Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 17 The Whomping Willow

The rain did not stop in the afternoon, and the outdoor Fantastic Beasts class and History of Magic were reversed, and the class was attended by a ghost named Binns.

Time is meaningless to the dead, and he has to talk about old things that have nothing to do with the living. Hufflepuff, who ate too much at lunch, and Gryffindor, who exhausted too much energy in flight lessons, slept on the table. Only a few people really listened carefully, including Lily Evans, Bomer Na noticed that she was not surrounded by the other three girls like herself. Thinking of Snape who was always clinging to her and her pretty face, Pomona suddenly felt sympathetic to her situation.

Witch is not a good word, and who knows if some lunatic Muggle will suddenly get stuck and tie her to the stake to exorcise evil spirits.

In the Middle Ages, because of several plagues that swept across Europe and almost wiped out human beings, the power of the church was unprecedentedly strong. They set up heresy courts to get rid of some dissidents and what they thought were demons using "legal" methods. When Hogwarts was founded, the whole of Europe hated wizards extremely. Under such circumstances, four wizards decided to open a school for training wizards in a place far away from Muggles. These four people are: Godric Gryffindor, Rowena Ravenclaw, Salazar Slytherin and Helga Hufflepuff.

The parents, brothers and sisters of Muggle-born wizards are all ordinary people. They will inform the church and people who are also unknown to magic for various reasons.

The feeling of being betrayed by loved ones is terrible, because they are supposed to be the most trustworthy people. On the train, Lily once mentioned that she has a sister named Penny. If both of them have no sugar, they can live in harmony. Some people have it, and one person doesn't, so it's hard for the person who doesn't have it not to feel jealous.

If it's just candy, Hufflepuff's way is to share it, but magic talent is not candy, it can't be shared.

Poor Lily.

Pomona is very sad, Lily can't leave the annoying Snape alone, so she can't integrate into Gryffindor, if she doesn't associate with Slytherin, girls will pretend to be friendly with her in order to show themselves This beauty makes friends, and now they have a suitable excuse, and they can just isolate her in a fair manner.

Yes, this kind of behavior is very childish, but they are only eleven years old. Compared with some people who grow up to behave in person and behind the scenes, this kind of behavior is already honest and cute.

"What do you see a girl doing?" Susan leaned into Pomona's ear and said.

"Why did you switch places with Mary?" Pomona said listlessly, wanting to sleep in this drowsy class.

"Jenny's been watching James Potter," said Susan listlessly. "Mary's been watching Sirius Black, and they're friends now."

Everyone knows how prominent the Black family is, but Pomona didn't expect Mary to be so whimsical.

"I want to join the Holyhead Harpies, they only accept witches," Susan said.

"I don't know, Susan, I'm not interested in Quidditch," said Pomona listlessly. What's the fun with all those people on broomsticks chasing a little golden flying ball.

"When we were in the fourth grade, the 708th Triwizard Tournament was about to be held. It was really a bad time for us to enter the school." Susan continued.

Held every five years, the Triwizard Tournament was a real miss for fourth graders who were busy preparing for the Ordinary Wizarding Orders.

"Don't worry, you can come back to see it after you have a child."

Susan sighed and lay down on the table, "You can't play Quidditch after you get married and have children."

"Do you know where this Triwizard Tournament will be held?"

"Beauxbatons," said Susan, "don't you even read the papers?"

Pomona was moved, and she wanted to take this opportunity to visit Beauxbatons.

Four years from now, the situation should be better than it is now. There are too many questions bothering her, but the premise is that she can pass the ordinary wizard level exam while participating in the Triwizard Tournament.

It would be a lot less fun to devote time and energy to school. She likes Hufflepuff's happy atmosphere, but she wants to take a different path from ordinary people.

Looking at the pearly white apparition on the podium, Pomona remembered what Mrs. Sprout had told her.

If you want to love someone, you must first determine whether that person is worthy of love, and you must not be fooled by appearances. She must master the skills of identifying people, which is exactly what Mrs. Sprout wants Pomona to learn from the fat friar.

What could be more spooky than a monk running into a school full of wizards and becoming a ghost? There are also Bloody Barrow, Peeves, Lady Gray, and Nearly Headless Nick. She has a premonition that a past event has been sealed in the ghost's memory. Since she was born a witch, she can no longer be like an ordinary girl. My head is full of love.

"Are you going back to the lounge to do your homework after class?" Pomona asked Susan.

"No... can you lend me a copy after you finish it? ^_^"

"Then you have to come to the library." Pomona also laughed along with Susan. "In exchange, I would like to ask you for help."

"Speak." Susan said boldly.

"What's the best broomstick right now? Can your parents buy one and send it to Hogwarts?"

"Small things, leave it to me." Susan patted her chest and assured Pomona, and Pomona couldn't help being filled with emotion. Sure enough, as Mrs. Sprout said, friendly and compassionate people can easily make friends, but friends How much loyalty needs to be tested.

Pomona looked towards Gryffindor. In addition to the two fixed combinations of James and Sirius, there were two more people beside them, probably from the same dormitory, and the other was a tall and thin boy with pale complexion. The other was a short boy who used to sit in a boat with Pomona, and it was his unsteadiness that caused her to almost fall into the lake. Fortunately, Snapera gave her a hand, otherwise she would be in the lake. Walter had been the running joke of the school year before.

"Are you watching James Potter too?" Susan was displeased.

"That guy next to James Potter, that guy lying on the table looking tired." Pomona asked Susan. "Do you know who he is?"

"Who?" Susan looked at it for a long time, obviously she was not suitable to be a Seeker.

"It's nothing." Pomona said absent-mindedly. She saw him have a strange feeling, bitter in his mouth. The taste was not chocolate, but more like some kind of medicinal material.

"He looks really bad. How could Dumbledore allow him to come to Hogwarts?" Susan finally found out who Pomona was talking about.

"Maybe Professor Slughorn's potion can change his physique. I've heard that many potions have magical effects." Pomona said nonsense.

"How is it possible?" Susan stroked her chin, as if thinking of a bad idea.

"what's on your mind?"

"I wonder if I'll be as powerful as William Duncan if I drink Polyjuice Potion mixed with William Duncan's hair."

Even a girl like Pomona who is not interested in sports knows who William Duncan is. He is the seeker of the oldest ball team, Puddlemere, and the most important thing is that he is a man.

"Hey, look, what's that?" A Hufflepuff boy was looking out the window, and a witch was planting a tree on the school grounds, and she used spawn magic, and the tree quickly grew from a small The sapling turned into a big tree.

"Wow." The knowledgeable Hufflepuffs exclaimed, and Gryffindor, who was awakened, snorted and went back to sleep on the table. Binns was oblivious to everything in front of him and continued to talk about what no one was listening to. class.

"It's the Whomping Willow!" Susan murmured, "How can there be such a dangerous plant in the school?"

"Maybe it's to strengthen the defense of the castle." Pomona also lost interest in it. "Anyway, as long as you don't get close to it, you don't have to worry about getting hurt."

So Susan also lost interest in it, and the two insisted on chatting for a while, and finally couldn't bear the call of the sleepy god, and fell asleep on the table like everyone else.

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