In the 1970s, the most popular dance in the Muggle world was called disco. It comes from the French discothèque, which means those dance halls that play recorded dance music. The dance steps are more free and can be played according to individuality. DISCO existed before World War I, but it was not as crazy as it is now.

"Let's dance together! Goragon!"

After finding the radio in the preparation room of Conservatory One, Lily started doing disco, which she called dancing, but Pomona didn't see it that way at all.

"Are you going to dance too, Severus?"

The greasy-haired Slytherin boy gave them a cold look, and continued to sit by the window sill and read the book Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.

"You don't seem to have any pets yet, do you?" Pomona asked. Lily has a fat orange cat.

"My dad doesn't allow it." Severus said as he flipped through the book. "And I don't want normal animals as pets either."

"So what do you want?" She'd rather talk to him about Fantastic Beasts than dance like crazy with Lily.

"Can you give it to me?" He didn't take it seriously at all, and said with a sneer.

"I think so." Pomona looked at him seriously. "I know a lot of friends."

The thin, big-nosed boy raised his head under the warm sunlight and looked at her in surprise, a smile gradually appeared on his indifferent face.

"Stop." She pushed against the sweaty man.

"You know I won't stop." Just after exercising, the beast exuding heat from all over his body and showing his muscles laughed and pressed his mixed-race Veela wife on the sofa.

The sunshine in Godric's Hollow was as warm as the warm autumn sun that day, but the boy had become middle-aged, and he actually looked like Tobias, but Pomona felt that she would not be happy to tell him, He wished he looked like Irene even more.

"I'll get pregnant again sooner or later if you're always like this." She begged sadly, she really felt that now is not a good time to get pregnant.

Saying this brought up bad memories in him, and he immediately became serious.

The witch was very weak when she was pregnant, and she couldn't even recover two or three years after giving birth. Now is a critical period of change, and she doesn't want to be a burden to him. As for whether she will have a chance in the future, she doesn't know. The age has not changed much.

She felt that Hagrid had changed a little bit, maybe she herself changed very slowly, so she didn't notice it.

"Do you remember that night?" His current angle made her uncomfortable, Pomona could only tighten her neck, maybe he had seen her double chin.

"Of course." He smiled again. "It was a magical night."

"Just like that time, you can do whatever you want, as long as you don't take the last step."

In fact, she thought it might be because he was inattentive and didn't know what to do next, but such words could not be said.

Men's self-esteem is extremely fragile, for the continuation of the race, women, lie.

"I knew you still remembered." He leaned over and said triumphantly, "Did you like it very much and want to do it again?"

"Professor, don't you feel uneasy about our two writing an innocent children's book into an adult magazine?" She thumped his chest hard, and couldn't help but thump him again because it felt so good to the touch. Give the child to our parents!"

"They left their children to us and spent two months with them during the summer vacation a year. Who do you think is more irresponsible!" Hungarian Shufeng began to breathe fire when this issue was brought up, "Especially during the winter vacation, those children The hotel is full of people.”

Harry Potter was an innocent boy, he only kissed girls during school, that little bastard Draco had already tasted the forbidden fruit.

Wizards have a laissez-faire attitude towards this kind of behavior. Marrying and having children early can maintain the continuation of the race. Now many pure bloods have disappeared, but the problem is that many couples will not get together in the end. Those witches who are pregnant with children will have a very difficult life. up.

During the winter vacation, teachers can't control students' off-campus behavior, and parents don't know what their children are doing at school. This is the time when various problems arise.

It may be that the girl is pregnant, or it may be that the boy joins a pure-blood party such as the Death Eater. Other parents wait for the child to pass puberty before returning to normal life, while theirs has been living in this hell, Bo Mona recalled that she had lived her life like this for more than 20 years, and suddenly felt that it was a miracle that she didn't go crazy.

"Are you worried that Slughorn won't be able to keep the pure-blood students in check?" Severus asked.

"A little bit." She cupped his face and said, "He's not as grumpy as you."

"Damn it." He lost all interest and sat up directly. "The old slug's academic ability is good, but he's too mercenary. You can't rely on him."

He lost interest and Pomona tried to seduce him instead, drawing circles on his arm with her fingernails.

"Relax and come to me."

"You really are a wicked witch, I'm thinking something serious."

"You can relax and think about it, maybe inspiration will suddenly appear." She pulled him over, "Relax a little, you've been stretched for a long time."

He lay on her body, as if he had no strength in his body.

"I hate those stupid kids."

She doesn't hate it, she's a fool herself, Pomona thought.

"Why do they always make stupid choices."

"Butterbeer." She said suddenly, "I haven't had a Hogsmeade butterbeer for a long time. Do you remember the first time I took you guys out for a drink?"

"The one from Honey Baron?"

"That's when you and Lily had that mustache on your lips the first time you drank." She put a finger on her lips.

"You still want to trick us into eating cockroach balls, that thing is disgusting, why would you do that?" Severus looked disgusted and puzzled.

"That's a tradition." Originally, the cockroach group was used to trick people, but it became a kind of candy before they knew it.

"And what about the jelly slugs?"

"Aren't you fooled?"

"Lily almost ate it, oh, I thought of Ron Weasley again." The former dean of Slytherin looked like he couldn't recall the past. The red-haired Ron and Lily had the same color of hair. Cursed Draco, ended up with the wand snapped in two, and then...

"Are you deliberately not breaking the curse or are you not going to?" Pomona asked.

"Why didn't you explain it to him when you saw it?" Severus asked back.

"I think it's funny to see him reaping the consequences." In fact, she was also afraid of getting caught in the fire, and she would spit snot herself if she undid him.

"If I tell you that it's funny that I saw Mary in the dormitory with Lily being tortured by Death Eaters, would you think I'm a bad person?" He said suddenly.

"In this turbulent era and environment, if you accidentally say a wrong sentence while alive, you may die here. It is a gift to be alive, so every word, deed, and every action must be careful and careful, and you should be cautious. Come on, I don't like Mary's big, self-righteous mouth either."

"That movie called The Godfather again?"

"Yes, that's right, but I think Mary should be taught a lesson, and the Death Eaters have gone too far. You shouldn't be happy."

"So, what should we do to be happy?" He asked foolishly and with other plans.

"Let's go to the movies." She deliberately pretended to be stupid. "You take a bath first."

"Let's talk about it later." He bullied himself over again, "Let me warm your cold heart first."

As the scorching breath gradually smothered her mind, she thought dazedly before she sank, maybe she should tell that Muggle radio station to stop playing the Rolling Stones, don't stop this song, she really wants to stop, stay In that most beautiful youthful time, she would never grow up all her life, but the child would eventually become an adult, and the man who was dawdling on her at this moment was no longer the boy who could be satisfied and happy just because of a pet thorn.

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