Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 178 The Duke's Sweet Soup

Pomona had never suspected the relationship between Dumbledore and Professor Minerva McGonagall, she had suspected Gratimer Melos, Tom Riddle's Art of the Dark Arts teacher.

She is a very "style" person, black magic is an art, it is not easy to resist her temptation, but Dumbledore carried it, he became a great wizard, and finally took over as the headmaster However, Meles left Hogwarts. No one knows her whereabouts. The love life of Albus Dumbledore is a common topic among Hogwarts teachers. Everyone is guessing how long he will live. Which woman has loved deeply, and some people have even set up a gamble.

If Severus had really killed Sirius, Harry Potter would never have forgiven him. Every man has a child who hasn't grown up deep in his heart. Who would have thought that the old bat still likes to play gobstone games. Dumbledore likes to play wizard chess, so he doesn't play it with Dumbledore, and Gobstone is a very small game, only young wizards can play it, when he has nothing to do and wants to kill time, he will play chess Mona played together, and later Remus became the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, and it was the two of them who played together.

Compared with James Potter and Sirius, Severus and Lupine can still get along relatively well. It feels lonely without an opponent. Anyway, Pomona played with him just to deal with it. The next feeling is completely different, Severus is also a "grown up" person, and his hostility towards Lupin will not be to the point where he wants to kill him. Mona herself didn't feel that werewolves should be kept in a school full of young children.

Lupine blamed her for ignoring Sirius when he needed company, and let him befriend a cat. Why didn't Lupine think about why Sirius didn't ask him for help? Twelve years changed a lot of things, in the mood Annoyed, Pomona poured herself a glass of wine. The spicy taste was not as delicious as sweets at all, but it also had a calming effect. At least her mood was much better than before drinking.

"Why do I see you drinking, I have the feeling that a good child learns a bad one." Narcissa Malfoy watched Pomona slam the glass on the wooden table with a "bang" when they were in the villa in Godric's Hollow. , there were only the two of them in the house, plus Honey, a house-elf, and the old bat had already taken the others to battle.

"I'm dating a big bad guy now, what's the point of being bad?" Pomona poured herself another glass of wine, even Lupine had a drink.

"Oh, my God." Narcissa looked at her and shook her head constantly. "I didn't expect you to be the kind of person who unconsciously imitates the person you like."


"Then do you like to drink?"

"I like to add some wine to my dessert." Pomona grabbed the glass and didn't drink it. She really felt that drinking directly was like drinking compound soup, with a heartburning burning sensation.

"What happened?" Narcissa took the time to listen to the story.

"He almost killed me this morning." Pomona touched her heart, which was still pounding, "just like the wizard in Mao's heart."

"Why didn't I find it strange at all, what are you doing stupidly again, Pomona."

"How do you know it was me who did the wrong thing?"

"So, is it Severus who did the wrong thing this time?" Narcissa asked lazily.

"It's me." Pomona said reluctantly, "I was friends with Sirius before, and he didn't know that I was dating the snot-nosed man."

"So he pursued you, right?" Narcissa waved her hand, "And you provoked two men to fight for you."

"I didn't do it on purpose." Pomona was aggrieved. "I thought Sirius and I were still friends."

"Sirius has always been a problem, why can't he behave a little bit better." Narcissa took a wine glass and poured herself a glass of wine.

"Maybe because what he wanted wasn't available in that family."

"He left all his property to the Potter boys, including the old house, and you know what that means to every Black?"

"Can you stop mentioning this?" Pomona said listlessly.

"He could appoint an heir and choose one of his relatives. This has been a tradition since the Middle Ages, but he chose Harry Potter, James Potter's son. I dare say Ginny must be crazy about it. She Where does the family live?"

The Burrow didn't meet the wizards' specifications. It was built crookedly. It was probably built by magic. Once it lost its magic power, it would collapse. Arthur Weasley piled up the items made by Muggles in the shed. For fun, I like to take them apart and add magic to them.

Pomona didn't like that Draco was always making fun of the Weasleys' poverty. He actually said that the family lived in one room, but she didn't stop Narcissa because she really didn't like Ginny.

