Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1752 The Queen of Hell (23)

When the Vasinaquate made an alliance, they proposed to provide corn and 80 pieces of beaver skins to the settlers every year. Compared with the benefits of setting up trading points, this was insignificant, but it was part of the "etiquette".

At that time the biggest enemy of the Vasinaquates was the Pequots, who only traded with the Dutch. Before the 1630s, the main trading point of the Dutch was not in the Connecticut Valley, but at Fort Orange in New Netherland, with whom they traded with the Mohawks. In the winter of 1634, however, the Mohawks suddenly stopped coming, an economic disaster given that the fur trade was the colony's only income.

The Dutch thought it was the French who were in the way. In order to win back their regular customers, the Dutch sent the 22-year-old van den Bogart, led by two companions and five Mohawk guides, to the Mohawk territory. visit them.

The team found an important Mohawk village when they were almost at the shore of Lake Maunada, but the young Vanden Bogart told one of the tribe's leaders that he was only "visiting" and therefore did not Bringing gifts, the angry leader drove the "talented man" away.

The French not only intermarried with the Indians, they also set up "spokesmen" in the Indian tribes. These "spokesmen" were usually young men under the age of 20. They wanted to live with the Indians, learn the Indian language, Culture, thereby establishing a more stable bond between the French and the Indians, this is the rule established by Samuel de Champlain, the "Father of New France".

Indians in the east are very different from those in the west. The water network composed of creeks, rivers and lakes in the east is as dense as spider webs. The way Indians travel, hunt and fight is by canoe, which has a smooth shape. The stability was also good, and French traders quickly learned to use this vehicle and meandered along the waterways in North America.

The bottom of this boat is flat, the buoyancy is very high, and the hull is very light. The rower can easily navigate the deep and fast river with wide and flat oars.

Cedar wood for boat building was ubiquitous and easy to repair, and the canoes played a central role in the fur trade in the north. But for these beaver fur traders, the most terrifying thing is not the rushing river and the steep waterfall, but the Indians hiding in the forest and water.

Not all Indians are peaceful, and there are frequent wars between tribes. The Europeans changed the way of warfare in the process of trading with the Indians, so the Iroquois sometimes attacked these caravans, even if the caravan's guide was their hostile tribe, it would also cause the caravan to be attacked.

The Europeans will be fine, the big deal is the loss of part of the goods, and the guide will be tortured miserably if caught. Such attacks are often called "beaver wars". Part of the reason why the war is so named is because of the People need to obtain beaver resources, and part of the reason is their culture. When many members of the clan die or are killed, launching a war is their way to strengthen their own strength. The captives will not be executed, but treated as slaves. Or take them in and replace the dead clansmen.

The Indian tribes who were defeated by the Iroquois and did not become captives and slaves fled to the vicinity of Lake Michigan and Lake Superior. The local Sioux, Cree, and Miami had no contact with Europeans and did not understand the fur trade. In their cognition, beavers are hunted and eaten like other animals. The European artifacts in the hands of these fugitive Indians made them feel very novel, so these fugitives from different tribes formed a new tribe "Ottawa people". Ottawa means traders, and they are middlemen in the beaver fur trade. , Their place of residence became Ottawa. They exchanged their old knives and kettles for good beaver skins, and exchanged these high-quality beaver skins for European goods.

But just like the history of currency development, there is also a "hard currency" similar to gold and silver among Indians, that is, shell beads, and its value is distinguished according to its size. "Money" without Indians. Fan in the Netherlands, like von in Germany and della in Spain, both mean "from" and are not a symbol of nobility, but the 22-year-old Van den Bogart is indeed not an ordinary person, otherwise he would not be young. With no experience, he became the team leader to "visit" the Mohawks.

The five guides were too busy guarding against other Indians and didn't have the mood to remind him. His two subordinates didn't know whether they really didn't understand the rules or cheated the young master. Seeing that the young master was about to return empty-handed, the elders came out to make adjustments. Saying that "they are willing to be friends with the Dutch", an old man put his palm on Van den Bogart's chest and found that his heart was beating steadily, so he announced that the Dutch were not afraid. Fur coats, the two sides began to bargain.

