Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1603 God Abandoned Son (6)

Rouen is the capital of the Normandy region, and it is also a thousand-year-old city. It has been the residence of the bishop since the 5th century.

It was once the capital of Merovingian Nutriria and then the capital of the Dukes of Normandy until William the Conqueror built a new castle in Caen.

During Napoleon's inspection in Rouen, it was in this palace where the king and duke lived.

It was a castle full of medieval style. It was not as magnificent as Versailles. It was a pure stone building. From a distance, it looked like a fortress. In terms of comfort, it was definitely not as good as a manor.

Because of the delay in the ancient battlefield of Ivri, the carriage had been waiting outside the city for a while, and the ministers would certainly not enter the city before Napoleon.

Of course, long-distance raids are inevitably covered in mud. Of course, the first ruler of France will not enter the city so disheartened. Put on clean clothes. Ordinary men don't have the physical strength to ride such a high-intensity ride. Only the elite guards and the Mamluks, a nation that grew up on horseback, can do it.

Looking sprightly again, he mounted his horse and led the crowd into the city, not having two horsemen hoist his banner like a king. However, even such a relatively low-key gesture was discovered by the city people, and the church bells began to ring, at first one, and then all the bells in the city rang.

These bells are of different ages, crafts and materials, and the sounds they make after they are struck are also various, some are crisp and melodious, or deep and deep, one after another, it sounds like a piece of music without a conductor.

Sometimes you have to admit that businessmen are really good at putting on a show.

When Napoleon and the others approached the city gate, the guards on the city wall carried baskets and scattered the petals of various flowers and colored confetti, as if colored snow fell all of a sudden.

The apartments on both sides of the street entering the city were filled with French tricolor flags, the road was full of citizens, and some people climbed to the heights just to watch Napoleon enter the city.

There were shouts of cheers like a tsunami, and it took the police to form a human wall to stop the excited crowd. Napoleon on the horse pretended to wave to the people, and at the same time, led by the Rouen mounted police, he arrived at the old royal palace and passed through it. After the moat and the drawbridge, they came to the castle. Étienne-Hubert Cambáceres, the archbishop of Rouen, and Jean-Claude Bernio, a senior official of Rouen, were already looking forward to the entrance of the main gate of the castle.

There are many well-dressed people behind these two big figures, and many of them bring their family members. They have another purpose besides meeting the celebrities. The female family members need to figure out what everyone will wear for the welcome banquet held on Halloween. What.

Georgiana has heard that teenagers throw parties on Halloween, and if you want to play a prank on someone, tell that person there is going to be a costume party where he or she will be dressed in weird clothes while the others wear their usual costumes , or all of them are goth vampires, and he pretends to be a superhero by himself so that he can make a fool of himself in public.

When Josephine was the hostess, everyone knew that she had to wear Versailles-style clothes. Her Swiss tailor not only prepared Josephine's clothes, but also pointed out other tailors in Paris and instructed them to make clothes for other nobles. , Rich people prepare clothing.

The British tailors who also prepare clothes for Georgiana will also advise the designers in Paris, so the "consultant fee" alone is a lot of money.

It is impossible for Georgiana to set off a wave of fashion in Paris, one is because she is a British woman, and the other is because she has no "title", she only has a wedding that looks very similar, and she was assassinated in the end The end, bloody.

Josephine has the status of a legal wife, as long as Napoleon does not divorce her, she will not fall. Pauline, the mistress Napoleon brought back from Egypt, is still unknown. When she was in Cairo, she also swaggered around with Napoleon Bonaparte in the name of Cleopatra, so Georgiana seems to be very beautiful now. Turning around, she might be replaced by other young and ambitious women, not to mention they have Juno and Marmont to help. Her good life is like peace between Britain and France. It ended suddenly.

She would not go back to Severus after she was abandoned, that would be unfair to him, and it was Georgiana herself who made the stupid decision, who made her unable to stand the temptation even though she was married, and A young man old enough to be her son tangles.

She was dizzy at that time, and there are few women in the world who can face such a fierce attack by Bonaparte. She didn't hold on to her bottom line, which is why she ended up where she is now.

The Sevres Ceramics Factory made two sets of Egyptian-style porcelain in total, and there are only two sets in the world. One set belongs to Josephine now, and the other belongs to Bonaparte. This gift is only given by him as a state guest.

There was another ring, this fire opal ring on Georgiana's hand, which Bonaparte had obtained from Bey's wife, and at first sight it was no different from any ordinary ring.

"Ma'am!" Matilda said excitedly, "It's our turn!"

Georgiana looked away from the ring and looked out of the car window, only to see a court attendant open the car door for Georgiana.

