Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1700 The Secret Words of the Goddess (45)

Some people may have heard this instruction: only success and no failure. (only success, no fail)

The allusion of this sentence comes from the Chen Sheng Wu Guang Uprising, the army led by Xiang Yu and Liu Bang grew stronger day by day, and later Xiang Yu met the main force of the Qin Army led by Qin General Zhang Han in Julu. fail".

The consequence of failure is that there is no possibility of surrender and survival. In the past, when Chen Sheng and Wu Guang rebelled, they were late because of the heavy rain, and they would be beheaded according to the law of Qin, so they rebelled.

This sentence is passed on and passed on to the West. The losers will be ridiculed and ridiculed, and will never get sympathy, and no one will get reflection from their failure experience. Instead, those inspirational stories can inspire people. The "brightness" in people's hearts, even if those successful experiences are unrepeatable, there will still be people who will try, and various inspirational and successful books are selling hot.

A mirage is an optical phenomenon that allows people to see a beautiful vision, such as an oasis, or a mansion, or a famous car. If a traveler is tricked into chasing that illusion, sooner or later he will die of thirst and exhaustion in the desert, or with Napoleon drank salt water and died of thirst like a horse on the way back to Cairo from Jaffa.

It's hard to persuade the damn ghost, the stormtroopers who rushed into the Habsburg tomb were just as unstoppable as the SS priests, so they could only watch them rob, and all they could do was deliver the coffin of the Roman king pray. Using monks as grave guards can only guard against civilized people. The basement of the monastery where Josephine stayed was full of monks' brains and blood.

Sometimes people forget such things as rationality and morality, and the power of fanaticism dominates people's minds. If Hitler and the Visi government succeeded in their alliance because of the bones of the Roman king, and Free France lost, what would happen to history?

Civilians are not politicians, they have the ability to distinguish right from wrong, Harry and the vast majority of their contacts are civilians. Politicians will try to turn the truth around and turn the horse into a horse because of their interests, just like Fudge did. The most indispensable thing in the world is a dog who works hard and wants to be the leader of others. There are many people of all ethnic groups who want power and want to be leaders, but what the leader lacks are believers who match his beliefs. It is not difficult to please everyone. The difficult thing is to make everyone loyal to the leader. The leader's program is wrong. Why should the people cooperate with him and be loyal to him?

The Vesey government can play on its own. The people of Free France will not cooperate, and they will continue to play the game of "escape from the tiger's mouth".

The hereditary system is just a game of father to son. The father has worked so hard to earn so much family business, of course he hopes his son can inherit it. But just like a son can't decide who his father is, the father can't decide what his son is like. Eastern monarchs will use monogamy and multiple concubines to have more sons, and choose one of these people as the heir, the eldest son Synthesizers are the best.

In order for this child to be able to live in his own country, his father would invite him many famous teachers. Aigron was also taught by famous teachers from all walks of life when he was a child. He died when he was young, how he died, and whether he really died of tuberculosis is hard to judge, because his body has been burned to ashes. But his heart and intestines were still there, enough for forensic examination, but no one mentioned the matter of examination.

At that time, the SS was in a hurry and did not notice that Eggron's heart and intestines were placed elsewhere, so he was left in Vienna. And those monks would not risk their lives to protect them like protecting sacred objects. Simply put, they did not have friendship and it was not worth it, but they would not take the initiative to tell the SS, and there were still some remains that the SS did not take away.

Napoleon's coffin does not need monks to guard. After the defeat in the Battle of Leipzig in 1813, the Anti-French Alliance pursued the victory and began to march into France in the winter.

This is not a foreign war. In the eyes of some people, this is the Great Patriotic War. However, French civilians did not take up arms to resist. Most of the local officials chose to "retire" and surrender.

In 1814, Napoleon bid farewell to his family at the Tuileries Palace. He entrusted the Queen and the King of Rome to the brave National Guard and went to meet the enemy himself.

