Many girls have a "Prince Charming" in their hearts, who is tall, handsome, smart, and rich.

There are such "princes", such as in operas and fairy tales, but there are very few handsome princes in the real royal family. King Louis I of Etruria is the great-grandson of Louis XV. He is 28 years old and has a relationship with the Spanish princess. Maria Luisa is married. The young king had none of the oppression that Napoleon gave Georgiana, with black eyes, gray tousled hair, the same thick lips as his great-grandfather Louis XV, and a bright red gown , with a thick silk scarf wrapped around his neck.

Louis I's father, Ferdinand, was running out of time, but although the Kingdom of Etruria had the name of independence, all French soldiers were stationed in the territory. When Napoleon invaded Italy, he forced Ferdinand to hand over the throne to Louis In the first life, Queen Maria took care of the children at home, and the king came alone for this diplomatic event.

The Spanish royal family is ruled by the queen, including the current Spanish court. Prime Minister Godoy is said to be the queen's lover.

Georgiana had seen Godoy's portrait, and she looked really good, but she was fascinated by Napoleon Bonaparte at the time, and she still thought that wild lion with a Greek classical look was better.

If it is said that 3 million quintals of grain require 30 million francs to supply 1 million people in Paris, then the 36 million people will have to increase by 30 times. Napoleon must prepare at least close to 1 billion to buy food abroad.

Such an estimate is of course inaccurate, but instead of recruiting new recruits, he called up former veterans again. Obviously, he is starting to deal with the domestic banditry problem.

There are people whose hearts cannot recover from the war, even if Napoleon offered them good salaries and job opportunities, they would not accept them, and these people are destined to die in battle.

The pride of the French has penetrated into the blood, they will not easily accept other people's handouts and handouts, and they do not accept potatoes as easily as the Irish, they just want to eat white bread.

As Cicero said, the Gauls were ashamed to get food from the ground, not to mention potatoes, which were considered pig food by the lower class.

Georgiana didn't know what conspiracy Napoleon and Siers were playing. Anyway, after meeting the puppet king Louis I, she went to the Paris Agricultural Association in the Bois de Boulogne.

Nine out of ten girls will be fascinated by the ball, and Georgiana just now couldn't help but want to show the demeanor of "Camellia" at the ball. Turned around and left.

The nobles of ancient Rome lived a life of twilight. They had to live at night, so they slept very late and woke up very late, such as Mrs. Talian.

What Georgiana wants is not these. For a rich man, what he lacks is not money, but time. She originally had a husband who spent all his time with her. Why should she act like an infatuated woman? Waiting for His Majesty to think of her when he needs it?

Even Georgiana, the ballet couple who asked for help, did not want to receive them. The Russian Ballet, French Ballet, and British Royal Ballet are all "future" world-class ballet companies. Miss Chevigny is also the principal of the French Ballet. After his comeback, because of the kindness owed to Mrs. Talian, he can perform chamber ballet for the Italian representative stationed in Soubis' mansion in the future.

This is state guest-level treatment, and the ballet dancers will also perform at the diplomatic gala on February 17. The ceiling of the dreams of the bottom-level people is nothing in the eyes of these rich and powerful, even those operas that have attracted much attention on the stage Female celebrities are also mistresses. Only after you understand your own position can you understand what you should do. Letizia is illiterate and cannot speak French. Delmid will not be by her side for a long time. Georgiana can only take him to the Paris Agricultural Association Listen in.

Children who grew up listening to government affairs are definitely different from children who grew up listening to nursery rhymes. Just like Harry, who had no birthday presents since childhood, and Dudley, who has piles of birthday presents every year, even if they are in the same family, they will not be happy when they grow up. will take a different path in life.

If Napoleon's heir becomes the same as Louis I just now, why is he still working so hard? Wouldn't it be nice to enjoy retirement early?

In other words, even if France becomes a republic, the Bonaparte family will be the same as the Dandolo family in Venice. Whoever becomes the consul of the French Republic is just a puppet, just like Nathan Rothschild As it was said after the Battle of Waterloo, whoever controls the British currency issue is the king of Britain, no matter who the puppet wearing the crown is.

She didn't want to live in a world where being rich meant being privileged. She liked Napoleon because he still had a bit of blood and humanity in him. If he became like those people, then she wouldn't be interested in him.

