Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1425 Madman Furnace

There are many flammable materials in the ornate opera house, velvet curtains, carpets and furniture, they will catch fire quickly.

The vast majority of people who died in the fire were choked to death by thick smoke or poisoned by carbon monoxide. You only need to let Giuseppina Grassini sleep in the fire, and she will die.

Besides, she was already dead. The death priest once said that no one in this world is really alive, and no one is really dead.

The study he searched was not Napoleon's studio with the oversized desk, and Georgiana did not see the red leather folder on that desk.

She stood by the window and looked at the "street view" outside. The British people who came to Paris were not all good-looking, but also quite desolate and looked ragged. The more they were like this, the more they would drink alcohol. However, there is no shortage of wine and daily necessities, and they are even allowed to take a walk by the small lake, which is much better than the treatment of captives.

Georgiana gulped down the tequila with strawberry juice, the only cocktail she knew. After she finished drinking, she poured herself another glass. While pouring the wine, she still remembered that the last time the British Foreign Office planned to exchange prisoners for the French South American colony of Tobago.

Maybe this time they planned to let a member of the Bourbon royal family serve as the head of the Knights of the Hospital is not the purpose, but to stimulate Napoleon, let him agree to cede Tobago, so that Britain can colonize South America.

Even the scum of the streets, when they arrive in the colonies, they will become superior because of their British status, especially in countries like India. Before the British colonial expansion, India's economy was not backward, but after the colonial rule of the East India Company, famines occurred frequently.

Those educated Indians embraced Western knowledge wholeheartedly and uncritically, and then the English-speaking minority became the patronage of the East India Company and became the ruling class of India.

The trade charter originated on December 31, 1600. In the early days, the British king authorized the East India Company to engage in eastern trade. After the company obtained the ruling power of Bengal in India, the British Parliament passed the bill twice in 1773 and 1784. In 1793, the "Charter Act" was passed, which became a tool for the British Parliament and the government to control the East India Company.

The paper from London, which contained the articles of Parliament's disapproval of the East India Company's supervision, which led to the indiscriminate issuance of charters, was now on Georgiana's table, alongside the one in which the French émigrés attacked Napoleon. Together.

Even the crazy King George III may not be as crazy as Georgiana. When she was young, like many girls, she would fantasize about finding a handsome boyfriend and living a sweet life.

But who did she find? An old bat with greasy hair, stubbornness, and other women in his heart, or a tyrant who is said to be dedicated, but in fact is not dedicated at all plus short, what kind of vision is she!

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became, until after a while she heard a knock on the door.

"Come in," she said drunkenly, pouring herself another cocktail, not caring how badly she looked now.

Presently two well-dressed gentlemen entered, one of whom Georgiana knew, Sir Merry.

"Introduce me, this is Mr. John Smithman, one of the partners in the Reynolds Steel Company," said Sir Merry. "This is..."

"I know," said John Smithman excitedly. "It's an honor to meet you, Ms. Sevre."

One-third of England's steel products come from Shropshire, and the largest steel company in Shropshire is the former Dale Company and later William Reynolds Company.

This steel company was formerly known as the Madre Timber Factory. It has a more famous name, the "Madhouse" Iron Factory, because it is next to a madhouse, and it emits amazing heat and noise when it is in operation. It's like the furnace of hell.

"Are you also here to sell?" Georgiana slurred, she really wanted to put a piece of paper on the door saying that salesmen were not allowed to enter.

"We're here to talk about cooperation," said John Smithman. "I've heard that the First Consul is struggling with what materials to use for the aqueduct."

"How do I know that?" She said sourly, and took another gulp of strawberry juice.

"I think I can solve this problem." Smithman put a cowhide document bag on the table, and then took out a sketchbook from it.

She was feeling strange when Smithman had handed her the sketchbook.

"This is a cast iron aqueduct located on the Schluth Canal. If you are interested, you can visit it." Smithman said politely.

Georgiana turned a few pages back, and she saw an arch bridge with a steel structure. The idea of ​​using steel instead of stone and concrete immediately formed in her mind.

"The premise is that the peace treaty between Britain and France can be signed, right?" Georgiana put down her sketchbook.

"We value peace with France very much." Smithman said seriously, "France is full of business opportunities now."

"You really think my pleading is useful?" Georgiana said in disbelief.

"The claim that we could be kings never existed," said Ser Merry dryly.

Georgiana grinned in disbelief, "Are you kidding me?"

"Members asked me to remind you that we are no longer providing military support to Portugal," Sir Merry said.

"Portugal is like the pulp of the squeezed juice, there is nothing left." Georgiana said a little angrily, "Occupying that place will only disperse his troops, and he will not agree."

"There are many people who can't tell the difference between ruling and governing." Sir Merry said slowly, "The queen governs the country, and it is the cabinet and parliament that rule it."


"You heard me," said Ser Merry deadpan.

"You don't really think I can be queen regent?" Georgiana smiled sourly.

"You can convince Josephine to be Queen Mother and Demilde to be King of France."

"That's impossible." Georgiana immediately vetoed it.

"Except for a few republicans and the French constitution, we all want Napoleon to be king," said Sir Merry. "The current royal family of Hanover is not British."

Georgiana was taken aback.

"They are a branch of the German Braunschweig dynasty, so they have a family history of 'possession'." Sir Merry said, "After Queen Anne died, in order to prevent the throne from falling into the hands of Catholics, the granddaughter of King James I, The female descendants of the Stuart family, Sophia, wife of the Elector of Hanover, and her daughter will inherit, and we heard that Siers also intends to find an elector to inherit the throne of France."

"You're kidding!" Georgiana stood up and began pacing restlessly.

"Sies is in favor of a constitutional monarchy, and even the constitution after the Brumaire coup has this purpose. I think you can see that we would rather have a little king than let a German lunatic be the king."

"The Prince of Wales is not small." Georgiana teased.

"He's at St. Luke's Palace now. You haven't been to the newly renovated office yet," said Sir Merry.

Georgiana wanted to refuse, but she found it seemed impossible for her to refuse.

For Lord Bloom and several men were standing at the door.

"In the British Constitution, the Queen does not have the veto power unlike the House of Commons, but she has the right to canonize the second son of a nobleman like William Pitt Jr. who has no right to inherit the title as the Earl of Aberdeen, so that he can enter the House of Lords. "Sir Merry said indifferently, "I heard the earl say that you are very curious about the affairs of the parliament. If you are interested, you can try to make this gentleman an earl."

Sir Merry pointed to John Smithman, who was also looking at her.

"You can canonize me as the Earl of Madman." Smithman said humorously.

"I hate you bastards." Georgiana gritted her teeth.

"More than one queen has said that, except Queen Catherine." Sir Merry stood up. "You can try to be her."

"Can you walk by yourself?" Smithman asked politely. Seeing his posture, he probably dragged Georgiana into the carriage if he refused to agree.

"I can walk by myself." She said coldly, took away the two newspapers on the table, and left angrily.

The Queen's lack of veto power means that if the House of Lords and Commons together pass a death warrant unanimously agreeing to her own, she will have to sign it

Lord North was more trusted by George III than Fox, and he was not only appointed by George III, but also his agent.

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