Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1776: Queen of Hell (47)

There is a movie called "Saving Private Ryan". There is a man named James Ryan who is the last of four brothers in his family. His three older brothers have all died in battles in different places within two weeks. After learning the news, the general decided to send a special team to rescue her only son safely out of the war zone in order to prevent the unfortunate mother from suffering the pain of losing her son again.

The task of the rescue team fell on Captain John Miller and his team who had just completed the landing mission off the coast of Omaha. These soldiers don't understand why so many people are looking for someone on the dangerous and vast European battlefield? To be precise, it is an army like them.

Why did the staff at the Ritz rescue the Allied pilot? Because the cost of training them is different from the cost of training an army, and the cost of training a Harvard graduate is also very high. From this point of view, in order to protect Harvard graduates, it is only natural for the army with low education and low cost to pay their own lives isn't it?

First of all, "smart people" must understand that neither the US police nor the government has the obligation to protect citizens from criminals, and citizens have no right to hold the police and the government accountable for violations, unless there is a special relationship between the plaintiff and the police or the government. relation. That is to say, even if the American police see that you are about to be shot in the head by criminals, they are not related to you, and have no responsibility to protect you. They will stand far away with guns and try to negotiate with criminals. , Tell him to lay down his weapon, if you are unlucky enough to get headshot, they will send you to the hospital out of humanitarianism, if you can still be saved.

This is the case with a homeless man. He was sleeping at home and heard movement downstairs to check. As a result, the thieves ran behind him and shot him in the head. The neighbors heard the gunshots and called the police.

After the police came, they found that he was still breathing and sent him to the hospital. He survived by chance, but the bullet stayed in his brain, and he lost the ability to work. At the same time, he had to bear huge medical expenses, so he He had no choice but to sell the house to pay off the debts, and his girlfriend broke up with him, and he never saw who the thief who shot the gun was. His experience was comparable to that of the hero in Shawshank Redemption, except that The banker was in prison, and he was on the street, a homeless man. And because his tent was obstructing the appearance of the city, neighbors called the police and asked the police to remove them, so he had to seek help from public interest lawyers.

At this time, the district court explained to him that policing is a service provided by the government to the whole society to maintain peace, safety and order. undertake this obligation. Those who want to drive away these homeless people are community residents, so the police must enforce the law, and then he makes the next best thing, hoping that public interest lawyers will help him fight for it. Even if he has to be driven out, at least the police will return his belongings to him.

There was a bullet in his brain, and he had to take painkillers prescribed by the doctor. In English, the word drug has two meanings, and the police confiscated the "medicine" when they returned the pile of junk to him.

The drug, called OxyContin, contains opioids and must be swallowed whole without being broken, chewed or ground. Breaking, chewing, or grinding the tablets can result in the rapid release and absorption of potentially lethal amounts of oxycodone. It's expensive, with a bottle of 10-milligram tablets costing nearly $100 wholesale. For the highest-dose pills, 80 milligrams each, that's $600 to $700 a bottle.

Although it is so expensive, this drug is still very popular, and has been at the top of the sales list since its inception, with annual sales of billions of dollars. At that time, other painkillers on the market could only last for 8 hours or even 4 hours. The patient had to take the medicine 3 or 6 times a day, which was unbearable. The 12-hour drug effect is good news for patients, which means that they will no longer be woken up in the middle of the night when the painkillers fail, and they can sleep peacefully until dawn.

It is precisely because of this dangerous addiction that before OxyContin came into the market, doctors in the United States regarded nicotine painkillers as a scourge, and they were generally only given to long-term cancer patients or patients who were already terminally ill to the end of their lives.

But the situation of the homeless is very special. At that time, the public relations team of the pharmaceutical company gave "pain" an emotional meaning. Pain relief should not only be the privilege of cancer patients, but also the natural human rights of all pain patients. In 1996, there were only 300,000 OxyContin prescriptions issued by doctors in the United States. By 2001, the number had increased by 20 times to more than 6 million.

The reason why OxyContin is considered a miracle drug is because of its 12-hour drug effect. Without this, it is no different from ordinary painkillers.

In order to maintain the image of the miracle drug, the pharmaceutical company requires all doctors in the United States to insist that patients take the medicine at a frequency of 12 hours, and patients are absolutely not allowed to shorten the interval between medications by themselves.

