Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1631 frogu0026fog (nineteen)

Clowns in fancy clothes danced in the street,

We rode behind him and watched him dance and sing:

My lords of great virtue and dignity, let me introduce my noble and virtuous master,

He is a prince from a neighboring country, who came to propose marriage because he heard that the princess was beautiful.

Passers-by looked at us, they seemed to recognize the former Guards officer, pointing at him,

Roland looked resolute and unmoved.

Archers and ball kings, when people don't need them, they will abandon those that are useless to them,

It has nothing to do with love or fear, as long as they feel their needs are far away until danger looms,

If their favorite ball king can't defend the country, people will abandon him,

Therefore, whether the temperament of the people is good or bad, you don't have to take it too seriously.

Everyone has to have a home they can go back to,

Though the masses are agitated by rebels,

Considering your own family and the consequences for them will be cowardly and weak,

That way they have nothing to fear.

Anger will make you do anything,

There is nothing more terrifying than a mob that is unruly and has no leader.

Having a leader may not be a good thing,

Of course, some people can be bought through an agreement, and some people will unite the mob and think about the means of defense and offense.

They did not drive you out,

I looked at the people on the side of the road and said to Roland,

Despise and humiliate a presumptuous person, this rule applies everywhere.

Roland said: I am not presumptuous.

I said: You have flouted the king's expulsion order, and if you were in my country, you would have been arrested before entering the city.

Roland was a little shocked.

I said: God also likes the strong, you don’t need to pretend to be sympathetic,

That way when you kill your old friend you don't have to worry about people accusing you of doing it wrong, you can respond to them by saying you killed a new enemy.

Roland nodded solemnly.

I look at this man who is useful to me at the moment, satisfied that he hides all sentimental memories,

Pausanias was not the one who hurt him with his head of anger when he saw that his enemy was sealed and not punished,

Instead, he turned to Philip who did not avenge him.

Pausanias killed Philip on the festive morning when he married his daughter,

This example deserves the attention of all rulers.

The injured person sometimes does not think of revenge for himself, but raises the banner of righteousness and kills the king who cannot uphold justice.

In this way, even if he himself fails, others who have been wronged will follow his example, hoping for revenge.

Most people can see that some people go to ruin or become great for a reason.

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Severus stared at Goncey.

"What do you think I am doing?" Conseil asked in bewilderment.

"I'm waiting for you to show what you mean by 'feeling'." Severus said slickly.

"You don't believe me?" asked Conseil.

Severus said nothing, and Gonseil looked displeased.

"You think I'm lying to you?"

"Tell me, how many books are here?" Severus looked around the bookshelves filled with books, which almost formed an ocean of books, "And you found this one among so many books?"

"I admit that this is unbelievable, but it doesn't mean I want to harm you." Conseil raised his hand calmly and said.

"how did you do it?"

Gonseil glanced at Severus and began to walk among the bookshelves, tracing the spine of a book with his fingertips like walking through a field of wheat.

People are used to looking for wheat ears that meet their requirements by visual inspection in the wheat field, but they never think about the feelings of the wheat ears. Maybe they don’t want to be picked by this passer-by.

At this time, if you close your eyes, or rely on the sense of touch to touch those books, and regard them as alive, you will have a wonderful feeling, as if you met someone in the vast crowd. It is still a carrier that can transmit information into your brain like sound.

Sometimes you meet a wise man, and sometimes you meet a dull person who writes as dry as his soul.

Looking at what TA wrote is like face, and because it abandons people's modification of appearance, it will not be influenced by halo and prejudice, so you will feel that you are in a different world that you see with your eyes.

Sometimes you will pass by a "person", and his hand will suddenly hold your fingertips, expecting you to stay and talk to him like a chat, so that you know each other, even if you are in different time and space, different countries.

There is a "fan language" among young women in Spain. This is a custom in social occasions. Women will use their exquisite fans to convey subtle language.

For example, she opened all the fans, put them in front of her and fanned them gently, and stared at each other, meaning she was waiting for me.

Or she covered her right cheek with the opened fan, which means "OK\

,"When she put the handle of the opened hand fan to her lips, it meant that you can kiss me now.

Not being able to read their language will not only miss a chance encounter, but even be laughed at by them.

As he grows older, a boy will not remain a boy forever, and he will also enter social situations and learn to read these silent languages.

It's like a book in a library, waiting for people to open it carefully and read it carefully.

Conseil stopped suddenly, as if someone had hooked his fingertips.

He looked back at Severus, and Severus reached out and took the book off the shelf, it was an English book, which was considered a foreign language in the French library, and it had been there for a few years, above Dusty.

"Another book about Richard the Lionheart," Severus said, and turned to a page at random.

It mentions the fateful entanglement between the Assassins, Saladin and Richard.

Saladin had to leave the gorgeous palace and sleep in a special wooden house because he was afraid of being assassinated by assassins.

To use an old oriental proverb, the side of the couch cannot allow others to sleep soundly.

Of course, you can't keep people who affect your sleep quality, but the assassins are agile, and the killers do have their uses. Even though he was worried, Saladin still didn't send troops to eradicate those assassins.

The reason why Severus was able to turn to this page easily was because there was a card in the book, the red paint on it was almost soaked into the page, it looked like blood.

"What's on it?" Severus handed the card to Conseil.

"The Rabbit Tavern," said Conseil, looking at the card.

"What's the meaning?"

"How do I know?" said Conseil.

Severus looked at him curtly.

"Do you know? If you continue to doubt me, then you can do it yourself." Gong Saiyi said angrily, turned around and was about to leave.

"Don't you think it's all too coincidental?" Severus asked. "It's like someone deliberately arranged it."

Conseil looked back at him.

"I'm afraid this is another trap." Severus said pitifully. "Richard the Lionheart's heart is in Rouen Cathedral. You know how important the heart is in the Egyptian resurrection ceremony."

"I think it's a superstition. It's impossible for a Muggle to be resurrected," said Goncey. "Even Voldemort's resurrection seems like a nightmare to me."

"Let's find out, is Napoleon's heart in his chest?" Severus pulled out the mirror he just got. "The guy who gave it to me said it was good at finding things."

"It's all over, why do people still think about him." Gong Saiyi said with some pain.

Severus hesitated to speak.

He looked down at the mirror, and there was no reflection of his face in the mirror, but a huge red sarcophagus, which seemed to mean that the heart of the wild lion was still where it should be?

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