Once ferocious beasts such as wolves, lions, tigers, and cheetahs have eaten or killed humans, humans will kill them.

Because people know very well that these animals no longer regard humans as unkillable targets.

When people have killed people, these people have become different from before they "saw blood".

The key is that according to "human rights", these people can't be treated like animals, especially those veterans. Many of them served in the military to protect France or obey the law. Some people's current peace and tranquility are all because of they earned.

Dipatti is not those rich people, lawyers, he likes soldiers, but he doesn't understand many things. The military service law during the French Revolution made the children of the rich also the targets of conscription. They cannot avoid military service by paying a little money like the nobles in the past, let alone the judges of the Supreme Court. Because of their privileges, this military service tax It is also possible not to hand in, and it will be hereditary.

They are all young people in their 20s. Why do some people go to the battlefield to die, but some people can have a good time with opera stars in Paris?

In order to escape military service, some people pulled out their own teeth, and some people cut off their fingers. In the era of cold weapons, this "minor injury" did not affect the battle at all. However, in the era of hot weapons, having such a disability means that you cannot continue to fight. At the same time, people with such "marks" on their bodies often represent deserters. They are also one of the components of the chaos in Paris. There will be no "serious" Merchants will hire them.

This group of people forgotten by the society lives in the Bondi Forest on the outskirts of Paris. They live a life of wandering and no fixed residence together with robbers and fallen nobles.

For those declining aristocrats, if there is no French Revolution, they will still live a luxurious and happy life in Versailles before, and now everything that the upstart celebrities have is taken away from them.

Not all aristocrats were bad, but the aristocracy wanted only to be elected within their own circle, and to be suffrage citizens themselves, and they monopolized respectable and relatively lucrative positions.

No one wanted to do injustice to the nobles, and the king later opened up the titles, so that the bourgeoisie also had the title of nobility. But as long as there is still a hereditary nobleman in need of an office, they will, and must, withdraw from that office anyone who is not of hereditary noble birth.

Appointment is not based on political performance or ability, but on birth. According to some senior officials who ate in the restaurant of the Tuileries Palace, these nobles worked a little harder when they were born, when did they work harder later?

Napoleon's appointment was not based on his origin. Whether he was a nobleman or a commoner before, he could serve as long as he felt suitable.

The art of employing people is also an art. Minister of the Interior Chaputal has good moral character, but he can't do grain speculation. He doesn't have the connections like Gabriel Ufral, so even if Ufral is a criminal, Napoleon is the same enabled him.

That speculator is like a wolf that has been let out. When he returns to Spain, he will disturb the peace of the whole world. When the world is peaceful and free trade is realized, there is no need for such things as charters. In the past, the British king also issued charters to pirates, allowing them to "lawfully plunder", but now they are not allowed to use them. Napoleon hopes to be able to According to the "equivalent exchange" that Kirk Bell expected, this requires the license, which will inevitably allow some people to get the order, while others will not get it, resulting in the ridiculous situation that Schaptal said.

In fact, this proposal is also very disadvantageous for France. France exports few commodities but the prices are high, while Britain imports more French commodities but the prices are low. This will still hurt the French civilian industry. Of course, the prices of silk and cotton cloth are different. of.

Moreover, those who can afford French silk are rich people. If the society continues to be divided like this, common people will probably make up new stories after "Why don't you eat bread".

The Pope of the Borgia family may be a person of inferior character, but he is right in saying that when the nobles start to worry about the moral issues of the common people, it means the decline of the entire noble class.

The life of those new nobles is not much different from that of the old nobles. They imitate everything from the old nobles, from etiquette to servants, and even go too far.

Napoleon actually lived in a very scary circle. The active-duty soldiers were eager for war. Whether it was to build meritorious service, have a louder title, or to gain more wealth and spoils through war, they all hoped that Napoleon would launch a war. And Napoleon himself sympathized with the soldiers at the bottom, especially the veterans and disabled soldiers. Grassini once performed for the soldiers in the disabled hospital.

He established his position in France by conquering Italy. At the beginning, he would send money and artworks looted from the front line to France mainland like a republican officer. Later, he only sent artworks. These things It is useless to the empty treasury, and he even sent back a sculpture of the Black Maria. What use is this to the Directorate, which has converted the Cathedral of Our Lady of Victory into a lottery center?

Napoleon was not a person who liked food. Although French cuisine is famous for its deliciousness and complicated etiquette, and it can take two or three hours to eat a meal, he was still a romantic person when he was young, and he could write about Chrisson and Eugenie. Romance novels are also full of fantasies about the "East". He compares the desert to a walking ocean. Georgiana thinks this metaphor is very interesting, and the Holy Son can walk on the sea.

