Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 157 Beautiful Mind

The title of the Twenty-Eight Holy Family first appeared in the book The Pureblood List, which was published anonymously by the author in the 1930s, but is generally believed to have been written by Cantan Lusnott, And Theodore Knott is of the same family.

Sissy's intuition was indeed correct. The boy nicknamed Rabbit disappeared. His father, grandfather, mother, and grandmother were not around. There were only house elves in the whole family. His sense of existence had never been very strong, so that No one noticed that he had been missing for a long time.

Even if you don't directly participate in the killing, witnessing death is still very painful. Neville Longbottom is not born dull, but was oblivious to him when he was very young. He relied on his own research to find out that there is a connection between the baby and the mother. This is already well known among higher-level wizards. Everything that Alice saw and felt when she was tortured by the Cruciatus Curse was passed on to the one-year-old Neville. Pomona still doesn't know about this point. It was Professor Snape who told Principal Dumbledore to let the Longbottom boys drop out of school. It was precisely because of this that Neville didn't go to the devil. He didn't deduct Gryffindor points for medicine.

Neville is a very good boy, although he always thinks he is better than twelve Malfoys. Compared with Neville, who is looked after by Pomona, Theodore is completely uncared for. His dean was not only a busy man but also a bad teacher, but that doesn't mean he didn't know anything about his students. Theodore Not's mother died early, and in fifth grade Care of Magical Creatures class The Thestrals may have been seen on the Internet because he had witnessed his own mother's death, his Headmaster thought so.

"I still can't believe that 'rabbit' was involved in the murder of old Barty Crouch." Waking up early in the morning, Severus said as he packed the pillows while making the bed. "He didn't have the guts."

"I didn't say he was involved in the murder, but I witnessed it. He boiled compound potion for Old Nott. It was his grandfather who killed the man." The morning sun shone in through the glass window, and the dust was like golden powder, which made She thought of the "crazy girl" with a pair of turnip earrings and a necklace made of a butterbeer cork, and she was so weird even in Maverick Ravenclaw that she believed in the existence of the Snork , also wearing a pair of weird glasses to see some weird things.

"Do you think it is possible for Theodore and Luna to become a couple?"

Pomona said "intuitively" that rabbits like to eat radishes, which is common sense for everyone.

"How did you want to go there?" Severus said through gritted teeth after recovering.

"Luna's Patronus is a rabbit."


"She and Theodore are likely."

"Very logical." He said with a smirk, and after tidying up the bed on his side, he put on his wizard robe again, and his aura seemed to be stronger.

"Didn't you say I'm weird yourself? Theodore is very similar to you. Maybe he likes weirdos too."

Pomona muttered, although the current Hufflepuff is quite stupid, but she brought it up, and she was also Hufflepuff's weirdo when she was studying.

"If you really care about your students, you know that Neville Longbottom dated Luna Lovegood for a while after the Battle of Hogwarts, and now she's dating Newt Scamander's grandson, Rolf When preparing for a wedding, your instincts aren't always right."

"Oh." She said a little bored.

"Do you still believe that the Polyjuice Potion maker Myrtle sees in the 'pipe' is Theodore? Those stupid students often play tricks, and Miss Know-it-All did it once, and turned herself into a cat head. "

"You don't like Hermione?"

"She likes to stand out, like James Potter," he said angrily, putting the newt ring that the Dark Lord had given him on his finger.

For a moment, she felt that he became very "magical". It is not always appropriate for men to wear jewelry, and some people even become very feminine after wearing it, but after he wears it, he has a kind of charming power. Almost out of the bedroom.

"You're very noticeable now too, Severus, what do they call you?" She walked around the bed and walked to his side, and he rolled up his dimples amusedly, watching her continue to be silly with cold eyes.

"You can guess." He said glibly.


"Unlike the Dark Lord, I never let them kiss my robes."


"You may call me my love, Pomona."


"Enough!" He lost his playful mood and said in a cold voice with the majesty of a teacher.

"Oh, they still call you Professor?" She was taken aback. She thought he was eager to get rid of everything related to Hogwarts.

"Close friends can call me by my real name. I have been a potions professor for nearly twenty years, and many patriarchs are now my students."

"Then Lucius still calls you Godfather?"

"I let them call them whatever they want, I'm Draco's godfather, remember?" He reached out and brushed the messy hair behind her ear "They are free to be called, just like Just like in the Order of the Phoenix, some people call him Headmaster Fool, some call him Albus, some call him the Professor, but we all know who he is."

He impressed her again, the Order of the Phoenix still had an influence on him, and Albus Dumbledore's "education" had not been in vain.

"Kiss me, Professor, French style." She grabbed his waist and looked up at this not-so-handsome man. The black robe looked very abstinent, making one feel the urge to tear it off.

"Why should I listen to you?" He said pretending to be arrogant.

"Please." She pretended to be pitiful on purpose.

"How about we make a deal?"

"What conditions?"

"No matter what happens, don't use forgetfulness on me. I know you are good at this. Both the Dark Lord and the White Wizard admire you. Hermione Granger and Hermione Granger. It's not good at all, and I don't want to be like them."

"You went to see Hermione's parents?"

"I didn't go there myself, but since you're so whimsical that you want her to be the Minister of Magic, I'm going to investigate her situation. Her dentist father closed the clinic, and now she is traveling around the world with her mother, and she is currently not in the UK. "

"Sounds like a good idea." Traveling the world is a lot of people's dream, and Pomona didn't know why he felt bad about it.

"They feel like they've lost something very important in their lives, Pomona, they're lost." Severus frowned, as if he was suffering some kind of torment "It's like the pillars of life suddenly disappeared, and being The dementors attacked almost."

With all happy memories and will to live gone, Granger's parents must have loved her.

"I promise, Severus." She promised solemnly, but he didn't trust her very much.

"You may not understand what I said, but the Auror killed Evan Rozier because of the friendship between his classmates. At least he died like a nobleman, which is better than letting him go to the living tomb in Azkaban to be tortured Strong, I don't know what Sirius Black did wrong to make the old bastard think he's going to suffer twelve years in that damn place, he's the head mage of the Wizengamot, it's not hard to get Sirius Black out of the trial , since you care about Potter's dog godfather, think about why."

The professor kissed Pomona on the cheek and walked away smelling of sage.

Sage and black feather jade are often used by fortune tellers for divination, but black feather jade is eaten with wine, while sage is used to burn and observe the future in smoke and ashes.

She accidentally opened a door that led to a beautiful world, and she decided that she should come back with some potent love potions and see if her favorite scent had changed.

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