The best office at Hogwarts is that of Professor Mellors, who taught the Arts of the Dark Arts at Hogwarts for over fifty years and was once Tom Riddle's teacher.

Tom had hoped to stay in school after graduation, but was rejected by the headmaster at the time, Dippet. If he succeeded, he would definitely use that luxurious office. Although it is not as luxurious as Malfoy Manor, it is a status However, Draco Malfoy was not among the invited guests. Even the muggle-born Hermione Granger, the squib Neville Longbottom, and the pure-blood traitor Ginny Weasley were all invited. Raco Malfoy not invited?

"I heard that both your father and godfather used to be members of the Slug Club, why weren't you?" The handsome young man in a Slytherin school robe said with a smile, "You must have never seen anyone eat like Marcus Belby is so ugly, but I heard he had a great uncle who invented Wolfsbane and was awarded the Order of Merlin. Shouldn't that be your godfather's honor? Your father even opened a grand The celebration at the party was revoked because of their status as Death Eaters, right?"

Draco felt ashamed, but he didn't know how to fight back, so he left the sofa in the lounge, the seat that was originally reserved for prefects.

The scene changed rapidly, and it was still the lounge with the fire raging. Everyone lowered their heads, not daring to look up at him, including the dark-skinned Blaise Zabini. On the back of his hand was a bloodstain like the one on the back of Draco's own hand, which was given to him by his godmother, who taught Blaise Zabini a lesson, now the illegitimate son of the mother who married seven times Never dare to laugh at him again.

"Although the facts are cruel, pain drives us forward. Dignity, strength, wisdom and knowledge are indispensable. Everyone copied these two sentences fifty times." Draco said to the young people proudly, "Tomorrow You all have to turn it in."

"Why should we listen to you, the current dean is not your godfather." A Slytherin boy protested.

He opened his mouth, and almost said the secret that his godfather was still alive, and everyone else seemed to be watching the show.

He's still looked down upon, like he's a pompous douchebag.

"Draco..." Pomona hugged the weeping little dragon.

"I didn't tell them, really!" Draco hugged Pomona tightly, "They've heard the rumor, but it's an unspoken secret among a few people. It's going to be known very quickly, and I know you don't want that."

"Thank you, Draco." She kissed his platinum hair. He really learned his lesson and stopped bullying others. It's just that he needs to establish his identity as a leader in a new way among his peers, otherwise There is no way to set up a patrol.

"You're growing up, Draco, and I'm proud of you." Pomona said softly, "There are many people who are at a loss when faced with challenges. Your godfather is a hedgehog. When other people get annoyed, the other party will strike first, you were like him in the first and second years, and the Gryffindors always wanted to fight you."

"What about the back?" Draco said angrily in her arms.

"When you were in third and fourth grade, your catchphrase was what would happen if my dad found out? Remember that hippogriff? You almost got scratched to death by it. Back then you were arrogant. In fourth grade you You're going to be cunning, that badge was made by Hufflepuff before you promoted it in Slytherin, Mad-Eye Moody turned you into a snow..."

"Oh, don't talk about that!" Master Malfoy broke free from her arms. "He's humiliating me in front of people."

"If it was your godfather, he would hold back his breath and come back when the time is right to take revenge. I taught him the problem of holding grudges." Pomona sighed helplessly, "I'm actually very happy that you escaped."

"Why?" Malfoy asked.

"That man is a Death Eater, his name is Barty Crouch Jr., he drank Polyjuice Potion and turned into Moody, it's your life that he didn't cast the Kedavin on you, even your godfather Almost died at his hands."

"I've heard of this, Barty Crouch Jr. killed his father." Draco frowned.

"No." Pomona shook her head, "He's just your godfather's scapegoat, the real murderer is someone else."

Draco didn't rush to ask who killed old Barty Crouch, he was smart enough not to ask.

"It's a dangerous game, Draco. It's more dangerous than the Triwizard Tournament. I wasn't there when you were in fifth grade. I don't know what you did. You spent your sixth and seventh grades at the expense of others. Difficult times, now you have to be someone others rely on, you have to be responsible for the future of Astonia, you have to be someone you can rely on before giving orders, so that you will have confidence when you speak, do you know what to do? "

Draco shook his head.

