Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 143 Excessive Partiality

After the fall of Hogwarts, the Carlo brothers were in charge of teaching black magic and Muggle research. Neither of them died in the battle of Hogwarts. They were sent to Azkaban and their property was confiscated. At least West Rhys Black still has property left.

Everyone in the wizarding world remembers the uproar caused when the Prince family was cut off by blood and a collection larger than the Ravenclaw library was cleared out. Many of the banned books at Hogwarts were cleared from pure-blood families who had severed their bloodlines. The Carrow brothers and sisters are the last heirs of the Carlo family. They are not as prosperous as the Black family, and they have fallen into trouble again. Even if they are down, they are better than some emerging nobles.

The new replaces the old. In addition to the twenty-eight families, there are many other families that were once prominent in history. They all became extinct due to various reasons. If you don’t want to be the target of other people’s fish and meat, you will fight to the death. This is pure blood and still Joined the family of Death Eaters in their last stand.

Honor is higher than life, and the Longbottom family is also a pure-blood family. Neville was brave when fighting the Death Eaters, but now he can stand and chat with the Death Eaters. Their estrangement was wiped out when he hugged Nott.

It is also a pure-blood family, the Weasley family will not come, because Fred Weasley died in battle, six years can erase some things, but not everything can be forgotten, in this place decorated by noble ladies On the magnificent dance floor, there are only children running and playing, playing trick-or-treating games, Draco and the young people who are old enough to play games on broomsticks outside the house, the magic fireworks outside the window are colorful, and all kinds of things in the room The hilarious trick toy makes hilarious noises and everything looks normal.

Pomona looked out from the balcony on the second floor, and Dean Thomas was blowing the cold air outside with his colleagues. It's incredible to ask Aurors to come to the former Death Eater guards, but compared to those who follow the rules, wandering dark wizards Even more troublesome, Millicent Brod is a fanatical purist, even the whole Brod family, they are more dangerous fanatics than Malfoy, Harry Potter was sent to watch tonight They went.

He gave Kingsley a thoroughbred horse. As long as the leading stragglers don’t move, there is nothing to worry about. The traps and fortifications have been prepared, and the next step is to wait for the opponent to attack. The feeling of waiting for others to attack him is very difficult. Yes, but they had to wait again, because they had already provoked first.

"Hello, Professor." Pomona was looking at the scenery alone, when she heard someone calling her, she turned her head and saw that it was Charlotte Prey, another woman from a pure-blood family.

"Excuse me, are you..."

"I am Charlotte Pree of Ravenclaw, and you taught me herbalism."

Fat Pomona deliberately pretended to be suddenly enlightened.

"Nice to meet you, Miss Puri."

"It's nice to meet you too, Professor, I've always heard that you're a tolerant and optimistic person." Charlotte smiled and said, "I saw that many people from Hufflepuff participated, and they were all because of you." here."

"I'm very glad that the hard work of these years has not been in vain." Pomona said with infinite satisfaction.

"Dean!" Hannah Albert suddenly appeared.

"Hannah!" Pomona was so happy that she opened her arms and gave her a hug, but then she was a little worried, what if there was a fight for her safety later?

"What about him?" Hannah looked around, as if looking for someone.

"He's not here." Pomona knew who she was talking about. "He's in a meeting."

"Oh, how boring," Hannah grumbled.

"You're the only one here?"

"I invited Hermione Granger, but she didn't come, you know, Ron Weasley."

"He's not that bad," Pomona said fairly.

"He's been throwing up slugs all afternoon, and he's wearing that gown to the Yule Ball like it was his aunt."

Hannah's counterattack left Pomona unable to refute.

"He's not that bad!" Pomona continued.

"Do you know it's dangerous to wait here, Hannah?" Charlotte asked.

"What's so scary, neither Umbridge nor the Carlo brothers and sisters scared me, so I don't listen to such intimidation methods." Hannah said proudly.

Push yourself a bit and you'll make a choice.

Intimidation from the outside brought together these families who were originally dissociated from their own interests. This time it was obviously different from the last gathering at the Malfoy Manor.

She didn't know what he did during this period of time, and now she suddenly felt dizzy, is this still the Slytherin hybrid known as the snotling?

Article 79 of Hufflepuff, the more nervous you are, the less you should think highly of yourself.

She was very nervous about her date at the greenhouse later.

"I've never seen Professor Snape ride a broom." Hannah looked at the young people riding broomsticks in the air and playing with fireworks and said, "You have all ridden, Dean."

"Then why is he a referee?" Charlotte asked.

"When was he a referee?" Pomona murmured, lost in memory. With his greasy hair parted in the middle, black robe, and big nose, he must have looked like a witch in a Muggle fairy tale riding on a broom .

"I... I don't remember it." Puri said tremblingly, as if frightened.

