Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1544 Golden Rules

At dawn, the southern sky and the clouds near the horizon will show a hazy rose color. The color of the clouds becomes darker as you go west, and the fog on the horizon becomes brighter as you go east. If a white house is in the east, it will almost The invisible, if it is located in the south, the farther away, the deeper the rose color of the house.

In the early morning, the upper layer of fog is thicker than the lower layer, because the sun draws it upward, so the top floors of tall buildings will be invisible, although the top floors are as far away from you as the bottom floors.

As a result, the high places in the sky and the horizon appear dim, and the color is not close to blue, but like smoke and dust; the air in the foggy secret case has no blue, but looks like clouds, and the clouds turn white on sunny days, and the more It gets darker as you go west, and the clearer you see when you look east. The green fields take on a blue tint in the light fog, and turn black when the fog thickens.

This is the world in Leonardo da Vinci's paintings.

November was Brumaire, and Bonaparte planned to hold a celebration for the Brumaire coup, and Georgiana felt that Sies certainly did not want to participate.

There is no need for her to take care of farming loans. The French established the Agricultural Credit Administration, which used local treasuries and commercial banks to solve short-term capital turnover problems for French farmers. It also provided commercial and legal mutual assistance.

It may even become a credit bank in the future, and the bankers have been preparing for this since last year, and even though Georgiana is "crazy", they still proceed step by step.

There are three main ways to increase currency credit, spending money, increasing national debt, and increasing taxes.

The national debt is too risky, compared to lending to farmers is much more reliable. If they can't repay the loan, at least they have land as collateral. Georgiana's favorite housekeeper, Xiao Feiye, is now working at the Agricultural Credit Administration.

Napoleon is now very cute in the eyes of bankers and farmers. He not only solved the problem of bankers having nowhere to use funds, but also solved the problem of farmers’ difficulty in borrowing. The advantage of conservative banks lies in stability. It is important to say.

It is a typical pyramid structure, the bottom is the local treasury, the middle is a regional treasury for each province, the upper level is the headquarters in Paris, the main shareholder is a commercial bank, and the reference is the model of the Bank of France. The headquarters is owned by the Paris Agricultural Association and It is a quasi-state agency under the double closure of the Ministry of Finance, and all industries are not listed.

The members of the lowest local treasury are agricultural workers, farmers, and rural handicraftsmen, who can directly contact customers of the same occupation.

The lending is not done by the banks themselves, but "cash" instead of bank notes. Currently, they are issuing gold louis. After the new currency is issued next year, the currency issued by these local banks will be replaced by Napoleon gold coins.

The funds for these local treasuries come from regional banks, that is, banks opened by bankers in the region. Regional banks can supervise the business activities of local treasuries, and non-agricultural people can also invest.

This is a very profitable sector in the future. Although members of the Agricultural Credit Management Bureau do not participate in banking activities, they have the right to decide agricultural credit policies, such as planting or animal husbandry, and other agricultural-related additional industries such as fertilizers and farm tools.

Potatoes are only an emergency crop, widespread cultivation will only cause poverty, and anything in excess will become cheap.

When the Irish famine occurred, Irish farmers would not be able to afford cheap grain if they had savings, and the increase in grain would also lead to an increase in population. In short, Georgiana disapproved of turning potatoes into a staple food.

Wolves all eat meat. Potatoes can be used as food for pigs during non-starvation periods, and potatoes can be further processed to extract alcohol or something. Alcohol can be used as a fuel or as an industrial raw material, indigo is now sold at incredible prices, and chemists are extracting blue from daqing.

In fact, corn can also extract alcohol. The problem is that the temperature of corn harvesting has too much influence, and it is not suitable for planting in the dimension where France is located during the Little Ice Age. Although the rural land is privately owned, after the overthrow of the lord, the farmers have already integrated resources through voluntary associations and carried out crop rotation. They can also raise funds for mechanization, but they urgently need technical support and a market for agricultural products.

Someone proposed to let farmers and herdsmen cultivate improved seeds on the farm, but this suggestion was rejected by the vast majority.