"I'll ask you to classify these friends who came to St. Mungo's. One is suitable for fighting, they can be patrol members, and the other is not suitable for fighting, but they are good at healing spells. You have to take them to the front line, ten years The Azkaban prison break happened before, and this time it may happen again, when the time comes, there will be casualties on the front line, you don’t need to fight, but you have to be responsible for the treatment, and the field hospital should also be well defended, do you understand me when I say that?”

"War again?" Draco worried, he was finally past the age where he thought joining the Death Eaters was cool.

"Ask your godfather about this question and see if he allows you to go to the battlefield. The most similar thing about Harry and Sirius is that he is good at fighting. His strength is not very useful on the real battlefield, but it will add to the chaos. Mystery The battle of the Department of Things was caused by him taking the DA members into the Ministry of Magic late at night on his own initiative, and he fell into someone else's trap. Although you can run away, you won't cause trouble. I think you are much more at ease than him."

"I can do this." Draco didn't care about Pomona comparing him to Harry Potter. "So besides building patrols, I also need to learn healing spells?"

"Yes, because there were werewolves haunting the prison this time, and you saw Bill Weasley's wounds, you should take the time to consult a professional doctor on how to deal with those wounds, and if you have any medicinal materials, you should also start preparing them, White Moss you Take more, and other healing medicines, I don't know when the fight will start, the last time was around Christmas, you don't have time to argue with them, especially a flashy guy like Blaise Zabini, you have to Leaving those who can fight to protect the hospital, and taking those who can be treated to the front line, doing these practical things can build more prestige than you clamoring about who my father is."

"Thank you, godmother!" Draco kissed Pomona's cheek, and she froze in shock.

Draco was undoubtedly a handsome young man, and she was going to lose her soul after being kissed.

"I went to find the godfather, and I can still use Neville Longbottom to practice spells." Xiaolong showed that evil smile again, "Granger can't accuse me anymore this time."

"You still don't like her bloodline?"

"I just hate her admonishing expression even more. Who does she think she is?" Draco said with disdain on his face. "No wonder some people call her Miss Know-It-All."

Pomona shook her head, and these small conflicts will be resolved slowly in the future.

"I know the godfather is notoriously unreasonable, but can I know why he was so angry this time?" Draco asked very intimately, "And I can see that it seems that you are the one who is at fault."

"You leave this problem to me to solve by myself." Pomona took a sip of tea, thinking about how to get away with it at night, and hoped that when Neville was training, his anger would have been exhausted due to physical exertion, otherwise she would suffer tonight head off.

"If you need help, you can just say, by the way, did you teach Shen Feng invisible healing spell?" Draco asked.

"No, I didn't teach that, I only taught him how to cut, not how to heal." Even she is not good at healing spells herself, Pomona thought, while looking out the window "I guess he is learned it here."

For the first time, she felt admiration for her student. He was still studying tirelessly, but she, the teacher, had stopped growing.

"But you're just as good at healing." Draco said, looking Pomona in the eye. "I understand now why he hid you like a treasure."

Kreacher said he was a thief, but Dumbledore brought a thief into the school, which was more stupid than leading a wolf into a house.

"He keeps complaining that his office is like a toilet." Pomona laughed, it was Severus took over from Slughorn, the cellar was dark and damp, and the wooden furniture was so moldy that mushrooms grew, he often It is necessary to mix potions to clean up those fungus plants.

"I've always wondered why he should stay in that school he hates when so many people recruit him for his talent, you know how much he hates students." Draco said with a smile, "Especially Still living in such a gloomy and damp office, even my dungeon is better than that place, at least not so damp."

When Draco said this, Pomona suddenly realized that his office was really like a dungeon.

"The newspaper said that the old fool begged the godfather to kill him, not that the godfather voluntarily killed him. He really owed the godfather a lot. He took many things that the godfather cherished and threw them away like used toilet paper. I really regret that I wasn't the one who killed him at the observatory that day, he was like a wizard with a hairy heart, and he didn't even realize how inhuman he was."

"Don't say that about him, Draco," Pomona said. "He's like a father to me."

"But you have a new family now." Draco gave Pomona a hug and stood up. "Don't worry, we'll take care of you."

After saying that, Draco left. This time, he took big strides, but he didn't wag his head like a snake like before. He looked like a reliable young man.

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