Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1786 twist zone (five)

In Versailles before the Great Revolution, there was never a lack of balls.

Although the "Independence War" cost France dearly, they won.

According to diplomatic etiquette, after the signing of the "Paris Peace Treaty", the representatives will all attend the ball, which may be the most "highlight" moment in the lives of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette.

The original hostility between the United States and France melted away because of this war. As for the defeated British, they were waiting to see a joke, and their far-fetched smiles seemed a little sincere.

All in all, wars are over, peace is always worth a toast, and the little ones dance on the dance floor like a set version while the big ones are busy "acting", including the "War of Independence" Viscount Alexander Beauharnay.

At that time, his future wife, Rose, the mother of a pair of children, was still a little girl who liked to eat sweets. She was not at all mature, glamorous and charming like a Parisian lady, and this was exactly the type that the Viscount liked.

Even at this kind of formal social ball, he also brought a "social star" to attend. As for Napoleon Bonaparte at that time, he was still a 10-year-old child, and he could only watch the waves on the shore of Corsica Scouring the reef.

None of them can imagine what kind of intersection their lives will have in the future.

Rose, who just married to France, allowed the Viscount Beauharney to live a stable family life for a period of time. At the beginning, her husband also cherished this state, and worked hard to manage the family relationship with her, but this time was not long, and soon he Attracted by the feasting life outside, she reappeared at the ball in Versailles with those lovers.

At first Rose accused her husband of his frivolous life like ordinary women, but she did not expect that the Viscount would be violent towards her.

That slap may have woken her up and made her understand that changing a person is not that simple, so she tried to change herself to adapt to the new life in Paris. During this period, Eugene and Alcons were born one after another, which brought her some happiness, but Alcons' premature birth gave Alexander an excuse to accuse the daughter of not being his own, and that his wife was not pregnant when he was with him .

At that time, Eugene was still very young, but he could understand what the servants were talking about behind their backs, and the actual situation might be different from what he saw. The Napoleon Foundation investigated later, and those rumors were the viscount's friend and friend who encouraged her. The servants had spread that his purpose was to separate, as other high-society couples lived separately.

Despite her struggles, Josephine agreed to the separation and began a new life at the Abbey of Pontemont.

This monastery is a place of retreat for noble ladies when they encounter difficulties, and it is considered the most expensive boarding school in Paris. Rose met Mrs. Tarrian here, and several other ladies who were in the same condition. With their help, Rose transformed from a cocoon into a butterfly, from a simple country woman to an elegant, fashionable and sophisticated Parisian lady.

This is what her estranged husband expects, and the Creole charms give her an exotic flair that makes men irresistible.

But in this way, her husband is not worth mentioning in front of this reborn rose, and there are many "flower protectors" around her. Because of this relationship, the Viscount did get a lot of benefits in the workplace at first, but He soon discovered that the "lover" he had fabricated out of thin air seemed to have really appeared, and he once again made a move on Rose. This time, Josephine had a place to run, and she returned to the monastery. She forgot to take the child with her when she ran away, and she went back under the threat of her husband.

There are many women in this world who need to rely on the compliments of the opposite sex to feel their own charm and existence value, but Rose was not like this at first.

The idyllic love is for the little nobles. They are willing to believe that there are really kind and innocent shepherdesses and shepherds in the world who are not afraid of power and temptation of money. Well, why can’t the shepherdess marry a farmer?

Farmers are despised by these Gauls, and the concept of intermarriage of noble families is deeply rooted. The shepherdess should marry a shepherd who is her equal, but they happened to be the opposite. The farmer is much richer than the shepherd. , They have land and farms. If the shepherds encounter sheep plague, all the sheep will die. Isn't there no guarantee for the farmers?

These nobles living in the city feel that sheep are more valuable than grain, and shepherds are richer than farmers. They are right. When they sold the fiefs left by their ancestors, they didn't feel bad at all, and they didn't worry about what would happen to their next generation. Need money to maintain their "current" aristocratic luxury life.

The exiles of the Gaunt family learned this habit in France, and continued to live like this when they returned to England. Several generations squandered the dowry left by the Spanish princess. In Voldemort's generation, there was nothing left, just A Slytherin locket remains.

It was the War of Independence that the nobles decided to fight, and the tax should be borne by the nobles, instead of being shared equally among the peasants and the bourgeoisie, and the nobles were proud of not paying taxes because it was their privilege.

Siyes' famous work is "On Privilege": Privilege makes a thing that belongs to everyone unique, which is tantamount to harming everyone's interests for one person.

The royal garden that used to belong to the princes and nobles was opened to the public and turned into a public place. Are those who throw garbage and smoke in public places at will harming everyone's interests for their own benefit?

