Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1442 pioneer

For people with affluent and well-to-do lives, it is incredible to witness the looting trucks. However, when the common people have no jobs, no food, and are cornered, how can they not take risks?

Hunger brings despair, and despair makes any sin forgiven. Crowds of farmers rushed to the grain trucks with sticks and empty bags on their backs. Cavalrymen brandished sabers and rushed towards the unfortunate crowd. Women sat on the ground and shouted. I have to cry...

Sometimes the events ended in the triumph of order, with the cavalry holding the grain wagons, and sometimes not, with the wagons and horses taken away, leaving an empty shelf for reinforcements who heard the news.

In addition to the road, grain warehouses were also the key targets of siege. In the past, grain could be transported into castles, but Louis XIV demolished those castles, just like he demolished the city walls of Paris.

Louis XIV, who made the French proud, was actually a very militaristic king. Armand Jean du Près de Richelieu was the prime minister of Louis XIII, but he laid the foundation for the glory of Louis XIV. Base. Cardinal Richelieu ordered the demolition of noble castles and stud farms, which broke the feudal separatism for the king and also destroyed the horse breeding industry that maintained the rule of the feudal lord.

The nobles without horses could not arm the cavalry, and without the cavalry they could not compete with the king's army. In addition to the expenses required to maintain the luxurious life of Versailles, Louis XIV firmly controlled these nobles by borrowing money .

Although the royal government continued to encourage animal husbandry later, it would not help if there were no stallions, so they could only rely on imports from foreign countries. Foreigners are not fools either. The horses sold to France are gelded horses or mares. There are many stallions brought back from Egypt in Napoleon’s stable, and the British thoroughbred horses in Georgiana’s stable are also requisitioned by him. Going to breeding, the horses imported from Germany only eat oats.

When Masséna was besieged in Genoa, he ate the same food as the soldiers. Although he didn't have to fight in the front line, his health was still broken. He couldn't fight on horseback for a short time, otherwise Napoleon would like to send him to India.

In addition to dividing the courts into communes, provinces, and countries, Siers also planned to divide France into 12 districts, just like Paris into 12 districts. This proposal is in line with the ideas of some generals.

Napoleon had said that priests were better than idealists, and throughout April Napoleon had to deal with the Church.

In the list of being expelled from the Tribune, the constitutional bishop Henri Gregoire was not expelled because he opposed the return of the church, mainly because he had a close relationship with Pierre Cabanes, and this The philosopher had a correspondence with President Jefferson of the United States.

Napoleon also had the habit of tearing down other people's letters, and it was precisely because of this that he intercepted the letters and bribes written by the Venetian aristocratic oligarchs to the Directory during the Italian War, thereby intercepting the opponent's conspiracy.

Henri Gregoire was the founder of the National Polytechnic School. The original intention of building this school was to collect machines, models, tool drawings, instructions and drawings, and later it became a higher education institution open to the public.

This school has three missions, higher vocational technical training, technological development and innovation research, and the dissemination of scientific culture and technology. Now that Gregoire has retired from the Tribunal, he can return to the National Institute of Technology as the principal, and he can also help Georgiana establish a The Condorcet school, Napoleon didn't care about where the school was built or what it taught. He expressed his admiration for the sage in this way. thought about it.

She is a woman, she can be forgiven for talking nonsense occasionally, but it is not necessarily the case for a man to talk nonsense.

The philosopher Antoine d'Esti de Tracy, who was kicked out at the same time, invented the philosophical term "ideology", and ordinary peasants certainly could not understand the meaning of this word.

Different ideologies have different understandings and perceptions of the same thing. In the eyes of some people, the act of opening letters is an extreme violation of the right to privacy, but in the eyes of others it is acceptable. If Napoleon If the letter of the Venetian oligarch is not opened, then he will be thrown aside after being used. How can he have the power to appoint the former governor at will.

In the three-year constitution of the Republic, there is a provision that the local treasury is not subject to government supervision. This law is enough to pose a threat to the survival of the Republic. In fact, it is true. The wealth that Napoleon robbed in Italy was not turned over to the treasury and the Directorate. Instead, he paid the military salary to those who followed him. Are these people the army of the Republic or Napoleon's private soldiers?

Napoleon is only one step away from wearing the crown. The struggle between monarchy and theocracy has existed in Europe for many centuries. The church hopes that he can wear the crown, as well as other European royal families. What can affect him most is the riot caused by famine .

He always likes to say that Britain is an oligarch, but the British parliament is different from the oligarchy in Venice. Venice has a ten-member parliament, a whistleblower box, and a secret police that can arrest people at any time. Britain doesn't have one, and the police in Scotland Yard are quite weak. No, Jack the Ripper can't catch it, and he needs the assistance of writer Conan Doyle. Britain did not force people to remain silent, and public opinion could still speak freely. For example, the newspapers initially called Napoleon a speculator, but after the peace treaty was signed, he became a majestic hero.

The silent person often holds a lot of secrets. Once the chatterbox is opened, there will be countless amazing words out of the mouth, so that the listener feels incredible, and even thinks that he is crazy.

If there is a record of his or her being locked up in a madhouse, then what she said would be even less credible.

Being deprived of the right to speak is not the same as choosing to remain silent.

Oligarchies also existed in France, such as the Medici family in Florence, who ruled Florence. Who would think that the Medici family was a dictator? They are clearly the guardians of culture.

Doesn't Florence belong to Italy? It was occupied by Napoleon when he lived in the Pitti Palace.

Grassini was with him during that time. He liked to listen to the opera "Nina" written by Paisiello very much. Every day Grassini would sing for him in that palace full of Renaissance atmosphere.

Sometimes alone, sometimes he takes others with him. He told Georgiana that he liked Grassini's voice, and that while he thought Georgiana and Josephine were right to deal with Grassini, he hoped she wouldn't do it now, just as he hadn't done with Sies. .

Apparently, Josephine confessed, even though she was the one who had conceived the witchcraft curse on Grassini in the first place.

She was so anxious to get out of something that she had to sell Georgiana.

How can a woman who is so vicious that she disfigures people and uses accidents to cover up her murders be kind and benevolent?

And she is not chastity, such a woman is not a Virgin Mary at all.

So Lily is so good, she sacrificed her life to protect Harry, this is a great mother, no wonder Severus loves her so much, and engraves her in his heart like a brand.

"You need me, ma'am?"

Georgiana turned around, looked away from the garden full of Yolanda Aragon roses, and looked at the cardinal standing at the door, holding a purple rose in his hand.

It was not the Queen of Violet, but Bishop Rizalius from a Belgian nursery. It was a Gallic rose with a different shape from the Queen of Violet, which Napoleon had chosen for her after the letter was written.

For most men, they can't tell the difference between roses at all, and anyway, purple flowers now represent Georgiana.

"I need to confess, Father." Georgiana said to Henry Gregoire. "I wonder if you are interested in being a court confessor?"

Jefferson's Anthology, July 12, 1803 has his notes to Cabanis, discussing philosophy and hope destroyed

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