Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 167 Infinite reverie

Sirius once contacted Harry through the Floo network. Fire magic has always been Gryffindor's specialty. Unfortunately, this method of communication can be monitored by the Ministry of Magic. Sirius was a fugitive because of Fudge's stupidity. , Harry justified his dog godfather after the war, just as he justified Professor Severus Snape.

Every college has its own untold secrets. For example, Pomona doesn’t know where the old bat hid those basilisks. Why can Gryffindor’s sword appear from the sorting hat? Ravenclaw has A half-elf dean who is good at keeping secrets regardless of things. Besides Ravenclaw's crown, they are also good at illusion. The sky in the Hogwarts restaurant was conjured by Ravenclaw. How many secrets does that wise college have? No one knew, but besides the gold cup, Hufflepuff Academy had another item, the gold plate, which appeared in a set with the gold cup. After all, a banquet cannot be held without fine wine and delicious food.

If a plate is wiped clean enough, it can be used as a mirror. Pomona has no idea where this lost relic is. There are too many mysteries in this world, but no matter what the mystery is, there will always be a solution At that time, only love was the most difficult mystery God left for the world.

Wizards have always given the impression that they are conservative and closed, while Muggles are much more open and bold. You can tell from the style of women's underwear that they are very "naughty". No one stipulates that they cannot be worn under conservative and rigid witch robes. this kind of clothes.

In the Victorian era, women's clothes were layered tightly, and the secrets under the skirts could arouse people's curiosity and prying desire, which is much more mysterious than the straightforward way of presenting everything in the Muggle world.

Pomona likes the sense of mystery, especially the secrets hidden in the dark. Severus' eyes will become hollow when he uses spiritual magic, and they are usually unfathomably dark. She wants to know what is going on in his mind What is it, but he uses master-level Occlumency to prevent her from seeing it, which annoys her every time.

Christmas is approaching, and the products in the store are also related to Christmas. The "TV" shows "models" wearing the clothes in the store walking "catwalks" on the booth, and on the other side is a print advertisement. The platinum-blonde angel's hair is naturally slightly curly, and his face is charming. The blushing face and confused eyes seem to have just experienced a perfect kiss, exuding an irresistible charm.

She thought the woman in the Muggle photo looked familiar, but she couldn't remember where she had seen it. The female model didn't wear the kind of passionate and provocative underwear dotted on the wall, only showing her face, but her expression But it makes people daydream.

Dumbledore asked Severus a few times if he would make the antidote for Polyjuice Potion, he always said no, and ended up with a pair of lace panties of hers, luckily Neville wasn't like him , I have the habit of opening people's letters, and I don't steal like Draco, otherwise the "invitation letter" would not be in his hands.

Although she didn't use her beauty like Fleur and let the boys help her a lot, she did take advantage of Severus. He was already on his own, but had to side with Dumbledore because Calvin accused him of killing old Barty Crouch.

Men are not absolutely rational and logical at all times, which is why there are so many beautiful spies in history.

Aligning with the man who accused him, Harry will never be able to do it, but he works for the Ministry of Magic, which is as dirty as the sewers, and she doesn't want Harry to become like an adult, he deserves a clean one Heart, but someone had to do this kind of dirty work, and Ron's brain was broken, and it seemed like there was no one else but Hermione who could do it.

She is a smart girl who knows what she is doing, unlike Pomona herself, the night that should have been supposed to have never happened often appears in her mind, attracting her to fall like an abyss.

"You're a bad girl, very, very bad."

The double agent was intoxicated in the web she spun, and fell with her, just like the song said, smart people shouldn't be like them.

"Ma'am, the things you want are already packed." The enthusiastic shopping guide handed Pomona a small shopping bag. Those two pieces of clothes that add up to the size of a palm are so expensive. It is true that people fall into irrational consumption There is no logic in spending money.

"Thank you." Pomona turned to look at Hermione, "Have you chosen what you want?"

"No." Hermione put her arms around her chest and leaned into Pomona's ear and said, "It's too expensive."

"You make me worry about money, honey, I can't take Draco to this kind of store."

