Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1677 The Secret Words of the Goddess (22)

Green is actually very reminiscent of spring, forests, and laurel wreaths made of bay leaves.

Before the discovery of arsenic to make green dyes, people mixed several colors to make green dyes.

Paolo Veronese, who spent most of his life in Venice, was, like Titian, a skilled and quick-witted colorist, known for his brilliant greens with stubborn pigments.

Yet even he had his missteps, and perhaps it was the artisan's helplessness in the face of the paint that led to the color's association with fickleness, poison, and even evil.

Since the 12th century, green has been visually associated with the devil and evil creatures. In Shakespeare's era, green clothing was regarded as an ominous symbol on the stage. Until the 19th century, actresses refused to wear the green color specified by the author for the role. long skirt.

This may also be related to a value prevailing in the society at that time, which believed that different substances should not be mixed together. In many countries, the garment industry trade unions even made laws. Dying mignonette seeds green could result in heavy fines or exile.

Even though plants like foxglove make green fuel without mixing, it doesn't have the saturation or brightness to satisfy the discerning clientele.

Paris green and Saint Hena green are originally a kind of green, but copper arsenite, the main compound of Paris green, will oxidize with sulfide and gradually turn black, and the color becomes not as transparent and bright as Paris green, which looks reversed Like rotten peas, or matcha powder.

St. Hena is a volcanic island. Although there are no volcanic eruptions like some volcanic islands in the Pacific Ocean, those dormant volcanoes still emit a lot of sulfur-containing gas, and the emerald green wallpaper changes color.

There are no volcanoes in Paris, but the sulphides in the air from diesel and gasoline have also discolored the emerald green wallpaper hidden behind the bookcase.

As for the pictures painted on the wallpaper, the color is not really a light color, but a lighter color than carbon black, burnt black and other colors.

Although a bit scary, the monster with horns was also a gift from the students to the teacher, and it is understandable that Cuvier left it on the wallpaper as a souvenir.

In the era of Cuvier's life, superstition had not been completely broken, and the influence of the church in France was still great. During the cholera epidemic in Paris in 1832, a group of people were having a masquerade ball, and suddenly the happiest clown fell to the ground, his limbs were cold, and his face under the mask was green and purple. The laughter and music stopped immediately, and the people who were dancing stopped dancing. People hurriedly sent the clown to the carriage from the ballroom to the Cathedral, which was the earliest hospital in Paris. At that time, the clown was dying. Causing panic among the patients, the deceased, still wearing a make-up cloak, was hastily stuffed into a rough box and sent to the cemetery for burial.

Soon, the halls of the hospital were filled with dead bodies sewn in cloth bags for lack of shrouds or coffins, long queues of hearses were parked outside the Pere Lachaise cemetery, the rich packed up their belongings and fled the city, the poor suspected There were secret poisonings, and six people were hanged from street lamps, their deaths ignored by the passers-by, and it was believed that there was a reason why these people were hanged.

There are no witches and other "criminals". The fear brought about by rumors can make people lose their judgment and fall into collective concepts, emotions and reasoning. This kind of suggestion can be contagious, and some words and images can solidify the image. After artistic processing, magical powers will be produced. For example, witches are ugly and eat children, or they are lovers of Satan, who place candles, hold devil summoning ceremonies, entrap good believers, or give poisonous apples to "Snow White" "eat.

Commoner parents know to teach their children not to eat anything given by strangers, but the princess is so "pure" that she doesn't know, and the king doesn't know how to teach it. It's no wonder that the stepmother and queen want to usurp the throne and become the queen herself.

Do poison apples have to be green? Green apples are also green, are green apples poisonous?

The prince who was passing by married Snow White, it seemed that he got a big deal, the kingdom was there, and the beauty was also there. In the past, Napoleon III was also an emperor who made the French full of hope. Later, he was called the loser of Sedan. Destiny is like a trap. You think you are rising, but you actually fall into the trap. The smiling face of the "Laughing Man" is like a mask. He can bring joy to people by dressing up as a clown. If he dresses up like the "demon" on the wall...

"Here you are." Gonseil handed Severus a caramel apple tart.

Severus took it without hesitation, stuffed it into his mouth and ate it.

"Have a cup of coffee." Gonseil handed a paper cup to Severus.

"Where were you?" Severus asked.

"Canteen, I brought their ultraviolet light." Conseil held an instrument in his hand.

"How did you think..."

"Ultraviolet." Gonseil interrupted Severus directly. "Are you ready? If you're ready, I'll take off the wallpaper."

"Wait a minute." Severus ate the other fruit tart, and then, with Goncey, used the Cutting Charm to neatly cut off the wallpaper, exposing the wall behind.

It was just a very ordinary wall with nothing on it. Goncey plugged in the ultraviolet light, turned it on, and then turned off the lights in the office. When the purple light shone on the wall, he saw a A huge scorpion glowed fluorescent, appearing in the center of the wall.

"It's Scorpius," said Conseil. "Those dojis are the stars of Scorpius."

"What do these numbers mean?" Severus said.

"Chiaroscuro 160.82.45" Conseil read the line "What do you think it looks like?"

"It looks like coordinates in the back," Severus said. "Coordinates with Paris as the Prime Meridian."

"Where will that be?" asked Conseil.

Severus turned around, saw a phone in the office, and dialed Gianluca's number.

"Look something up for me," Severus said. "Chiaroscuro…"

"Light and darkness." Gianluca said without hesitation, "This is the painting method of Caravaggio."

"How do you know?" Severus asked.

"I went to school in Venice," says Gianluca, "and the word is Italian from chiaro for light and oscuro for darkness."

"160.82.45" Severus asked. "Looks like coordinates to me."

After a while, Gianluca said: "You don't think it's a joke?"

"What do you mean?" Severus asked.

"Those guys are from the 19th century, right?" Gianluca said. "How can they know anything from the 20th century."

"What did you find?" Conseil asked hastily.

"An RGB color, Sienna." Gianluca said a little excitedly, "That is a hexadecimal color code, which is a computer language."

"That's right." Conseil said briskly, "I was just wondering why there are 16 cities, and 12 cities can better reflect the 12 signs of the zodiac."

Severus looked at him coldly.

"What's the matter?" Conseil asked in bewilderment.

"What's sienna?" Severus asked.

"A kind of brown, taken from Latin, from Siena, which used to be a city under Florence, and now belongs to Italy with Florence." Gianluca said.

"That's right," Severus said. "Florence is next to Washington and Athens. I wonder why there is such an arrangement."

"What is your understanding?" asked Conseil.

"Which freedom do you choose, American freedom or Greek freedom." Severus smirked and said, "And don't you forget, how did Socrates die?"

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