Compared with the fool Georgiana, Josephine pursued more "real" things. She has always been a very responsible mother, and she did not abandon her two young children after her husband died. Comfortable and easy living.

Hortans is about to give birth, which is a very serious test for the child and the mother.

In Egyptian mythology, socialized female baboons have a higher survival rate for their offspring, but this doesn't necessarily work in human society.

A pillow, a faulty blanket could kill the baby in the swaddle, and the baby was the key to Josephine's position.

Ney married Agle Ogier, a classmate of Hortense, in June this year, and he was sent to Switzerland shortly after the marriage.

During Josephine's absence, Georgiana did not change any of the heads of the court housekeeping. The normal "court infighting" of a normal woman, Georgiana, was of no use at all, she only restored the court confessors, and they were the very same people whom the Portuguese Marquis of Pombal had driven out.

Josephine had her own little court, and Georgiana, an Englishwoman, would only be crazy to set up this organization at the French court.

She was so "indifferent to the world", but Bonaparte felt embarrassed and gave her a special power - the right to sign. Part of the income of the Sevres Ceramics Factory will be used for technological innovation and personnel training. After the last industrial exhibition, Sèvres also fired a batch of limited porcelain, with Leonardo da Vinci's bronze horse and the pattern of lighthouse lights as symbols on it, which can be collected as collectibles.

Although France's industry lags behind that of Britain, it is not so far behind that even a steam engine cannot be developed and manufactured. When sorting out the past materials, Georgiana saw the steamship that was tested in Lyon. "Again, it was scrapped because the engine overheated.

She felt that she could also support the development of steam locomotives, although this would be much more costly than waiting for the British to develop them and stealing secrets.

I don’t know how much it will cost to carry out this kind of research project, but the porcelain produced in Sevres is a luxury and is used for squandering. The horse-drawn railway is still different from the real steam locomotive railway. In addition, she plans to use A sum of money is used to build agricultural technology stations and train veterinarians and technicians.

Modern horse breeding technology originated in the United Kingdom. Although horses seem to be long-distance animals, they are actually very delicate. If they are not properly fed, they will get sick and die just like humans.

German horses cannot be fed grass, but oats, and potatoes cannot be used as feed for horses. Even pig feed must be fermented, otherwise pigs will get sick if they eat it.

Some things, such as the cables and iron chains used to pull carts on the Senney Mountain Road, can be produced by the iron factory of Marmont’s family. If there is any problem, you can find him. After all, Marmont was Napoleon’s friend when he was poor, and he also turned over together. He has fought so many battles in the Alps, this kind of friendship cannot be replaced by a few gossips from a woman in his ear. If Napoleon was such a man, he would not have so many people loyal to him.

The romantic "poet" said that when he returned from victory, the sky was filled with colored paper, which looked like colored snow, falling from the buildings on both sides of the street.

Georgiana remembered the Crimean War, in which Evangeline Orpington was said to have participated, but no one had any evidence.

That battle took place before she left office, on Platform Nine and Three Quarters, which she set up at King's Cross Station.

If a young wizard received a Hogwarts notice and didn't take it seriously, or find Platform Nine and Three Quarters, he wouldn't go to wizarding school.

That war was said to be extremely bloody, and many people suffered from the mental and physical disease of "trench fatigue".

Sleepless at night because they lived under bombardment, they would suddenly jump up in the middle of the night, hysterically calling for reinforcements, and the nervous tension would spread to others, and all the people in the trenches raised their guns against the imaginary enemy.

The battlefield outside the trenches is covered with corpses, layer upon layer. Sometimes they will be hit by shells and blown into blood foam. Sometimes soldiers on both sides of the trench will step on these "corpse mountains". At this time, there will be a thick layer of blood mist in front of the position, so that soldiers can neither see where the enemy nor their comrades are.

The French officers would set their watches in advance, and then issue orders to their subordinates on time to launch an attack. The drummers began to beat the drums, and the military band played the "Marseillaise". With a burst of shouts of "Long live the Emperor", the Russians would turn and flee. up.

Especially those Russian veterans who participated in the Napoleonic Wars, they sometimes can't figure out whether the emperor is Napoleon I or Napoleon III.

The war didn't last long, but it made people feel so hopeless that it would never end. Many soldiers began to think about why they fought, so that they regarded the enemy as soldiers who suffered like themselves, and the war became more and more meaningless. One officer, who was drinking coffee in the tent, suddenly said he had had enough, picked up his gun, went outside the tent, and shot himself in the head.

At this time, the appearance of the "Goddess of the Lamp" Nightingale will bring them comfort.

Nightingale, like St. Genevieve, was born in a wealthy family. When she was young, she also lived an enviable life of being served at any time, dealing with balls, salons and nobles. Later, she said she heard God spoke to her and asked her to become a nurse, so in the Crimean War she brought 38 nurses who had the same aspirations to the front and served in the field hospital.

Which side was Evangeline Orpington on? Is it the soldiers who participated in the battle, or Nightingale's rescue team?

Was Queen Victoria's Blood Disease Really Linked to the Curse From Her Crimean War?

The disease was originally a congenital genetic disease, so if it had to be said to be related to a curse, it would be "superstition".

It would be inconvenient for unmarried young girls to take care of male patients. Georgiana wants to write a proposal to let women in those shelters choose whether they want to be trained as nurses or midwives. It's okay if it doesn't work Be a veterinarian.

Taking care of others is the nature of many women. Georgiana feels that she is not as maternal as Josephine. Who said maternal love is selfless? What a mother loves is her own child. There is a poison called "stepmother's poison". It is well known that stepmothers are not good to stepchildren.

Joseph's eldest daughter, Kelly, is an illegitimate daughter. Joseph is handsome and started a business when he was young. After Kelly's mother unexpectedly became pregnant, she gave the child to Joseph and left. Now Kelly is taken care of by Julie, and Julie also He didn't discipline her much, just gave her everything that a noble lady should have.

Although Delmid was fostered by Georgiana, she didn't take care of him, but handed him over to Mrs. Montesquieu.

Unknowingly, Georgiana has also become the kind of mother who cares about her own life and neglects her children.

But Delmid was not her child in the first place.

Napoleon was not affectionate to Dermide, he might as well have been to Georgiana's cat. Anyway, Georgiana had never seen Bonaparte hugging her godson, and he would occasionally hug Lulange and feed it small fish.

In Greek mythology, there is a kind of half-human, half-snake female monster Lamia, whose upper body is a beautiful girl and the lower body is a snake, hunting and killing human children for food.

They will sing mournful songs like nightingales, attracting those who hear them. It is said that girls’ eyes have the ability to attract men’s admiration, like magnets attract iron, and will not be like Medusa, who will be petrified at a glance.

After so many things, does Josephine still love Napoleon?

Georgiana somewhat believed what Josephine wrote in the letter. She closed the door with the young man in Malmaison for Napoleon and wanted to find out whether the parliament was planning to harm him. This was very logical.

But people all over the world are saying that Josephine has cheated, and she still can't give birth to an heir. If Napoleon still chooses to believe her, he is not stupid, and others will think him stupid, especially since he still has an army to command. .

This is Georgiana's "public opinion pressure".

When people all over the world said that the earth was flat, Columbus insisted that it was round, so he tried to find ways to get sponsors everywhere, and then started his expedition to find a new continent.

Georgiana also plans to support an expedition, but she doesn't want them to find the Fountain of Youth.

What are you looking for? She didn't know either, maybe she could put it in the newspaper.

Who told her to be a "lady" with too much money to spend?

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