No matter how large the farm is, the funds are limited. It is best to set up a seed company to specialize in breeding, but new problems have emerged. There are no agricultural technical colleges in universities now, and there are many horticulturists, mainly cultivating roses, tulips and other ornamental species. botanical.

What else can I do?

Georgiana announced the dismissal of the meeting. Her place would not be the same as the Tuileries, where the meeting was still held at five o'clock in the morning.

Now the meeting place of the Agricultural Association is on the first floor of the Burgundy mansion, the second floor is the reception room, the third floor is the library, the fourth floor is her private laboratory, the fifth floor is her residence, and from the fourth floor onwards Entry is prohibited, the entrance is guarded by Mamluk soldiers.

She promised to give Shadi "strength", and later she found that the French wizard market is not very prosperous, mainly because there are not many varieties, and many potion materials are not available.

This is also the reason why the British Ministry of Magic wants to establish diplomatic relations with European countries and even further east by hosting the Quidditch World Cup. Taking advantage of the good relationship between Kebir Sultan and Turkey, Georgiana intends to make Paris a transit point for magic items from the East and the West. It would be even better if there is an "Orient Express" from Paris to Istanbul in the future.

Georgiana was born on May 15th, a Taurus. She is born to work hard. Others dream of playing leisurely, but she still dreams of working.

But no matter how hardworking a stupid cow is, she also needs to rest. After going out to "rehabilitate" for a while, she feels much better when she returns to Paris. At least when she sees someone's face, she no longer wants to point her wand at him.

"Are you still angry?" Leon said innocently.

"No, I haven't." She replied with a smirk.

"Can you tell me how to compensate?"

"You don't need to compensate me." Georgiana put down the quill in her hand, "You should think about whether you have been tricked again."

He looked at her in disbelief.

"You don't think you fell for it?"

"Tell me what you think?" He turned and closed the door.

"Have you ever wondered why Franz II didn't say anything about your invasion of Switzerland?" Georgiana asked. "Do you think you really conquered the Holy Roman Empire?"

"I asked you to have a good relationship with them, what did you do?" He sat down on the chair opposite her.

"It's impossible for them to sell us war horses," Georgiana said.

"They really won't," said Bonaparte calmly, "but you can try the Turks."


"When I arrived in Ancona, the port was almost in ruins." Bonaparte patted the ashes on his body. "Do you think I should give the Pope a completed port?"

"I remember that the "Amiens Peace Treaty" said that you should return Ancona to the Pope."

"It was also stated in the Treaty of Amiens that the British withdrew from Malta. Why are you afraid of me? Invading Turkey?" He shook his head and laughed, as if it was very funny.

"That's because you didn't abide by the peace agreement first." Georgiana sneered. "That's what I told you just now. This is a trap."

"Come here," he ordered her.

"You don't mind hugging a crazy woman?" she asked back.

"It doesn't matter, you are not the first mad queen." Napoleon said with a smile, "The queen of the Medici family once fled Paris with her children in the middle of the night."

"You mean Louis XIV's mother?" she said in surprise.

"I can tell you stories, but you have to be obedient." He waved at her, "Come here."

This time she obediently walked over and sat on his lap.

But he didn't tell her the story as he said.

She pushed him away and slapped him.

"You kiss a crazy woman too!" She cursed viciously.

In the end, he laughed instead, "If you're not crazy, how could you like me?"

She raised her hand again angrily, and this time she didn't hit him in the face.

"You call me 'bad thing' again." He said frivolously.

She stomped on him viciously.

"Strength!" He said triumphantly, "Your strength is not enough to scratch the itch."

She drew her wand out, and now he was serious.

"I'm going to turn you into a pig!" she threatened.

"Pigs don't give you gifts, do you want to see your gifts?" He asked back.

"What gift?" she asked.

"Would you like to hear the story first or see the gift first?"

She hesitated and chose to listen to the story.

This is safer, God knows what strange things he will give her, if she walks away in anger, the story will not be heard.

Crédit Agricole is the seventh largest bank in the world

the farm credit bureau was its predecessor

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