Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1542 Italian Whirlwind

Everyone knows that gambling is a bad habit. However, during the Great Revolution, when the social order was unstable and life was at stake, some people chose to seek happiness in gambling instead, just like some people chose to Carnival is a truth.

Gambling was officially outlawed between 1791 and 1792, but secret casinos doubled. So much so that the Directory restored the "National Lottery" in 1796, and the commissioner of the Paris Commune petitioned the Allergy Commune, demanding that all casinos and brothels be banned by law. Yet despite the efforts of those in power to give the populace a new legal order, as decay of faith and past death unlocks them both morally and legally, the wealthy upper class bet large enough to leave some impoverished overnight .

High consumption leads to high enjoyment. Some famous actors will perform in the casino, but Miss Desert Luo is not going to perform in the casino today. Rich people will also invite actors to perform at banquets at their homes. He and Miss Desert Luo were in the government. Acquainted.

Ballas once said that Napoleon was a person who could use various resources to seek a higher position for himself. He knew about Josephine's past, but he didn't mention it, because Josephine washed the name of Corsica for him, and Napoleon became completely French after this marriage.

This is not a secret. Many people knew it during the Directory. Because of the recent Santo Domingo issue, Josephine's Creole identity was brought up again. Her uncle, Baron Tascher, was from Martinique. Commander of the port, if the Swiss and Poles on the expedition to Santo Domingo really want to retreat to Martinique, Baron Tasher will also receive them.

Josephine was brought to France when she was 16 years old, and married the Viscount Beauharney, who was already a veteran in love at the age of 19. Josephine began to experience the life of her husband having an affair and often not coming home. All love goes to Eugene and Hortans, who have always loved her too.

When the Great Revolution came, Beauharne complied with the new regime, so he lived for 5 more years. However, after the reign of terror, any title of nobility could be a reason for arrest. Josephine, like Lady Talian, accepted the ardent courtship of a general and became one of many nobles freed after the fall of Robespierre.

Her husband's property was confiscated, leaving her impoverished, and with two children to support and educate, she used her melancholy blue eyes to capture the heart of Ballas and the confiscated estate in Beauharne. Part of the property, including an elegant carriage and several black horses. The carriage carried her to various social occasions, and the young Corsican artillery captain was infatuated with her mature charm and what her indulgent father called "very gentle character", and everyone later saw his thoughts, So Barras said he had agreed to the marriage.

It is hard to say which one is more attractive to Napoleon, his enthusiasm for power and prosperity in this marriage, or his passionate love. After his wedding, he led the French army to Italy.

Josephine went to Italy after receiving Napoleon's letter. As far as a woman is concerned, she did a good job. Even the cleaned battlefield still inevitably smells of gunpowder smoke and blood.

Josephine didn't squander all the living expenses that Napoleon gave her. She also donated part of it. She was so enthusiastic about taking care of military widows last time, and she was really a kind woman, but she was not so kind as a saint. Naviev's degree.

After finding the saint's sarcophagus, Napoleon planned to bury her with a grand ceremony. The specifications may be similar to Napoleon's own funeral. He spent a lot of money to weave a gold and silver canopy, which will be covered on the saint's coffin in the future.

On the surface, Ms. Desert Luo belongs to the Society of Fraternity, that is, the new religion dominated by the bourgeoisie and opposed to Catholicism. However, she was also a Catholic in her early years, and she hoped to attend the funeral of the saint.

The official who invited Miss Desert Luo to his home probably hoped that she could tell fortunes in addition to performing. After all, astrology is very mysterious, and the most popular "performance" is the seance ceremony.

There are many gothic vampire novels on the market, and there is one in Miss Desert Luo's carriage. Some people may believe it after reading these books, thinking that people can really become vampires and live forever, but Napoleon would not believe it.

He wants to rest, death is a long sleep for him, he will laugh at this kind of book full of horror and thriller plots.

It was people he feared, the starving people who had no bread to eat, and the soldiers who had no pay, and these were often the people who loved him.

The horror of people lies in their irritability and passion, and it will be even more terrifying if they add violence. You can't predict what incredible things they will do.

Ms. Desert Luo was once carried to Notre Dame de Paris by rioters and became a symbol of the Statue of Liberty. It may have been the same scene when the corpse of the saint was parading to drive away the plague in the past, but Geneviève’s remains were thrown in the city hall at that time. The door of the hall burned, and the priests tried their best to keep a few pieces, hiding them in the rooster weathervane of Notre Dame Cathedral.

