Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1605 God Abandoned Son (8)

"In 1239 A.D., there was a girl of royal blood, and according to ancient legends, she was the most beautiful..."

Listening to this completely out of tune song, Georgiana opened her eyes.

Napoleoni's singing voice is very distinctive, and it's hard not to recognize it. Obviously, apart from his lack of talent for housework, he also lacks in this aspect.

She blocked her ears with a pillow, hoping to block the ugly singing, but later she found that it was futile, so she threw the pillow aside, picked up the silk nightgown on the bedside, and put it on.

Maybe she couldn't stop him from taking over Valais, but she thought he could try to stop him from singing, just to save everyone's hearing.

"For God's sake, can you stop singing!" she yelled through the door, and the singing actually stopped.

She felt strange for no reason, so she tiptoed over, opened a crack in the door and peeked in, and found that Napoleoni was taking a bath, and Minister of the Interior Chaputal and senior Rouen officials were standing by the bathtub.

"Go down." Leon said to the two.

So the two men backed away.

"Come in." After the two left, Leon said to her, pouring water on his body while talking.

Georgiana opened the door and went in.

"Rub my back."

"I don't want to brush the donkey's back." She crossed her hands and said very uncooperatively.

"Then take a bath with me." He said in a good mood.

"Won't your manservant suddenly rush in to brush your back?" She asked back.

As a result, he splashed water from the bathtub on her body. Georgiana quickly covered her face with her hands and screamed, but she was still splashed all over.

"Hahaha." He laughed wickedly, like a child playing with water in the bathtub.

Georgiana was so angry that she wanted to pick up something and beat him.

"I don't think anyone will come in this time." He raised his wet hand and waved to her. "Come on, my princess."

"I'm not a princess." Georgiana frowned.

"Come on, sister Dina Sad, your brother wants to tell you a story."

"Are all men thick-skinned or is it just you?"

He stopped talking, so Georgiana took off her nightgown and stepped into the bathtub.

The water could indeed replenish the strength that had been taken away by his fatigue, and in short he became full of energy again.

This whirlwind from Italy could indeed create a dizzying storm, and she was quickly lost in his embrace.

He wanted a child very much, but wasted energy in vain on her land with little hope, and she didn't know how long this Carthaginian peace could last, and what would she do when England and France resumed war , at least the ambassador can return home, but she probably won't be able to.

Just like a pure soul that never returns, or a paper that cannot be turned white again, even the handwriting left by a pencil will still leave faint traces on that paper.

Then he kissed her, and the Corsican monster seemed to have learned how to French kiss, even proficiently, without knowing how many girls he had kissed to master it.

He was obviously an innocent second lieutenant of artillery.

She opened her dim eyes and stared at him. She really wanted to know how much purity there was in his soul, but he didn't give her this chance. A new storm was brewing, and she was soon lost in it again.

"In 1239 A.D., there was a girl of royal blood, and according to ancient legends, she was the most beautiful..."

He started to sing that outrageous song again, this time she heard it close up, more clearly than through the door, and he didn't let her cover her ears.

"Do you know what happened in 1239?" He traced her back with his fingertips like a bard playing a lute.

"I don't know." She clasped her hands on his shoulders weakly, and said in a nasal voice.

"In 1239, Gregory IX ordered all Jewish books to be burned on the grounds that there were accusations that Jews who had converted to Christianity were still secretly believing in the Talmud." The excommunicated Frederick II sent troops to occupy the monastery of Cassino, where Pepin's brother Carloman was imprisoned."

She woke up a little and looked at him with wide eyes.

"In that year Edward Long-Legs was born, and John II, Duke of Brittany was also born in that year. His father John I married Princess Blanche of Navarre. Is it possible that the song sang The person is him?"

"You mean, King Navarre didn't want the princess to marry John I because she was going to marry the king, and John I was just a duke?" Georgiana said incredulously.

"Religion can bring order to people's spiritual world, but secular power is still needed to rule the country. John I and the bishop of Brittany had a long struggle for the right to rule, and they were excommunicated by the church. John II He was a devout believer, but when he was leading a horse through the crowd for Pope Clement V in Lyon, the onlookers crushed a wall and crushed him to death on the spot. Do you think this is God? punishment?"