There were also many male customers in this store that sold women's lingerie. They looked at the lingerie displayed on the wooden wall with a look of ecstasy. Pomona didn't want to see Draco's expression.

"Draco? You mean Malfoy?" Hermione exclaimed.

"I'm Draco's godmother, and you forgot, he was the one who called you to St. Mungo's that day."

"Did you know he's a spoiled brat?" Hermione laughed.

"I know, but he is very cute. Have you seen any pictures of him when he was a child?" Pomona couldn't hide her excitement. It was filmed, making her feel like she and Sissy had witnessed his growth together.

"I don't want to see pictures of him when he was a kid." Hermione said with a weird expression. "He and a bunch of Slytherin kids laughed at me."

"Hmm~, do you remember that you punched him in the third grade?" Pomona pointed to her nose.

"Yes." Hermione nodded.

"He later complained to his godfather, do you know what Severus told him?"

Hermione was interested.

"He said, 'You got punched by a girl, it's a shame you fought back, it's even more a shame to run away, you're nothing like that Muggle girl other than you're a pureblood, you make me sick , Malfoy, what you have done has shamed your family', since then he has never dared to trouble you again, am I right?" Pomona said imitating the tone of the old bat, Only a lot less cursing and swearing, those ghetto-taught slang that stunned Master Malfoy.

"For a while, yes, and then he started again."

"Slytherin rank is order, strength is everything, no matter what he thinks in his heart, Severus told him to go to you, he still obeys orders, this is power, you can do whatever you want, baby. said Pomona sweetly.

"Why do I feel that you are tempting me?" Hermione said, looking at Pomona warily.

"The Ministry of Magic is such a place. It is dirtier than you can imagine. Whether you are a Muggle or a wizard, there is a dark side in your heart. I remember Severus taught you the Muggle Repelling Curse, right?"


"As long as you add a little jinx, this defensive spell will become black magic. During the Battle of Hogwarts, werewolves dare not approach the castle until Voldemort destroys the defensive spell. As soon as they get close, they will turn into ashes. Do you think Hogg Is Woz's defensive magic black magic?"

"No…" said Hermione thoughtfully.

"When I trained Draco, I gave him a little bit of pain, and then gave him some sweetness. When Severus trained Harry, he kept making him suffer, so Harry felt that he couldn't go on anymore. This is The reason why Severus became stronger so quickly is that he can endure hardships and be cruel to himself in order to gain strength. Ron can’t do it. If you want to train him Animagus, you have to learn how I trained Draco , keep him motivated, there is no reward in this world more attractive than you." Pomona looked Hermione up and down, "The body responds to the madness in the heart, even wizards who know Animagus are a little bit crazy, because he must To wake up the sleeping beast in my heart, Lupine usually looks gentle, but there are also moments of frenzy. At this time, Tonks can calm him down. Their relationship is like an owner and a pet. Of course, you can also Don't let Ron learn Animagus, so that he doesn't have to be an Auror, and you can continue to be a housewife at home and be as happy as Molly."

Hermione glared at her fiercely.

"Fate is never fair. My dear, witches cannot be as powerful as wizards, but you can learn how to control them. Start by controlling your husband. Choose a dress you like."

Pomona wished Hermione could be as controllable as Draco, but unfortunately she was very assertive, so Pomona had to be tough.

"Then can I learn Animagus too?" Hermione asked.

"No, I need you to stay awake at all times. A minister with a clear mind is more important than a minister with great power." Pomona touched her black swan pendant "If Fudge can be sober, believe what Dumbledore said, Si Reese can be vindicated while he's alive, and our lives are another way of living."

In that way, she can stay away from that person, and he will continue to miss Lily alive, and she can ride on the back of the big dog transformed by Sirius as before, and when the war is over, she can travel around like Luna and become a naturalist.

It's a pity that Sirius' life was ruined by two vain people. Is fate really fair?

Pomona looked at Hermione who was still stubborn, sighed and did not force her, she took her hand and left the underwear shop.

She and Hermione are really not the same way, but the strange thing is that Hermione didn't persuade Pomona to give up her set of ideas and stay consistent with her own ideas like she persuaded Luna, so this time Is it a tie against them?

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