Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1778 The Queen of Hell (49)

Fleur Delacour, like many French youths, chose to leave France to work in Gringotts, England. She later met Bill Weasley there. The two got married and had children. They should have lived a sweet and loving life. But because of the Second Wizarding War, great changes have taken place.

Her husband became a half werewolf and became the most discriminated object in the wizarding world. Even the suppressed pure bloodists became less unacceptable because of hunting them down. At least the pure blood nobles began to Showed up at the Ministry of Magic "Showing Up".

Life is like this sometimes. The originally happy and beautiful campus life has become extremely stressful with employment guidance, and people have to worry about the future. In order to take care of Harry's mood and let him go on the road to death in peace, Hogwarts has always adopted the "happy education method" during his study, and did not train qualified Aurors and others in accordance with the standards of the Ministry of Magic. Talents. In the British wizarding world, talents are dying, and the US Ministry of Magic does not have the same long-arm jurisdiction as their Muggle government. It is also because of the gun issue in the United States. Wizards need to register their wands, and a wand registration office has been set up, but Muggles do not need to do so. There are many regulations. Although the US Congress passed relevant bills in 1934, all automatic weapons must be registered with the Bureau of Tobacco, Alcohol, Firearms and Explosives, and the transportation, purchase, possession and transfer of fully automatic weapons are strictly prohibited. . But just go to Texas, who doesn't carry a submachine gun that's scary to look at?

You must have a clear understanding of who is more powerful, a wand or a gun, and don't think that you can do whatever you want with magic power.

The era in which Grindelwald lived was very different from modern times. At that time, the streets were full of "violinists". The private contractors who invented this weapon didn't catch up with the first world war. At that time, the war was stopped because of the Spanish flu. shine. This kind of "typewriter" was installed by the U.S. military during World War II. Among the people who joined the army were not only law-abiding youths, but also gang members. They were very accustomed to using this kind of weapon.

Furthermore, in order to maintain employment, civilian enterprises were converted to military industries. These ever-changing contracts kept the production lines running. This is an industry, even if it is evil, it also feeds the Americans, and this is also the core of the Anglo-Saxon model - heavy Compared with the high taxation in Europe, the tax rate in the United States is much lower. It is still very attractive to investment immigrants. As for whether he can survive in the largest and most developed economy in the world, he must Look at your own strength.

Misjudging your own strength, thinking that you are excellent, but in fact encountering even better people and being eliminated, that is also your own problem. As for the outsiders who are new to your place, it is normal that they are not familiar with the shady scenes and the legal system. New immigrants How many generations are there in the United States? It took several generations of old immigrants to pioneer and build America into what it is today. Some families not only experienced World War II, but also experienced the Civil War, War of Independence, and King Philip's War. These people cannot be sued by law.

If military contractors were limited to entities in the past, now they include Internet companies. They can not only monitor emails and messages, but can also be used to fight information warfare. Many hackers around the world want to attack the Pentagon to steal information. As long as they can break The information security center of the Pentagon, this hacker is a top expert in the hacker world, and the intelligence agency will recruit him, if he cannot be physically kidnapped, he will be locked up in prison for a few years, and when he is released, the information technology will be updated again. Can he continue? Calling the wind and rain in the underground world is still a problem.

Electronic information technology is so important that Congress passed a bill that when the salary of computer practitioners exceeds a certain standard, he will no longer be protected by the US labor law. Strict regulations, not being regulated by the labor law means that there is no restriction on the 8-hour working system, and the extent of overtime work is completely "free".

The offices of those big companies look very cool, such as the company run by Bill. After all, he is also one of the "contractors". Many young people like the "corporate culture" of that company and compete for a job. Broken blood.

And those programmers who really work in it will not really work overtime. He will outsource his work to programmers from other countries with a high salary. Just give it to him. This is also the general model of "contractors". They do the work for others. Otherwise, where would they have the time to travel around the world and participate in various social activities.

A relatively healthy social model is olive-shaped, with pointed ends and a thick middle. The middle represents the middle class. They belong to the least well-informed class and are completely guided by the media. The bottom and upper classes are often well-informed.

The middle class hopes that they want to go up, just like the waiter who serves the plates in the cafe. He hopes that one day he can be the boss and open a coffee chain like Starbucks in the future. However, once the economy gets bad, people Consumption shrinks, fewer people come to cafes to drink coffee, and they can make coffee at home, so the boss's cafe will close down, and he will become the bottom class again.

So there's no middle class at all, it's just a concocted imaginary community that's part of the "American Dream" with American cars, a big house in the country, a family, a few kids and a pet dog and all, via TV Advertisements give people a sense of imagery, as if they are actually there, and if you don’t believe it, you won’t be able to deceive you.

