Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1403 Swan Knight

After the military parade and returning to Madame Recamier's house, Georgiana received an unexpected letter.

It was written by Napoleon's mother Letizia. In the letter, she told about Delmid's recent situation, and also discussed with Georgiana to reduce the living expenses of the two of them.

Letizia's living expenses rose to 1 million francs a month after Napoleon became the first consul, and Georgiana had no objection to this.

Georgiana was more worried about other problems than money. Letizia is now the nun's protector, and she doesn't know how much she will be influenced by the people of the church.

Frugality is a virtue, but if it is too frugal, the silk workers in Lyon will not be able to work, and the employment of tens of thousands of people will become a problem. Napoleon's participation in suppressing the Lyon workers' riots is directly related to this.

In order to relieve them, the people in power in Lyon at that time borrowed 3 million in debt, but they were not directly distributed to those affected by the disaster but let them go out to work. But in the end, it was not borrowed, because the coupons issued at that time were worthless, and even farmers did not use them.

Lange said that the harvest in 1792 was actually better than the previous year, but the food supply on the market was still insufficient. It was not that the revolutionaries said it was a conspiracy of the nobles, but that the peasants did not sell the food, and the workers paid with paper coupons. It's useless at all, coins are hard, but you have to suffer losses when you change paper money into coins.

While writing the letter, Georgiana had a problem, she didn't know what to call Letizia.

Georgiana was the same age as Letizia, and Napoleon was old enough to be her son.

Calling Letizia "Mom" she really couldn't write, and it was not suitable to be called Madame Bonaparte. Finally, Georgiana chose to use Letizia's Christian name. Harry is usually called Sirius by the same Christian name, and Letizia's Christian name is not Napoleon's Christian name, so you can call him whatever you want.

After the letter was finished, Georgiana stamped her personal seal with wax paint—it was a sun orchid, a yellow sun orchid that is very common in England, it symbolizes the liberated land, and it grows freely in the Scottish Highlands. The flower language of Lilac is wildness, while lilac represents innocence.

Georgiana still didn't think that Napoleon should indulge in divination and the occult, which was a bad habit, especially for Muggle emperors and kings.

Now Napoleon gave her a different feeling, not the warm sun, but neither the emperor nor the chariot.

She felt very uneasy, but it was not the same extremely dangerous feeling as before the opening ceremony of the canal last time, so she took out the tarot cards from her carry-on luggage and put them on the table.

She put all the cards, not only the major arcana, but also the minor arcana in the pile, and then closed her eyes to sense these cards.

Her fingertips seemed to feel silk threads, or steel wires, which almost cut her fingers.

She stopped at that card, and turned it over.

"What card?" asked Napoleon.

Georgiana turned her head and found that he had changed from the red parade uniform to a black tuxedo with green trim.

"I've never seen you in that dress."

"This is the uniform of the French Academy." Napoleon showed her proudly. "How do I look?"

Georgiana said wearily, "You look good in red, but that color is too restless, can you come and give me a hug."

"Of course." He agreed very graciously, and Georgiana sat and accepted his embrace.

She smelled the smell of camphor, which also has the effect of repelling insects. It seemed that his clothes had been stored for a long time.

"How does it feel?" he asked softly.

"I feel better, thanks," Georgiana asked softly.

"Can you tell me what card has been drawn?" Napoleon asked again.

"Five of Swords." Georgiana turned over the cards in her hand to show Napoleon.

Napoleon took the card. There were three people on the card, two losers covered their faces and gave up their swords, and one person was collecting their weapons with a strange smile on his mouth.

"Do you know Merlin and King Arthur?" she asked.

"You want to tell a story again?" He sat on the arm of the armchair she was sitting in, listening attentively.

"I want to be your Merlin." She said calmly, "even if you don't draw the sword from the stone."

"Are you complimenting me?" He grabbed her hand and looked at the ring on her hand.

"You have strengths and weaknesses, but I can't please you for a ring." Georgiana withdrew her hand, "Please be careful, my lion, the victory of the Five of Swords is short-lived and does not bring the slightest joy. Not happy or proud."

