Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1788 twist zone (seven)

The last time he was stuck in that world, Severus thought about it, what exactly is the third level that the French call?

Leaving aside those rhetoric and emotional excitement, the so-called third level refers to those who have no immunity.

The nobles and clergy in the feudal era had certain immunity, but not all nobles and clergy had it. Those poor nobles who were not eligible to become vassals of the king did not have immunity. Together the trousers and others formed the third of the three levels of parliament.

Judge Denning's robe epaulets bear the motto of his legal career: fiat justicia et pereat mudus. It means "Let justice be done, even if the world is destroyed".

The French say that the Anglo-Saxons are committing political suicide. This is unimaginable for most people who live in the system, although they are not as profitable as the top, but they are still law-abiding. Anomalies are only noticed when turmoil breaks out.

Like Hermione Granger's dentist parents, when more and more people disappeared after the purists took control of the Ministry of Magic, and the climate became weirder, they knew something was up.

This is understandable. If you think about it differently, when you are sitting in the position of ruler, are you willing to give up your right to rule?

If property and lawyers can make themselves privileged, there are those who will go out of their way to protect that privilege. The reason why a game can be played is that everyone agrees with this rule. When more and more people do not agree with this rule, the game will be difficult to play.

Severus donated the draft of the "Declaration of Independence" to the Richelieu Library, and he exchanged some privileges, such as holding dinners in the library, otherwise why would the curator ask him to donate his personal collection? ?

France is also a country that recognizes private rights. The "Napoleonic Code" stipulates that no one shall be forced to transfer their ownership, but this is not the case when it is for public use and is subject to fair and prior compensation.

The sufferer who bought British goods and was confiscated and destroyed must feel very unconvinced, "Of course I buy cheap and high-quality goods. This is determined by the market economy. Why should others condemn me?"

You can ask the judge about this, and he can make a fair judgment.

Everyone boycotting British goods is to protect the interests of the country. In other words, Napoleon's continental blockade is a trade war. When personal desires conflict with social laws, everyone has their own choices.

Originally, this matter was handled by men, but women were also involved in the matter of shopping, especially in the 19th century. The main commodity of the Industrial Revolution was cloth. Cotton and sugar were also related to slavery. They wanted to buy cheap and good cloth. Slavery is needed so that more profits can be squeezed out. You can't shout against slavery and buy bloody merchandise.

A new problem arises, the worker’s salary is only so small, if he spends more money to buy non-slavery goods, then his own disposable wealth will be less, in that era of working more than 10 hours a day, there is still child labor Ask the boss for a raise?

In order to realize their own wealth accumulation, capitalists firstly do not pay taxes to the country, and secondly do not pay due remuneration to workers. The Americans hand over power to them, and the judiciary has become a "cash register" in their hands. While constantly eliminating the people at the bottom, they are constantly sucking in fresh blood from other countries in order to keep the increasingly political machine of the state continuing to operate.

Just like the prison experiment conducted by Zimbardo, a professor of psychology at Stanford University, all the subjects involved in the experiment were college students, but prison guards and prisoners were randomly selected. This experiment was only carried out for 5 days. After putting on the uniform of the prison guard, he became domineering and domineering, and the usually sharp and fiery student gave in passively after entering the role of the prisoner. It was not until Zimbardo's girlfriend appeared that he "pierced" these deep-rooted role-playing inability Those who extricate themselves, the "warden" stopped the experiment.

People who "enter the role" can't tell right from wrong. This is also the way cults exercise mind control on their victims. Because of the long-term spiritual slavery, all kinds of sad prejudices take advantage of it. People seem to believe that they only have the right to be the law what they are allowed to do.

Working class people in the 60's would carry enough money with their kids to keep them from being arrested for vagrancy by the police, who could arrest people they looked poor.

American public schools do not teach students the irrationality of the Declaration of Independence, nor are they told that they can choose to withdraw their allegiance to tyrants and tyranny.

They can only resist in a passive way and do not participate in voting. The president won 52% of the votes from 50% of the voters who participated in the election. That can only represent 25% of the citizens of the United States of America, and the will of the remaining 75% of the citizens This "disappears".

The loser has no right to speak, and public opinion is in the hands of the "winner". According to normal logic, when other outsiders see these phenomena, they should expose them to prevent others from being fooled.