At that time, he only had 70,000 people, most of whom were recruits, while the coalition had 200,000.

In the Battle of Julu, the Qin army had 400,000 troops, and Xiang Yu had 60,000 troops.

This battle was also a last stand for Napoleon Bonaparte. The entire battle lasted 65 days. Napoleon walked 1,000 miles, stayed overnight in 48 different places, and launched 12 battles. It can be said that he took a small number of troops in the Charge in the overwhelming enemy army.

Even if he lost in the end, Napoleon Bonaparte was still a strong player, but it is a pity that his hearts were lost, and it was difficult for him to be king again.

Not only as a popular attraction, but also as a museum, there are special security personnel in the Invalides, many of whom are retired soldiers. After all, the Invalides itself is also for disabled veterans.

Some people pin their inheritance on education, while others pin it on "metaphysics".

Astrology can predict the future. If the predicted results are unsatisfactory, the person who predicts the fate will prepare in advance, such as giving more help to the astrologer to change his life, or get rid of the threat.

Or ask someone to find a place with good "feng shui" as a funeral place to bring good luck to yourself and future generations.

This is also to avoid falling into the hell called "failure". People will be willing to spend money, similar to how people bought indulgences in the Middle Ages to avoid going to hell.

How scary is it for a gambler to look red-eyed after losing?

He dared to think and do anything in order not to lose and get his money back. For example, the Scorpion King in the American movie sold his soul to Anubis in exchange for the undead army to "conquer" Thebes.

There is a famous saying in the East that trees fall and monkeys scatter. Xiang Yu had at least one Concubine Yu to accompany him during the siege of Gaixia. The feeling of facing desperation alone is very hopeless. Surrender.

If a woman can do this, how can King Xiang, who is as powerful as the mountains and the world, not be able to do it?

In the end, Xiang Yu drew his sword and slayed himself on the bank of the Wujiang River. People like him could not endure humiliation like Gou Jian, the king of Yue, and tasted courage.

Later generations commented that Xiang Yu's failure was due to arrogance and arrogance, and Liu Bang was not considered a figure.

Liu Bang rose to prominence in the marketplace, and he was a humble man, not as good as Xiang Yu, who was born in a noble family, and learned to fight since he was a child.

Liu Bang won, and what he was facing was a country that had been destroyed after the unification war of the Qin Dynasty, the peasant uprising at the end of Qin Dynasty, and the struggle for hegemony between Chu and Han, just like the Eastern Roman Empire that Heraclius took over. Some are not as good.

However, the Han Dynasty did not re-split. Even after the defeat of Xiang Yu, those old nobles hoped to return to their own country and continue to maintain the borders before the unification of Qin, but Liu Bang did not allow it. The returning nobles stayed in Chang'an City.

According to ancient Chinese geomantic omens, the south of the mountains and the north of the water are yang, and the north of the mountains and the south of the water are yin. Qin Shihuang's underground palace is located in the south of the Wei River, which is a suitable place for funerals.

The Invalides is also located on the south side of the Seine River. Even according to Egyptian customs, the West Bank belongs to the kingdom of the dead.

Napoleon had an oriental dream. He wanted to go to India, so that he almost joined the British army. When he died, he was buried in the tomb on St. Hena with his feet facing the east.

Sometimes it may not be a miracle that the corpse does not rot, but an unknown natural phenomenon. For example, the female ancient corpse in the Mawangdui Han Tomb has not been embalmed, so it has been preserved for more than two thousand years.

St. Hena is just a small island, without famous mountains and rivers, surrounded by oceans. But the seabed is not flat, but has many mountains and canyons, and the terrain is more complex than that of land.

What caused Napoleon's body not to rot on that tropical island?

It is the job of the Capuchin monks to protect the remains of the "saints", and it is also their job to study "miracles", but the logic of their research is different from that of scientists.

After leaving the building, Arlette led them to the green area, opened a manhole cover and got in. There was a ditch under the manhole cover. He led the three of them along the ditch for a while and stopped .