However, people soon discovered that the effect of the drug lasted less than 12 hours. One was that the patient developed drug resistance, and the other was because of false propaganda, so the pharmaceutical company asked the doctor to increase the dose. Some sales representatives even privately reminded doctors that it is okay to tell patients that there is no upper limit to the amount of medicine they can take each time.

Although the law stipulates that each prescription is one-time, the dispensing amount cannot exceed 30 days, and the doctor can only prescribe it after it is used up, and the patient cannot prescribe the medicine in advance. But addicted people can only think of other ways to take more medicines, such as seeing several doctors at the same time, and then picking up medicines at different pharmacies, so that they can get a lot of OxyContin at one time.

For a while, various small clinics bloomed everywhere, and addicts even went across state to prescribe drugs. If there is federal low-income medical insurance, the 30-day dose of medicine is only 3 dollars, while the medicines on the market cost hundreds of dollars, and the black market trade is born because of the profit.

Later even doctors' blank prescription pads could be sold on the black market. Later, the situation became even more out of control. Some "middlemen" even crushed the medicine and sold it to children. At this time, the police who drove away the homeless found him.

Providing the arrested person with an opportunity to cooperate and improve their situation is the "most common" means of recruiting an informant, and for the police, once the arrested person is in prison, his value as an informant is greatly reduced, because soon he News of the arrest would spread in the streets.

Even if the evidence is insufficient, the police will deliberately approach or arrest someone in order to recruit informants. When a potential informant believes that his words and actions may be prosecuted, he will agree to cooperate. Once the informant agrees to cooperate, he will reach an agreement with the police officer. This agreement can be written or oral. The relevant details will be finalized in future activities. The federal government also has an informant fee in its expenditure.

The French know "politeness" very well, and they know that corruption and bribery are inevitable in commercial activities, so the French government gave those large enterprises a privilege to obtain "subsidies" through tax rebates, and this just hit the " under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.

It is difficult for the United States to pass a law, but it is very simple to amend it. The slow start of this dormant law requires a process of adaptation. It takes a lot of practice to cultivate a sniper, and you will be proficient in the first time and second time. That is to say, the Tarrahan incident is just a practice, and it only involves the subsidiaries under Alstom, and does not involve the "target" itself. The "foreshadowing".

In 2000, the U.S. government passed OECD, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, to organize countries that dared to resist the United States and signed an agreement called the "OECD Anti-Bribery Convention." All countries that signed this convention authorized The United States can investigate and prosecute any company that is a signatory of the convention, but these signatory countries cannot retaliate against American companies through legal means, because the United States has the priority of investigation, such as the Tarrahan incident. It is not that the French court does not want to pursue American companies, but Because France signed that agreement, they cannot pursue American companies for compensation. Moreover, if this kind of multinational company is involved, even if France initiates the prosecution first and accuses it of bribery, the American company will eventually return to the United States for trial, and France still has no priority.

These things are all intertwined. For example, Goldman Sachs saw the crisis brought about by the US real estate bubble, and set up a remote-controlled bomb in Greece in Europe. When the time is right, it will be detonated to divert public attention and avoid the domestic situation from heating up. People's confidence in "America First".

In other words, the United States has infiltrated the European intellectual circles and media through the Marshall Plan, and there are people who speak for them everywhere. They will condemn the Greek sovereignty issue and the refugee issue in the media, without mentioning the American issue, nor It will be said that the refugee problem is caused by the United States.

Herd mentality has a huge impact on people's choice and cognition. Some people will quote the views of famous people to warn everyone. Even if these views are fake and thin, people still enjoy it.

People always accept those who agree with them and reject those who disagree with them.

But what makes them feel more happy is that the person who originally disagreed changed his opinion through his own persuasion, which gave him a sense of victory and accomplishment more than the person who agreed with his point of view from the beginning.

It is a terrible thing to lose your true self in the crowd. Everyone is telling lies and doing things against their will, which eventually leads to huge irrational behavior.

A person who insists on standing alone in the torrent of the times is like a pillar standing upright in the water, and has to withstand the impact of many winds and waves. Others will regard him as a lunatic or a fool.

The executives and senior officials on the "hunting list" are all potential American informants. As long as they are willing to cooperate, they can serve as "tainted witnesses" to reduce their sentences, and even get some financial compensation from the government's compensation.

This is a trick that Americans have tried time and again. Many low-level operators on the London Stock Exchange were threatened and bought in this way. They exist to bring down a bigger target, and all the transaction records in their hands are just evidence.