Commoner children spend significantly more time watching TV than families like Bill. His father has a study, doesn't he? If he hadn't read those books, how would he know that there were reference materials on the shelves that he could use to write his thesis.

Many people have the desire to become stronger, but many people can't persist and leave, just like the well diggers, who only need to dig a little more to drink water, and those who remain can only persist by gritting their teeth.

But at this time, people have forgotten what they originally pursued and wanted, and people live without knowing themselves. They may be the wolf of Wall Street, or they may be part of the state machine. This is also the characteristic of the Anglo-Saxon model. Diligence , The strong are respected.

Americans will not spend the whole summer on vacation like the French, and no one responds to their emails. If the French can still choose between asking for money and life, the weak in the United States have no choice. The strong want both Money is terrible, but at least some people's wages are worthy of him, while the bottom workers are poorly paid, and they are the targets of being squeezed and robbed.

People pray to God in the hope that they can go to heaven after death, so that the suffering in life can be endured.

Religion is very active among the people at the bottom, even if it is ignorant in the eyes of the top.

There is a two-century gap between the people at the bottom of the American people and the elite at the top. The 9/11 incident when a group of firefighters rushed into the dangerous World Trade Center to save lives may be the last act of collective heroism in the United States. The Internet is full of conspiracy theories because they don’t believe it The government does not believe that the earth is round, and that is another elite conspiracy.

A leader who has lost the ability to mobilize is a poor commander even if he is a five-star general. His orders are not carried out. In the end, Hitler is left with only his most loyal followers, his mistress Eva, and his dog.

Fortunately, Germany did not invent nuclear weapons at that time. If that button was in the hands of that lunatic, maybe he could really press it down and let the people of Berlin and the Allied forces perish together.

Grindelwald said in his speech that in order to save the world, wizards should take their rightful place.

Dumbledore disapproved of him. With the style of Muggle politicians who like to shirk responsibility, if the world has not changed for the better, they can blame wizards, and then there will be another witch hunt.

He showed the doomsday-like picture to people, and the description in a thousand words is not as good as seeing it with his own eyes. People mainly receive information from vision, but some people confuse people with hallucinations. Compared with facing the cruel reality, hallucinations make people People are much happier.

In Sartre's play "Confinement", three sinners, one man, two women, are imprisoned in hell. Because there is no mirror, they must rely on each other's gaze and words to create their own images.

They want each other to see themselves as who they want to be, but once back in public life, Carlson is a coward, Ines is gay, Estelle is an infanticide.

What Sartre wants to express is that human beings rely too much on understanding themselves from the eyes of others instead of really knowing themselves, because every compliment will be canceled out by criticism. When he looks in the mirror, he sees thousands of Thousands of pieces.

Self-identity is often established at the end of adolescence, which refers to the integration of adolescents' emotions, abilities, goals, values ​​and other characteristics into a unified personality framework, which requires constant goals and beliefs, not necessarily God or other gods, but multiple personalities Unification is like integrating the broken mirrors and turning them into a complete mirror again, showing a complete portrait.

Many people have not experienced the step of reflection during adolescence. Everyone is busy studying for exams and has no time, so they start to work. Only young people with a strong self-identity dare to take the risk of intimacy with others. For to be in love with another is to fuse one's own identity with that of another. There is self-sacrifice or loss here, and that is the only way to have a truly intimate relationship in a relationship that creates intimacy that otherwise creates loneliness.

Keeping pets can solve this loneliness, but young people don't get married and have children. How can this nation continue?

This is another characteristic of the Anglo-Saxons, who love to go to extremes, and the Germanic people have adopted the Rhine model.

The male and female leaders who formulated this model all suffered from Alzheimer's disease. Western civilization has either elected lunatics or fools to lead the world for half a century. No wonder Marx said that a sound brain and a healthy mind are indispensable conditions for leaders.

People need time to calm down and think, to adjust self-unity and various conflicts. Of course, there is no trouble in this regard if you don't think about it.

Originally, there were few young people in France, but now they have gone to Britain and the United States, and the contradiction has become even more acute.

However, this is Europa.

The strong swallow the weak, and the weak can only become stronger if they don’t want to be swallowed. As Bismarck said, the range of a cannon is the truth. Now it’s a different model, but the end is the same. The winner is the one who laughs last, and the loser is no sympathetic.

Beggars are usually driven away, and no one cares about the stories that happened to them. Of course, they will not gain the trust of Yamazaki-san, and let him tell the stories that are closely related to the lives of ordinary people, but based on the "cocoon room" they live in. There is no way to know the secret.

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