Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1760 The Queen of Hell (31)

Isaac Newton didn't love money, and if he had been a greedy man he wouldn't have been Master of the Royal Mint.

His attitude towards money is probably that he knows it is a necessity of life, and of course he doesn't mind if he can make a fortune with Nanhai stocks, but he doesn't pursue and hoard money, coupled with his rich knowledge of smelting, there is no other A more suitable candidate for the factory manager.

At this time, he has become the smartest person in Britain, and the classroom is crowded with people who want to take his class. Although the matter of currency recasting is not as great as the mystery of the universe, if it is not handled properly, there may be a civil war. There was no such thing as a few years ago. One thought he would make a reliable administrator.

On the first morning when he arrived at the Mint, Newton organized the workers of the Mint to take an oath: You will swear that you will not directly or indirectly disclose or publish to any individual or group any information about round coins and the characters and patterns on the edges of coins. Any invention, if you promise, may God bless you.

Counterfeit coins can most directly affect the issuance of new coins. After dealing with this matter, Newton went to deal with the mechanical problems of the mint.

There are only a handful of "saints" in this world who serve people wholeheartedly, not for money, not for profit, not for fame, not for power. What was accomplished, his work on the restoration of the harmony between God and nature allowed natural science not only to compete with theology, but also to replace it.

The opening words of the Declaration of Independence are: In the course of human affairs, when a nation must break her political ties with another nation, and acquire among the nations of the world the independent and equal place which the natural law and the gods of nature have bestowed upon them At times, there is a genuine respect for the opinions of human beings, requiring them to declare why they are compelled to make such changes.

God's creation of man has also been replaced by Darwin's theory of evolution. As long as man has a substitute, he will quickly throw away the original old thing. It is often heard that he sold his soul to the devil, but few people remember that he first had to prove that he had a soul. How does the soul prove it?

If it cannot be proved that it does not exist, the evidence only needs to be destroyed, and it cannot be proved that the crime exists.

Many people who participated in the Salem trial had the habit of keeping a diary. A pastor even recorded whether there was a thunderstorm that day, but the diary for that year disappeared.

In addition, there are court records. Because no professional stenographers were hired, many interrogation records are incomplete, and some records are even missing. It is said that they were burned during the riots and the War of Independence.

Paris left a detailed record of the villagers' deaths, including two he attributed to witchcraft, but did not mention Giles Corey.

A family expunges one plaintiff from its genealogy, others disguise themselves with alternate spellings of their name, and a collective amnesia of many villagers who have never had a memory, trying to forget what others desperately want to know .

People were so busy hunting witches they forgot about defense, a "witch" named Mary Tussek was released and homeless because the Indians destroyed Billerica, and they came back two years later , not only killed her, but also kidnapped her 12-year-old daughter.

In the past, Andros was criticized in addition to taxation at will. He never used a jury in his trial. After the New England self-government, the court has a jury. Even with individual jury members apportioning responsibility, the accumulation of so many accusations is scary.

The wind has changed, and everyone is looking for a way out. Even Pastor Paris's tone of voice is much softer when he preaches, talking about sweet kisses and meditation on peace, hoping that the congregation can sincerely and thoroughly understand each other.

Stoughton was the second son of a magistrate in Massachusetts. He never married. He was an early Harvard benefactor and the founder of Dorchester. He also obtained a master's degree at Oxford and preached in Dorchester passed, but refused to accept the teaching position.

When preaching on the Boston election in 1668, he once said that immigrants are God’s eldest son, his favorite and most favored by him, God has done enough for them, what else can he do for them?

And those English judges who are corrupt, conniving with pirates, and deliberately distorting the facts, Stoughton is very clean and upright. It is the girls who perjure themselves who mislead the judges and priests.

Seven of the 13 victims involved in the charges were housemaids, and there were also fatherless orphans such as Suzanne Sheldon, Moshe Lewis, and Mary Warren.

The men began to come to their senses, and those who had withdrawn silently learned to cry out, and they blamed themselves for bullying their wives so that they confessed their crimes. Once it was discovered that everyone spoke up, a prominent Bostonian was charged with a defamation suit of up to a thousand pounds.

Families of the suspects, including Martha Carrier's 7-year-old daughter and Pastor Dane's 8-year-old granddaughter, can go home after posting bail, away from their increasingly cold cells.

Even Andover's farmers are aware that something is wrong, but some people are still not sober, including the sheriff who hunted down Elizabeth Carnathan.

The whole family of this girl's relatives are locked in prison. Where else can a 16-year-old girl go?

