Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1491 Chain breakers

If it was Georgiana herself, she would definitely use diplomatic means to get Turkey and Russia to invade India, instead of France sending its own generals to make it clear that it was plotting against India like Napoleoni.

How much does it take to go around from France to India via the Cape of Good Hope? Why not go through Suez to the Red Sea, and this is what Britain and other countries are afraid of.

West Africa not only has gold, ivory, pepper, but also the slave trade. The slaves captured by the slave hunters in Africa will be loaded on ships in West Africa, then sent to Liverpool, and then sailed to the other side of the Atlantic. This forms a trade triangle. If Napoleon insists on building the Suez Canal, this trade will be broken, and the world pattern will also be changed. The port of Marseille will prosper again and become the busiest port in the Mediterranean. In this way, Malta will become It is very important.

This is the future Georgiana designed for Toussaint Louverture, he could choose to free and liberate only the island of Santo Domingo, or he could choose to join the French army and make the whole of West Africa no longer have trading fleets to traffic slave.

He would be a hero, not a dictator, if the dictator of France agreed to the plan.

Napoleon said he would abolish slavery in Santo Domingo, but he did not say that it would be abolished elsewhere. Slavery cannot be completely abolished within a certain period of time. This requires the continuous efforts of several generations.

Napoleon sucked a mouthful of blood from the region last year and used the money to build fortifications against Austria, the home of his future wife.

According to Catholic doctrine, divorce is illegal without the pope's recognition, which means that his marriage to the Austrian princess is bigamy.

One of the few advantages of this bigamous, domineering, ruthless, self-willed Corsican is that he does not forget his old love. He divorced Josephine and even this advantage is gone. Josephine can indeed bring him luck, but there are also shortcomings. , but in any case it is much better than that Austrian princess.

The turning point of Napoleon's fate was not at Waterloo, but before that.

Speculators do business and industrial style to drive up prices. They want to pay back their capital as soon as possible. A sound financial system can avoid excessive issuance of banknotes, causing inflation and credit crisis. The most important thing that affects the price of public bonds is credit. Napoleon gave a 5% interest rate. This is the reason why the price of government bonds is still lower than the price of British government bonds with a 3% interest rate. Credit France has gone bankrupt, and the 75 million franc debt left by the previous government must be repaid, otherwise it will not only affect financing.

This is a completely different path from "history". In order to avoid the old path of the previous dynasty and the government, Napoleon categorically prevented the issuance of banknotes and tried every means to store coins. Originally, Britain was a good place for investors from various countries to hedge their funds. Because the English Channel was cut off, Napoleon’s army could not reach it. However, in order to pay for the military expenses of the Anti-French Alliance, Britain spent all its own and others’ gold stored in Britain. Going out, that's why I'm so anxious. The whole world is looking for precious metals to fill the shortfall.

The East India Company was originally an important source of income for Britain. If the East India Company's gold expenses were used to pay for military expenses, then there would be another capital flow in the mainland.

After the report, Georgiana waited for Napoleoni to make up his mind. Now that he was still in the Tuileries Palace, Malmaison "outsiders" couldn't go there.

What a jovial creature she had been, her heart must have weighed very lightly on the scales.

After saying these words, she felt much more comfortable. A crisis always coexists with danger and opportunity, and it depends on how people choose.

The power of rumors is amazing, especially across the oceans, not to mention the possibility of them being true.

She looked at Napoleon who seemed to be brooding, and she did not tell what Josephine had told her.

He won't believe it.

Just like Toussaint Louverture would not believe that the French would really give him such good conditions and give them freedom.

"I see a similarity between us," said Georgiana suddenly.

Napoleon looked at her.

"Why did Columbus discover the New World?" she said without waiting for his answer. "He thought the earth was round when the whole world thought it was flat."

"I do not understand what you mean," said Bonaparte.

"People all over the world say that Severus loves Lily, how can you make me believe that he loves me." Georgiana said with a smile, just like people all over the world said that Josephine had an affair, if Napoleon A person who does not believe that Josephine did not have an affair with Charles, such a Napoleon will be regarded as a fool.

She didn't say anything later, and she didn't know if Josephine told him that this was the different "public opinion pressure" understood by Georgiana and Mrs. De Stahl.

"I don't have time to talk to you about this." He said coldly, "You can go back."

"Can you tell me what you're up to?" she asked casually.

"Special appointment for academic affairs." He actually answered, "Now the recalcitrants have the upper hand."

"Want to chat?"

"No." He shook his head, "You go back."

Georgiana shrugged, turned and left.

"I'm glad you came to me." Just as she was about to leave, Napoleoni said, "I miss you too."

"I'm not……"

"Some people thought it was you who leaked the secret, but I told them I didn't tell you anything about Santo Domingo's plans, but I think you guessed where I was sending them the other day when you were at the hunting grounds, Is it right?"

"Conjecture is not fact."

"Then you really see the future? Otherwise, how could you remind me not to have too much hope?"

She didn't know what to say.

"There are a lot of people waiting for me, so I'll go first." He said to her, and then walked to her side, "Will you still kiss me? Honey."

She opened her mouth wide in surprise.

"Dirty." He smiled. "You wouldn't kiss a slave owner, would you?"

"You still intend to support slavery?"

"The law promulgated on May 20 has stipulated that slavery is legal."

"Then fix it, you have that power."

"Just because I have this right doesn't mean I can do that. Many generals around me are slave owners."

"You can't lie to him." Georgiana looked into Leon's eyes "or I'll hate you."

"You hate me for someone like that?"

"It's about the future." She said seriously, "Although I always think you are a person who lives in the past."

He kissed her suddenly, as he had done the day they left St. Luke's for the Grand Trianon, and had attacked her as soon as the carriage doors closed.

This kiss was similar to that one, she didn't like it or hate it, but she pushed him away and didn't slap him.

"I'll find you tomorrow night." He said without authorization, and then left the study room first.

"Bastard," she cursed, and left after he left, which sounded like a fantasy dream, didn't it? That is simply impossible to come true, unless a miracle happens.

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