Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1436 Final Words

In folk stories, Marie Antoinette accidentally stepped on the executioner's foot when she stepped onto the guillotine, and then said "I'm sorry".

The famous "Deficit Queen" liked to hold balls very much, but she restrained herself after having a child. Unfortunately, people's impression of her was solidified at that time, and the common people pushed all the responsibilities for rising prices and bread shortages to her. body.

Louis XVI also had his last words before going to the guillotine. He only asked the people around him, "Is there any news about Count La Perouse?"

The full name of the Earl of La Perouse is Jean-Francois de Gallo. He is recognized as one of the greatest navigators after James Cook. He was born in Albi, France in 1741 and served in the Navy at the age of 15. After serving in the service, after inheriting the title of Count La Perouse, he is interested in geography and expects to strengthen France's strength in the Pacific region.

So Louis XVI gave him two merchant ships, which were later transformed into warships. These two ships were called "Astrolabe" and the other "Compass", and ordered him to explore the Pacific coasts of Asia and America.

The two ships carried a total of 220 people, including two astronomers, several naturalists, several surgeons, a mathematician, a watchmaker, and several cartographers, who planned to complete the unfinished work of Captain Cook. career.

They also used the new nautical instrument sextant for this voyage. However, in mid-March 1788, when the Earl of La Perouse set off from Australia, he encountered a storm on his way to the northwest and disappeared in the Solomon Islands. near the Vanikolo Islands. In 1791, when Louis XVI himself was in danger, he sent a fleet to find the Count of La Perouse, but he never found it. This became a pity for Louis XVI, so that the guillotine I never forget all the time.

If Louis XVI hadn't been a king, he would have been a very good geographer.

This was the bedtime story Georgiana told Delmid.

There are hundreds of ghost ship legends circulating all over the world, some of these ghost ship legends are completely made up, and some have eyewitnesses. Whenever the weather is thick and foggy, the smugglers will come out to take advantage of the poor visibility. More than one group of people saw two ships appearing on the west coast.

These people were all wearing the uniforms of the old French Royal Navy, wearing wigs on their heads, and sailed towards France, as if they had obeyed the call of Louis XVI, the Count La Perouse who had returned from the Pacific Ocean, otherwise, the smugglers It is impossible to explain why the two warships ignored them and headed straight for the foggy North Sea.

Later, the British, the Danish Navy, and merchant ships from some neutral countries also claimed to have seen the two ships. This rumor was quickly stifled by Napoleon, but it still spread quietly.

Delmid kept looking at her with his eyes open, and he didn't appear to be frightened by the story. This made Georgiana suddenly understand why Hortans would deliberately scare the kid with a story that was so bizarre that it was unrealistic.

She has no sense of accomplishment in telling ghost stories to scare people.

Later, she sang a song to him, and Delmid fell asleep in the bedroom next to her. Early the next morning, she took him to the Sevres ceramics factory to wait for Ke who delivered the letter last night. Claude Berthollet Citizenship.

This man, like Blonniard, was a fellow of the Académie de France, and she met him in the director's office.

Citizen Berthollet graduated from the University of Turin in Italy with a doctorate in medicine. He returned to Paris in 1779 and became the private doctor of the Duke of Orleans. A university professor who followed Napoleon to Egypt in 1798 and taught the commander-in-chief chemistry.

He was accompanied by another person, the "professor" Julian Uvral who taught Napoleon's legal knowledge. Unlike the other five bankers, he was not interested in the 2% commission. What he wanted was power. .

This kind of person Georgiana dare not introduce him to the Senate, let alone let him replace Brunnier as the director of the factory. In short, he is now showing his scholarly and courteous appearance, and it is completely impossible to see that he has participated in the planning of conspiracy.

Later, Berthollet took Georgiana to the warehouse, and some of the silk had been shipped to the warehouse of the Sevres ceramic factory.

Just at this time Hortans also came, but Louis didn't come. She greeted the two elders very politely, she looked very thoughtful, and she didn't have the same grievance for her mother in the botanical garden.

Neither of the scholars said anything, and Georgiana introduced them to Hortense.

"We know each other," said Hortense. "Mr. Berthollet used to tell us anecdotes about Egypt at balls."

"And did you know he was a chemist, good at bleaches and dyes?" Georgiana asked.

Hortans nodded.

"Do you like these silk patterns?"

"I haven't seen it."