The hot springs in Prombier can not only be used as hot spring spas, but the key is that the spring water there has miraculous curative effects, can treat skin diseases and digestive system diseases, and there are even legends that the spring water there can improve fertility.

Josephine is a person of the old age. Napoleon hoped that she could adapt to the new era and the new celebrities. Unfortunately, she did not adapt well. The child is the bond that maintains this marriage. Even though Hortans is about to give birth, Josephine is still Hope to have one.

Mother and daughter have a pair of brothers, and the daughter's child is older, so it doesn't matter whether it is ethical or not.

Adapting to the environment is also a skill. According to Darwin's theory of evolution, natural selection and survival of the fittest. When the environment changes suddenly, those who cannot adapt will die, such as Viscount Beauharne.

The continuation of the species requires reproduction. Napoleon married the Austrian princess and obtained a precious heir, but this woman gave him a home. The gold coins in the French bank vault were shipped to the British army in Spain. After receiving the military pay, the British soldiers Depart for Waterloo.

How did the money leave Paris? One, police bribery, two, smuggling. When the Brazilian gold mines were not exhausted, the Portuguese king asked the Brazilian colonies to hand over 20% of the gold to the treasury every year, but because of rampant smuggling, only 5% went into the warehouse. Napoleon's brother-in-law Murat and his sister were also smuggling. Such a person, how could Napoleon regard their son Achille as his heir?

If it hadn't been for Austria to swallow his anger, how could Napoleon have sent troops to Switzerland, occupied Valais, and then opened the Simplon Tunnel to control Milan, the capital of the Southern Alps Republic.

Soldiers are eager to conquer the snow-capped mountains, so they wear alpine edelweiss to take a look at the beautiful Jungfrau.

But it is impossible to march and fight without eating bread, and it is impossible to have weapons and luggage, and the "girl" knows nothing about this.

The "Lüneville Peace Treaty" allowed Austria to cede the left bank of the Rhine to France, resulting in the severance of the electoral rights of Trier and Cologne. Eight became six, and the electoral rights of Mainz were also transferred. No wonder During the negotiations, the Austrian emperor would say that he would move out of the capital and would not back down even if Russia marched.

Soldiers who are used to the climate of France, how can they bear it in the icy and snowy Russia? Now that they have occupied the Alps, why not let them go up to the mountains to practice and adapt to the alpine climate?

The battlefield is different from exercises. Those who can survive the battlefield are survival masters. However, when these people return to a peaceful place, they may be forced to engage in other occupations due to lack of survival skills, such as robbers, killers, and so on. Even if there is no severed limb, even if there is no war wound, but the traces of the war are still left on the body of the people who participated in the war, and the scars left in the heart are difficult to heal.

Women are said to heal those wounds, but unfortunately Napoleon did not meet, and Georgiana has no mood to heal him.

She is now being taken in by Ms. Desert Luo in her villa in the suburbs. Georgiana did not tell her about the robbers ahead.

After taking a bath, she lay in an easy chair with a woolen scarf on her body and a thin quilt on her legs, staring out the window in a daze like an old man.

She had a Jane Austen novel by her hand.

As comical as it is, she was literally banishing Napoleon from her life.

Only occasionally in her mind would the young officer sailing from Marseilles to Egypt, pointing to the stars in the sky, ask those scientists who created them.

Originally, she wanted to write a divorce statement, but later she thought it was completely unnecessary, because they were not married at all, and the ceremony was just for coaxing girls.

So separation is the end.

In Gone with the Wind, Scarlett and Rhett had a wonderful night before they parted ways, and Rhett left the next day.

Before leaving, Scarlett asked Rhett at the door, "What should I do in the future?"

Rhett said to Scarlett, "Honey, I don't give a shit."

Then he opened the door, took his luggage, left the manor, and disappeared into the thick fog.

Sometimes she would be like Doris Umbridge, those children who had done such evil things, but were able to escape the blame by being young and ignorant, and then thought it was no big deal.

Leon wouldn't understand that he was a passionate bachelor.

What is a married man like?

It's time to wake up from the dream, and I hope she can forget everything in the dream at that time, as if nothing happened.

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