Bullies can be found everywhere, so how can the Dutch not kill them if they send one?

While chatting around the bonfire, the Indian chiefs wanted to price a large sheet of beaver skin, shell beads four palms wide and cloth four palms wide. Van den Bogart said he had no right to decide such things, he had to ask the "chief ", which is the opinion of the governor of the New Netherlands.

At this time, the chief who was about to drive away the "talented man" jumped up, "You Dutch are rascals. The French not only give gifts when trading, but are also willing to send more shell beads, or provide better goods in exchange for our furs. !"

Maybe the governor taught the young master before he set off. This is a way for the Indians to ask for prices, so he retorted, "Don't lie, the French are always out of stock or don't give enough shell beads. Other tribes have abandoned the French and We made a deal."

"Then what do you say?" asked the Indian.

"I'll come to you next spring with the results, and until I come, you can't trade furs with anyone else," van den Bogart said.

The Indians agreed to this condition, and van den Bogart went to the governor with the Indians' request.

The Dutch agreed to the terms, and they soon resumed their trade with the Mohawks, but in the winter of 1635, the Mohawks stopped coming.

After a year of training, Van den Bogart is already a capable businessman. This time he went out to meet the Mohawks, and he still remembered to bring a "gift".

However, this time, the situation was completely different from the last time.

The once prosperous tribe was lifeless, there were no guards at the gate, crows were screaming all over the sky, and foxes haunted it.

That fox was an white fox, but maybe it was because it ate its prey, its mouth was full of blood, and it didn't hide when it saw someone coming.

No matter how you looked at this situation, it was abnormal. Van den Bogart, his companions, and the guides all took up arms to be vigilant, and finally they found a dying old man in a half-down tent.

It was the Iroquois who came, and they captured the tribe to replenish the population, but this time they died not because of the war, but because of the smallpox epidemic in the tribe.

Later, when a guide helped the old man clean the wound, he found that he had acne on his body, and the guide immediately let out a horrific wail.

Due to many uncontrollable factors, the Dutch regarded the Connecticut River Valley as a backup trading point. At the same time, both Massachusetts and Plymouth began to immigrate to the River Valley. Although the governor of Massachusetts Bay did not agree to the conditions of the Vasinaites like Plymouth, the people began to migrate spontaneously. They took a fancy to the land in the valley and planned to develop it into farmland, which is different from the people who planned to build fortifications here. The Dutch were conflicted.

In the summer of 1636, a Boston merchant was said to have been killed by the Pequots, and the Massachusetts authorities sent troops to destroy crops and provoke Pequot resistance.

After the defeat of the Pequots, some people decided to abandon their land and flee. Their land was occupied by the Mohicans, and the captives were divided up. Some were sent to other tribes as slaves, and some were sent to the West Indies , the number of Pequots fell sharply, and the Dutch were also squeezed out of this trading point.

As the British colonies gradually formed a line along the coast, the fur business of the French became more and more difficult to do. Champlain always hoped that New France could become a smoothly functioning and versatile colony, but they were still rejected. Trapped a little further north near Ottawa, the southern French could not compete with the British, and all they could do was explore westward for new sources of furs.

There were still many American bison at that time, and the Indians discovered a way to hunt bison. The eyes of this giant animal grew toward both sides, which is a characteristic of many herbivores, and the eyes of sheep also grew on both sides. Predators such as lions, tigers, wolves, and humans have their eyes facing forward, so bison can easily look to both sides to get a wider field of vision. When they run or are frightened, their heads are always lowered. , which makes them easily influenced by the group, and they will also run when other people are running, so as long as the cattle are driven to the edge of the cliff, these cattle that cannot see the front will collectively fall off the cliff, so that You can get a huge number of bison.

With the heavy taxes generated by the war in the Old Continent, the French had no money to buy fur clothes. In addition, France was at war with many European countries, and those countries that had been flocking to luxury goods in Paris also closed their doors. The demand for fur has dropped sharply, but traders are still buying in large quantities, which has resulted in a lot of fur rotting in warehouses and being bitten by rats.