Those who use privileges are not limited to nobles, but civilians can also abuse them. The number of taxis in Paris is not enough to meet the travel needs of such a big city, but taxi drivers will still protest and block the center of Paris and the airport road.

This is actually similar to the gondola boatman in Venice. Only the son of the boatman can take over the work of his father, and outsiders are not allowed to engage in this industry.

There is a strange phenomenon in the traditional street demonstrations and strikes in France, that is, as long as the then government stands up and sticks to the end, the protesters will often complain for a while and then go back to the old road, as if nothing happened.

This is the theory, and only the theory, that demonstrations and strikes may turn into riots at any time, which is uncontrollable and unstoppable. The only way to meet this situation is to run. Charles de Gaulle ran away in 1968, but he was better than Louis XVI. He was not caught on the way to Germany, otherwise his political career would have ended.

The French are brave and passionate by nature, but as soon as they withstand their first round of tsunami-like attacks, they become relaxed and lose their enthusiasm.

The Anglo-Saxons continued to play tricks, one must fall anyway, and they were convinced that it would not be them.

The Anglo-French War has been fought for a hundred years, and the Napoleonic War is basically inseparable from Britain. It is just that with the fall of the Leviathan in England, the center of the Anza Alliance has shifted to North America, which has a wider strategic depth than England. There is a wider "moat" - the Atlantic Ocean.

Most people would think that Napoleon's sale of Louisiana was a helpless compromise. Sooner or later, that piece of land would become an independent country like the thirteen states in North America.

Anglo-Saxons like self-government, while people in Catholic countries like to rely on the government, and the number of "free people" on that land is a hundred times that of the thirteen colonial states. Like a foot trampled to death.

The Continental Congress, the provisional federal government during the Revolutionary War, became a hybrid government when it acquired Louisiana, a fusion of civil law and common law...

Amnesties are different from laws. For example, both Louis XIV and Napoleon ordered that citizens not be allowed to buy British goods, and people who bought them secretly would be caught, but it was not because he broke the law, and destroying those things was not an infringement.

The sufferer said, no, I bought those British products with money, so how can it be considered that there is no infringement?

After the Great Revolution, no one bought it, and you bought it alone. Are you engaging in privileges? Are you trying to expose yourself to the condemnation of the people?

Before the Great Revolution, you didn't listen to the king's orders, how many heads do you have enough to chop off? Before the Great Revolution, the Supreme Court of Paris brought everything under their jurisdiction. Their power affected the king's financial reform. Those justices were exiled by Louis XV. Later, Louis XVI ascended the throne and recruited these justices. He came back and beheaded the culprit, thinking that he was loved now.

After Louisiana was bought back, the thirteen states in the United States had to wrestle with Louisiana on the issue of "infringement". It took nine years from the conclusion of the sale in 1803 to the promulgation of the "Louisiana Constitution" in 1812. The time it took for the Congress and the Constituent Assembly to formulate the constitution was several times longer, and finally a "dualist" constitution came out.

Another country with a dual constitution is the Weimar Republic, which established a parliamentary democracy and a federal republic. If France also implements a dual constitution, it is not impossible for a monarchy and a republic to coexist.

It is theoretically feasible, but whether the masses can accept it emotionally is another matter. First, the authorities need to let the people understand what a dual constitution is. ask questions.

Louisiana dated itself statehood in 1812, and later enacted a civil law based on this dual constitution, another 13 years later.

Human beings record observation data according to Ptolemy's geocentric theory, but find that it is not accurate. Every few years, the orbit must be corrected, so that the orbit of the planets is densely packed, and no one doubts whether it is correct.

After changing to the heliocentric theory, it is indeed much more convenient. If the same code is not practical, the law can also be dormant. In the end, Louisiana still uses civil law for civil cases and common law for criminal cases.

Also because of the particularity of Louisiana, there is a forum non conveniens principle in the legal system, which is mainly used in "international" civil lawsuits. The US federal law enforcement cross-state is like cross-border, and fleeing to other states is equivalent to fleeing to other countries.

Law enforcement is so difficult, what case to solve?

The performance and promotion of the police account for a high rate of solving cases. Fortunately, there is a misdemeanor system, which can increase the rate of solving cases.

If you're a rich guy, the police charges don't go on your file after they've been dealt with by a lawyer, and you just pay a small fine and walk away.

And if you are not wealthy, not paying a fine or not showing up to court on time means you get a warrant and you can't find a job later.

As for people who are not able to work, like Cindy Rodriguez, she was arrested for shoplifting at the age of 50. She is disabled and has had two back operations before, so she has been suffering from illness. , she hoped the doctor could prescribe OxyContin for her.

