napoleon has this measure in official affairs. After the Cairo riot was suppressed, Napoleon received the seditionist Sadascheykh.

At that time, Napoleon hadn't washed his face and his beard hadn't been shaved. It is said that his appearance was a bit scary. Kleber, who was watching, said that the seventy-year-old Sada Sheikh was so frightened in front of this young man who was old enough to be his grandson. Unable to tell, he grabbed Napoleon's hand and kept kissing, earnestly hoping that the Sultan would forgive him.

Napoleon adopted a tolerant attitude, although the French army was disgruntled and unwilling to forgive the old and cunning Chehey.

When attacking the mosque where the rebel headquarters is located, the shells blew up all the pillars in the mosque. The rumbling sound of the cannons scared the Sheheys into the women's boudoir. According to the rules, the French army would not The place where the dignitaries rushed was the last place they could hide.

During the occupation of Egypt, the French used the Roman law of nations, which was regarded as a kind of international law at the end of the 18th century, mainly through notices and pardons.

There are many boys who dream of defeating the tyrant, becoming a hero of the world, and saving the beauties controlled by the tyrant by the way, but it is difficult for contemporary people to clearly judge what kind of ruler is a tyrant.

There are many invisible rich people in France, and they are not as keen on marketing themselves on TV as the rich in the United States, because they have experienced the reign of terror.

Robespierre had firm ideals and aspirations, and was nicknamed "The Incorruptible", and was later kicked out of the National Assembly with the slogan "Down with the Tyrant".

Maybe the Corsican monster wasn't as perfect a moniker as Louis IX's "perfect monster," but he was a monster.

Not to mention that he could recover his energy by taking a bath when he was alive, and his body did not rot after death. Kleber, who lost his way near Jaffa with him that day, did not rot either, although they claimed that Kleber Bell was mummified.

As for what caused this reason, the French aristocrats sent several archaeological teams out, but there was no substantial gain.

In Napoleon’s manuscript, the name of the place was recorded in pencil, but the handwriting was no longer legible. Later, the Noble Association appeared. In addition to maintaining traditional morals, this association also prevented young people from falling into the "bad camp". , which is somewhat similar in nature to picketing. All noble young men and women caught by them, if the circumstances are serious, will even be affected by the issue of testamentary inheritance. In the past, the Bonapartists and the Royalists basically had their own differences. Later, Prince Napoleon married the daughter of the Prince of Orleans what? So Suzanne joined the noble association.

Since 1957, according to the British tradition, girls who have just entered the social world will take turns to hold adult balls at the Opera Garnier and the Palace of Versailles every year, but Suzanne did not participate. Because these kinds of proms are often followed by a "bonding," or a blind date, she says, "it's like going to high school prom," and the musician's daughter turns and goes hunting in Africa.

In the past, famous designers in Paris would also lend dresses to these aristocratic girls. This is a way for haute couture to expand their brand influence. Now designers will only lend dresses when they have media effects.

For example, when walking on the red carpet or at an auction, Suzanne doesn't like to walk on the red carpet, and then she had an embarrassing situation of bumping into a shirt. Fortunately, she met Monica.

There are many people who lead the fashion concept circle who are not gay but claim to be gay. In the inherent image of many people, gay represents pickiness and taste.

At the same time, there are also many gays who want to pretend that they are not gay, which has something to do with their professional image.

Since 1992, the coming-of-age ceremonies for boys and girls have been held at the Clion Hotel on the Place de la Concorde, right next to the Admiralty. The irony is that the real nobles are ignored, but Hollywood stars are surrounded by the spotlight. It is the daughters of Asian billionaires, not only because they are "fresh faces", as if the appearance of Asians represents internationalization, and the "good old days" are back.

Compared with seeing the female guests who don't know how to sneak into the cocktail party and then gobble them around the buffet table, what she can't accept is a speech by a male guest: "Things that give the mouth ten seconds of pleasure, will be attached to it." on the hip, and for years."

At this time, she suddenly found that it was not so difficult for them to talk about bonds and stocks.

She doesn't need a "boyfriend" who pays attention to her buttocks all the time.

When she said this, she also "checked" Goncey's figure, which made Count Leroy feel cold all over.

In order to prove that they are chosen by God, the kings of ancient Europe would deliberately touch some patients, such as leprosy and black death, to prove that they were blessed by God. When Napoleon was in Jaffa, he touched a soldier who had the plague. pustules.

The use of terror tactics in war is not a specialty of Attila and the Orient. It was also done during the period of Louis XIV. Although Bonaparte did not say "I am the kingdom", he gave it to Giza, Ramla and Jaffa. The same message was conveyed in the announcement: You must know that any human resistance against me is useless, and that everything I do will succeed. Those who declare to be my friends will prosper and those who declare to be my enemies will perish. The examples of Jaffa and Giza will show you that I am terror to enemies, mercy to friends, and mercy to the poor Very tolerant and loving.

From then on, this person was no longer the military school boy who had had a first love with De Lacey.

Maybe no one will say "Go to hell, tyrant" immediately after reading this notice, but the Egyptians may no longer be able to see him with the eyes of the past.

After all, he wasn't the guy who showed up at the festival celebrating the flooding of the Nile to join them in the fun.

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