Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1713 The Secret Words of the Goddess (58)

Lucius Malfoy was once a director of Hogwarts, but after the Chamber of Secrets incident, he was expelled from the list of directors by the headmaster Albus Dumbledore.

This kind of thing is impossible to happen in other schools. The principal has always compromised with the school director. After all, the school directors can unite to remove the principal.

However, Albus is an internationally renowned wizard, and he is also the president of the International Federation of Wizards. He can let the International Federation of Wizards Education Evaluation Agency evaluate the teaching quality of Hogwarts. There are other wizarding schools in the UK, and their teaching quality is evaluated by the educational evaluation agency of the British Ministry of Magic. The evaluation results issued by the British Ministry of Magic only affect British students' choice of schools, while the results issued by the International Federation of Wizards are related to the international image.

If the International Federation of Wizards gave a bad review, all the trustees who graduated from Hogwarts would feel that it was disgraceful. How can people of their status graduate from a school that is not popular?

As a result, no matter how a pure-bloodist like Lucius wanted to promote pure-blood ideas in Hogwarts, or to intervene in teaching, he was blocked by Albus Dumbledore. At that time, he was attacked by a Hippogriff. Originally, Lucius wanted to take the opportunity to drive Hagrid out of the school. Later, because of Albus's maneuvers, Hagrid was exempted from prosecution, but Buckbeak could not escape the hearing. was sentenced to death.

A lot of people hated Malfoy and thought he was unfair to Muggleborns. Rohart was with the Anti-Dark Arts League, and Albus would have preferred him to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts rather than Severus in that position. There is also Albus's pro-Muggle thinking. Rohart believes that Muggles can live in peace with wizards. Obviously, the small population of wizards can no longer satisfy his desire for fame. He opened the door to the wizarding world and let Muggles see it too. Check out his bravery and perfect smile so his book will sell better.

Attention economics exists in many fields. For example, in prestigious schools like Harvard University, everyone wants to enter a prestigious school. Not everyone is particularly talented and can rely on their own ability to be admitted to a prestigious school with increasingly strict admission requirements.

Especially the children of those successful people, they all graduated from prestigious schools, and their children should also graduate from prestigious schools, so as to prove that their family has good genes and good tutoring. After all, what kind of father gives birth to what kind of children.

But his child's talent is really not very good, he is just an ordinary person, and some middle-class families will have one or two extremely gifted children, they all study in the same high school, the grades of the steel tycoon's daughter and the son of the middle class are very different , but the prestigious school only picks one out of 9 people.

Theoretically, the boy with the higher score will be picked, but the girl is actually picked, because her father donated $75 million to the school, and this little "numbers problem" has been solved.

Hedge funds have such a large pool of funds, and it is obviously not enough to rely on the occasional donation from one or two rich people. Harvard has established a resource committee system, with a quota of 1 million US dollars. If you donate 5 million US dollars a year, you can become a member of the executive committee. It is a bit similar to the Hogwarts school trustees, but it is a bit different, because even the children of the Hogwarts school trustees cannot enter the school without magical ability, and the children of Harvard members, even if they are not capable enough, almost all "exams" Into" Harvard.

Albus never asked Severus to ask Lucius to discuss donating more money. The board of directors and the investment committee never thought about how teachers and principals should speak to students and their parents. A KPI assessment has been set up. If the coach fails to meet the standard, the coach will be dismissed. Instead, a "coach" who may not be so skilled but can speak well will lead everyone to play together. When the "client" is happy, he will donate money.

Teachers only get paid after completing the KPI, and the investment committee will use these "donations" to invest money to generate money. The highest salary at Yale University is not professors, but administrative staff, to be precise, people from the investment committee.

The so-called prestigious schools have become a veritable money printing machine. Ordinary people think that the elite schools that so many people fail to pass the exam are definitely the elites. In fact, those rich kids don’t love to learn, and don’t value those resources, they just want to be gilded and say “Hey, we’re alumni” at a cocktail party.

Oh, alumni, the recommendation letter written by the alumni can also be used as a "small note", so that the recommended child can be admitted directly. At the same time, there is also an interview system for the alumni association, which can "objectively score" the students' leadership, talent, character, and Christian character. If you pass the interview, for example, the president who launched the Iraq war, although his IQ is said to be very low, and his test scores are 100 points below the average score, but someone in his family is studying at Harvard, so he also became a Harvard student.

