Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1625 frogu0026fog (thirteen)

"She is a most beautiful woman in the world\

,""She has a pair of charming eyes, which can take people's soul\

,""She's just perfect."

I listened to the yelling of the people in front of the castle, and chose to leave alone to the high place.

The moonlight was bright, and the breeze kissed the branches without making a sound.

I think it was such a night that Troilus climbed up the walls of Tria and looked at the Greeks where Cressida was lodged.

Now I think of my first love in my youth, she was pretty, she liked to make friends, and she could play the harp very well.

I never worried that she would betray me because of my shortcomings. If she hadn't been discerning, she would never have chosen me.

"General, you have to be careful. I know the temper of the women in our country. They don't hide their husbands' behind their backs."

O wretched pain, I long to forget,

It is better to be poor and content than to be rich. If a rich man is constantly worried that he will become poor one day, then even if he has endless wealth, he is actually as poor as a beggar.

This is living and suffering.

I shouldn't care about her gains and losses while loving her infatuatedly.

Beware of jealousy, it is a demon, whoever listens to his bewitching will be played by it.

I hear singing in the distance, and a gang of thugs are drinking around a campfire:

She was born juicy, but not proud;

Eloquent, but not noisy;

Never short of money, but never enchanting;

What you want, but don't want anything;

When you are angry, you could have vented it, but you first took the anger of injustice;

Reasonable, dignified and steady,

The brain turns quickly, but the mouth is tightly shut;

If there is such a girl...

One person asked alone, "What do you want her to do?"

Silly child, remember the oil and salt!

The fools laughed, and they sang old tavern poetry.

"Come on, let's put on lion skins, and we're going to steal the moon tonight."

The villains get drunk enough to tell their plans.

I looked at the crowd in the distance, turned my head and said to them:

Stop if you want to live.

Those villains look at me,

I said: Look at those people who, although they have sharp knives, dare not pierce the breasts of their neighbors, and don't let yourself be the victims of cowards who prove their courage!

The villains said: What can you do?

I said: I have commanded an excellent army, no country is its opponent, and any country to go to war with me is the most absurd thing.

The villains ask: So why are you alone now?

I said: I heard that there is a king here who wants to marry her daughter to the king.

The villains say: You are not a king!

I said: Fight with me, and I will give you a kingdom, and you will accomplish great deeds like the heroes of Agamemnon.

The villains whisper, and at the end someone asks, who's going to get the moon?

I said: This is for her to decide, and I want you to swear that no matter who becomes the husband of the moon in the end, you will never take up arms against him, and when that person encounters a disaster and asks for help, you must go all out to help he.

The villains said: That is a myth, how can it be taken seriously?

I said: Then do you believe that there is really a girl sung in your song in the world?

The villains hesitated for a moment and shouted: We follow you, what's your name.

I said: My name is Bud, from now on you obey me, I will give you and your descendants status, property and glory, when you are old, surrounded by your descendants, you can boast of your Achievements, they will listen to the description of your great cause with admiration, and you can say with pride: "Although I was drunk, I still made a wise and brave choice."

==================================================== ================

Conseil and Crimean are discussing.

After the Bastille was demolished, the Legislative Assembly decided to build a square on the original site of the prison, and a memorial column with the Statue of Liberty would be erected in the middle of the square. The plan was officially started soon, but the project was soon interrupted due to aesthetic opinions.

In the second year, a fountain praising the charm of nature was built in the center of the square, replacing the original abandoned memorial residence. In 1810, Napoleon planned to build another fountain here. The strange thing is that the shape of the fountain is 24 meters high. The elephant, the spring water is sprayed from the elephant's long trunk.

This kind of children's park-like design was ridiculed, but soon the base of the fountain was built, and it was completed with a plaster elephant in 1813. In 1833, Louis-Philippe built a "July Column" in the middle of the square, and in 1871 When the Paris Commune toppled the pillars, they found the remains of the martyrs in 1830 and several mummies, which means that they were buried in the ground in 1810 and 1830.

After Gianluca's investigation later, these mummies may not have been buried there deliberately by Napoleon. The cemetery of the victims of the July Revolution was near the National Library of France on the Rue Richelieu. It is possible that Napoleon I buried those mummies in the After arriving near the Richelieu Library, the people who later moved the tombs of the victims of the July Revolution did not carefully distinguish which were the mummy thousands of years ago and which were the corpses of the victims, and then buried them together under the July Column.

In addition to the function of a library, the French National Library also has the function of a museum. It has been continuously expanded since the 17th century, and Napoleon also expanded it. Perhaps those mummies were buried underground at that time.

Although Voltaire's body was buried in the Pantheon, his heart was buried under a statue in the library's reception hall.

Napoleon's body was dissected, which is the requirement of the autopsy, and no one will specifically check whether his heart is still in the original place, unless the coffin is reopened for autopsy.

Europeans have an odd fascination with lion hearts, and according to Egyptian burial customs, if there is no heart in the mummy, the reborn soul cannot be resurrected.

Napoleon liked Homer's epic poems during his lifetime. He quoted a lot of Iliad's poems in his poems, including the description of Hector, who is the brother of Prince Paris, the first warrior of Troy and the wall of Troy. .

