Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1747 The Queen of Hell (18)

Back in April, when Abigail Hobbs tearfully admitted that she had always been evil, she agreed to the temptation of the devil in exchange for fancy clothes, signed a contract, agreed to pinch the girls, and charged a Philip English, feeling the wind was not right when he was the mother of the Sheriff of Topsfield, ran straight to Boston.

He lived with his wife, Mary, in a splendid house with many gables, one of the grandest buildings in Salem, more luxurious than the house of worship which was the center of the village. The couple also employed many servants from Jersey, England, the home of Philippe Langlois, a small Anglican island.

Langlois was English's former surname. When he was a teenager, like many Jersey residents, he left his hometown because he couldn't stand poverty and went to the New World alone. The unscrupulous richest man in Salem has become a business tycoon in just two decades. He had 14 houses, a warehouse, a dock, 21 ships that sailed regularly between the Virginia and Nova Scotia coasts, and extensive collaborations with France, Spain, and the West Indies.

This "outsider" with no deep roots married the daughter of the early founders of Salem. Although he still spoke with an accent, his tough style undoubtedly met American standards, except for his magical wealth. No one outside the Tao can associate him with such things as witchcraft.

But Suzanne Sheldon, an 18-year-old orphan, still dared to single-handedly sue the English couple. She claimed that she saw them at the devil meeting held in the pastor's backyard. The pews jumped on her and choked her, threatening to slit Sheldon's throat. And Mary English has a yellow bird on her chest. Sheldon said that Mary has been a witch for more than 20 years.

English has been accused like the pugnacious Giles Curry, and he has appeared in court in Massachusetts at least 17 times, but almost all land and business disputes, unlike Giles Curry It also involves criminal cases, and most of the compensation proposed by the plaintiff is for English to cede land for a settlement. English has always been dismissive of this request.

As an outstanding immigrant who traveled across the ocean, his political stance is valued, especially after he served as an administrative member in March 1692, he was more inclined to support Andros's than the Phipps government. Regime, in part because he admired Andros' talents.

No men had been brought to trial during April, Philip hadn't even tried to save Mary English after her arrest on April 21, and he had been hiding in a pile of stinking Boston laundry all through May. During his absence, his name was brought up several times in the courts of witchcraft trials, and in the mortal world he had business dealings with several judges, and in the world of ghosts with Burroughs and Pullock. Meet regularly.

Perhaps because of this relationship with the judges and the money that opened the way, the English and his wife did not "enjoy quiet" in prison. When you are accused of fraud, you should go to a lawyer; when you are accused of witchcraft, you should go to a priest. The Englishes approached Reverend Moody, who had not only worked on the frontier, but also served as church chaplain and Phipps' army chaplain. Eight years earlier during the Dominion of New England he had refused to give communion to New Sabshire in accordance with the rites of the Holy House. He chose to ignore friends who advised him that it was "providence to offer communion to the provinces", and he was sentenced to six months in prison for defying the Queen, although he was actually imprisoned for thirteen weeks, longer than English.

After being imprisoned by a traitor, and actually staying in the jailer's house for a few weeks, English consulted Joshua Moody and Samuel Willard about the Devil's Rally on July 31, and he was also Because of this it was charged.

Pastor Moody preached to him according to the twenty-third chapter of the tenth chapter of Matthew: "If someone is persecuting you in this city, flee into the city."

Philip English didn't understand, and Reverend Moody had to tell him bluntly, "Run, fool."

Philip English was hesitant. He knew what it was like to run away, not to mention that his business affairs had been thrown into disarray.

"God won't let them touch me," said Philip.

"You really think the six hanged were witches?" said Mary English to her husband. "Listen to Mr. Moody."

"If you can't travel as a husband to protect Mary's safety, I will arrange it myself," Moody said. "I have arranged for a few Bostonians to escort her out of New England. It is your choice whether you go or not."

