Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1406 Wildlife

After a short period of warmth, severe cold enveloped Lyon again.

The snow hasn't had time to melt yet, and although it's not so cold that dripping water turns into ice, it's still so cold that people prefer to stay in a warm room.

This kind of weather is very common in Scotland, not to mention horse riding is also a good sport, so instead of staying in a room with a fireplace in a plain skirt like Mrs. Recamier, she put on men's clothes and dark Gray cloak trimmed with gold, and Major General Louis de Narbonne Lara rode around the moors of Lyon on horseback.

The cavalry behind them was from a group of Mamluk cavalry. They were the Syrian Guards and Mamluk garrison captured by Kleber when he besieged Acre. Nu was reorganized as the "Republic Mamluk" and sent to Marseille in 1801. General Rapp commanded a 250-man Mamluk cavalry squadron, which was reduced to only 150 on January 7, 1802.

The Mamluks led by General Rapp belonged to the regular army, and the 100 people who were laid off were led by Major General Lara to protect Georgiana's safety. In Napoleon's joking phrase, Georgiana was now a centurion.

It is not difficult for her to raise 100 private soldiers. The military salary can be temporarily sponsored by Bonnefort. Napoleon's inauguration ceremony is more like a vacation. He is not worried about the situation in Paris at all, as if he is letting the people of Paris get used to his absence maintain an orderly life.

His inauguration ceremony was also like a child's play. Thirty committee members headed by Francesco Melzi Derrier nominated Napoleon as the supreme administrator of the Italian Republic to the committee members present. Against it, the gavel was knocked down as soon as their voices fell.

At the celebration ceremony that night, he gathered the important members of the committee at the honor seat, and sketched out his grand vision while eating. He wants to build an aqueduct in ancient Rome in Paris. Of course, the cost is still borne by the Italians, who donate one-tenth of their income, which is similar to tithes.

There is a wolf canyon at the foot of Mount Fourviere. It is said that it was named after wolves in the past, but now it is a residential area, where a small section of the ancient Roman aqueduct remains.

When the barbarians invaded, the four ancient Roman aqueducts in Lyon were destroyed, so the locals had to abandon the old city of Lyon. Later, the Rhone-Saone River channel was built, and the old city had water again, and Lyon began to prosper again. The architecture of the city also changed from Roman style to Florentine style.

The Roman water diversion aqueduct was an important part of Commodus’ Romanization of Gaul. The aqueduct not only supplied water, but also provided hydraulic power. The water mill replaced the manpower and power storage mill.

This is not necessarily a good thing. In the Carolingian era, there was generally a water mill in the territory. Peasants were not willing to grind wheat, because the lord always took advantage of it, but the lord could not force them to use the mill, so the peasants still used manpower and stored energy to grind the wheat. pink.

Napoleon wanted to collect a flour mill tax. He couldn't collect the flour that the peasants ground at home, but he could collect the water mill. The shops in the Paris wheat market were his targets.

How much flour can be ground by hand, animal power also needs to provide fodder, and to raise livestock, Georgiana's private seal of sun orchid was confiscated, and Napoleon gave her a private seal of alfalfa.

The benefits of artificial pastures are obvious. The enclosure of land in the UK has already appeared. Not only has the yield per mu increased by one-third, but raising sheep has also made wool and mutton profitable. Few French people can afford to eat meat, and the leather used to make boots also relies on imports, but the "sacred and inviolable wheat fields" cannot be turned into pastures at will. The French's love for speculation is just like the British's love for adventure. Unlike the French bankers who are unwilling to open branches in other places, British businessmen have opened large and small banks everywhere. The driving force of the industrial revolution was not only the steam engine, but also these banks that provided loans to factories, which solved the problem that entrepreneurs had difficulty in financing at the beginning of industrialization.

But when a bank fails, several banks associated with it will also fail. The textile industry, which looks promising today, may be replaced by the steel industry tomorrow. When steel looks good, the war breaks out, and the military industry rises again. .

Not everyone expects peace, especially the military factories that produce military supplies such as cannons and firearms. Where would the products they produce be sold without war?

There are wolves in the mountains near Lyon, and they can be heard in broad daylight, which may be unimaginable in the 21st century.

Similarly, there are still scenery invisible to "future people". On the snowy wasteland, you can still see some remains of ancient Roman aqueducts. Those ruins are still magnificent even today. One can imagine that it was complete and How shocking it would be to be able to function.