But what is this now? After Grassini, there is Georgina, after Georgina, who else?

Josephine is a weak woman, she also has a gambling addiction, she can't leave Napoleon, not only because she will lose her social status.

And she is old, not as young and beautiful as before, and she can't give birth to him. She can only choose to swallow her anger in the face of Napoleon's affair. , because of her carelessness, she introduced the young man to Malmaison.

So far, no filthy-minded person has accused Georgiana of having an affair with the hundred Mamluks who live downstairs in the guardhouse, but she should pay attention.

The Duke of Burgundy is a man, so it is no problem for the guards to live in the guard room. She is a woman, so she must avoid suspicion. She plans to renovate part of the mansion that has been converted into a theater for them to live in. After doing so, Severus will come to rescue him. It's easier for her too.

The heart of her wand is Veela hair. Ollivander believes that Veela hair is a very capricious material, which is contradictory to the beech wand that can bring brilliance. There is no way.

Severus was also a "genius" of black magic with aspen wood, and he could only use bitter words and hiss threats to wayward people.

Napoleoni also said that she was like a Parisian woman, self-willed.

But she feels that there are many things that can be compromised with "reality", and some things that cannot.

The son of the Corsican aristocrat who has become a "successful man" now, he can certainly date a lot of women, and become the kind of person he envied and despised before his hairline.

Active-duty military members are not "janitors" either, although their essential jobs are not much different.

His violent outbursts became uncontrollable, and the play "The Servant of the Queen's Chamber" was later banned, and the opera house was also searched by the police to collect evidence. They found an excuse to see if the costumes of the actors were Unruly. The theater troupe often plays stories about Caesar and Rome, so the senators of the senate are naturally indispensable. They have to search through boxes and cabinets. Of course, they can’t find the same style of costumes as the current senate senators wear. The costumes are all old models. Yes, after all, the actors are all acting in history, and of course there is no information about rebellion. The police, who are more terrible than the devil, warned the actors that if they found that the actors were wearing clothes that they should not be allowed to wear, they would cut off their ears.

Dipatti was originally going to be sentenced to exile to the colonies, and later he was sentenced to house arrest to write a confession in his own home. He could not continue to write the script until the first governor was satisfied. He should have been imprisoned in a monastery. The problem is the French All teaching properties were confiscated, and he couldn't go to a friary even if he wanted to.

Shaputal was scolded, and Companong, the lax Ministry of the Interior official, was suspended without pay, and his annual salary was gone.

The Gripoval artillery system widely used by the French Army artillery was developed from the Liechtenstein artillery system in Austria. Its advantage is that it agrees with the wheel size of the vehicle loaded with artillery and reduces the caliber of the cannon. The original 8-pound field gun of the French Army is Too heavy for the "slender" Napoleon, as he had learned when he crossed the Alps, he ordered Marmont to recast the guns into 6-pounders.

The power of the artillery is huge, and at the same time, once the shells are gone, it will "misfire", just like someone's character, when he is angry, he is extremely terrifying, but when he calms down, he is nothing.

This time when Ney went to Switzerland, he used a new type of personnel carrier and "railway" to quickly transport a large number of infantry to Switzerland, which is mountainous and not suitable for cavalry combat. Although this reduced the wear and tear of military boots and increased the marching speed, it also caused a problem. Is an army that cannot trek hard still a good army? The army relies on its legs and cannot be greedy for comfort. What if it is a place that the railway cannot reach?

Georgiana wrote a letter to Dipatti, who was contemplating behind closed doors at home, asking him to think about a problem. Mr. Napoleon said that the levers that drive people to act are fear and interest. What is the power to pry out the sled that carries the cannon in the snow?

She didn't know the answer, so she asked someone else.

Someone who had said sanctimoniously that he wouldn't come to her room until she figured out what "glory" really was, turned out to change his mind just as fast.

This time she has a magic wand, she can restrain her door, even if he has a key, he can't open her door.

There was an unwritten rule in Hufflepuff's girls' dormitory that food could be shared, but toothbrushes and boyfriends were not.

She reads her book in peace after locking the door. The current middle school exam subjects include the subject of translating Latin contracts within the specified time.

It reminded her of the contract signed in the maze, they must protect Hagrid's descendants.

Although it was Voldemort who signed the contract at the time, they all witnessed it, which means they all have a share in this contract?

What horrors can happen if the contract is not honored? She remembered the flood that submerged Paris in 1801. It was almost destroyed by Grindelwald's flames last time. Is it going to be submerged by water this time?

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