Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1510 How to Train Your Dragon (1)

Before the discovery of oil, whale oil was the main fuel used by humans for lighting.

Because refining furnaces are installed on whaling ships, whalers can refine whale fat into oil at sea, instead of dragging whales to shore for further processing.

Whale meat is also edible, so whalers can stay at sea for four years.

Whale whiskers can be made into corsets, which can only be afforded by noble ladies. Georgiana inexplicably thinks of Rose on the Titanic. Her mother once helped her wear corsets. The indiscretion in his hands almost took Rose's breath away.

Giuseppina ran away with a violinist, just like Rose ran away with Jack, she couldn't stand Carl who was full of interests.

Napoleon also understandably supported slavery and the slave trade, and he wanted to restore France's post-war economy. He made a rational choice, which is much better than the unrealistic idealism of some people. Of course, doing business requires profit. How long can unprofitable things persist?

There is a sad ballad in the wizarding village near the Norwegian island of Vaag:

Within the palace walls where the kings left, Jenny had to dance with the remaining ghosts

Those ghosts who were lost and found were all ghosts who had been deeply in love with her.

She couldn't even remember the names of those ghosts who disappeared hundreds of years ago.

They led her to dance beside the wet rocks, and let the dance take away all her sorrow and pain.

Jenny is a well-known local crazy woman. She said that she once fell in love with the kings who lived in the castle. She often ran to dance in the ruins of the castle alone. Later, she was burned to death as a witch.

It's such a sad story.

Georgiana doesn't want to be as crazy as Jenny, so she doesn't want to have any more dreams about being in love with the king and the prince.

Fairy tales are for children, just like the Deathly Hallows in wizard's fairy tales, even if you collect all of them, you can't become the master of Death.

Before leaving France, Georgiana was planning to write to Leon to say hello, and now that everything was going wrong with him, she didn't want him to feel that he was finding fault.

The vast majority of women will want to go home after leaving home. The charm of the little French lover is no longer charming in her eyes, but unfortunately she has no home to go back to.

She needs a victory. French pure-blood wizards are supremely powerful. If she can tame the Norwegian Ridgeback while wearing shackles, her position in the French Ministry of Magic will be unshakable. Maybe one day she will Can give orders to tamper with Muggle memories.

There will be railways in France, but that will be decades later, and she will change the history of "derailment" back to "right track".


Georgiana turned her head and found that it was the gorgeous Coraline calling her.

She didn't wear tights or an old-age skirt, but a dark green velvet empire high-waisted skirt.

"What's up?"

"This operation has been cancelled." Caroline placed a letter on the table in front of her. "The Norwegian Ministry of Magic considers this an act of poaching."

Georgiana did not read the letter.

When she is a fool? Which of those dragons that Lestrange raised in the Pyrenees wasn't poached?

"What's more, there is someone my uncle would like you to meet." Coraline said in a low voice.


"A zoologist." Caroline frowned. "He said he was an alchemist."

"What did he do?"

"He invented a fish."

"Invent a fish?" Georgiana raised her voice. "Are you sure you didn't discover it?"

"He turned the hake into a magical creature," Caroline said. "A creature covered in spines that would seek out Muggle nets and tear them apart."

"You mean the Chirac fish?" Georgiana asked.

"I don't know." Caroline asked confusedly, "What are you talking about?"

Georgiana did not answer her.

Hagrid also bred a new breed of magical creature, the snail, but he did so by crossing a fire crab with a manticore.

Artificial life is indeed the scope of alchemy, and the basilisk is one of them. What method did the maker of the Shirac fish turn the hake into a magical creature?

The maker of this chirac fish really needs to be seen.

"Understood." Georgiana said indifferently.

"Also, there is one more thing." Caroline said after deliberation, "There is a dragon in the arena, do you want to go and see it?"

"Arena? What arena?"

"It's a newly opened arena, in the Bois de Boulogne."

"I don't think that's necessary. When will that alchemist come to France?" Georgiana asked.

"You can see him when you go to the arena," said Caroline.

Georgiana looked up at Coroline with a distressed expression on her face.

"Where is anyone else?" Georgiana asked.

"Some Muggle soldiers."

"He's going too?"

"I don't know... please." Coraline begged.

Georgiana has a plan to leave him now, and can use potions to erase memory on a large scale, but first she needs to find the squirrel bat and thunderbird. She heard from Scamander that the thunderbird smells like copper.

Rust smell She knows that copper itself has no smell, but after forming a patina, there will be a smell, which is commonly known as "copper smell".

In ancient magic, copperware is the carrier of the irreversible alliance, and has the power to summon other copperware, like dignity attracts honor.

"No problem, let's go." Georgiana said openly, took the cloak, called Bailier, Figel and Matilda and left the Burgundy mansion together.

In fact, France took back Santo Domingo or allowed it to regain the asylum of the French Republic, which would not do any good to Britain. Instead, it would cause the bankruptcy of colonies such as Jamaica and Cuba. Napoleon occupied Egypt to obtain a place that could replace Santo Domingo and the Antilles. colonies.

The re-establishment of slavery in Santo Domingo had become impossible, and there was no point in continuing to insist on it, although the solution offered by Georgiana was also Napoleon's experience.

When the French withdraw their troops, maybe the British observation force in Trinidad will take over Santo Domingo, using the method Napoleon used.

It would have been nice if Georgiana hadn't given that document to the British then.

The dragon's breath from the fire dragon will burn people to death. Maybe this time I went to the arena not just to have a look, but someone might want to make an accident and kill her.

She didn't mean to belittle people in the slightest. The reason why she had a good impression of Napoleon was because he did not forget the old feelings. He would not abandon the woman who was so good to him just because he became a great person. He is not the kind of ungrateful people. It's a pity that Georgiana would support him in many things, but slavery, not only because slaves are poor, but also because slavery corrupts people's morals and souls, it weakens the rewards for hard work, and it weakens people's creativity , if people are creative, how can they engage in such a wicked business as the slave trade?

That labor should become an activity abhorrent to free men is the greatest curse to befall this country.

It's fine if he doesn't listen, self-willedness is also one of his shortcomings, and the enemy he needs to defeat in the end is himself.

Georgiana looked at the flying scenery outside the car window, but she was thinking in her heart, when will Severus come to rescue her from this country that claims to be free, but there is no freedom at all?

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