Georgiana didn't dare to speak, his hand was moving along her back to the restricted area.

"In 1270, John I participated in the Eighth Crusade led by Louis IX. The excommunication prevented him from participating in the sacrament, but it did not affect his doing other things. Do you think John I's soul will be because of his participation in the Eastern Crusade? And be saved?"

"You don't want your soul saved?" Georgiana asked.

"I think he's fighting for the king." Leon smiled relaxedly, "Or he's fighting for himself. Through the Eastern Expedition, he can expand his strength and prestige and make the Duchy of Normandy a duchy like Burgundy. "

"He's going to lose a lot of soldiers," Georgiana condemned.

"That was the Middle Ages, my dear, do you still expect the king at that time to talk about human rights and equality?" Leon teased her.

"I meant to say mercy," she corrected.

"Do you think more crimes are committed in the name of holiness, or in the name of freedom?" he asked rhetorically.

"You will definitely be excommunicated by the church in the future." Georgiana pointed his nose with her finger.

"Are you afraid of going to hell?" He said seriously.

Georgiana did not answer him at once.

"I'm afraid of being alone," she quivered, staring into his eyes.

"Does he make you lonely?" asked Bonaparte.

"No," she said through tears, "he hurt me."

"Because he killed the principal you respect like a father, and there is a woman he never forgets in his heart?" He said with a smile in weird French.

"He freed Albus."

"As long as you are remembered, even if that person is dead, that person is still alive, and only when that person is forgotten by everyone, is he really dead." He said very gently to Georgiana, "I understand your feelings .”

"I can't make him forget her." Georgiana cried like a broken man. "Why is he so stubborn! It doesn't matter how nice I am to him."

"You are just like him," said Napoleon, smiling. "Do you think I'm not good enough for you?"

"Of course not!" she cried. "Those actresses, and Giuseppina Glaringer, and those notes taped to my door!"

"You think I can hurt you?" He asked happily instead.

Georgiana raised her hand and slapped him across the face.

"We were so close just now, but you hit me now?" He pretended to say in disbelief.

She punched him hard with her fist.

"Just this strength." Instead, he said leisurely, and turned his back to her, "Rub it."

she cried.

She cried so sadly, but no one came to comfort her, so she vented all her anger on him.

When she was really exhausted, Georgiana let go of her hand out of breath, and Napoleoni's back was also red at this time.

"Did that woman bear a child for another man?" Napoleoni asked with his back to her.

"That's right." She said angrily.

He laughed.

"Then let's wait and see, if you help me give birth to a child, will he miss you as much as he does her."

"It's not fun," she objected.

"It's not fun, but that's the kind of person he is." Napoleoni laughed loudly, "No wonder people like me take advantage of it."

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

He smiled mysteriously and did not answer her question.

She felt that she couldn't continue to stay in the same bathtub with him, so she got up and left.


Just when she was about to open the door and leave, he stopped her, "If he doesn't come to you next year, how about you staying with me forever?"

"How many months?" she asked hoarsely.

"Same as those exiles, Puyue."

I'm not afraid of you losing everything, but I'm afraid of you falling in love with another woman.

She looked at the door, but didn't say those words.

After all, the reason why she has a good impression of this man is all because of his saying that he will not abandon the woman who was good to him just because he has become a great person.

Wine in the Eucharist represents the precious blood, but the alcoholic becomes the outcast of God, is it because he drank too much blood?

She thought of another Portuguese, the general who rode on a horse and ordered his soldiers to point their cannons at the civilians. At that time, Napoleon turned his back to the painter who made the prints. His back was very straight. It was hard to imagine that he was only five feet three inches tall. .

As long as this person is ruthless, he will give any inhuman order, so he is called a "monster".

"Okay." She agreed, then pushed open the door and went back to the bedroom.

Anyway, this is an order, she has no way to refuse it, and when the day comes, she will carry it out if she doesn't want to, so it is useless for her to object, she might as well pretend to obey, as for the future, who knows?

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