The Portuguese aristocrats are proud and arrogant, but they have no titles but are poor.

Queen Maria I of Portugal is said to have gone mad, and her second son, João, ruled Portugal instead of his mother as regent.

The queen's eldest son, José, was deeply influenced by the ideas of the French Enlightenment and hoped to achieve a career, but she was opposed by the clergy.

In contrast, Joao is a religious absolutist, and Caetano is not only the queen's admonition priest, but also a powerful political figure.

Mental illness can be hereditary. It is said that after the death of the Queen's confessor, Joao became seriously ill and his life and death were uncertain. Maria I's mental state became more and more unstable. Finally, 17 doctors jointly signed a document declaring her It couldn't get better, and there were rumors that Joao had the same symptoms as the Queen of the River, but at that time, because of the medical certificate, the nobles could already hold real power through the parliament.

If Portugal has mines, then the nobles who are landlords will have land rent to collect, so that the poor nobles will no longer be poor.

If Portugal has no ore veins, then iron smelting is also a way out for them, but why can't the UK process iron ore into pig iron and iron bars in South America, and ship them directly to the UK, instead of making a trip in Lisbon? Moreover, the ore is very heavy and bulky, and most of it is residue.

The regent João and the Portuguese nobles were very pro-British. After the coup, Napoleon forced Spain to issue an ultimatum, forcing Portugal to break with Britain and submit to France. Joao refused, and the neutral policy pursued by Portugal was unsustainable. Spain and France invaded Portugal together in 1801. After Portugal was defeated, they signed the "Badajoz Treaty" and "Madrid Treaty" successively, ceding the territory including Olivenza. Territory to Spain, pay 20 million francs and half Guyana to France.

The other half of Guyana belongs to the Dutch. After the Christmas assassination in 1800, many Jacobins were exiled here. Most of them died "legally" because they couldn't adapt to the environment. Julian Ufral, of course, would not allow Georgiana to have a private conversation with the confidant of William Pieter Jr., the director of the Sevres factory who appeared "at the right time".

The Earl of Malmesbury also gave Georgiana a gift, not cotton products, but a set of bone china tea sets, which may be produced in the same factory as George III. Georgiana was very happy and immediately let Matilda Use this tea set to make black tea.

The tradition of the British royal family is to open the presents on the day before Christmas, not only because they will participate in many public activities on Christmas Day, but also because it is a German tradition of the royal family of Hanover.

Along with this tradition came madness to England, and Georgiana is now really afraid that George III's mental illness will have another attack.

"Professor Ufral and I also talked about farming loans yesterday." Earl Malmes said straightforwardly, "I heard that the First Consul is very afraid that it will become the same as the South China Sea incident."

"He wrote me a passage from Polybius' History." Georgiana smiled politely and said, "The people are often capricious, full of desires, impulsive and irrational, and unable to control Qin Xu. , so it must be suppressed by the deterrence of the gods."

"I said it was time to send her flowers," said Julian Ufral to Earl Malmesbury. "Rose, dahlias, or tulips."

"I don't like tulips," said Georgiana, frowning.

"Many Dutch people are also. After the tulip bubble, the Dutch tended to be rational about investment. Now the French banking industry is still carried out in accordance with the old method of Amsterdam in the 18th century. Bankers will ask the government to advance debts and buy bonds before the release of the palace. , its price is naturally always below face value, and the banker who is willing to trade at the lowest discount rate can make this deal. When the bond is sold to the public, the banker can sell it at a high price by paring or driving up the price of the bond on the exchange. The bonds I originally bought are the old way to pay less, take less risk, but still make huge profits.” Julien Ufral said with a smile, “In terms of investment, the French are not as risk-taking as the British. Spirit."

"But in terms of war, the French are very 'creative'." The Earl of Malmesbury went on to say, "I heard that the expeditionary force of Santo Domingo ordered a batch of hounds from Cuba."


"Hounds are good assistants to hunters when hunting," said the Earl of Malmesbury calmly, "but I have heard that this kind of hound is not a foxhound."

"My God." Georgiana couldn't help exclaiming.

"The physique of Europeans is not adapted to the tropical climate. It is normal for military dogs to chase the enemy. The old Earl Rochambeau also ordered the execution of British prisoners of war, but we think this method is too cruel." The Earl of Malmesbury rubbed the bridge of his nose." That little island of paradise is turning into hell."

Georgiana looked at Julien Ufral.

"The stock market goes up and down. If the people who bought the Santo Domingo government bonds directly withdraw their troops, they will lose all their money. It will be difficult for the first government to issue government bonds to raise funds." Julian Ufral said "My suggestion is to stop the war and negotiate after everyone calms down."

"Observation forces in Trinidad will provide assistance when necessary, such as medical treatment and treatment." Earl of Malmesbury said.

"On what terms?" asked Georgiana.

"Does he listen to what you are saying now?" asked Julien Ufral.

"It's hard to say." Georgiana said a little arrogantly, "He's just like this. He can be hot and cold to people, it all depends on whether that person is useful to him."

"I heard that the First Consul hopes to reduce the price of grain by buying a large amount of foreign grain, but you also have to remind him that the minimum price of grain cannot be lower than 20 francs per quintal, otherwise French agricultural growers will Losing money, Europe is different from the Americas and Russia, the people engaged in agricultural labor are free people, they have slavery to reduce costs, and it is the French farmers who suffer in the end.” Julien Ufral said.

"The grain trade has affected other industries, and every ship is carrying grain." said the Earl of Malmesbury. "If the grain is parked in Orleans, it cannot be transported to Paris..."

"You mean to say that the road between Lyons and Paris should be repaired first, don't you?" Georgiana sighed.

"France is not like England. Joint-stock companies are not legal in France." The Earl of Malmesbury smiled and said, "But we can fund the construction of the railway from Paris to Lyon."

Georgiana looked at the two Spaniards and the Englishman.

She only gave the letter to Matilda, and then asked her to give it to Napoleon Bonaparte. There shouldn't be a fourth person besides them. How did the news leak?

"The French like to learn teachers very much. They want to follow the example of England, lay cast iron tracks, and the vehicles are drawn by animal power. The Loire province intends to transport the coal mines of Saint-Etienne to Lyon. Paris hopes to repair the railway to Orleans. Your design That railroad from Paris to Lyon is nobody's business," said the Earl of Malmesbury "it seems the French don't take your 'be careful of freezing' seriously."

"It's true that the rivers in the south don't freeze easily," said Georgiana in vain.

"But the canal will not be navigable for other reasons. It is impossible for the stagecoach to compete with the railway. This old thing will be eliminated sooner or later." The Earl of Malmesbury said.

"Sooner or later, the thoroughfare will be eliminated. If the French government feels that the cost of building a railway from Lyon is too high, it can transfer the right to operate this road to us." Julian Ufral said.

"You pay the money, the labor is the French, right?" Georgiana asked.

"The labor force can also be provided by Santo Domingo. Those poor prisoners of war are precious wealth." Julian Ufral said, "It is too wasteful to feed them to the dogs."

She wanted to drink these vampires out in anger.

But she finally held back.

It is better to seduce Napoleon with actual benefits than to ask for mercy from Napoleon, but in this way black people will come to France.

Did Jefferson really want to be a nation with the Redskins?

Haven't you heard enough of the high-sounding lies of politicians?

At this moment Matilda came in with black tea.

Georgiana resisted the impulse to get angry, and planned to ask her what was the matter after the two men had left.

Did her inquisitive mouth give away anything?

But she really needs to find another personal maid she can trust.

The history of railway development in France is a big battle, unlike the Pacific Railway competition who will be repaired first, but a battle between cities

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