Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1633 frogu0026fog (twenty-one)

In 1199, Richard the Lionheart was shot in the shoulder by a crossbow arrow in the castle while suppressing a rebellion. The arrow wound was not fatal, but the wound became infected, and eventually Richard died in the arms of his mother Eleanor.

There has been a long-term territorial dispute between the western part of France and the United Kingdom. Rouen, which belongs to France today, belonged to England in the Middle Ages, so it is not taboo to place Richard's heart in Rougang Cathedral.

But Napoleon's heart was intended to be given to Princess Marie-Louise of Austria according to his own wishes. At that time, the princess was just getting married, and she would not accept a bloody heart as a gift.

After having a new marriage, Marie Luisa didn't even care much about her son born to Napoleon, but this seemingly promising crown prince didn't fully grow up and died when he was 21 years old up. Much of the Habsburg royal family was unmoved, and perhaps even relieved, that his heart was sealed in a silver case and placed in Habsburg along with his other organs. In the Royal Tombs of Fort, it was placed near the catacombs of Napoleon I until 1969.

The return of Louis XVII's heart to Paris also experienced some twists and turns. Shortly after his death, his heart was stolen by a doctor's assistant. After more than 100 years, it was not placed in the royal cemetery of Saint-Denis Cathedral until 1975 In 1999, the French government conducted a DNA test on the heart and determined that it was indeed the heart of Louis XVII.

If you want to kill a person, the best way is to stab his heart. However, the heart is protected by ribs, so it is difficult for untrained people to kill with one blow.

Even if Marat was soaking in the bathtub, how could a noble girl like Charlotte stab Marat in the heart with a single knife?

Women should be better at killing with poison, instead of using sharp weapons such as daggers like men. For this reason, the judges almost determined that Charlotte was not the murderer, but she cried in court and said that she was the real murderer.

Regarding Napoleon's death, this is a historical mystery. There are still many speculations today. Some people even doubt whether his body is real. Of course, no one has done a DNA test.

Murder is always easily linked to conspiracy, and then a complex and logical story is woven in people's minds, even if there is no evidence, false accusations are established.

"You lied to him, didn't you?" Felix walked up to Severus as Goncey and Lawrence looked for the Rabbit Bar.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Severus said, smoking a cigarette, looking at the view of Paris from the French windows.

"You are pretending to be pitiful." Felix said, "I have seen this kind of people a lot. After I spare them, they will tell their parents about being bullied by me, and let their parents criticize my parents, my mother. will beat me up."

"Where's your father?" Severus asked.

"He just said one thing to me, don't go to jail." Felix looked up at Severus. "Why did you do that?"

"I was taught that," Severus said quietly. "He begged me to kill him."

"You mean, Dumbledore?" Felix asked hesitantly.

"He was very pitiful when he begged me." Severus smiled sarcastically. "I relented and agreed to him, but what I didn't know was that he didn't tell anyone about our plan, and he dragged me into it with him." grave."

Felix didn't speak, his breathing was rapid and he looked frightened.

"People may have a neutral position, but feelings don't. I was never his favorite." Severus said grimly, "But he had no other choice but me."

"You mean kill him?" Felix asked.

"No, looking after his treasures, and that damn castle."

"I don't understand..." Felix said confused.

"The estate he left has long been arranged through the will, but some things cannot." Severus said, "Hogwarts is not the personal property of the headmaster, and the Ministry of Magic has the final say on who will take over. "

"I know that, that pink toad, she didn't enter the headmaster's office." Felix said immediately, "The current headmaster, Minerva McGonagall, does Dumbledore trust her?"

"Of course he believed that if he had told her our plan, I wouldn't have ended up where I am now."

"Why didn't she succeed him as Headmaster?" Felix asked.

"You're endless, aren't you?" Severus growled grumpily.

"One last question, is Dumbledore a bad guy?" Felix asked.

Severus didn't answer.

"Is there something you're hiding from me too?" Felix asked. "Just like he did with Harry Potter."

Severus looked at Felix, the boy's clear eyes staring into his dark ones, looking uncompromising.

"No." Severus said, looking Felix in the eye.

"It's better, I don't want to find out at the end," Felix threatened, when Conseil came up and he walked away.

"You are a great liar," said Conseil, "you can tell a lie by looking a child in the eye."

"Find the bar?" Severus asked.

"That's right."


"Near Fishmongers Street, that's not a good place."

"How many years has it been operating there?"

"No one knows, it seems that Paris has existed since the day it was born." Goncey paused and said, "Murder is a kind of tearing, which has divided the world in two since the day he attacked. The ancients believed that Blood creates a sacred horror that confers sacred value on an otherwise worthless life."

"Who said that?"

"Richard the Lionheart participated in the Crusades, and there are many refugees in Fishmongers Row."

Severus was silent.

"You see what I mean now?" said Gonçeil anxiously. "I don't know how long the wizards of the Middle East will refuse to enforce the International Statute of Secrecy."

"As long as we don't actively participate in the Muggle wars like Henry Potter." Severus silenced the unfinished cigarette "Harry Potter is an ordinary boy, and as lazy as his father And stupid."

"Do you still hate James Potter?" asked Conseil.

"What do you mean?"

"You've read those love poems, what do you think? I think that's what James Potter felt too." Gonseil shook his head, "This kind of privacy shouldn't be revealed."

Severus smiled, showing his yellow teeth. "I think he would also condemn those who open other people's letters without permission."

"I think this is the truth of this crisis. We don't want to intervene in Muggle affairs, but to prevent wizards from intervening in Muggle affairs. Don't you think some of the power of wizards is very similar to the gods in the Trojan War?"

Severus laughed.

"You are joking?"

"At least I know that the snake that stalked Laocoon can be conjured by Transfiguration, and the trick that your godson used in the Dueling Club."

"You even know that?"

"Harold wrote that scene, and he said you..."

"Enough!" Severus interrupted Gonseil. "I don't want to know what he wrote."

"Some of you care about the Greeks, and some about the Trojans. It is in vain. You will see countless sacrifices on both sides. Even if you sympathize with the heroes in your heart, don't imagine that you can intercede with me, because the goddess of fate It is as merciless to me as it is to you." Gonseil said, "This is what Zeus said to the gods during the Trojan War. Do you think I should sympathize with you, Snape?"

Severus looked at him impassively.

"Gods also like the strong, you don't need to pretend to be sympathetic, if you are really not a coward."

"Aren't you sympathetic?" Severus asked teasingly.

"Thinking about the good, do you know why the king of Sparta didn't kill the unfaithful Helen?" Gonseil asked with a smile, "That's because she was blessed by Venus and became more beautiful."

"I'm not because of her appearance..."

"If she is as ugly as Merope, or as short and fat as she is in front of the students, and covered in mud, would you really like Pomona Sprout?" Goncey sneered Interrupted Severus "It seems that you not only don't want to feel sorry for yourself, but also don't lie to yourself, stop being duplicity, wizard."

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