Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1644 frogu0026fog (thirty-two)

"Please feed her medicine every six hours," Severus said to Fiona after placing Pomona in the cabin in Sussey.

"I remember, sir." Fiona took the silver potion bottle and said softly.

Severus glanced back at the half-race Veela lying soundly on the bed, and just as he turned to leave, he heard Goncey's voice.

He found an empty room, walked in, and took out the communication crystal.

"You won't believe what we've found," said Conseil. "Do you still have the map?"

"Of course." Severus said.

"Gianluca said that if you want to solve geometry problems, you must have a coordinate system. We have already found the y-axis, which is the rose line. Next, we need to find the x-axis. Originally, he planned to make a horizontal line perpendicular to the rose line. Later, we It connects the former residence of Balzac and the former residence of Alexandre Dumas, it is almost perpendicular to the rose line, and it also passes the Les Invalides.” Gonseil said, “You can draw it on the map yourself.”

Severus found an empty table, put the map on it, and drew it as Conseil said, and sure enough, a cross appeared on the drawing.

"In this coordinate system, the focal point of Pere Lachaise is not on the x-axis, and its center point is not on the origin. Next we ask for the flatness of the ellipse. Guess what? When we put Lester The Lanci family cemetery is connected to the former residence of Victor Hugo. Its extension line is just at Notre Dame Cathedral. That genius connected Notre Dame Cathedral with the Invalides. This line and the rose line are in Saint-Germain Depay Church intersects, and with those two points, he draws a very flattened ellipse with that gizmo, did you draw it?"

"Go ahead." Severus said without looking up while drawing the picture.

"Then we started looking for the tangent of this ellipse. The Champs Elysees obviously wouldn't be tangent to it, and then we found a small road called rue de turbigo that connects the craft The Academy of Fine Arts and the Paris Hall, Monge’s law says that the intersection of any two perpendicular tangents is on a circle concentric with the ellipse, we try to find another straight line that is perpendicular to Tourbigo Street and tangent to the obtained ellipse , and then we found out about the Telegraph, and you can't believe what Muggles have done before, they dug pneumatic pipes underground between the stock exchange and the telegraph company, forming a pneumatic transmission system..."

"Get to the point," Severus said impatiently.

"Let us assume that the center of the ellipse is near the Tower Saint-Jacques. You draw a circle with that location as the center and the telegraph office as the radius. You will get a very large circle that covers almost all of Paris. I found it. A very interesting place, Montsouris Park, which was built by Baron Haussmann in 1860. This place was once used to bury the bones transferred from the Holy Child Cemetery, while also taking into account the Great Seal Line and the Paris Ring Railway. , the Holy Child Cemetery is a non-existent cemetery. The bones in the cemetery were transferred to the Tombe Issoire (tombe issoire). Like the catacombs in the city center, they were also rebuilt from mines. I checked what Balzac, Hugo and Dumas have in common. In 1848, the Second French Republic was established. There was a person named François Jean Dominique Arago in the list of members of the provisional government. He is an astronomer. In 1809, he served as a professor of descriptive geometry at the Paris Institute of Technology. At the same time, he also participated in the measurement of the prime meridian through the Paris Observatory in 1804. Isn’t there a lot of copper nails on the rose line? Each copper nail has him His surname is Arago, but he died in 1853 and did not participate in the construction of Montsouris Park in 1860." Conseil said, and after a while he said, "Gianluca said he just checked the news on some Internet, Under Napoleon's tomb is the French secret intelligence agency, which is used to monitor the phone calls of some French politicians, writers and celebrities. I think we have found the location of the treasure." Gonceil said, "You don't seem to be in Lachaise. Father's Cemetery."

"I'm somewhere else," Severus said. "I think now I understand what that mirror reminded me of."


"Nothing." Severus perfunctorily asked Gonseil, "Is there anything suspicious besides Parc Montsouris?"

"Still looking." Gong Saiyi said, "This kid helped me a lot. His engine finds information very quickly, much faster than my book search. Oh, yes, there is someone else."