So the two suspects fled, and a few days after they fled, the grand jury heard that Philip English had murdered his neighbor's son by witchcraft. On the way home, he suddenly had a nosebleed, which not only soaked the handkerchief, but also stained the horse's mane red. A sixteen-year-old Salem servant swore the couple would tear him to pieces.

But by the time they testified, the English had fled miles away from Salem and were on their way to New York, where Governor Fletcher Benjamin had promised them asylum. At that time, the relationship between New England and New York was like that of Christians and Turks, and the interests and feelings were very different. The newly appointed governor did not want to show favor to the new government of Massachusetts. In this crisis, New York also played a crucial role. As early as 1692, the rich had been treated differently. As for others, as a pastor said in a sermon: Some people are not capable enough, and their status is correspondingly low. People with more outstanding abilities will also develop better. A person who has no ability to escape or evade witch hunts has no qualifications to survive. How can he still think about development and happiness?

The new world is mobile. A poor and white boy from Jersey can become the richest man in Salem through his own efforts, and a swearing-mouthed hooligan in a tavern can also become the governor, but there is another class that benefits more than them. That's the clergy.

Their social status in England is very low. When the Salem incident broke out, England was brewing the South Sea crisis. The streets and alleys of the UK were talking about ways to make money. The crisis broke out because the UK participated in the Spanish War and owed 10 million pounds debt.

Even if someone "asks for help" to England at this moment, let alone when the slow post will deliver the letter, it is a question of whether those gentlemen who are themselves troubled by debts and speculation will have the time to pay attention to these distress letters.

In North America, which lacked a gentry class, the clergy jumped into the upper class, and their evil status was second only to the lawman. If anyone had a good cushion or a good mirror in town, it was usually a priest.

Their status is enviable, and they are not difficult to disguise, requiring only a white card under a black collar. That's what priests wear when they don't wear a robe, the thing's official name is a Roman collar, and that white card is called a holy girdle.

Maybe there is such a priest who has to tell those believers sitting on the pews under the altar in a dignified manner: We are born equal.

There is also a priest who tells and tells the believers in the pew: We are not born equal, and we will not die so, so why should we pretend to be equal while we are alive?

Which of the two priests looked more like the demon in disguise?

If the last king of the Spanish Habsburg family was born in an ordinary family, he would have been abandoned, but the right to inherit the throne belonged to him, and the church also put a crown on him, implying that his royal power was obtained legally.

The girls in the village are not deeply involved in the world, but they can also observe that gorgeous clothes are the privilege of the rich, and they can see it clearly when arranging seats or walking on the street.

They knew the background of the rich people they accused and the rich people they knew in the town, and based on Elizabeth Cary's age and the conditions that Abigail had said in advance that they would meet at the Ingersoll Tavern, it was easy for the girls to Elizabeth Cary herself can be found in the crowd.

Even without the reference of Pastor Hale, they could reason it out by themselves, but so many people in a tavern did not think of this. They believed that Elizabeth Cary was a witch, and the girls recognized her at a glance after seeing her ghost Come.

Village girl Abigail Hobbs likes gorgeous dresses, she agreed to the devil's condition to serve him, so did the devil give her the gorgeous dress she wanted?

Maybe it's not because no one went to verify it, but because it didn't need it. What's more, Abigail doesn't have Tituba's talent for storytelling, nor Sheldon's guts. She can send her parents to prison. Susannah Sheldon's parents are dead. Don't dare to do it?

Maybe when Abigail Hobbs was in prison, he would dream of wearing a gorgeous dress, accepting the attention of people, and enjoying everything that only the rich can enjoy.

Once you join the game, you can't quit halfway. If you want to survive, you have to ask the "Queen" for forgiveness, just like you need to get her approval to participate in a ball, otherwise, their family will die there.

Sarah Wildes' son felt it was because he arrested Abigail's family that he was hated, and then Abigail defamed his mother.

Perhaps because he was in the game, he couldn't see how the "rules of the game" were played, which also contributed to her mother's inability to escape Salem as successfully as Mary English.

