Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1546 Tyrant

She had a dream.

In the dream there was a little boy who was crying constantly.

No matter what kind of man he will grow into in the future, he was controlled by women and mothers when he was still a child, even if he didn't want to leave him, he was coerced to leave.

What echoed in the carriage running in the night was not a cry of fear, but a cry of "powerlessness".

He wants to grow up fast so that he can gain power, but unfortunately when he grows up he will miss the years when he was a child who was protected and had someone to rely on instead of being relied on by everyone as an adult.

Just when she wanted to see what the little boy in the carriage looked like, she heard a song:

Tell us beauty,

where is your husband

Is he in the Netherlands?

The Dutch took him away...

It's a once-popular song about the relationship between Britain and the Netherlands, when the two countries were constantly forming alliances, then disbanding, and then re-forming alliances.

No one was named in the song, but after it was published in the newspaper, Georgiana knew it was about herself.

She burned the newspaper with a raging fire, and hoped to cast an oblivion spell on herself, so that she could forget it, but now there are people singing, so she couldn't help but get angry and wanted to shut him up Mouth.

She opened her eyes and woke up from the dream. At this time, she was still in the carriage.

The carriage staggered on the rough road, surrounded by cavalry called "Guiding Soldiers".

The Mamluks were guarding the outer circle at the moment, and the one who sang was one of the "guide soldiers". She felt like some kind of spoil, similar to the gold, silver, jewelry and artworks looted by the French.

She looked at the idyllic scenery outside the car window. It was about to start snowing in the Alps at this time, although the plains were still relatively warm.

The village over there still retains the Germanic style, that is, the villagers do not live too concentratedly, and the houses are barns, stables, cowsheds, kitchens and shelters from wind and rain. When she left Annecy, she only had time to say that there was heating, and she didn't know if people in the town had built this thing.

It seems unsafe to continue living in Paris. After all, Fouché has been withdrawn from the position of Minister of Police. His job is divided equally among the three chiefs. Dubois, who once gave Georgiana Egyptian clothes, is one of them. One, he also gave Ludrell a winery that could produce champagne.

Now they are on their way to St. Luke's Palace. Georgiana notified Gaston Martin in advance that they will go to the north for inspection next month. It is too late to repair the road. can be improved.

The magic of France lies in this. The railways are built section by section, and the roads mainly serve the localities. The road conditions vary according to the financial situation of each local financial district. Only thoroughfare avenues belong to the national planning pattern.

All thoroughfares lead to Paris, just like "all roads lead to Rome". Although farmers will complain about spending money to build roads, they are still willing to repair them. It happens that many temporary workers have lost their jobs because of rural mechanization. Let them join the profession. Of course, the road-building team will be much more effective in replacing the former labor service.

The premise is to maintain peace.

Napoleon might not give up that strategic location until meteorites fell from the sky and flattened the Alps. He knew that it might be a trap for Franz II, but he would still drill into it.

The British hawks welcomed Louis XVIII very much. After all, the former "king killer" has now become a "usurper". The influence of women on Bonaparte is extremely limited, he is still Caesar rather than Antony, and the trade of wine for iron may not really be such a bad trade.

Grapes can be planted continuously. The Marquis of Pombal even does not allow grape growers to fertilize. One is to control the yield, and the other is to not affect the taste, and to prevent farmers in non-producing areas from planting grapes to make wine, so as to avoid excessive wine production affecting wine. price.

Iron is a non-renewable resource on the earth. It cannot be recycled due to rust, wear and other reasons. Even if the Brazilian iron ore is allowed to be mined now, what should we do when it runs out in the future?

The British bourgeoisie is not the king of Portugal. The pillar industry of France that Napoleon took over from the Bourbon royal family is luxury goods. Luxury goods, as the name suggests, are rare but expensive, which is a different concept from civilian products that are abundant and cheap. Industrial products such as cotton cloth will lose money no matter it is "equivalent exchange" or free trade. Whether it is the United Kingdom or France, a large amount of wealth is concentrated in the hands of a small number of people. Cotton cloth has become dependent, and the national industry has stagnated. At that time, let alone national revival, France will become the second Portugal.

Currency credit is related to spending money, and spending money is related to how people control their behavior. Laissez-faire will lead a country to be controlled by a small number of social "elites" and give birth to an unsupervised free market, while an unsupervised capital market will inevitably There will be frauds such as no economic order and things like the South China Sea incident. Whether Spain has reached an agreement with the United Kingdom to allow British merchant ships to trade in South America, civilians don't know, how could the "elites" not know? With the South China Sea incident as the core, the subsequent complete chaos in the stock market was also caused by ineffective supervision.

Currency behavior really needs to be concerned not only with social credit legislation and law enforcement, but also with human rationality and psychological behavior preferences. Louis XIV was extravagant because he wanted to use this method to control him, to avoid another civil war like the Fronde Rebellion, and to use debt to firmly control those aristocrats who imitated his extravagance and ostentation, and had nothing to do with fiefdoms.

Militarism is certainly a derogatory term, but Napoleon's two expeditions to the Alps happened to be "poor soldiers".

These people were originally dispensable people. It is normal for a Catholic family to have 7 or 8 children. Among all living beings, their lives are not worth much, but they became "immortal" because of their participation in this incident.

Napoleon remembered the soldiers who sacrificed their lives to protect him. He named the French warships after these soldiers. Who knows which of those warships will be as famous as the British Royal Navy's "Victory" in the world, across the Atlantic and What about the Mediterranean?

So Napoleon dressed poorly and others thought he was approachable. He no longer needed to rely on clothing to add to his "King's Landing" aura.

He was very easygoing when talking to ordinary workers, but he was so stupid that he thought that wearing civilian clothes was a disguise, and with the cover of night, others would not be able to recognize him.

He is like a red Bordeaux, with a complex palate.

But she also liked Firewhiskey and Butterbeer, and she remembered the white "mustache" on Severus and Lily's lips the first time they drank Butterbeer.

"My road is full of thorns, but I have always believed in my faith and never trampled on my honor."

Many roses have thorns, and there are already thorns under the red carpet covered with roses, so don't wear the crown of thorns.

Isn't it enough to have a beautiful smile?

Georgiana smirked.

"Leon, you're a cunning liar," she whispered.

"What did you say?" asked Matilda, who was reading a novel.

Georgiana smiled, and she didn't expect that the people around her came and went, came and went, and Matilda stayed by her side in the end.

"Do you really want to be head maid?"

Matilda looked at Georgiana strangely, as if she were a ghost.

"Do you want diamonds?" Georgiana asked again.

Matilda shook her head.

"Then what do you want?"

She hesitated and said nothing.

"you can say."

"I want my father's fief."

"You know that you can't get back the land you sold, it's against the constitution."

"I know...but I grew up there." Matilda said sadly.

"Land is like childhood, it's gone forever." Georgiana said helplessly, "When you get married in the future, your husband's home..."

"This mother told me." Matilda interrupted Georgiana's nagging impatiently, and then she suddenly realized who she was talking to, and immediately panicked.

"I can help your father find a new piece of land." Georgiana said calmly, "Do you want an annuity?"

"No." Matilda thought for a while and said, "Miss Caroline gave me a lot of rewards."

"What did she ask you to do?"

"Let me report on your daily routine and whereabouts."

"You can tell her, but don't waste the money she gave you."

So Georgiana and Matilda chatted about financial management on the next road.

Who made Georgiana a Taurus.

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