In 1665, a naval battle broke out between the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. The fuse was that a British navy occupied the Dutch New Amsterdam in North America. At that time, the British warships anchored in Brooklyn pointed their cannons at the fortress of New Amsterdam. At the time, King Charles II of England granted lands, including the New Netherland, to his brother James, Duke of York, in return for four beaver skins a year, and the troops were there to ensure that promise was kept.

The British commander Richard Nix announced to the Dutch in the city that as long as the opponent surrendered and promised to accept British rule, he would protect the life, property and freedom of the surrender. Book, ready to assemble the army, but the 22-year-old van den Bogart persuaded him.

Obviously, continuing to do the fur business is not as good as making money before. "There are too many hunting dogs, and the rabbits will die", and the Dutch have no strong plans to emigrate. The key is that the condition proposed by the British is that Suriname can be exchanged for New Netherland and Amsterdam. That is the land lost by the Dutch in the first Anglo-Dutch war. Suriname’s sugar trade is extremely valuable, and that area belongs to South America. , didn't do much for the UK's North American expansion, while New York meant a lot for them.

Unbeknownst to these outsiders, Massachusetts, New Haven, Plymouth, and Connecticut had formed a "loose association," promising eternal goodwill, attacking and defending together, helping and conferring with one another.

After the Duke of York occupied New Amsterdam, he would definitely expand. New Haven was actually not a very suitable place for fur trading, as it was the domain of the Dutch and the Swedes.

For decades New England has been talking about a mythical lake—Lake Iroquois, the beaver's version of El Dorado, said to be the source of a river that many Massachusetts emigrated to New Haven in search of it. arts.

The Dutch gave up New Amsterdam to acquire a more valuable piece of land, Suriname. At this time, New Amsterdam was already a multi-ethnic city. These people came here for profit, they were extremely hypocritical, and they would not resist desperately, and the British did not want a ruin. The conditions agreed to by the British were beneficial to the Dutch. After they withdrew, they could ask the Netherlands to send troops.

After many considerations, the Director-General gave up resistance, and the British occupied New Amsterdam without bloodshed. In memory of the Duke of York, New Amsterdam was renamed New York. Although the Dutch left, they still left traces, Queens in New York It is decorated with Dutch tulips and English roses, and Brooklyn, Harlem, and Broadway are all named after Dutch.

The war made life hard for the French, but good for the British, and demand for beaver hats and fur coats from Hudson Bay skyrocketed. In addition to beaver skins, the British also had a great demand for deerskins. Charleston shipped back more than 200,000 deerskins to the UK every year.

The location of Charleston happened to be south of Massachusetts and north of New York. Plymouth was also a British colony. Although there was friction with Massachusetts due to the fur business, the offensive and defensive alliance was still unanimous, and all colonies would fight the French.

If Massachusetts rebelled against the aristocratic governor sent by England, then the governor of New York was a British aristocrat, and Philip English was relatively safe under the patronage of the governor of New York.

Elizabeth Cary's husband is a shipbuilding expert in Charleston. Any person in power will pay attention to the protection of technical talents. If Elizabeth Cary was lured to Salem and imprisoned like John Alden, then Charleston Fortunately, the authorities came forward, but Elizabeth went to clean up her wrongdoing by herself.

A talent is very important, and political and economic factors must also be considered. In the spirit of doing more things, it is better to do less things, so the Charleston authorities are helpless.

To wait any longer is undoubtedly to wait for death, and Elizabeth Cary has escaped from prison.

Their property was in Charleston, and it was not as convenient for George Corwin to appropriate their wealth as it was for John Proctor and Philip English, but it gave the sheriff of Massachusetts an excuse to intervene in Charleston's affairs, on the grounds that It's to catch fugitives.

Thomas Brattle, a Harvard-affiliated scientist who worked with chemist Robert Boyle, took measurements of a comet passing across New England, attended and documented the Salem witchcraft trials the process of.

Bartholomew Gedney is an old acquaintance of Alden's. They have experienced glory and troughs together, but how can Alden be blamed for the illness of a child they have never met? Pastor Noyce is well-educated, benevolent, and kind, and he actually believes in the evil eye. Those things are absurd ideas, rural nonsense that a rude and ignorant person would believe? Who doesn't have some unusual markings? Since when is not being able to cry a sin?

