Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 171 Past Enmity

Remus Lupine is the child of the wizard father Lyle Lupine and the Muggle mother Hope. One day Hope was attacked by a Boggart in the forest, and Lyle rescued him. The wedding was held, and soon Remus was born.

In addition to unicorns and fire dragons, magical animals also have dark creatures, and Lyall was invited by the Ministry of Magic to take charge of the management of dark creatures.

One day the Ministry of Magic brought a man involved in the deaths of two children, his name was Fenrir Greyback. The shabby-looking Fenrir went unnoticed by the two wizards in charge, who took it for granted that he was just a Muggle. But Lyle thought that Fenrir might be a werewolf. Usually werewolves rely on stealing and killing to obtain food. He reminded his colleagues but was ignored. Lyall angered Fenrir by saying that werewolves were ruthless, evil and damned.

After escaping from prison, Fenrir turned into a wolf and bit Lupine, who was only four years old at the time. Since then, Lupine has become a werewolf. The Lupine family tried all methods to no avail.

Lupine's childhood was very lonely, and his parents were also very difficult. After each transformation, Lupine looked very weak, and everyone except his parents advised them to give up. However, Lyle refused. He was tortured by guilt and anger. Frank, who was his colleague, told Dumbledore about their family. Remus can come to school. He provides Remus with a room protected by many spells to help him transform, and promises that Lyle will also keep his special identity a secret due to people's prejudice against werewolves. Lupine, who was sorted into Gryffindor, met James Potter and Sirius Black, two lively and cheerful boys in the same dormitory. The two boys were also attracted by Lupine's quiet and funny personality. The three of them play together and form a team of four with Pete, a weak boy at the academy, giving Lupine a taste of the joys of camaraderie.

It didn't take long for few people to notice Lupine's mysterious whereabouts. He would disappear for a few days every time the moon was full, and every time he came back he looked very weak. They were very curious to see how his sick mother was so tired, but childhood The lonely experience of Lupine had to keep his secrets tight-lipped. But his identity was discovered in the second year. James and Black not only did not dislike Lupine but also helped him transform. Show up in time. Even with the protection of a powerful spell, the power of the werewolf is still terrifying. The cat transformed by Pomona and Professor McGonagall cannot control him, so Pomona used her age as an advantage and pretended to be a senior schoolgirl to teach them. Nimagus.

This is a transfiguration technique with serious side effects. The body eventually reflects the madness in the heart. How much do you know about the madness in the heart? The heroic fighters in battle still have the shadow of madness after returning to peace. Their first target is a The boy of Slytherin, Severus Snape, a snot-nosed who is not good-looking and haunts Lily Evans, Prince who is responsible for finding the cure for "wolf" potion in Dumbledore's other project The last mixed-blood heir of the family.

At that time, Fenrir had pledged allegiance to Voldemort on the surface, but he privately thought that he would infect more people and create enough werewolves to conquer wizards, so he specifically bit the children of human wizards, so that those little werewolves would live far away from their parents. He grew up in the environment, grew up with hatred for wizards, and finally achieved the goal of replacing humans to rule the world.

This made the werewolf, who had been sneaking for a living, feel hope that he would live better under his rule. Back then, Remus' parents searched all the ways but failed to find a solution to the problem. Potions were the last hope. But at that time, Severus Snape didn't see the talent in this area. Dumbledore relied on Professor Slughorn, the old slug, to create a cure for "wolf" after the potion masters. "Before the potion, Animagus wizards were needed to fight, so under the instruction of Dumbledore, in September 1971, the half-blood Veela Pomona Sprout planted a vetch in the school grounds. The Whomping Willow, and intentionally made it go crazy. After seeing how powerful the Whomping Willow is, ordinary people dare not approach it, so they don’t know the tunnel under the Whomping Willow leading to the Screaming Shack.

Every full moon night Remus transforms there, James and Sirius are cheerful, but Dumbledore doesn't know if they are trustworthy, Pomona also observes their character besides teaching them Transfiguration , her eyes were attracted by the dazzling Sirius and James, so that she ignored Pete, who minimized her sense of existence. Predators learned Animagus in the fifth grade, and before that, it was Pomona and Frank Help him transform.

Werewolves will only infect humans with wolf's poison, and have no effect on Animagus and hybrid magical creatures. Frank has been fighting Remus as a human. He is a great Auror, calm and witty.