The judges had to be heroes. This was a matter of the autonomy of the colonial courts. The more people they accused, the more hatred and prejudice they aroused. Apart from their age, it was difficult for them to get rid of the charges of perjury.

Ann Putnam old was not charged, she was dying of illness and these girls got away with life if they escaped death, Ann Putnam Jr. never married, Susannah Sheldon never married, This was rare in New England in the 17th century. Even a priest would remarry soon after his wife died, which was stipulated by the doctrine.

Elizabeth Hubbard found her husband at 36, Sarah Churchill married at 42 and was fined for adultery earlier, Mosey Lewis had an illegitimate child, married and moved to Boston, and Abigail Hobbes raised her family in the traditional way, but they never denied witnessing witchcraft.

The priests fared less well, and James Bailey, who had brought Ann Putnam Sr. to Salem, ran into trouble at Roxbury, contracted pleurisy, and died in excruciating pain in 1707.

Deodat Rosen went to England and published the Accounts of Witchcraft in 1704 to dispel accusations against his friends, insisting that dark forces were at work. He apologized shortly afterwards for his indiscretions, but This has nothing to do with the witchcraft case, but that he drank too much. In 1714, he was living in extreme poverty, his family was starving, his three children were infected with smallpox, and his new wife was getting weaker. If there was no relief, the family would inevitably die. The epitaph written for himself is "Unhappy Mr. Deodat Rosen".

Samuel Parris remarried and became the father of a second family. He was always plagued by "difficulties and turmoil" during his tenure. He went to 6 parishes in 12 years, taught in schools, raised livestock, and sold fabrics and sundries , preaching in the smallest settlement in Massachusetts.

In a land investment, he failed because of his ambition. In 1706, he was arrested for debts. He was 67 years old in Sudbury. He still had some assets before his death. He wrote his will repeatedly, but he always felt that the whole world lied to him. .

His successor, Joseph Green, half Parris's age, was a novice priest who also had an Indian slave, though he was not married, at least not while he was a priest in Salem.

Burroughs's second wife didn't die in Salem, and Paris's second wife was fine, and the wives of other pastors were fine, but Bailey's and Rosen's wives died very strangely.

This trial has spawned quite a few atheists, as long as those "miracles", fictional or true stories are ignored, the world will be peaceful.

Denying witchcraft is very important to Muggles. Even the people of Andover, who once completely surrendered to witchcraft and divination, sent nine representatives to petition to let their starving wives and children go home. After three days, one The twelve-year-old girl was released because her family paid a bond that most Andovers couldn't afford.

She was Martha Taylor, the blacksmith's daughter, and her stepbrother was the primary school principal who tormented her. Some had lost a lot and some had made a lot of money on the witchcraft charge, and Massachusetts had paid her father the blacksmith so much that he could pay a hefty bail.

She was mentally tortured to the point of going to prison on her own initiative. Is it happy for her to come out of prison and go home?

In ancient Greece, Pythagoras was walking on the street one day, and before he passed the blacksmith shop, he heard the sound of blacksmiths striking iron. Jingdong, Jingdong was very nice, so he stopped to listen.

He soon discovered that the rhythm of the blacksmith striking iron was very regular, and the ratio of this sound was expressed numerically by Pythagoras, that is, the golden ratio, which was later discovered by people in the Fibonacci sequence. Oil paintings, figures, and buildings distributed according to the golden ratio can bring joy to people. There are even many creatures that conform to the golden ratio in nature. They all look beautiful, but this ratio first expressed music and rhythm. Just as Kepler discovered the physical harmony of planetary motion, it was this harmonious universe of music and geometry that became the foundation of Newton's theory of universal gravitation.

Everyone has freedom of belief, too many people want others to accept their opinions, because we always think that we are right, this kind of thinking will leave us no room for improvement, just like a group of people right in front of us Everyone draws a different picture, and some people will say that the picture drawn by others is wrong because it is different from their own.

Didn't the universal gravitation, which was regarded as the truth, also have problems after the appearance of the theory of relativity?

Sometimes alchemists keep their discoveries secret not only to keep them secret, but also because they cannot put their power in the wrong hands.

Who would have thought that a theory created for time travel would be turned into a weapon, and a theory explaining the motion of celestial bodies would be used to calculate the trajectory of cannonballs.

Alchemy is not the buying and selling of metals as the public thinks, nor is it leading people to vanity and deceit.

It's hard to find someone who fully understands you in a sea of ​​people, and you have to endure the loneliness until you find your twin flame, and the union of twin flames is the ultimate alchemy wedding, that's the dream of some alchemists, sometimes It sounds more impractical than finding a golden stone. That's something only a fool would do, not a wise man like in that Elvis Presley song.

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