The admission rate of ordinary students is only 5%. On average, 4 out of 10 candidates are admitted by their own strength. These students, who really rely on their own strength, are used for marketing, and a book is written, "How I Got into Harvard" ", they are really capable, and they can indeed block some people's doubts.

They were selected according to the preferences of the elite, just like the abstract expressionism popular in the New York School of Painting in the 1940s after the war. Analysis, the surreal idea in the United States has the meaning of hysteria. Spread a piece of paper on the ground, take a mop to dip some paint, and sway it randomly on the canvas, accompanied by dance-like movements, spraying ink everywhere. Accompanied by occasional dots or the effect of blood splatter, or the natural flow and unrestricted trajectory of oil paint, the coloring is completely handed over to Newtonian fluid, showing a kind of messy beauty.

This form of painting is full of unconscious chaos and primitive impulse. Perhaps the original intention of the painting is to separate the audience from the trivialities and numbness of real life, and experience the same "psychic" state as the painter. But this kind of painting actually exists in the lunatic asylum, but the painter who paints in the lunatic asylum is called a lunatic, and the lunatic who paints in a studio is called a painter. Primitives all know that painting a horse on a mural looks like a horse. They point to a cat and say it is Ma, the audience must agree with what they said. Of course, it is also possible to launder money through art, and a painting drawn by an orangutan can also sell for a high price.

This kind of painting is completely divorced from rationality, only pure "destruction", and completely breaks away from the models born after the Middle Ages in Europe. The early civilization of the United States was passed down from Europe, and now the kitty eagle is full-fledged. To create its own civilization, it should be diverse and inclusive.

Ivy League University is an international university. International universities not only face the United States, but also children from other countries can enroll. In the process of learning, everyone communicates with each other, learns from each other, and realizes cultural integration.

Fame can get more attention, and only after attention can monetize attention. Not only American parents, but parents in other countries also want to join the association. Greed is an original sin. The U.S. housing market is so hot now, don’t take advantage of this opportunity How long are you waiting for?

In 2005, the membership fee was US$1 million, and it will increase year by year in the future. That is to say, one day the parents do not sign a check of US$10 to 20 million, and the investment committee may not be moved.

They are all dreaming, it’s just that some people in a school are dreaming of getting rich, some are dreaming of idealistic dreams, whoever has the time to integrate cultures, of course, graduate early to get a degree certificate, enter a famous company as an executive, realize personal wealth freedom and The value of life is more important.

This method of exchanging fame and fortune for Rohart is very skilled, and no one doubts that he steals other people's stories and writes his own. If he hadn't gone crazy, challenged the impossible, and assumed the cursed position of professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, his method would continue to work, and he wouldn't be so insane as to be imprisoned now Received treatment at St. Mungol's.

These elites will not go to the front line to fight, although they are the ones who started the war, it was ordinary American civilians who went to the front line in the first place. Later, the civilians discovered that this war was not good for them. They lacked arms and legs, and it was they who could not take care of themselves in the future, not the young master who had money to drive a supercar, so they were not fooled.

The hippie movement swept the western world in the 1970s. In order to carry the anti-war to the end, the hippies stood in front of the US military police with live ammunition, opened their arms, and waited for them to shoot.

At that time, Severus and Rohart were all children studying in school, and Lucius Malfoy had already started to take care of the family business. He also couldn't tell whether it was the Muggle world or the Death Eater wizarding world that was more crazy. Anyway, he felt the happiest when he returned home after socializing outside and was with his wife and children.

He was not good to Dobby, and he wasn't the only one who was bad to house-elves, pure-blood families were like that, and he thought he was much better than Muggles. Slaves were wealth, resellable like houses, so slaves used to be collateral. Moreover, unlike houses, slaves can be abused and abused for the slave owners to vent their dissatisfaction. Do feet need to apologize?

Lucius doesn't like Muggles, but now the pro-Muggles are in power, Severus is now a "dead man", the Medal of Merlin that he deserves can't be won by Harry Potter himself, and he can count on other Slaters Lin can have a good day.

After hearing too many rumors and slanders, Lucius was afraid that someone would make up stories to slander Sissy.