The ditch was very damp and noisy at the same time. The vibrations of the two subways passing through here caused the walls to continuously lose dust, but because of the difference in height between the two subways, a gap was left for one person to pass sideways. The gap was pitch black, but the legendary muddy soft soil layer was not seen.

"This is the shield method," Arlette said. "It was also used in the construction of the Channel Tunnel between Britain and France."

No one answered, and Napoleon spent a lot of hard work and launched the Trafalgar naval battle but failed to get through the English Channel. The British and French construction workers worked together to get through the English Channel. Even the British still dislike the French for not working quickly, they dig more than the French.

"Workers dug it up during subway construction one day, and there was nothing in it..."

"Show us inside." Severus interrupted Arlette.

Arlette hesitated for a moment, but still turned sideways and led them in.

"How old are you this year, how can you have a son as his godson?" Perhaps because the atmosphere was too dark and scary, Baldwin asked "Alejandro".

"Alejandro" of course ignored him.

After walking for a while, this gap became more and more spacious. Not only could it pass through without turning sideways, but there was also a small fountain.

Even in summer, the temperature inside is very low. After they continued walking for a short distance, a wooden door appeared. The key manager took a large number of keys from his waist and opened it with one of them. The first thing that caught his eye was It is a snow-white statue of the Virgin Mary.

It seemed to glow in the dark, and she held three roses in her hand.

According to legend, in 1911, in the Po River near the city of Brescia in northern Italy, there was a Guangming Villa. Bi Lina, a nurse in a local hospital, saw a beautiful woman in the ward. Bai Sha, with a very sad face.

Tears filled her eyes and kept dripping to the ground. Her chest was pierced by three long swords. In silence, the woman said, "Pray, repent, and redeem." Then she disappeared.

The second appearance was still in the hospital, but this time instead of three swords on her chest, there were three roses, one white, one red, and one golden, exactly the same as this statue of the Virgin Mary.

This kind of rose is called the Mystical Rose, and the visible Virgin is called the Mystical Virgin.

If miracles happened more often, people would become numb. The church was very cautious about such events, and as for the statue, it was just a beautiful woman, and it didn't look like anyone Severus knew.

"Was she here to begin with?" Severus asked.

"No," Arlette said. "This used to be a pagan altar, and we've redecorated it."

Severus looked around, the dome was blue, inlaid with glass balls, filled with mist, it looked like a prophecy ball.

"Is there an enshrined Venus in there?" Severus asked.

"No, it's the Goddess of Harvest, and there's a mural of Dionysus on the wall," Arlette said.

Severus held up his wand to look at the murals on the wall, which had become the Bible stories commonly used by the church.

"There seems to be one missing here," Lucius said.

His wand pointed at a hollow.

"There was supposed to be a glass ball there, but after the renovation, one was missing," Arlette said. "We want to replace it, but we don't know how it was installed."

"Obviously it's not a permanent sticking spell." Lucius said humorously.

"Only those involved with the prophecy can touch it," Severus said.

The smile on Lucius' face disappeared.

"I'm going to touch the balls one by one," Severus said.

"That prophecy has something to do with her, but it has nothing to do with you," Lucius said.

"Need I remind you? That prophecy didn't mention that there was only one boy born at the end of July, who killed Nagini?" Severus hissed.

"That prophecy didn't mention a woman, and the Dark Lord killed her as well." Lucius said slowly.

"Obviously, we've all been tricked by the White Wizard to focus on Harry Potter and forget about the other person." Severus said, "I can trust you, you can continue to track down the disappearing glass ball." Is it?"

"What on earth do you want me to do? To investigate the ball, or to follow you to Montsouris?"

"What are you doing at Montsouris?" Baldwin asked.

Arlette also showed curiosity.

"Thanks, my friend." Severus smirked.

"You're welcome, my child's godfather." Lucius also smirked politely. The atmosphere was very friendly, just like a cat and a mouse in a cage.

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