She didn't rush to get out of the car by herself, until a familiar yet unfamiliar face appeared outside the car door.

"Is that you?" said Georgiana, looking at Lord Henry Petty, smiling.

"Please get out of the carriage, ma'am." Henry Petty reached out to her with aristocratic etiquette, so Georgiana got out of the carriage with his help.

The weather today is good. It may have rained in Rouen a day or two ago, but there are still dark clouds in the sky, but there are also sunlight shining through the thick clouds, which looks like light from heaven.

She is wearing a purple gauze dress at the moment, it is very elegant, like a wave when walking, but it will have a sense of drape when it stops, and it is covered with a blue and almost black fur-trimmed cloak, this skirt and cloak are both Damn mopping the floor, you need someone to hold it behind your back. This was originally Belle's job, but now Matilda and Margaret have snatched it.

Both of them were covered in velvet cloaks, and the two former noble ladies turned into maids.

They don't have much jewelry. Georgiana has a thin diamond chain on her forehead, and she still wears pearl earrings on her ears. Now the whole Europe may know that she likes the oil painting of a girl with a pearl earring, but she doesn't wear a necklace. , wearing only an olive branch brooch, which looked far less jeweled than Bonaparte had hoped.

Mr. Martin mixed in the crowd and nodded to Georgiana. Georgiana waved to him, then stepped on the red carpet and followed Bonaparte into the castle.

The frustrated young man who was so poor that he only had a sword and a cloak now still has only a sword and a cloak, but his riding boots are no longer on the streets of Paris, but on the palaces of ancient kings.

There were many coats of arms, flags, tapestries, shields, and weapons on the walls of the rotunda. Napoleoni first looked around, and then turned to look at her while holding his sword.

Georgiana looked at him, her mind was in a trance for a moment, and she remembered the famous coronation picture. After putting herself on the Roman laurel-style crown, Napoleon crowned Josephine again, and his sisters Holding the hem of the cloak for Josephine as Matilda and Margaret did at this moment.

Can the young man who was born in Ajaccio, alone on the shore, watching the waves wash the rocks into fine sand, imagine that he will have such a day?

"Are you satisfied?" he asked Georgiana with some complacency.

She wanted to say, no, Leon, beware of this flower-covered trap.

But there are many people in this hall at the moment, not only bishops and dignitaries, but also many business people and foreigners.

So she smiled at him and nodded slightly.

The winner did not laugh out loud, but politely told the senior officials that he was tired from the long journey and needed a rest, and the hosts who came to greet them left in a sensible manner.

"come over."

When those people had left and only "our own people" were left in the castle, Napoleoni reached out to her, and Georgiana was very obedient and passed.

Matilda and Margaret put down the bottom of the cloak in their hands. The room was very clean, so they didn't have to worry about getting muddy water like they did outside. The golden embroidery on the cloak rubbed against the scarlet wool carpet, making a rustling sound. , which sounds like quicksand.

He grabbed her hand and lifted her chin with the other hand - the short man only had a slight height advantage in front of her.

"Your eyes are already royal blue," he said in a soft, intoxicating tone. "Diamonds are like your tears."

"You want me to cry?" she said angrily.

"How many people outside do you think envy me?" He asked self-satisfied.

"Stiring jealousy in others will only lead to fire in the end," she warns. "Have you forgotten those lessons?"

As if he didn't hear it, he put down the hand that was holding her chin, and hugged her in his arms.

"Birth me a child, princess."

"Didn't you say you want to rest?" she said angrily.

He mumbled something in her ear, although she didn't know what he meant, but the meaning he wanted to express was very clear through those beautiful thief hands.

"You bastard!" she cursed angrily.

Instead, he laughed heartily and lifted her up to spin around, but he tripped over her overly long cloak, and the two of them fell down together.

He didn't stand up in a hurry, but lay on the ground looking at the crystal chandelier on the ceiling, and heaved a long sigh.

"It would be great if Lucien was willing to come." He said sadly.

Georgiana was in a daze. She remembered that neither Letizia nor Lucien attended Napoleon's coronation ceremony.

"Why didn't he come this time? I remember that Benio was his confidant."

Napoleoni did not answer her question.

"Because of me?"

"Don't think about it." He blocked her head, kissed the top of her hair, and let her lean on his shoulder, "Enjoy this moment, princess."

Is the dream of the fake princess and the fake king still awake?

She wanted to say that, but she still stared blankly at the ceiling without the ceiling painting as he said.

As he said, enjoy the moment.

Rouen was half destroyed by bombing during World War II, and many monuments could not be found.

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