Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1562 The Treasure of Saint-Denis (2)

Georgiana remembered that in the Godfather movie, Mike Corleone was the youngest son. After his eldest brother Sonny died, his second brother should have taken over the position of godfather.

But Victor, who is the elder brother, thinks that he should take care of his younger brother instead of the younger brother taking care of his elder brother.

It felt like Victor was a cripple, and even though Mike didn't think so, people around him were still comparing Victor to Mike.

Many people remember Pepin, but few people remember his brother Carloman, a loser in the "competition for the hat".

He once served as the palace minister with Pepin, together eliminated the nobles loyal to the Merovingian dynasty, and dealt with the Bavarians and Saxons together, but after all the foreign enemies were cleared, the two of them could not share the crown, and finally fought in a duel , Carloman lost to Pepin, so he was forced to flee to the Monte Cassino Monastery in the Apennines of Italy, and died after Pepin.

Since Clovis I, all French monarchs are buried in Saint-Denis church, but Carloman is not among them. Carloman I who is buried in Saint-Denis church is the son of Pepin, just like the ghost said Yes, he was Pepin's second son. Pepin's eldest son was Charlemagne, the founder of the German Holy Roman Empire, but Charlemagne was not a legitimate child, and Carloman I was the first child born to Pepin and Beltrada after their marriage.

Charlemagne's father must be Pepin, and Beltrada is indeed Charlemagne's mother. Before Napoleon had the current status, it didn't matter if Josephine couldn't bear children, but now it was enough to shake her status.

Octavian married an aristocratic woman who had two children, and the first thing he asked was whether this woman could have children. Beltrada gave birth to a son. Even if she couldn't have a son after marriage, at least she had a "guarantee". His younger brother was born when Charlemagne was ten years old. Beltrada preferred the eldest son, Charlemagne. When dividing the territory left by his father, Charlemagne was much richer than his younger brother Carloman. Unfortunately, Carloman died young and died at the age of 20. He A pair of orphans and widows were left behind. Charlemagne did not take care of this sister-in-law, but took this opportunity to annex his brother's land.

Queen Carloman I left angrily and defected to Lombardy with her two children, which was one of the incentives for Charlemagne to attack Lombardy later. The queen and children of Carloman I were eventually sent to the monastery by Charlemagne. They never showed up again, nor did they enjoy the same treatment as Beltrada, and were buried in the Church of Saint-Denis like Carloman I, as if they never existed at all.

Charlemagne was not buried in the Saint-Denis Church. According to legend, he was buried in Aachen, and he and his father Pian were buried in different postures from normal people.

In the Saint-Denis Church, there are many sculptures of the previous kings, all of whom are lying down. According to his will, Pepin III was placed under the arch of the monastery, facing the land to show his atonement.

Charlemagne was sitting on a golden throne, wearing a coronation robe and holding a scepter. According to Otto III who was the first to open his tomb, Charlemagne's body remained almost intact except for a little decay at the tip of his nose. King Thor replaced Charlemagne's rotten nose with gold and took away one of Charlemagne's teeth.

Removing the bones of saints is a European custom, although Charlemagne is the "Father of Europe".

The removal of Charlemagne's teeth by Otto III is said to be related to a legend.

When Charlemagne was 10 years old, Pepin III planned to hold a coronation ceremony in the church of Saint-Denis, but before that they had to move the body of Father Saint-Germain buried in the church to another place.

The former bishop of Paris not only healed the pain of Parisian citizens with "miracles", but also opposed slavery and heretics. He used his life to demonstrate what endless kindness is.

His burial was originally in a chapel of Saint-Vincent-Saint-Roy, but Pepin planned to move him behind the altar of Saint-Denis. Everyone thought it was a very simple matter, and all the high and powerful people in Paris came, including Pope Stefan, King Pepin, the pregnant Queen Beltrada and the little prince Charlie. When the basement of the church was opened, the wooden coffin containing the bones of the saint was carried out and placed on the altar of the church for devout believers to worship.

However, the next morning, in front of King Pepin and Prince Charles, when people tried to lift the wooden coffin and send it to the chosen place for burial, they found that the coffin could not be lifted anyway. .

At first people used crowbars to pry it, and later they used pulleys, but it didn't work, as if the wooden coffin had taken root and grown on the ground.

The bishops present were all stunned, they couldn't find a reasonable explanation, so someone suggested that St. Germain was a bishop before his death, so only the bishop could move his body, so this time the coffin bearer was replaced by The prelate, but the coffin remained motionless.

At this moment Pepin was in tears, no one asked him why, he removed the bishop's coffin for the coronation ceremony, and now the bishop's coffin was on the altar, so of course his coronation ceremony could not be held.

After a long time, a believer finally came out from the crowd. The stranger told Pepin a possible reason. There were several monasteries not far from the Palace of Palaiso. The unbearable tyranny of the people, who slaughtered the people, destroyed the plants and food, the pastures, and the forests, drove the cattle, sheep and livestock, and turned it into a land of plunder. The king was reminded of this at the ceremony.

Pepin, who loves to offer soil, agreed to the bishop's request, agreed to donate the palace of Palaiseau to the monks, and also donated several more farms. At the same time, he said loudly to the remains of Saint-Germain, "In return, I only Ask for the power to move your body."

This time it was much easier for the priests to carry the coffin. Everyone present said that they smelled a fragrance. The young Prince Charles did not believe that this was done by the bishop's ghost. He wanted to investigate what was going on, and even He also jumped into the catacombs where Saint-Germain is buried, but knocked out a baby tooth in the process.

To commemorate this event, St. Vincent's St. Croix Cathedral was renamed St. Germain des Pres Cathedral. It used to be the burial place of the Merovingian kings. It was an important library in the 11th century. , It was not abandoned until the French Revolution, and the famous Saint-Germain district in Paris was also named after this church.

There will be a lot of funerary objects for the king's burial. In a property liquidation in 1645, people counted 455 priceless treasures, including ancient king's weapons, crowns decorated with rare gems, precious holy bones, and the most precious. Gospel.

Some daring and greedy looters broke in during the French Revolution, only to find some gold and silver coins, so they vandalized the tombs of the kings, hoping to find something, but of course they found nothing, and they expected the treasure to be transferred to other places. The place.

Treasures generally have a treasure map, and the treasure map will also have a wind rose mark.

The Burgundy Mansion was renovated in the 16th century, and the last inventory of treasures was in the middle of the 17th century, and it has been used as a theater since then. That is to say, the Burgundy mansion can be preliminarily ruled out as the place where the treasure of Saint-Denis was transferred, so Georgiana is not panicking at all. Her headache now is how to send back the ghost of Carloman who was recruited from Italy. .

Myrtle likes to cry, and Carloman likes to talk about his "famous brother". The point is that now the water is cold, and he can't get dressed unless he avoids Georgiana.

"Ah Choo." She couldn't help but sneezed, planning to make some refreshment for herself later.

Then she began to think back, was the water in the Black Lake so cold on the day of the Triwizard Tournament?

Also, where is her golden egg?

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