He was stabbed in the heart by Achilles' stalks in the battle and died in battle. His body was dragged by Achilles in a chariot for a distance, and his soul flew to the underworld.

Achilles' mother was the fairy who feared her son would die, and she carried him upside down into the river Styx, with no weakness in him except his heels.

He killed many Trojan generals, including Hector, and established military exploits, but in the end he could not escape the end of the oracle. In a battle, he was shot by Prince Paris with a poisoned arrow, or the King of Archers Apo Luo himself shot Achilles in the heel with an arrow.

Pomona and Severus did stay in the National Library of France for a few days, and she also read the communique of the Paris Commune in the library, but unfortunately the discovery of the mummy did not appear in the communiqué, if It is the 20th century, and public opinion may have already caused an uproar.

People love strange stories, as an antidote to a dreary life. Although two hundred years have passed, the Egyptian fever is not as good as before, but people still have mysterious and romantic imaginations.

Will there be such a small boat, along the canal under the Bastille, to the Seine River or the Urk Canal, to bring the dead nobles and civilians to the underworld ruled by Osiris?

The sculpture on the top of Napoleon's monumental column at Place Vendôme has also changed. At the beginning, the statue was Napoleon I wearing a laurel crown, holding a scepter in one hand, and a golden ball in the other. When the Bourbon dynasty was restored, it was replaced by Henry IV. In the period of Louis XVIII, there was a huge lily on it. Under the pressure of the people, the July Dynasty erected Napoleon wearing a three-cornered hat, boots and long coat, and hiding his chest in his hands. Napoleon III replaced it with The sculpture of Napoleon I wearing Caesar's robe, and the sculpture of him wearing a three-cornered hat is placed in a circular square in Courbevoie.

With the overthrow of the Second French Empire, this sculpture was also thrown into the Seine River. Therefore, this sculpture escaped the Franco-Prussian War in 1870 and the Paris Commune Movement in 1871. It was salvaged in 1876, but it was later It was forgotten for nearly thirty-five years, and it was not until 1911 that it was placed in the Invalides in Paris.

The Cathedral of the Invalides, where Napoleon was housed, is also known as the "Hall of Victory". He not only often visited the soldiers of the Invalides, but also held the first honor ceremony for the army here.

When he returned from St. Hena Island in 1840, he waited 21 years outside before being officially buried in the circular cave under the cathedral under the witness of his nephew Napoleon III, mainly because it was convenient for him to repair the tomb. It took a long time, and the sculpture that was fished from the bottom of the Seine was placed on the second floor.

However, there is an inconspicuous tombstone outside this luxurious and luxurious cathedral, which is located under a big tree, and this is the tombstone on Napoleon's original tomb on St. Hena Island.

There is no name on it, and the tombstone is only engraved with the words "eternal sleep here". The members of the Napoleon Foundation and the descendants of Napoleon's illegitimate children will not go to the Invalides to mourn, but will go to a cemetery without a tombstone on St. Hena Island Tomb sweeping.

If Napoleon heard the prophecies of the prophets when he was alive, and knew that one day in the future there would be a dark wizard who planned to destroy Paris with black magic. If he will give up resistance, then has he prepared everything in advance? The whole of Paris is a magic circle, but the center of this magic circle may not be the Père Lachaise Cemetery.

Napoleon was good at homework on maps, and he needed to find that map for how to lay it out, and this might be what the death priest was looking for.

A city with such a dense population, coupled with the bones underground, is really suitable for forming an army of undead.

In fact, the time in 1930 was not the first time that Nick Flamel guarded Paris, but very few people knew this ancient magic, and it is now on the verge of extinction.

It is said that after Napoleon's body returned to Paris, his old subordinates saw his body. After so many years, his body was almost the same as when he was just buried, with hair and nails still growing.

What is the reason for this result?

There are too many mysteries surrounding this person, but he was only a small figure in the Great Revolution at the beginning. Like ordinary civilians, he turned his head and ran away when he saw the rioting crowd.

So what made him what he became?

Gonseil and Crimean couldn't help looking at Severus as they discussed.

For intelligence personnel, it is not difficult to collect intelligence, but the difficulty is to analyze and find out the real and useful information from the true and false information.

This man-made smog is part of warfare, and getting it wrong can cause a military operation to go horribly wrong.

For example, in 1943, the "mince meat project" created by the British intelligence agency, in Martin's briefcase, the German spies found the letter written by Montmartton to Eisenhower, and the letter written by the deputy staff of the British General Staff to the British commander. , The letter all mentioned the intention to feign an attack on Sicily, Italy, to cover the landing operations against Greece.

In the end, the Germans believed it, thinking that the Allied forces were really going to attack Greece, but the fact was that Sicily, which was feigned, was the real goal of the Allied forces.

It's useless to discuss with Gonseil and Crimean. They still need more clues, and it's best to go to the French Library, but Severus looks like his head is going to explode now, and they can only wait. He thinks clearly before acting.

What the hell were those mummies for? If there are too many trophies and there is no place to put them, why not burn them as firewood, so that future generations can be more clean, and don't have to guess what the purpose of the ancients was, wasting time in guessing.

The hands of the clock turned little by little, as if counting down.

The detonator of the time bomb used in the assassination on December 24, 1800, did not explode.

Someone is pressed for time and can no longer be indecisive, which wire to cut? Come on.

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