Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 141 Differences

Remus Lupin, his life was like a bitter potion, with few happy memories, and he only felt better when he ate chocolate.

He is a werewolf, and he should take pleasure in attacking people, but he is extremely painful for his own nature. Dumbledore has been trying to find a way to control the werewolf. He hopes that Remus can be rational after transformation like Fenrir, but that In vain, every full moon night he would transform from a gentle and playful person into a bloodthirsty monster, and every time he completed his transformation, he would lie weak and drained of life force .

She didn't want to push Neville to do what he didn't want to do, but after completing the Animagus, he at least has the ability to protect himself when he meets a werewolf, but he lacks the talent in this area, one is his lack of magic power One is that his memory is very poor, so many people smarter than him have forgotten the way to change back, what if he turns into an animal and can never change back?

She thought of the boy talking to the potted plant again, and he ran to take refuge in her greenhouse after everyone else in Gryffindor had gone to Potions class. Lupine's joke was not very funny, he humiliated He became the head of Slytherin, did he think about what would happen to Neville when he met the Slytherin students?

Lupine induced Neville's Boggart to transform, and now what Pomona does is to induce his Animagus, maybe Neville doesn't want to become a tiger, just like she doesn't want to be like Minerva, she will devote her life to education , She was really selfish, she didn't consider Neville's thoughts at all, she was just like what Severus said, she was really a student of old Gryffindor.

You're a monster, Pomona Sprout, and many people are taken in by your appearance, but you know who you are.

Even transformed she is still weak and needs the help of James and Sirius to control Lupine, the reason why the screaming shack is haunted is because everyone else hears her screams, she is afraid that she will die .

He never loved you, he regarded you as a substitute for Arianna, you would be useless after Harry Potter, riding a Thestral like bait to attract the attention of Death Eaters.

Because you are not a human, but a half-breed, Feliwei has seen through it long ago, so he doesn't care about human affairs. Hagrid, that fool, was also used. He took good care of those magical animals, just like you in the greenhouse. same as the plants.

She looked up at the Thorn Manor in front of her. Ron Weasley said that he would never grow pimple vines in his home. Now she has turned the beautiful Malfoy Manor into a cursed place, and all the roses are gone. There are eerie magical plants everywhere.

"You're not cute at all, sweetheart." She said, looking down at her achievement in dismay. Who would like something so horrible.

The Slytherin boys were riding on broomsticks, constantly dive-bombing, clearing away the excess vines, like pruning plants, while the students brought by Neville were spawning pumpkins. It looks as big as the outside of Hagrid's hut, and that festive yellow color looks very fun, and it looks a bit Halloween-like, not like the real Castle of Thorns.

The Potions Professor's strange interest amused her. Dumbledore likes "ordinary" and he likes "not ordinary". It really feels good to have someone to talk bad about Dumbledore. So decent and noble.

"Severus, guess who I am?"

When he passed the test and was approved by Dumbledore to be the head of Slytherin, Pomona took out the double-sided mirror that Sirius lent her to use, and he looked so stupid at that time.

"Professor." Hearing someone calling herself, she turned her head and saw that George had come.

"What are you doing here?"

"Delivery, it can be seen that you are really planning to make a big scene." George walked over with a trekking stick, walking deep and shallow among the vegetation, as if traveling in a mountain forest.

"You made a lot of money this time." Pomona looked at the arms dealer who disguised himself as a trick dealer.

"How do you know my dad earned dirty money." George asked instead.

"Did he tell you?" asked Pomona, who hadn't forgotten how cunning the twins were.

"I told him about retirement." George motioned Pomona to look at the thorny manor. "Do you think Muggles can make this?"

"I don't know, George, maybe one day they will dissect us, understand where our magic power comes from, and they can have magic power themselves, so they can do it." Pomona hugged herself tightly, and Like giving yourself a hug." Remember when Harry was in the second year? Lockhart made his bones disappear, and Severus gave him bone water, and the bones could grow back. side is impossible, your ears..."

"I thought he took me for Fred," said George suddenly. "Don't you think he often puts on fireworks in front of you?"

"I know he's teasing me."

"Fred flirted with the bride's cousins ​​at Bill's wedding. He thought there was a mixed-race Veela among them. He was obviously stupid when he saw what Sirius and Snape were doing because of you." George said He shook his head while saying, "Snape planned to kill me at that time, no, it should be Fred's life."

"He didn't think so!"

"How do you know?" George asked again.

"He was going to stop a Death Eater's spell, but he missed it."

"Who doesn't beautify themselves? I saw it with my own eyes. You forgot why we moved the headquarters? Because he knows the location of Black's old house."

"He is dead, why do you still suspect that he is a traitor?"

"I didn't suspect he was a traitor, I just said he was a stupid man, same as Fred, Angelina started dating Fred, then they didn't contact him after leaving school, and she didn't attend Bill's wedding, I met Angelina at Fred's funeral, and she thought I was more reliable than Fred." George covered his face and sighed, "Then you appeared again, not covering your face like Fleur, I need to put a picture of Angelina and Fred on my desk to remind myself that I'm a married person, you're not like Fleur, she's a person, you're not, Dumbledore made you drink Polyjuice Potion look old For God's sake, just keep drinking and stop causing trouble everywhere."

Pomona shook her head, she didn't believe George's words.

"I originally planned to keep this a secret. After all, personal feelings have little to do with the overall situation, but I can't watch you flaunt your way through the market while I keep a secret. It's too unfair. I saw Neville hugging you just now. Do you still want to seduce him?"

"We talked about the Battle of Hogwarts."

"Very well, then let's chat. Do you know how Fred died? A group of Death Eaters blasted the wall behind him, and he was hit by a spell from behind. For my sake, I also remind you, watch your back, the curse from behind is hard to guard against."

"Who betrayed us?" Pomona asked directly without beating around the bush.

"I'm going to ask your husband about this. Is he still alive? Why doesn't he drink compound soup like you?" George said with a sneer.

Pomona didn't know how to answer George's question, because Severus Snape didn't want to live like her.

It turned out that she had become Remus Lupine unknowingly. They all wanted to blend in with humans, but as long as their identities were revealed, they would be rejected by humans.

You cannot show the world who you are, you must continue to hide.

She felt that the door Fleur had opened for her was closed again.

"Hurt me do you think Fred can come back?"

"No, I just don't want to see someone die because of being stupid again." George looked at Pomona and shook his head, "For you, it's not worth it."

After saying that, George staggered away, as if staggering through the ruins.

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