But they can see that after becoming "winners", they can also get the same benefits through this system. What they want is to integrate into this class, and they can also get various privileges. Good name like "The Liberator".

The existence basis of "Prisoner's Dilemma" is that betrayal is reasonable, and children don't think so. Hermione signed an agreement for each da member, and whoever informs will have the same face as Marietta Aikemo The "whistleblower" pox.

There is a "Traitor's Gate" in the Tower of London, and traitors are executed.

The U.S. judiciary persuaded those involved in the "Foreign Corrupt Practices Case" to make judicial deals with them not only to get a reduced sentence, but also to get money. In the eyes of these prosecutors, what is more tempting than a reduced sentence?

When this kind of secret transaction is still secret, of course there is no problem. Once it is exposed, the person concerned will lose face. When parading in the street, should he cover his face or his body?

No matter how decently you dress, you will be regarded as a laughing stock by the world when you appear in the tabloids, just like not wearing clothes. The reputation built by a person who has worked hard all his life will be destroyed in one go.

There are many judges, not all of them are like Denning, and there is also the judge in the misdemeanor court who asked his boyfriend, "Why do you let your girlfriend eat and drink?"

There is another article in the "Napoleonic Code", all owners should set up eaves, so that the water from the eaves of their own houses flows on their own land or public roads, and everyone cannot let rainwater flow to other people's land.

If the judge hadn't been stupid in reading, he would only ask such questions if his brain failed due to the huge workload.

Or maybe this kind of judge serves a certain class. The rich can easily get everything they want. Even if the woman rejects them, they can beat the girl to the top just like the two young masters from the Ivy League schools in the godfather. Disfigured, the judge let them go without charge and forced the Italian coffin shop owner to pledge allegiance to the Mafia and let the Mafia claim justice for him.

If the Americans play their own way behind closed doors, that is their own problem, but it would be wrong for them to export their way to the world.

A tree bears fruit, and that fruit is related to the tree, but the fruit is not the same as the tree. The wife has the right to fight independently of her husband, and at least has the right not to be evicted. The husband secretly mortgaged the house, and neither she nor the bank knew about it. This is like neither the regular wife nor the cheated woman. The woman who had an affair thought the man was single, why did they fight? It should be the two of them working together to beat that foolish man.

"Affair girl" - the bank doesn't want to get into this kind of trouble again. Before dating a man, double check whether he is single or not. It's like an interrogation. Who has that mood?

The foundation of trust is conscience, the foundation of equity is also conscience, and the survival of trust law also lies in conscience. If the misdemeanor court continues to judge with such conscience, sooner or later the trust law and trust company will not be able to carry out the trust company. After losing all his money, how can the young masters and ladies continue to live carefree and spend money like dirt?

Perhaps some emotional person will jump out and say that the misdemeanor court is for the poor, not the rich.

This should have been said earlier, why bother to say that everyone is equal, isn't this a lie to those honest people?

That's not what the parents of the young masters and ladies said on TV.

No wonder Americans at the bottom would rather believe that the earth is flat than the science popularized on TV that the earth is round.

They would rather waste time on irrelevant people than stay at home with their children. How can a responsible parent be a bad person to educate other people's children?

The water from the eaves of your own house should not flow onto other people's land, and the windows you open should not exceed the boundary between the two real estates. When chickens fly and dogs jump.

All happy families are alike, but every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.

Does mental infidelity count as infidelity?

Maybe those prosecutors don't realize how much they are like the serpent in the Garden of Eden, tempting people to sin.

Fig trees usually bear fruit in spring. On Passover, there should be both fruits and leaves, but a nosy person found a fig tree with only leaves but no fruit. Figs don’t need to be pollinated like other flowering plants, so love The busybody pointed to the fig tree and cursed, "No one will eat your fruit from now on."

Later he compared himself to a vine, and drinking wine is equivalent to drinking the blood of its fruit, which is related.

There was a Roman soldier who poked a crucified man with his spear, and the blood sprayed on the soldier's eyes, so that the almost blind soldier regained his sight at once.

The red wine knife also needs to be inserted into the wine bottle to pour out the bloody red wine inside.

The wine has been brewed, and the bitter wine must be drunk.

He won't hide in a duel. To achieve this goal, he pierced the "delivery room" from the outside and let them out.

This is the so-called enemy sometimes knows you better than friends and lovers.

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