Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1637 frogu0026fog (twenty-five)

When I was young, I said I would do whatever I could to hurt you,

Then I grew up and grew old fast,

My heart is no longer moved by wild dreams and wild futures.

Maybe it was because I was already dead at that time, and what was alive was just a shell,

My soul is lost in a white mist.

I can hear people's titters in the fog, like monsters,

They don't look at my glory and aura, they only look at my ugly side.

I can't love you anymore, darling, even though I loved you once,

As my eyes looked at the child, I felt a ray of light come through the broken window.

She refilled the drained well of emotion in my heart,

And I, a thirsty traveler in the desert, was revived by this water.

In addition to ball games and archery, the carnival also has sword dances,

It was part of the tradition that the moon was to perform in her old father's place,

Her face was flushed with health, like a pink rose,

It was Roland who fought her in the hall. He looked very happy, and he looked at her without hatred, just like a father.

The moon worked hard to make herself the heir of the kingdom,

This is more respectable than some corrupt princes,

Her fragrance became more pronounced after sweating, and made my heart and soul tremble.

People standing in the sun did not notice me standing in the dark,

The moon bid farewell to Roland and left the hall decorated with royal banners.

I followed her, followed the girl's song,

God forgive me, I'm just curious what she's up to next.

I came to a wall with a beautiful relief,

Behind the relief wall is a luxurious bath,

A clean light casts from a high window and falls in the black marble pool,

There are sculptures of horses, deer, bears, and rabbits by the pool, like a forest scene.

The clothes of the singing girl were placed by the pool, while the man stood naked in the water up to his waist,

While singing, scooping up water, rushing to wash his body,

I feel like I've been washed clean too.

She is very slender, with half-length silver hair raised, revealing her slender neck,

Maybe it was because my gaze was too hot, she noticed something strange and stopped singing,

She looked back at me, her eyes opened wide, and then she quickly immersed herself in the water from the neck down.

you shouldn't be here

After a stalemate for a while, the moon said helplessly.

I want you to turn around.

Her bossy tone has always been what I hate to hear from women the most.

But I obeyed.

I heard the splash of her leaving the pool, the rustle of her clothes, and the sound of the sword being unsheathed,

When the sound of the sword breaking through the air came, I immediately blocked it with the sword,

My moon, her hair is still half wet, and she is wearing a thin white shirt, just long enough to cover her thighs.

She stood barefoot by the pool, her eyes wet with rage,

She gritted her teeth tightly, and swung the sword in her hand chaotically, as if she wanted to chop me into pieces.

It's like I'm having a beautiful dream,

She was the fairy who happened to meet the young man, and I was the adventurer who broke into the kingdom of the elves.


I yelled before she hurt herself,

Ma'am, no offense intended!

she stopped

The moon stammered, as if mad with anger: what are you going to do?

I think of excuses like every normal human male in the world.

Me: I'm sorry, really.

Moon: What are you sorry for?

Me: I thought it was an ordinary room.

The moon raised the sword again in a panic.

I quickly shouted: I am your elder!

Her sword stopped.

Me: I have your father's approval, from now on you will call me uncle.

I understand.

The moon withdrew its sword,

You'd better leave as soon as possible, uncle.

My eyes rest on her,

Her white shirt was already thin, but it was as transparent as gauze after being soaked in water.

Her scent is soft and delicious, like a green apple.

Moon: Please don't push me...you have to get out of here.

I have to ask: What if I don't want to go?

Moon: You will die.

I looked at the sword in her hand: are you going to use it?

Moon: Leave, before it's too late.

Me: Put on your clothes, I'll wait for you outside.

I turned to leave, thinking to myself.

She is worthy of a good war, and whoever hinders me, I will not let him live.

==================================================== =============

"So, where are we going?" Draco asked.

"Anywhere," Severus said. "Don't tell anyone, not even the Frenchman I hired."

"I see." Draco said calmly, "That kid's parents are hostages, right?"

"Your father intends to cut off my support to you by controlling my wealth. My patents have been transferred to his name."

Draco said nothing.

"French wizards sell beauty potions to Muggles, and you can do the same. In addition, your godmother still has some property, which I will transfer to your name."

"I'm going to use an alias, yes?" Draco asked.

"Your father wants you to live," Severus said, "and to continue the Malfoy line."

Draco looked disgusted, "That's all I can do in his eyes."

"I thought you understood what Slytherin tradition is," Severus said. "You are indeed influenced too much by Astonia."

"Can I ask you a question?" Draco asked.

"No!" Severus flatly denied.

"Why?" Draco asked angrily.

"You used to say, yes, Godfather, I don't need fancy ideas popping out of your head now, I want you to take care of the family, Malfoy!"

"How long are we going to hide?"

"Until we feel safe enough for you to handle it," Severus said wearily. "Do you remember Igor Karkaroff?"

Draco fell silent.

"Marrying you, Astonia used a lot of courage. Some people will take revenge on Lucius by hurting you when they can't take revenge on him. I hope you are not the kind of person who desires freedom more than life .”

"Potter," Draco said with disgust.

"He's been in the Muggle world for too long, taking the election game seriously, and his friend, Hermione Granger." Severus said slowly, "Disregarding the law, challenging the rules, unfortunately wizards The world does not rely on eloquence to communicate the relationship between factions, I think the werewolf can make them understand this lesson, there are many people in this world who only believe in fists and don't make sense."

"Why did Dumbledore choose him?" Dracodi asked countless times.

"You know, he has much stronger magical powers than his peers." Severus replied countless times, "But compared with the Dark Lord, he is still far inferior."

"The other one, Longbottom," Draco said thoughtfully. "What's the use of him?"

"He killed Nagini," Severus said.

"How about we steal the sword of Gryffindor?" Draco asked eagerly.

Severus placed the pharaoh's golden dagger on the coffee table in front of them.

Draco immediately started playing with it.

"It's yours when it's over," Severus said with a smile.

"You want that as my salary?" Draco asked, brandishing the dagger.

"No, this is a gift for you," Severus said. "I need it to relieve a tormented soul."

Draco put the dagger down.

"She's been crying. Bring her back, Godfather."

"I know." Severus ran his fingers over the tip of the dagger. "That's what I'm doing now."

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