"Lucien Murat, who was canonized by Napoleon III in 1853 and became Prince Murat, he is a descendant of Caroline Bonaparte and Murat, his brother Archille Murat Once married to the niece of George Washington, the two had no offspring, Archille Murat returned to Europe several times. Lucien Murat, who taught at a boarding school in the United States with his Protestant wife, returned to Paris in 1848 became senators, and his descendants became the current Murat family, and guess what the name of that American boarding school was?" Gonceil said.

"Isn't Lucien Murat a Muggle?" Severus asked.

"Caroline Fraser is a graduate of Cat and Leopard Academy. Since the Dorcas Twelve Tree incident, the US Ministry of Magic has issued a Brapaport law prohibiting wizards from marrying No-Maj. Lucien Murat loves her Going crazy, of course, is also related to his bankruptcy, he would rather not have the prince's inheritance and wealth, and live with her on a meager salary in a boarding school."

"No one knows he's a Muggle?" Severus asked.

"He pretended to be a squib. It is said that he was shipwrecked when he escaped from France to the United States, and was imprisoned in Spain for a period of time. It was Caroline who rescued him at that time. I don't know how he met Caroline again. Launched a crazy pursuit, my grandfather believed that his bankruptcy was related to his stupid behavior, Lucien Murat donated all his property to the magic school, so that Caroline could continue to work in the magic school after marrying him, They returned to France from the United States after the news of Achille's death in 1847, and later he built the French Grand Orient Hotel in the center of Paris, and was buried in the Père Lachaise Cemetery after his death in 1878."

"You mean that François Jean-Dominique Argot and Lucien Murat devised the plan?" Severus asked.

"I don't know, we don't have evidence now, and I'm afraid it will take time to find evidence." Conseil said, "There is other information. When Napoleon was in Venice, he had arrested Count de Antre From 1788 to 1789, he was a fanatical patriot and a representative of the aristocracy of the Constituent Assembly. However, after the opening of the Constitutional Assembly, he betrayed his party and fled abroad. Espionage and sedition plots, he was suspected of involvement in the events at Verona. Berthier and Clarke examined his briefcases and found some documents, compiled and sent to Paris, which, by the laws of the Republic, he was supposed to He went back to be tried and executed, but he found Napoleon to intercede. Napoleon protected him and obtained the right to live in Milan without surveillance. Later, he fled to Switzerland while others were not paying attention. Pamphlets were circulated in Italy against Napoleon, who described himself as a hero, tortured in various ways, and lived in terrible prisons, but his lies were quickly exposed in Milan, because many people saw him in Milan. Junction appeared, do you think the male ghost that appeared in Notre Dame of Ankang could be him?"

"A lying liar in church?" Severus hissed. "Interesting."

"There is one more thing to tell you." Gonseil said, "For the convenience of communication, Gianluca sent two special envoys. They will use the Muggle communication method to contact us. I told the address of Lawrence's office. They, you'll see them when you get there."

"Let me guess, a long-haired beauty and a kid?" Severus asked.

"You know them?"

"They used to be our tour guides." Severus sighed. "Why didn't the Italian Ministry of Magic cancel their memories?"

"You're talking about the Italians," said Conseil. "What else do they do but cook pasta?"

"Like leading the French army across Europe?" Severus said. "Don't forget that Napoleon was Italian."

"I don't want to argue with you on this topic!" Goncey said impatiently, "This is a huge plan, just a few of us think it can be done?"

"Don't worry, help will be here soon." Severus said with a meaningful smile, "The children are going to be on summer vacation soon."

The gas signaling system is really steampunk

The pipelines of the air transmission system underground in Paris are still there, you can visit them, but they just can’t be used.

It still uses high-pressure steam. Some French internet celebrity fast food restaurants are still using it to deliver fast food. There is also a pneumatic post office in Prague that is still in use.

In addition, Monte Cristo, where Dumas’s former residence is located, is not near the Père Lachaise Cemetery, but just as the Millennium Bridge in London was not really collapsed by the Death Eaters, the point at the Dumas subway station is Dumas’ former residence

Don't mention the horror near the cemetery. Nearly Headless Nick, Fat Friar, Cinderella, and Bloody Barrow are all ghosts, and those who have attended magic schools should be commonplace.

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