Before launching the offensive to France, the Americans had already mastered the informants of the Swiss bank, and the habitual criminals often deposited the stolen money in the Swiss bank.

Although according to the regulations of Swiss banks, customer information is not disclosed to the public, but which is better between life imprisonment and being a tainted witness or light sentence and reward?

It is easy for people to encounter the prisoner's dilemma. Alstom's potential informant is not only the person in charge of the Indonesian project, but everyone else has confessed. Why are you still fighting? Want to be sentenced to life without parole?

Alstom is France's energy pillar industry. If it is dismembered and acquired by the United States, it will be equivalent to the Suez Canal. It is located on the territory of Egypt, and it was also built by Egyptians, but it is not Egyptians who collect tolls.

Unless the French want to go back to the 18th century when there was no electricity, the Americans have to pay for electricity.

Even if another power company is established, it will not only take time, but nuclear power technology is also in the hands of the Americans. How many patents does such a large company have.

And nuclear power is only 70% of Alstom's business, as well as rail transit and satellites. If we lose this battle, not only can we build the Eiffel Tower again, but we can't get rid of the insult, and maybe even France's rail transit will be banned by the European Union. acquired by other countries.

The Japanese have been hit by the atomic bomb and lost their confidence. The Anti-Foreign Bribery Act can be understood as an economic nuclear weapon, and it is not like a real nuclear weapon that cannot be easily pressed on its button and can be brandished at any time.

Once the world is controlled by the Americans, women don't want to give birth to a child and let him come to this desperate world.

Unless the French, like the Egyptians, use force to drive away the blood-sucking Americans entrenched in Alstom and other companies, Pepsi's acquisition of Danone is only a partial battle, and there will be more financial wars in the future.

*** was originally a big stick for maintaining the law, but later symbolized power, violence, reign of terror, and foreign aggression and plunder.

The struggle methods invented by human beings are becoming more and more advanced, much more civilized than before, and they are not easy to detect than before. If there is a dictator, it is the agreement that established the priority judicial power of the United States and tore it up. Or use non-U.S.-provided Internet services, and they can't continue to wave that stick.

Then there is the "tainted witness", as long as the witness retracts his confession or lies, just like the Italian who was protected by the US military in the Godfather movie. He was going to sue McCorleone, but he temporarily changed his testimony. A lot of FBI officials didn't understand, and they showed surprised expressions. It might be hard for him to imagine that there is anything more tempting than a commutation of sentence?

This is what the Yankees don't understand. After putting in so much effort, exercising, losing weight, and reading, isn't it just for popularity?

Who welcomes Americans who fish and enforce the law into their homes?

They can find an agent, look around the world to buy weapons orders, and bribe officials among them, and then the audio and video recordings of these bribes can become evidence of the Foreign Bribery Act.

One of the differences between white-collar crime and blue-collar crime is that these gentlemen are easily threatened, wearing bugs and other auxiliary equipment to assist in the investigation.

Yes bro, you got betrayed by your own people, and the second difference between white collar crime and blue collar crime is that they will call themselves profit-seeking industrialists rather than criminals, and their criminal values ​​are different from unemployed blue collar.

Take the credit for yourself and blame others. This is the politicians on Capitol Hill in Washington.

Roosevelt's implementation of the New Deal did not have so much resistance because the situation at the time was terrible.

As long as the United States has a strong president, they have the hope of coming back from the dead. After the crisis is over, it will be decades of national luck.

It is not known how many "young leaders" in the French government departments have been infiltrated.

In addition to the superficial government of France, there is also a black cabinet called the Mining Group. The mineral agreement approved by Charles de Gaulle with Germany on the Alsace-Lorraine region is also related to them.

Germany's steel in the hands of France can restrict the development of Germany's military industry. Whoever said that Germany lost World War II, the lifeblood of the steel empire that has flourished since the Prussian period is in the hands of others.

The Godfather of the movie opens with the line: "I believe in America."

Those Muggle-born wizards of commoner origin are not considered the elite of the Muggles in the United States. The diplomacy of the Ministry of Magic is inextricably linked to the strength of the Muggles. Wasn’t it the time when Grindelwald was making troubles all over the world? Should the world send Aurors?

The internal affairs of the French Ministry of Magic have been interfered with, and they can only swallow their anger. At most, Newt Scamander, who entered the country illegally, is wanted.

Patience is very painful, but you still have to endure it. Everything can be adapted.

Although the so-called hatred is accumulated through endurance, and painkillers obviously cannot solve this problem.

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