"Harry is easily manipulated. I heard that he was led to dance by a girl at the Yule Ball. He will definitely be manipulated by Ginny."

Women and women may turn against each other because of a man, but they also become friends because they have a common enemy. Now Ginny Potter is the common enemy of Narcissa and Pomona.

"That's right, Harry Potter and Draco are both good boys. I heard that although he inherited the Black family's house, he didn't take care of the house. He was really saddened by Sirius' death." Nancy Sha held her heart, looking extremely sad.

"But I've heard a rumor that Ginny wants to move to Grimmauld Place."

"Where did you hear that?"

"Hermione Granger, she and Ginny don't get along well either." Hermione doesn't like Quidditch, she's also a "bookworm", and Ginny is a Gryffindor Quidditch player. Yes, they used to live in one room, but so what? Ginny was Mrs. Potter now, a big celebrity, and she was useless in adventures, and Hermione, the real hero, was on the verge of being a housewife, all because she picked her husband so well.

During the final battle at Hogwarts, Harry didn't know if he would die. The girl's kiss could comfort him. In the end, he almost died. Miraculously, because of his innocence, he finally married Ron's sister. up.

"I hate that girl, she wasn't old enough to go to the Yule Ball in third year, she used Neville to go to the ball, then she dated Dean Thomas, then she hooked up with Harry, she was This is how I got closer to the golden boy step by step."

"Dean Thomas? Harry Potter's roommate, the Auror who searched my house?" Narcissa exclaimed.

"it's him!"

"She's really ambitious!" Narcissa said indignantly.

"I want to take back the old house of the Black family and keep it for Regulus. Krich also has a place to live. He is a very loyal house elf."

"It was still served in my house for a while." Narcissa seemed to be in nostalgia, "But I heard that it was sent to the Hogwarts kitchen by Harry Potter."

"I liberated it. It's living at Black's house now. You're short of help. How about calling it to your house for Christmas?"

"I knew it was right to come to you." Narcissa and Pomona clinked glasses, "You and Honey don't stay in this villa anymore, how about coming to my house for Christmas?"

"I'm sorry, Sissy." Pomona looked at the amber wine in the glass, "I want to be alone for a while."

Harry Potter's fifth year, a lot of people felt exhausted, especially that Christmas, Fudge ruined Sirius' reputation, he denied the return of Voldemort like Muggles deny the existence of magic in the world, he controlled the Daily Prophet , attacked all those who believed in Harry Potter, and classified them as Dumbledore's supporters. During the summer vacation of that year, Harry didn't read the newspaper at all. He didn't know that he had been promoted by the Ministry of Magic As a liar, Dumbledore had to deal with those idiots and face Amos Diggory's accountability, but she left everything and went to Ireland with a man, and Pomona herself would very angry.

"Am I stupid? I want to wait for him to come home." Pomona looked at Narcissa and said, "Even if he dies in battle, I want to continue waiting."

"When I was reading a magazine, I knew a story. Muggles have a kind of sweet called tiramisu. An Italian soldier was about to go to the battlefield, but there was nothing at home. The wife who loved him prepared dry food for him. All edible biscuits and bread are made into one pastry. Whenever this soldier eats tiramisu on the battlefield, he will think of his home and his lover at home. What he takes away is not only delicious food, but also Love and happiness, I think it will be used for Christmas cake this year, many people who come to my house are old and weak, women and children, their husbands and sons have gone to the front line, and you made those magical plants to protect them."

"Take honey away, she can help."

"Mistress." Honey appeared with a "poof", her ears drooped, and she looked like she was about to cry.

"Don't worry, I can take care of myself," Pomona said with a smile. "And I'm sure it'll be okay this time. Enjoy Christmas."

"I saw the necklace on Severus' neck, is it the same as yours?" Narcissa said, pointing to Pomona's black swan necklace.

"Yes, with it, I don't care what his patron saint is anymore." She took a sip of the wine and sighed, and she will try to make a tiramisu later, this time she doesn't use food magic , but in the Muggle way, just like Lily, who now has a lot of time to waste anyway.

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