Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1589 Life and death sniper (twenty)

There are many forms of military parade. One is that soldiers stand in line and the reviewers walk in front of the line.

The other is that the inspectors stand on the platform, and the soldiers walk in front of the reviewing platform. The other is a "performance" called an exercise by later generations, and the exercise is divided into live ammunition and non-live ammunition exercises. Live ammunition exercises Not only will troops be used, but weapons will also be used. Not to mention the cost of property, it will also put a lot of pressure on England on the other side of the strait.

Napoleon dispatched troops from the west to Rouen for the military parade this time, and there was a large army pressing down on the border. Rouen is also an important port, but according to his own words, he only planned to ride a horse for the military parade on the highlands near Rouen. Let the Archbishop of Rouen do a mass for the soldiers participating in the military parade, and also give a lecture by the way.

Although Catholicism has lost its status as the state religion in France, it is still the religion of the majority of the people. Halloween, also known as All Saints' Day, has been commercialized in the 21st century, but some people still stick to the tradition. When children dressed up strangely went to the streets to beg for candy, the adults should have gone to the church for a mass. Unless there was an irresistible reason, all believers had to be present, but soldiers were not allowed to leave the barracks casually.

Georgiana felt that if she had to explain this to the politicians in London, they would definitely not approve of it. The festival where children wrapped in sheets and pretended to be ghosts in the street, adults should stay at home and give them candy instead of going to the hills to go to the military parade. Napoleon did this trick last time in Dijon, letting a group of beggars dress up as soldiers to review, and the regular army hid in the middle of the road waiting to meet him and cross the Alps. Who knows if he is planning to engage in conspiracy this time.

Napoleon was in his thirties, and although he was still a child in the eyes of old politicians, playing "trick or treat" at this age and making bad jokes would not be forgiven as easily as children.

In Georgiana's common sense, the telegraph appeared very late, but on the way to Brittany, she saw a lot of telegraph stations, which were connected by thick wires, and supported by Telephone poles, which look almost indistinguishable from a French country town in the 21st century.

The western part of France was the focus of Napoleon's governance. During the day, when their carriages passed through those western towns, sometimes passing by the church, the clergy would sing hymns and throw incense at the church door. Stretching her head out, it was difficult for Georgiana to describe the scene in words.

When he was riding an Arabian horse, walking on a road built in the Middle Ages, galloping surrounded by knights and spices, he seemed to be completely different from the man who ate spaghetti bolognese in the kitchen the night before and lay down when he was full A world of people.

Georgiana's carriage followed the cavalry very low-key, and formed a convoy with the carriages of the other accompanying officials. The wheels rolled over the stone streets and made a grunting sound. When she was on the field, she began to worry about whether the carriage would get stuck in the mud. Destroying roads and obstructing traffic during times of war is a common method. There are not many paved roads in Brittany, and they have specially selected some small roads instead of thoroughfare.

This is a means of defense, to avoid being ambushed by a predictable route, as it was at Christmas in 1800. Instead of protecting with large troops, light cavalry can reduce the burden and advance quickly.

The construction of the railway is not suitable for all terrains. The Paris Basin looks flat, but there are many rolling hills. She felt it when she went to Saint-Germain-en-Laye yesterday. If the railway is built along those hills, the train will follow the roller coaster Same up and down.

However, it is not applicable to build bridges for comfort. Louis XVI’s financial income does not support as many troops as after the French Revolution. The military expenditure of 400 million is a heavy burden. However, Napoleon did not dare to disarm the army at will. Now the veterans are retired. Afterwards, serious social problems were left behind, and many beggars and robbers were formed by them.

Georgiana was not worried about the expensive jewelry she was carrying. Madame Du Barry planned to use her hidden jewelry to redeem her life before execution. Since the Middle Ages, prisoners of war could be released by paying ransom, but the court at that time did not accept her at all. conditions of.

If she met someone who robbed money, she would definitely ask Alice to give the other party all the jewels she was guarding. A person cannot maintain a high level of mental tension and maintain a state of vigilance for a long time. Anyway, Georgiana can’t do it. She and Figel discussed taking turns to guard. Figel is on guard at night, and Figel is lying in the carriage during the day. Georgiana focused on her surroundings.

If the moonlight was as bright as it was last night, then snipers could come and go at night, as well as werewolves.

Georgiana picked some chamaejasma aconite while resting on the road, and used some silver jewelry to make them into arrows used to deal with werewolves, and sent them to Shadi, the leader of the Mamluks, to decide these arrows by whom.

Originally, she planned to make silver bullets against werewolves, but later she felt that the more important job of these guards and guide soldiers was to defend against living people.


She heard a wolf howling in the wilderness, and she looked in that direction, only to find that it was a black dog passing by behind a dirt slope.

This reminds Georgiana of "grim", although she doesn't see the shape from the tea stains in her teacup.

==================================================== ===========

After finishing lunch, Severus, Goncey, and Crimean came to the street where the accident in the predicted ball was predicted. At present, everything in this block looks calm, and there is no sign of riots.

"What are we doing here?" Severus asked Crimean.

"Look for clues." Crimian said, "I went to all the scenes that appeared in the prophecy ball. I waited for a long time on Westminster Street before I got her."

"What can you find?" Conseil looked up at the building.

"Normally nothing is found," Crimean said.

Severus looked at the street tree by the side of the road, which was now leafy and full of green leaves.

"I remember dead leaves on the ground," Severus said. "The leaves on the trees were yellow too."

"Autumn," exclaimed Conseil. "This autumn or next year?"

"How would I know?" Severus said lightly.

"Let's prepare for the worst, which is this autumn." Crimean swallowed his breath and said, "We still have three months."

"I don't think your troubles can be solved in three months." Severus said, "Paris and its suburbs are not the same world at all, let alone the more remote countryside. The manor we live in doesn't even have asphalt There are only gravel roads."

"So what?" asked Crimean.

"How would I know?" Severus smiled.

"Should we warn the family?" Conseil said, looking at the house with the iron bars.

"People will think you're crazy, or have ulterior motives," Severus said.

"Jack-o-lanterns," said Felix. "Where did the jack-o-lanterns go?"

"What jack-o-lantern?" asked Conseil.

"I saw it in the crystal ball." Felix said firmly.

"Okay, jack-o'-lantern, so what?" Conseil said impatiently.

"Trick or treat," Severus said after taking a puff on his cigarette, "it's going to be a lot of fun this Halloween."

On Halloween in Paris, there are young people who wear fancy costumes and go to the bar to dance disco, and there are also people who guard a small shop and give a bowl of vegetable soup to the homeless. Carnival and virtue collide in this night, this city is clearly a People at the intersection live in different worlds

It seems like you have never met before. Perhaps this is the feeling when you are destined to meet thousands of miles away, but if you don't have the opportunity to meet each other face to face.

Mountains never meet, people always meet

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