The opera "Nina" that Napoleon likes to watch tells such a story. The Duke's daughter Nina fell in love with a poor boy. At first the Duke allowed it, but later the Duke arranged for Nina to live in a wealthy and powerful family. Nina's son got married, and the two young men met in a duel in the woods. The poor boy escaped by chance, but Nina didn't know it. She thought her lover was dead, so she went crazy. The Duke arranged for a female nurse to take care of her.

He still loves his daughter, but he has become insane. The Duke regretted it. Later he heard that the poor boy was not dead, so the Duke was overjoyed and took the young man into his home, and let them both meet up.

The poor boy told Nina a lot of love words that only the two of them knew, and Nina gradually came to her senses, and the two were happily together.

Obviously two people love each other, but they can't be together because of poverty or other reasons. This can spur boys to struggle more than anything else. The situation is different with the Seju family, which had been very prominent if it were not for the French Revolution. The Marquis Philip-Henri de Sécourt participated in the Seven Years' War and served as the Minister of War. He lost an arm during the attack on Prussia and was discharged from the army in 1787.

He was imprisoned at La Fosse during the Reign of Terror and was not released until 1800, when Napoleon gave him a Senate post, though he served only a year before his death.

He had two sons, actually only one biological, the elder son Louis Philippe Secu and his adopted son Joseph Alexandre Pierre Secu, who was actually his good friend Pierre Victor The son of De Brunschwart, Brunschwart was a Swiss mercenary who protected King Louis XVI during the French Revolution. He did not die in the Tuileries Palace like other Swiss mercenaries, but was arrested when he assisted the king in escaping and was sent to the guillotine in 1794.

Joseph Secu did not continue his military career as his father had done, but became a musician, Louis Philippe Secu became a diplomat and historian, and he had four sons, three of whom survived. The eldest son, Octave Henri Gabriel de Ségui, is 25 years old and married Michel's classmate, Mademoiselle Arguesso of Fresney, in a political and unhappy marriage , mainly because Octave is a sensitive and delicate young man. His younger brother, Philippe-Paul de Sécourt, who was much more optimistic and cheerful, joined Napoleon's cavalry division, followed Étienne Jacques Joseph Alexandre Macdonald, and now served as Napoleon Adjutant.

After Marshal Segui was released, his health collapsed, and they lived in a village called Chanette near Paris. They lived in poverty, not only because their property was confiscated, but also because Louis . Philips Secu spent all his fortune on managing the German consulate.

He was doing pretty well, but unfortunately he was expelled from Berlin because he was involved in a duel. After returning to France, Louis-Philippe Secu knew that Napoleon was going to attack Santo Domingo, so he put all his family property there, but after the battle, he basically lost all his money, and the old marshal died again.

Originally, the French had full confidence in this war. They came from civilized Europe and were well-equipped. How could the blacks in those colonies be their opponents.

Napoleon thought of smallpox but not yellow fever; he thought of using canned food to solve supplies, but he couldn't solve fresh water. The spread of yellow fever and malaria in the army caused heavy losses to the expeditionary force, and the amulets prepared by the women for them had no effect at all. .

According to legend, in the hometown of Miss Ageisol, there was a bull in the countryside of Fresneburg. Every time it was released, it would use its horns to dig a revolutionist's grave by himself.

If the French Revolution hadn’t liberated those slaves and made them ignorant of what it was like to be a free man, maybe they would have continued to obey. For example, the slaves in Trinidad and Portuguese Barbados occupied by the British had never thought of Fight for the identity of a free man. Last month, when Georgiana was almost assigned to the cabinet to translate English materials, she saw that the court who killed a slave, Barbanas, only imposed a fine of 114 shillings.

Was it wrong to free the slaves? Georgiana didn't think it was wrong to restore slavery, but if the land of Santo Domingo could not be taken back, Rochambeau would have nothing. No wonder Michelle cried so sadly.

Everyone hopes that their life will be smooth and good luck will always be there. The Marquis Seju's family was so prominent for a while, but now it has not fallen. The French Revolution was a "total revolution" in which everything was disrupted. The new government was reorganized according to its own ideas, and people's imaginations were confronted with unprecedented happiness, as if at this moment nothing could hinder the progress of France.

People at that time were indifferent to vested interests and rushed toward new things, but they gradually found that things were not developing as they thought, and more and more people blamed these dreamers. The style of the French is that the first round of attacks is as fast as a tsunami, and when they find that the attack fails, they will become more feminine than women, as if their vigor has disappeared from them, so that slavery, the worst thing in human history The system of equality has actually revived in the French Republic with the slogans of liberty, fraternity, and equality.

"Ma'am," said Madame Montesquieu softly.

"What's up?"

"There are guests coming."

"I don't want to see you." She refused, now she was not in the mood at all.