Of course, this may also be because Rebecca and Elizabeth are older, not as young as Mary English, and the English couple does not have so many children, so they can easily set foot on the road like male and female robbers. way of escape.

Sometimes people are like this, there are many things that they are reluctant to let go, and in the end they kill themselves.

Why did Mary choose to be with him and go to New York together after she was arrested and her husband ran away to death?

Everyone will work very hard for upward mobility, and there will be no aristocratic lord who doesn't know anything to command blindly, and those with ability will win. This is called the American Dream, which is the belief and pride of generations of Americans.

In the beginning, the American Dream is regardless of origin, class, and education. This system seems very self-consistent and reasonable, but when a person's ability is linked to his education, this system changes.

Ability=education=success=income, Wall Street elites are almost all highly educated, and studying in prestigious schools has become a channel for ordinary people to advance to class.

If the aristocrats in the feudal era wanted to ensure the hereditary system and ensure that power and wealth were not obtained by others in their circle, then the new aristocrats ensured that wealth and power remained in their social circle by restricting the qualifications for admission to prestigious schools. The civilians they accept also agree with their worldview. These people will not help the people at the bottom, but will continue to maintain this system for the elite. Low education = low ability = low income = failure, realizing the double oppression of spiritual and wealth distribution. .

At least the working class in the feudal era would not regard themselves as failures. They would only feel that they had not been born well. The privileges of the nobles were nothing special. They were nothing more than inherited and had nothing to do with the nobles’ personal abilities. Bastards had no inheritance rights. Calling someone an illegitimate child is cruel. up.

The new aristocrats completely deny the meaning of the existence of the losers. Being able to earn money will make them feel good about themselves. They can confidently tell the working class that this is what they get in exchange for their abilities. This makes them unable to tolerate their children not being as good as themselves. Even if his child is not talented enough to enter a prestigious school, he will still pay to enter a prestigious school.

Their children are not happy either. They know very well that they got into a prestigious school by cheating, and they can't keep up with the courses taught by the prestigious school. students admitted.

The parents of the new aristocrats have also studied so hard. They don’t understand why their children are so difficult. They can’t accept that their children are ordinary people. Of course, the children born by winners are also winners. If he is a loser, then his perfect life is not perfect, and the child is driven into depression because of that sense of superiority.

And their so-called ability to get wealth is also obtained by the bottom with loans to start a family. They have to work like slaves. The former slave owners waved the whip. Now the bosses can say that you are not working hard enough. You have completed their kpi. Next year kpi Continue to increase until your energy is exhausted and you can't do it anymore. At this time, they will lay you off, because you are already old, and new young people or machines can replace you, and their cost is lower. .

Prestigious schools like Harvard, which collect their parents’ membership fees, will buy a large number of high-risk CDs, which will not only inflate the real estate bubble, but also increase financial risks. Fortunately, Goldman Sachs, the "prophet of the future", has added Greece, a remote-controlled bomb, to the European Union. Press to save America.

60% of the new dignitaries on Capitol Hill are from Wall Street. In this era, money is no longer a tool for trading, but a knife that kills people without blood.

If the feats of the Middle Ages are counted by the number of soldiers killed, the new century is counted by money. As for what those people did with the money, ordinary people can’t know. Maybe they are busy designing benches that can’t let homeless people sleep peacefully. It takes up public resources and leaves no place for people who want to sit and rest. As for those vagrants who are like social scum, they should not exist at all. In their eyes, serial killers may kill them as a way to eliminate harm for the people, reduce waste of resources, and make the city look cleaner.

The only thing a loser can do is turn off the TV, or switch to an entertainment program, and not watch the successful people share their experiences.

Look at that clown, how funny he is.

What's more interesting is watching those glamorous elite politicians, scandals or their previous black history, or simply go bankrupt.

It's disgusting for those people to gloat, but if they fall down, they will continue to get up and work hard, right? Like Philip English, continue to fight after losing everything, after all, hard work will succeed, because this is America, a paradise for dreamers.

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