"I remember once, when Harry Potter was in the first grade, he was sitting in the stands, and his robe suddenly caught fire."

"Oh." Pomona and Charlotte suddenly realized.

"Why doesn't the headmaster ever ride a broom?" Hannah asked her headmaster.

"Everyone has something they are not good at." Pomona decided to hide it for him. He was as stupid as an ordinary boy when he was young, thinking that he could win Lily's favor by being able to ride a broom.

"Stupid," Pomona said, laughing, and then she caught Charlotte and Hannah looking at her.

"Do you remember that game?" Hannah asked with a grin.

"It was Gryffindor vs. Hufflepuff. I went too. I remember that Harry Potter bought the fastest broom at that time, a Firebolt..."

"No, it's Nimbus Two Thousand. Cedric was very nervous at that time."

"Really?" Pomona recalled that Cedric looked very calm at the time, and he didn't feel that he would lose at all.

"Isn't winning with a broom cheating?" Charlotte asked.

"But Harry Potter is a freshman, and that game was his first time playing as a Seeker."

Talent is really unpredictable, Hermione Granger is so smart that he can only move the broom, Harry Potter can fly a broom very well for the first time, maybe he was born for Quidditch.

"Malfoy made a bet with Ron Weasley, I don't know how long Harry Potter can stay on the broom." Hannah said, looking at the young man floating in the sky, "When Hermione talked about that It feels like a long time ago."

"What happened next?" Puri asked.

"Dumbledore came to the game too, he was afraid that Severus would favor Hufflepuff too much and Gryffindor would lose the game." Pomona laughed again, his face was very ugly at the time, yes Unprecedented gloom, the sun shone on him dimly.

"I didn't even know Professor Snape knew Quidditch." Puri said with horror, as if he had received some kind of trauma.

"He's an Ireland fan."

"What!" Hannah and Charlotte exclaimed together.

"If he doesn't mean he can't watch it, he also went to see the final match between Ireland and Bulgaria. At that time, he watched it with old Malfoy in the minister's box."

"I remember this, it was Mr. Malfoy's donation, and he was eligible to watch the game with the minister." Puri continued.

"Hmph, in that match, across two stands, in front of the whole school, Neville told Malfoy that he was better than twelve of you." Pomona nearly died of laughter, and returned The old bat in the cellar began to curse, how could that Longbottom, who was like a squib and blew up the cauldron, be able to compete with Platinum Dracoby.

"You even remember this?" Hannah asked.

"Of course I remember, it was the fastest time the Snitch ever got caught, and the whole game lasted less than five minutes."

Soon Pomona can't help but suspect that this is Dumbledore cheating in favor of Harry Potter.

"How did the professor's robe catch fire in such a short game?" Puri asked.

"Oh." Hannah was lost in thought with her dean.

"All in all, Gryffindor won the House Cup that year." Pomona didn't intend to pursue those details, since a broken trophy was nothing.

"Dean, you don't like Quidditch so much, how did our college improve its level within two years, and be on an equal footing with Slytherin and Gryffindor?" Hannah asked with a silly smile.

"Of course it's because of Cedric." Pomona said without hesitation.

"You never go to Quidditch practice, do you?"

"Not very often." She said guiltily.

"Cedric's father is very good at Quidditch, he is training our house team." Hannah continued to smirk and said, "Headmaster Snape knows that Slytherin and Gryffindor match, and Headmaster Dumbledore will definitely If you favor Gryffindor, you want Hufflepuff to win, we almost won the House Cup in our third year, and Slytherin played against us all year in our second year."

"Hannah Albert, do you like Quidditch players too?" Pomona was a little worried, Neville couldn't ride a broom.

"I'm just curious why Professor Snape took special care of us. Ravenclaw's Seeker Qiu Zhang is also very good. He never thought of helping Ravenclaw."

"Because Cho Chang is a girl."

Hannah and Charlotte shook their heads together.

"Because I am a professor of herbal medicine, I directly manage his materials."

"Poor Severus." Narcissa Malfoy stood at the door of the balcony, watching Pomona and shaking her head as she drank.

"Is there any news? My dear." Lucius Malfoy also flashed out from behind the curtain at this time. The platinum nobleman was very intimate to stop his wife, and Narcissa immediately whispered in his ear.

"Ah, I see." Lucius Malfoy suddenly realized, and then looked Professor Sprout up and down. Even without the patched and muddy clothes, she didn't look very glamorous, except That gray winged hair.

"Go and clean her up, Sissy, he deserves it." Lucius left after finishing this inexplicable sentence.

"Where's your vigilance!?" Pomona screamed angrily.

"There will be no attacks tonight, and besides, it's our job to protect the godfather, enjoy life!"

Lucius said before walking away, and Narcissa left the balcony surrounded by Hannah and Narcissa.

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