"I think you should see me." Madame de Montesquieu said solemnly, "Maximin Isnal and M. Charles Garnier are here."


"They were also expelled from the Tribune this time. Mr. Isner was a former Girondist, and Mr. Charles Garnier was a political economist."

"What are they here for?"

"I came to you to discuss disaster relief." Mrs. Montesquieu said patiently, "This is about relief for the widows and orphans of the soldiers who died for the establishment of the Republic."

Her mind became clearer, but she felt that she still had no strength.

"Mrs. Jean Lees has collected a lot of letters from American presidents, and I have read some of them." Mrs. Montesquieu took Georgiana's hand and said, "President Jefferson said in his speech to the Indians on January 7 this year that Americans Wishing to live with the Reds as a people, respecting their interests as our own, life has enough disasters that are bound to happen, why add to them by killing each other intentionally? Brothers , peace is better than war, in a long fight we lost many friends but gained nothing, then let us live together in peace and do good deeds, smart and kind people on both sides hope to do this. "

Georgiana felt a little hope, but felt that this could not convince Napoleon.

"Monsieur Charles Garnier wishes to subsidize widows and orphans, but this will use the budget of the First Consul for repairing the bridge over the Ardèche. I think you should listen to his plan."

"Where is the Ardèche?"

"South of France."

"Mr. Gregoire also talked to me about the south. What's going on there?"

Madame Montesquieu paused and said, "Someone is distributing pamphlets to incite rebellion."

Georgiana got up and walked up and down in a panic.

"Southerners don't have to worry about starving to death!" She yelled out of control, "Job opportunities should be reserved for those who need them more!"

"I'll call them in," said Madame de Montesquieu.

Georgiana ignored her, and she began to think about it. In theory, the high-yield corn in the south would not worry about famine.

But it is said that the French also supplied the Spanish with grain during the Spanish Wars, because grain could be exchanged for gold and silver from Spain. Napoleon arrested those smugglers without explicitly ordering a ban on grain export. The southern residents who were already attached to the old dynasty might feel "dissatisfied" with him, thinking that Napoleon was blocking their way of making money.

A steel bridge over the Ardèche would be necessary, and it might even surpass the aqueduct of the Paris water system as the number one project.

Not long after, Madame Montesquieu came in with two literati.

"How much do you need?" Georgiana asked straight to the point.

"38 million francs," said one of the literati with a smile, "the widow of the National Guard receives 600 francs a year, and her children, whether born in or out of wedlock, receive an annuity of 365 francs a year each until they reach eighteen years of age. "

"I thought there was a special department for pensions."

"This is not a pension, but a promotion of consumption. We can't find money for them yet. Those widows like to save money very much, so we want to distribute bread rolls and soap rolls to them."

"Won't this increase the price of bread?"

"The First Consul also asked the same question." The man bowed to Georgiana, "My name is Charles Garnier, and this is Citizen Maxian Isner. The tools are distributed free of charge to those who need them.”

"The pawnshop says they are doing charity, do you believe it?" Isner asked.

"How did you survive the Reign of Terror?" Georgiana asked.

"We want to mobilize women, not those who are corrupt, or those who scream and disrupt order, but those who are patriotic, understand people's hunger and cold, and have seen the starvation of children in their arms. Knowing the pain of those who endure hunger, weeping, and mourning, and use their wisdom and zeal to comfort their brothers and sisters,"

"You women are indeed bold and reckless. You dared to make trouble at Jacobins gatherings before." Isner said.

"I didn't go again."

"Both rolls and soap rolls will cause speculation, and a military certificate must be issued, and the bread rolls are entitled to enjoy." Garnier said, "And I think people who enjoy work-for-work must eat at the relief point and write in the small book." What kind of labor exchange is marked on it."

"This method can't bring down the price of food." Georgiana said wearily.

"Then add me?" Another man said suddenly.

"Who are you?"

"Pierre-Louis Ganguel, I'm a writer, how did you come up with the phrase that Cies is 'Jonah spit out by the devil'?" Ganguel asked.

The court reappeared in Georgiana's mind, and she and Napoleon were sitting in the public gallery at that time, and she heard him explain why he chose to shoot civilians at that time.

"Wait a minute, I have something to write." Georgiana said to the three.

"Go, inspiration is fleeting." Gange said beamingly, "What a lovely and charming angel, why did you fall in love with that Corsican monster?"

She didn't know how to explain it.

"I also drove away women, but I didn't forbid them to wear pants." Isner said, "How about I introduce you to other perfumes? Smell your scent, I feel like I'm in the same room as Bonaparte."

"It's impolite to smell a lady casually."

"I am a perfume merchant, this is my professional habit." Isner said.

"Don't disturb the lady's inspiration," said Gungeney.

Georgiana immediately took the opportunity to go away, as if there was a ghost behind.

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