Voldemort lived in Malfoy's house for a while, and he was intimate with Bella, and Lestrange, a husband, was completely ignored by Bella. Bella was crazy, Sissy wasn't, and even though they were both named Blake, he wouldn't want to have such relatives if he could.

He chose Severus to be Draco's godfather not only because Snape was Head of Slytherin, but also because he was very different, neither the nobleman Lucius had met nor the head of the Muggle society. Big civilians, in short, are very fond of Lucius.

In contrast, the selection criteria for the interview team of the alumni association is difficult to determine. It seems to be the ink dots thrown by the abstract pen. Some people think that it is a work of art if they look at art and are willing to spend money. It's an ink dot, it stains the paper, crumbles it and throws it in the dustbin, that's waste paper.

A child who studied hard for ten years was denied by these elites who did not have clear selection criteria. They directly said that rich people can only study in prestigious schools, and it would be better if they were recruited by ordinary people. They said that education is equal.

What those kids said the most after losing the election was "it's so unfair".

Famous schools are a vanity game for the rich. Those students and parents who listen to the public opinion and believe that studying hard can change their destiny sell their houses and send their children to noble courses. As a result, the oil tycoon pays a $75 million check. Their hopes were dashed.

These admitted students not only occupy a degree, but also block the way for the lower class to rise up, and the lower class will not go to the army. At this time, the immigrants who are eager to get a green card and deceived by the American dream will go for the interests of the Americans. fight.

Even if the immigrants are wounded by war, they will not treat them as their own people. The first thing to gain a sense of identity, are you a Christian?

Yes, they believe in Satan in private, but they still ask others, are you a Christian?

The church advocates order and does not advocate unconscious chaos and primitive impulses. This also conflicts with American values. They invented sports cars that can race with airplanes for speed and passion.

They believe in science, agree with the shackles of the church in the Middle Ages, and believe that the Inquisition should not be used to persecute women and scientists. They turned around and asked, are you a Christian?

The doctors in the madhouse sometimes become like this, either they are as crazy as the lunatics, and they come up with magical treatments such as electroshock therapy and frontal lobe resection, or they have a sense of loneliness and feel peaceful because they are too normal. This world doesn't fit in.

In the Jardin des Plantes in Paris, there is a red body wax figure, standing in front of many animal carcasses and raising his hands, it seems that he is leading all species on the earth.

But if the leading human being is a lunatic, will people continue to follow him?

Becoming a leader does not mean the end of success, but many people make a mistake, thinking that winning the election means victory, and there is no sense of direction in governing. After all, his term of office is only 4 years, and the longest is 8 years.

"Sometimes I feel that Dumbledore is wrong. He shouldn't have stopped Grindelwald." Lucius, who was disguised as Alessandro, said, "Maybe the world he rules is better than the current one."

Severus didn't answer, he stared at 'Alejandro's' hair, which was turning platinum blonde.

"It's about to wear off," Severus said. "Drink some Polyjuice Potion."

Lucius pouted, took a sip of the liquid in the test tube, and soon the color of his hair returned to black.

"It reminds me of Alastor Moody. I remember Buddy Crouch Jr. kidnapped him. How did that kid do it?" Lucius asked.

"If it weren't for Karkaroff, who would have seen him as a Death Eater." Severus sneered. "Hufflepuff is the best at hiding."

"Is she hiding something from you?" Lucius asked.

"It's not a secret, even half-breed veela are like this, don't forget what kind of madness Fleur brought before." Severus said.

"So?" Lucius asked.

"She's not a quiet woman, just give her an excuse," Severus said.

"But her eyes are really strange, she actually called me a peacock."

Severus laughed.

"You're not worth it." Lucius said, "For such two women."

"Do you think you're worth it?" Severus asked, "Sacrificing so many women for Sissy."

"She is the mother of my child." Lucius said, "Family, duty, honor, this is Malfoy's ancestral motto."

Severus looked at him thoughtfully.

"As long as the family exists, the glory will come back sooner or later." Lucius said, "You should seriously think about whether to take the responsibility to let the Prince family pass on, or continue to cling to love irresponsibly, my lover."

Refer to some calligraphers for details. I really can’t understand those paintings. I think psychoanalysis may work, but it’s for psychiatrists.

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