The doctor's prescription was given to her, and she got the medicine at the Wal-Mart pharmacy, but she also knew how expensive the medicine was on the black market, so she stole a bottle, which was quickly discovered.

She was quickly ordered to pay $578 in fines and court costs, and since she couldn't come up with that much, she was placed on probation for a year, supervised by a private probation company hired by the court.

This is a way for the federal government to reduce financial resources, and it can save a lot of police force. The private probation company only needs to monitor Cindy and pay the fine on time. Where can a person like her who is disabled and lives on relief money go?

Although Cindy's case does not involve contraband, the probation supervision company still requires her to do inspections, which cost $20 a time.

For a whole year, Cindy had to give all her financial resources—disability benefits—to the supervisory company in order to avoid going to jail. She had to stop her car loan, and the car was towed away, so she had to walk. The pain caused her to fall three times, not only broke her arm, but also knocked out her teeth, but she had no money to fill them.

During this period, Cindy gave the supervision company $500, but the supervision company only gave the court $66. At the same time, the supervision company told Cindy that if the remaining $512 was not paid, she would still be imprisoned.

At this time, Cindy really couldn't afford that much money, so the supervision company issued an arrest warrant to her for violating the probation regulations, and asked the court to extend her probation test for another year.

The misdemeanor system in the United States systematically punishes the poor. Cindy was at fault for trying to steal the pills, but a single mistake cannot be tolerated. Is there nothing wrong with treating the judiciary as the authority for company management?

People like Cindy can't contribute to that monster, but become its cost, she should not have been born.

Big companies like Wal-Mart saw a business opportunity and hired a regulatory company to tailor a private misdemeanor system for customers suspected of shoplifting, charging them huge fines and fees in exchange for these. Businesses do not report incidents to the police.

The bottle of painkillers that Cindy saw on the counter of the pharmacy was deliberately placed there by the pharmacist for "fishing", and it cost only a bag of potato chips.

Many companies get a piece of the pie, with hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue every year, and those white-collar workers who blow the air conditioner in the office don't care what happens to those people.

Sleeping in a car is not allowed under American law, some people can only sleep on the sidewalk, then it started to rain, she went to sleep in a church, and still someone got a $400 ticket for trespassing.

In short, you can't be weak in the United States of America. If you become weak, you will be trampled to death by many people until you can't survive.

At the same time you can't make mistakes, not once, there is a single mother in St. Louis who got a driving ticket without a license when she was 19 and still hasn't paid it off at 29, when she was still in college.

The company wouldn't hire someone with a warrant, and the landlord wouldn't want to rent to her because the warrant didn't say why she was wanted, it just said she was a fugitive.

For ten years, she could only do low-end jobs and pay fines, living expenses, and tuition fees. However, she was arrested when she still had 12 credits to complete her university studies because she did not pay off the violation fines. In fact, she was on time every month. Handed over, but the supervisory company did not provide a receipt, this single mother encountered the same situation as Cindy.

Who would believe that half the people of the United States of America, so rich and powerful in the movie, can't come up with $400 in an emergency.

The misdemeanor system can be understood as a disguised form of taxation. This is where the Anglo-Saxons are smarter than the Gauls. Instead of announcing to all civilians that "we are going to increase taxes", they break down one by one and let the police generate income. The method of blackmailing a single person by finding faults, and issuing an arrest warrant without paying a fine anyway, and the "American Dream" of an innocent person is over.

According to the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, the police have the power to define and seize the scope of the case based on the clues they have. If the police have no evidence to prove that a person has committed a crime, they have no right to prevent him from leaving. If the police have "reasonable suspicion", "Investigative detention" can be imposed, which is called "Terry interception".

A stop on the street is usually accompanied by a full-body search for weapons, that is, a body search. For example, a tourist, holding a map and asking a policeman with live ammunition, the policeman may answer by yelling, "Stand facing the wall, hands raised overhead".

Tourists better hope they don't have a cold that day and have pills on them.

The king's decree can be amended day and night, but the laws of civil law will not be changed. There are so many cases in the common law. Denning tried the cases of the 20th century and used the legal terms of the 19th century.

The colonial representative system when the 13 states in North America were founded was later replaced by the parliamentary presidential system. Did it follow the development of the times, or did Napoleon think of this when he sold Louisiana?

Anyway, the Americans who bought Louisiana were not as elated as they were when they bought Alaska. In the words of one plantation owner, "Buying Louisiana is the greatest curse that has ever happened to us."

As far as the plantation owner was concerned, he was right.

It would be great if someone jumped out at this time and said that the United States still has a representative system, so that everyone can talk about the issue of "no taxation without representation".

I missed Independence Day~

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