There is a big difference between the southerners of France and the northerners. The south is influenced by Italy, while the north is influenced by Germanic culture. So far, the northerners call the uncultivated land the Germanic name "trieux".

The three-year crop rotation system is practiced in the north of France like the UK and the Netherlands, but it is very rare in the south and almost does not exist at all.

The laws of the north are deeply influenced by barbarian law, while the south is Roman law. Even the four jurists who wrote the civil code are divided from north to south. Portalis and Marville are from the south of the statutory law. From a common-law area north of the Loire, Troncher is a common-law area of ​​Paris.

Judicial duels existed in barbarian codes and were rarely mentioned in Roman law.

It is indeed a bit ridiculous to turn the duel into a joke, but neither Renier nor Destein has any deep hatred, they just can't find a step to get down.

As soon as the name De Stein is heard, it is known that it comes from the German-speaking area, and most of them came to France from Austria with Kleber.

His superior is dead, and how to survive in the French officialdom is still a problem. Coupled with the defeat, he is even more anxious.

Renier was the same surname as the famous satirist poet Henri III of France, and he obeyed no matter how ridiculous the order was. Jacques Menou had experienced the Portuguese Moon riots before. At that time he was in charge of the Paris security. At that time, there were 40,000 people involved in the riots, while the National Convention troops in his hand were only 5,000 people. The army troops were far away from Paris, so when the rebels negotiated with him At that time, he chose to let the army withdraw to the barracks.

Also, the more than 10,000 people who stayed in Egypt could not fight any more beautiful battles to turn around. France took advantage of the loopholes in the peace treaty to "surrender with dignity".

When the generals of the French Expeditionary Force entered Baiy’s house and looked at the pyramids with the light of 300 Egyptian warships burning, no one noticed that Baiy’s home was very European, which meant that Baiy had contacts with Europe. The Pavia riots were actually not as scary as the legends said, but the wider the spread of the rumors, the more magnified the effect of terror, genius knows what Bey heard about the legend about Napoleon told him by the European businessman.

Anyway, the French had heard the Turkish captives describe that Napoleon would use an invisible rope to manipulate everyone to act according to his ideas.

The ancient Roman legions were thousands of years ago. Napoleon Bonaparte cannot be seen as "equal" with the eyes of modern people. To compare him with Alexander, Caesar, and Hannibal, it may be necessary Together with Attila, when he encountered the "God's Whip", the guard of the Papal State was frightened and fled.

Some flatterers compared Napoleon with Genghis Khan, but he said that Genghis Khan's expansion seemed to be a piece of loose sand, but in fact it was purposeful and carefully planned, and he was not as good as Genghis Khan.

It would be great if the Egyptian Expeditionary Army could be defeated by cutting off the supply line, and how could the sandstorm be so coincidental, so it came as soon as it was said?

What Georgiana said that day was not so much a "tactic of war" as a "delusion". Napoleon gave Georgiana 100 soldiers within two days, and he didn't make fun of her for "the hen drives the morning". She felt that this young man who was old enough to be her son just wanted to teach her a lesson.

"Beloved" is like beauty, which will disappear with the passage of time, so Josephine said that marriage with children is only real.

He hadn't come to see her these days, but Georgiana felt surprisingly at peace.

This may be because she is looking at this magnificent scenery, and a letter she has received recently.

A friend of Godin Poitvin, the forger who was good at imitating Marie Antoinette's notes and was transferred to the post office after that incident, he was also an agronomist and knew that potatoes have red and yellow skins . Yellow-skinned potatoes come from England, while red-skinned potatoes come from Germany and Prussia.

Planting two kinds of potatoes is not afraid of late blight. If the British see it and bring this technology to Ireland, then the Irish famine can be avoided.

She liked that trip to Ireland very much, although she was just in a blissful daze the whole time.

"I know who I am, do you know who you are?" she whispered in English.

"What?" Major General Lara asked in French.

"I want to go and have a look over there." Georgiana pointed at the aqueduct with a horsewhip and said, "Remember to call the people from the Academy of Sciences next time, I won't do any survey."

"You don't have to worry about this, it has already been surveyed and mapped." Lara said with a smile, "You just need to enjoy the beautiful scenery."

Georgiana took the reins and let the horse gallop through the snow.

In fact, she would rather go dog sledding now.

It's a pity that Lyon doesn't have sleds, and there are no silly dogs like huskies, but there are countless wolves.

She wants to get the power in the ring as soon as possible, so the risk is worth it.

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