The seasoned captain did not mention Alden's other allegation that none of the captives returned when the "spokesperson" negotiated a prisoner exchange in York County, and that in fact, in Brattle's records, witch A large number of charges in witchcraft courts have nothing to do with witchcraft. Instead, Judge Corwin's mother-in-law, who has been accused of being a witch by many, is also getting away with it.

As for Andover, husbands would rather trust their children than their wives, and those women would perhaps rather fall into the hands of savages than continue to fall into the hands of brethren.

Such aggressive Iroquois are sometimes forced by their wives to catch slaves to fill the population, but they don't know if there are people who have smallpox among those slaves.

In the summer of 1721, smallpox spread in Boston. In the face of the deadliest disease of the 18th century, people took measures to isolate. A red flag would fly outside the house of the infected person, implying "God bless this house ".

Cotton Mather, who was 29 years old, had also entered middle age at that time. In addition to being a writer, he also had a new professional scientist. He had a slave from West Africa named Onassimus. He told Mather a One way to protect her from the disease, seen at home, is to inoculate the pox jelly of an infected person.

Perhaps he still remembered the curse brought by Martha Carrier, the "Queen of Hell" thirty years ago, so Mather wanted to persuade Bostonians to be vaccinated, but unexpectedly met with fierce opposition from people.

Bostonians were so upset that African slaves had invented their long-sought panacea that a detonator grenade was thrown at Mather's house, which luckily escaped serious injury.

At the same time, the Bostonians would rather use the Indian snake venom antidote for treatment, which is essentially the same as the African method. There is only one doctor in Boston who is willing to use the method he said, including himself, his son and slaves.

Andover was spared the plague after the extreme weather, especially smallpox, it is believed because the Carriers were all arrested.

Smallpox was fatal to both Europeans and Indians, at least until the invention of vaccinia.

Many people will leave a scar after vaccination, as Bartholomew Gedney said, who doesn't have some unusual marks on his body?

So the upside-down c on Martha Carri's body is nothing, maybe it was accidentally done by her when she was injured, but she is rampant and hateful, and all those who offend her will end badly, the one who has a land dispute with her Neighbors with bubonic plague-like abscesses on their feet and groin, she was cured as soon as she was arrested. And her 22-year-old nephew, who came back from the front, was badly wounded deep enough to put a four-inch needle in, looked almost hopeless, but once Martha Carry was arrested, he was fine .

Carli's nephew's father died in prison six weeks ago, also on witchcraft charges. His mother and sister have remained in custody, and one of his cousins ​​has pleaded guilty, avoiding bringing the whole family into the mix and avoiding his own family. People splash dirty water on each other.

But the fear is still spreading. Everyone in my family is in danger, and the whole family is falling apart, not just the Kalil family. That scene is probably not what any wounded soldier who returns home wants to see.

The most prominent family in Andover is Dane. Francis Dann has been serving as the pastor of Andover since before Samuel Parris was born. At the same time, he also serves as the principal. Most adults learned to read and write under his education.

There are few land disputes in Andover, and disputes among priests do not affect the local people. Nevertheless, Andover villagers still have reasons to resent the priest who has arthritis but refuses to retire.

He had a lame foot and could only do part of his duties, and Andover had to hire another, younger priest.

Thomas Barred is a classmate of Paris at Harvard. He is younger than Paris. He just started a family before he took office in Andover. a little.

The villagers fulfilled his conditions, even though they spent twice as much money on Bareed than Dan, but they got a benefit, Dan and his family were targeted, he can't shrug like before, don't care Those charges, because Massachusetts has started hanging priests.

Some people suspect that the devil appears disguised as a priest. He will pretend to be Paris, Mather, Burroughs, etc., which makes the priests have to wear black hoods when they appear in court, so that the witches cannot tell them apart.

Inflict torture on others, God will not turn a blind eye to suffering.

Who will win the deer has not yet been decided, and we will continue to see each other in court.

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