"If you don't like it, or if you think you need to re-dye it, you can ask Citizen Berthollet." Georgiana said, "Did you read the letter I sent you yesterday?"

Hortans nodded.

"The biggest advantage of Lyon silk is creativity. It keeps up with Paris fashion, which is not available in Piedmont and British silk. Their silk is cheap but old-fashioned. Your mother knows many artists. She can teach you this, you This advantage should be highlighted at the reception, but the cost is too high, you can ask Joseph more about how to sell things, he is an expert in this field."

Hortans nodded again.

"As for the furniture, I'm moving some, there's another department that needs them."

"What department?" Julian asked.

"Secret." Georgiana said with a smile, and then looked at Phyllis, "When will the person I asked you to meet arrive?"

"He has a court session in the morning, and he won't be back until the afternoon." Phyllis said immediately.

"Who are you dating?" Hortans asked.

"The first civilian guest." Georgiana let Hortense take her arm. "He's a lawyer."

"I thought……"

"You have to give the guests time to adapt. He has studied at the University of Paris, and maybe you have taught him, professor." Georgiana smirked at Julian Uvral.

"What's his name?" Uvral asked.

"Jean Pierre Chauffier."

"Not noble?"

"He is a townsman of Sevres, and he is the representative of the family members of the victims of the last corpse robbery."

"What did you bring him for?"

"You don't have class today?" Georgiana asked Uvral.

"Why don't you ask Professor Berthollet?"

Georgiana did not continue on the topic of Uvral at all, and it was Hortans who then went on to chat with Professor Bertoll about the topic of bleaching and re-dyeing before changing the subject.

Napoleon made as many preparations as possible for the expedition to Santo Domingo, but the battle was still not going well. In addition to yellow fever, malaria was also raging in the expedition.

The food can be solved with the cans taken from France, but the water can only be drunk locally.

He will not introduce someone to Georgiana for no reason. With Berthollet, these dyed silks can be re-dyed, and he also served the Duke of Orleans like Mrs. Jean Sly. This background is in the eyes of the British How eye-catching.

At noon they ate at the ceramics factory, they did not eat with the workers, but prepared by the factory manager.

Around 1:00 p.m., Jean-Pierre came back riding, one of the hot-tempered men who had been driven off by Georgiana.

He tried not to look flattering, kissed the hands of Georgiana and Hortense like a person who had seen the world, then greeted the two professors, and then waited for Georgiana in an "equal" manner Tell me why you asked him to come.

"Have you heard of inspectors?" Georgiana asked Jean-Pierre.

"I've heard of it," said Jean-Pierre, "to visit the country on behalf of the king."

"We will send out a group of inspectors next month to the countryside and mountainous areas to guide farmers in their agricultural work." Georgiana said with a smile, "How much do you know about agriculture?"

Pierre was stunned.

"Or you can try to participate in the special court selection..."

"You want to buy me with an official position?" Jean Pierre sneered, "You don't need to do that, my cousin's family has already accepted the compensation."

"The selection of the special court requires the first consul to interview in person. If you can't pass, I can't help it. I just provide you with a way out, and you can choose by yourself." Georgiana said, "I like to give young people opportunities."

"You can also consider becoming a consultant. In the future, the scientists funded by Ms. Sevre will have new inventions, and you can help them apply for patents." Uvral said immediately.

"Why did you choose me instead of others?" Jean-Pierre asked coldly.

"How's your relationship with that girl?" Georgiana asked.

"What does this have to do with you?"

"If it's good, I think she brought you this opportunity." Georgiana looked at Pierre and said, "If it's not good, then she is cursing you."

Pierre sneered, appearing not to believe this.

"Think about it, and give me an answer at the reception in a few days." Georgiana said, "You can bring a few friends."

Pierre seemed lost in thought.

"Remember to send an invitation letter to the citizens of Chauffier." Georgiana said to Hortense.

"Yes, ma'am," Hortans replied.

"You call her Madame?" Pierre asked in surprise.

"Go back and think about it." Uvral said with a smile, "There's nothing else to do."

Pierre hesitated, bowed to Georgiana, and left the drawing room.

"We'll deal with it like this in the future." When Pierre walked away, Georgiana said to Hortans, "You understand?"

Hortans nodded if he understood something.

"Is this your compensation?" Uvral asked.

"No, this is the custom of the British nobles." Georgiana smiled and said, "You can choose not to learn it."

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