She knows how to poison, and knows that he is not at all wary of the food she cooks, not to mention that the physique of Muggles is different from that of wizards. What is highly poisonous to him is harmless to Georgiana of.

Georgiana considers herself a kinder person, but she is by no means a holy mother. The cuteness of Severus is that he understood that fate is unfair very early on, and James Potter also understands this very well, otherwise Nor would he say that the rules are for ordinary people.

Knowing this, he dared to explore and "joke" with Sirius around the school, instead of having to be cautious like everyone else, for fear of being expelled by the principal.

Harry was also very worried at first that he would be expelled. Later, Severus told Pomona that Harry was the prince of Gryffindor. At first, she was still wondering how an orphan without father and mother could be a prince. She understood now, because Harry had Albus Dumbledore behind him, just as Draco Malfoy had his school trustee father, Lucius Malfoy, behind him.

So capable and shrewd, Kebir Sultan, who was in charge of the wind and rain in Egypt, lost to a handsome and tall dance teacher.

Napoleon is wary of a man who is too good-looking, but he can't use eunuchs. Only a person like Godin Poitvin will talk to Georgiana with an annoying "equality" attitude. The trick of using beauty is not effective for everyone, especially for literati who come to women with a hook.

The vast majority of women maintain a kind of fear of men who have seen blood, and they prefer gentle men. However, the laws of Rome killed many people like swords. When Robespierre and the others used the reign of terror, they used the "Suspect Act". Later, the constitution was changed, so that no one was allowed to enter houses in the middle of the night to arrest criminals.

Sleeping soundly in the middle of the night, suddenly the quilt was lifted, and then they were arrested and escorted to the execution ground. Most people would not be able to react, but not everyone had the same chance as Mrs. Du Barry to say "wait a moment" as her last words , Waiting for the kind of people who only spend money on jewelry and luxury goods to react, their heads have already fallen to the ground.

If Dermide can't understand what she taught, then he'd better stay away from the throne and the crown. She believes that Napoleon will arrange for his nephew, give him some land, and let him have tens of thousands of francs a month Income has become the goal that rural aristocratic women scramble to marry.

Caroline also sent her son Asier Murat to Letizia, and Letizia said with a smile while clapping and dancing with fellow villagers in French that was blunt but still understandable. Compared to Asir, Delmid is quieter and not noisy at all. However, Delmid jumped up and down on the carriage like a monkey beside Georgiana, and refused to sit quietly at all.

Reminiscent of his mother who loves to play the goddess, his general father who is not very strong, and his seemingly weak body since he was a child, this child is different from the sunny Napoleon, and more like a shade-loving plant.

But who knows if the seemingly sunny Napoleon is really "sunshine"?

If he had been a simple soldier, he would not have come to the present stage, trampling down the majestic governors of the past.

He intercepted the letter sent by Venice to the Directory, and learned that Venice was going to give a bribe of 10 million francs, and then he exposed the matter, and he was in an undefeated position in public opinion.

Godin put his friend who was good at forgery at the post office, possibly with arrangements unknown to Georgiana.

She could only hope that the gallows and the guillotine would no longer be used.

"Hug." Dermide stretched out his hands towards Georgiana, as if he didn't know that there was a beautiful monster in front of him.

The ageless face is actually a terrible curse. Louis I went to Paris in January and Napoleon took him to watch "Oedipus" at the French Theater. Georgiana's first lover was a few years younger than her, and her second lover was more than ten years younger than her. This "little lover" is almost fifty years younger than her.

She didn't want to get involved in such a disgusting thing, but she still couldn't help hugging Delmid.

"What kind of girl do you like?" Georgiana asked.

What does a three-year-old boy know, he can only lie in her arms and act like a baby.

This is the difference between men and women. Credence will find a way to find his "history" and know who his parents are, but Georgiana is not in a hurry.

Curiosity is also the driving force that drives people forward. People are curious about why the Mona Lisa laughs, so they keep guessing and paying attention to her, so that they ignore other oil paintings in the Louvre. Men will use their imagination to make up for her. A reasonable background.

Perhaps Delmid would fall in love with a woman in a painting and choose a mate in her image, since he was so young.

Women are prone to superstition, and they will believe bad omens when they see them. Georgiana hopes that she is simply thinking too much. After all, no matter how flattering or flattering she is, she is not the real Helen.

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