In addition to the wand, Frank also has a sword. Although it is not the sword of Gryffindor, it is also a masterpiece of goblins. He protects Pomona like a knight. It is difficult for a girl to fight against a boy, let alone a werewolf. Pomona's mental attack is also ineffective against werewolves, and Pomona finally fights Lupine in an attacking state.

It looks like Gorgon the Gorgon, it looks extremely ugly, and it will only transform when it is out of control. Dumbledore believes that mermaids can control the transformation, and mixed-blood Veela should be able to, every month The Night of the Circle is not only Lupine's nightmare, but also Pomona's nightmare. She kept screaming and making chilling horror sounds, and Dumbledore's deliberate dissemination made the Shrieking Shack a famous haunted place. place.

At the beginning, Lupine could control it when she was young, but she couldn't control it as she got older. She also felt very scared and helpless. Pure melee combat was not her specialty. James and Sirius, who could help her at this time, made her feel It was much easier, after all, everyone had a common experience, they became friends, and Severus in Slytherin became alone, and gradually joined the company of Death Eaters.

When Karkaroff revealed Snape's name at the hearing, the white wizard blocked him from questioning, not only because of his early rebellion, but also because of his potion talent, the white wizard sent him to a place far from right and wrong In this year, Frank and Alice Longbottom were captured and tortured by Bellatrix. At that time, their son Neville Longbottom was only one Years old, through the special connection between mother and child, he witnessed the process of his parents being tortured, he cried very sadly, it should not be something a child should bear, so in Pomona and Severus After Snape came back from XZ, the White Wizard ordered her to cast the Forgetting Curse on Neville. She is a master in this field, and even Voldemort praised her, but the memories related to life sharing and the Unforgivable Curse are also areas that she has not mastered. She hit it hard, hurt Neville, and caused him a bout of forgetfulness.

"If you want to hate me, hate me, Neville. It's my responsibility to make you like this." Pomona looked at Frank's face, not daring to look at Neville, who was breathing heavily beside her.

She had been wondering why Dumbledore had gone to such lengths to make Harry obtain Slughorn's memory in such a troublesome way, and she understood Slughorn now.

Some things are so eager to escape that they are so eager to create false memories to deceive themselves.

She wants to be a human girl, go shopping in Diagon Alley like a freshman, take a boat to the pier under the castle, and grow up with her friends, but in fact that is her wishful thinking.

She is not human. Veela only captures male humans. In the eyes of women, she is as prejudiced as werewolves. In order to gain friendship, she chooses to cover her appearance, just like the werewolf Lupin hides her nature. Werewolves just want to eat humans flesh and blood, and she wants to eat people's souls.

The reason she felt so hungry waiting for the mermaid by the Black Lake that day was because she wanted to eat Severus' soul, because at that time his soul was strong enough and defenseless against her, it looked delicious.

"Why are you telling me this now?" Neville asked tremblingly after calming down his emotions.

"A while ago, in front of your father, I said that I would teach you the Animagus so that you would not disgrace the honor of the Longbottom family. I also taught you a poem in the Malfoy Manor. I hope that the tiger Inject the image of your heart into your heart, so that you can awaken the beast in your heart, but I was wrong about Neville, what I did is actually like Lupine, he induced you, turned your Boggart into a West Fleurs looks like, do you remember the pain you suffered in third grade? I shouldn't interfere in your life like this, and give you all the things I think are good, without asking what you want, your grandma That’s the kind of person, right, who asks you to do everything she wants, I’m almost like her, St. Mungo’s has a lot of wizards who can’t change back after Animagus, it’s harder than transforming It is to change back to human form, I hope you can be healthy and happy, and I don't want you to become like them."

"But after learning the Animagus, you don't have to worry about being bitten by a werewolf, right?" Neville suddenly asked boldly.

"Yes." Pomona said softly.

"Okay." Neville said stupidly, lowering his head as if doing some kind of mental construction. "Can you get Professor Snape?"

"What did you ask him to do?" Pomona couldn't help but look at Neville with admiration, as if he had really overcome his fear.

"I think I might need his help." Neville looked at Pomona and said, "Lavender Brown lives with me now, she transforms every month, and I think I can't control her. "

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