"I don't need you to tell me." He said coldly, "Everyone is unhappy today."

"Including Josephine?" Georgiana said teasingly, her dress fully met Napoleon's requirements - "pretty".

"They are expecting you." He grabbed Georgiana's hand again, "Come with me to the base camp later."

"What are you going to do?"

"To see people."

"Am I going to dress up?" She smiled sarcastically.

"Didn't you say you want to use those expeditionary troops who came back from Egypt?" He pinched her ears. "Do you think they will listen to you?"

Georgiana will not forget that it was the British who caused the French to lose the battle in Egypt.

"Do they hate me more or Menu?"

"If you were Merlin, they might not listen to you, but if you were my wife, they might." He smiled happily and said, "They came back from the polygamous East."

She felt that she should be angry at this time, but she still couldn't help laughing.

"Did they admire you, thinking you had conquered England in another way?"

"It was you who conquered me." He said sweetly, bowed his head and kissed her lips, "I want to lie in your arms."

"You're a flirt," she said, pointing to his Greek nose. "Is there any other woman I don't know?"

"I want to hear your story. I need enlightenment." He whispered in her ear. "Please help me, poor man."

It was a strange feeling, as if she knew for the first time that Napoleon would ask her for mercy.

"I used to be a really good teacher," Georgiana said. "I set an example and taught the children to be a just and upright person, but Severus took me out of the school, and you made me a person in the eyes of everyone." The unscrupulous woman here is Josephine, she was originally free, but now she is restrained by various etiquette, is this a hobby of you men?"

He smiled without saying a word.

"Bastard," she whispered.

"I've seen the script you wrote. Why did you think of writing Richard II?"

"It's because of the white stag whose throat is locked by the crown." She said blankly, "I don't like that seal."

"And what about the swan whose throat is locked by the crown?"

Georgiana glared at him.

"It is said that in the time when the Crusades just started their Eastern Expedition, there was a handsome knight who was not only superb in martial arts, but also had a swan tied with a gold chain to pull the boat for him. One day, he was sitting on the boat and met A young girl was crying on the shore. The knight asked her why she was crying so much. The girl told him that she was originally the daughter of the lord. After her parents died, she could have inherited the castle and other property, but was stolen by her uncle. He ran here to avoid his uncle's pursuit. After hearing the girl's description, the knight not only helped her beat her uncle away, but also married the girl who had long been secretly promised. But the knight has a secret, she can't ask him Who and where did the girl come from? The girl agreed to the condition, but the girl's uncle didn't give up. He bribed a witch and cursed the niece's wedding. Finally, on the night when the two were going to get married, the girl couldn't hold back her curiosity. Asked the knight's name, but she regretted it as soon as she spoke, and begged the knight to forget what she just said, but the knight did not forget, this is a curse on him, he can only say goodbye to the girl sadly, the 11th century King Gopher of Jerusalem Ray claims to be a descendant of these two men, and Godfrey's descendants have swans with gold chains on their descendants."

She looked at him ignorantly.

"I used to think that you were the swan who pulled my boat and took me around the world, but I found out later that what I want is not these. Why did you smile at me that day before the crown of thorns?"

"A concubine who rides the world of mortals smiles. No one knows that it is Lizhi. You have spent so much effort to let me see the crown of thorns. I think you want to see me smile more than being condemned."

"What did you say earlier?" he asked.

"Oriental poetry, a once wise emperor, in order to make his favorite concubine happy, used the fast horse used to send battle reports to send lychees."

He fell into deep thought.

"I don't want you to end up locked up like him," she whispered.

"How do you know I don't want to be locked up?" he said with a smile.

"Are you crazy?"

"I'm only going to the dance for half an hour today." He kissed her again on the lips. "I find I'm happier with your friends."

"Where do I have any friends?"

"What do you think friendship should be like?"

She was tilting her head to think, but he rubbed her ears affectionately, and then led her to the recliner for an afternoon nap.

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